48 Years Trainmaster - the source for American Model Railroading (1977-2025) |
updated: January 20, 2025
Links Collection / Links Sammlung |
Please scroll down to see all 350 links / Bitte nach unten scrollen um alle 350 Links zu sehen |
How to find the Trainmaster Shop with Maps and Timetable / Wie finde ich den Laden mit Karten und Fahrplan? |
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Fahrplan VBZ-SBB/Timetable - click here | Wegbeschreibung/How to find - click here | Fotos vom Laden/Photos of the Shop - click here |
World of Cajon Pass |
4/04/08 Old T-2 EP w/BNSF EB on new track - 524 |
Cajon Pass Main Page - click here |
8/22/07 BNSF WB Ethanol Train w/Hill 582 - 7013 |
California Photo
Gallery |
San Diego Surfliner & Coaster at the depot 50302 |
See our Photo Gallery - click here |
BNSF EB entering Tunnel 9 and the Loop 30621 |
Mojave Desert Layout |
Werner Enterprises Terminal - 1180 |
See all 23 Pages - click here |
Cadillac, Foose Design/WCC - 1239 |
2019 Union Pacific Steam Schedule w/Big Boy: https://www.up.com/heritage/steam/schedule/index.htm |
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New 6/27/19: Check our new photo and video page about the Big Boy 4014 under steam - click here |
Group 1: American & Canadian Railroads (Prototype) |
Amtrak (Passenger) | http://www.amtrak.com |
BNSF - Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway | http://bnsf.com |
BNSF - Friends of the BNSF Railway (Official Site of BNSF) | http://friendsofbnsf.com |
CSX | https://www.csx.com/ |
FEC - Florida East Coast | http://www.feci.com/ |
Metrolink - Greater Los Angeles Area (Commuter Service) | http://www.metrolinktrains.com/ |
MRL - Montana Rail Link | http://www.montanarail.com/ |
New Mexico Rail Runner (Commuter Service) | http://www.nmrailrunner.com/ |
NS - Norfolk Southern | http://www.nscorp.com/content/nscorp/en.html |
UP - Union Pacific Railroad | http://www.up.com/index.htm |
Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 Timetable (Fahrplan 2022) | https://www.up.com/heritage/steam/schedule/index.htm |
Union Pacific Golden Spike Tower in North Platte, NE (Bailey Yard) | http://goldenspiketower.com/ |
Union Pacific 4-8-4 # 833 was moved on the road in 1999 | http://southern.railfan.net/flat/833/road-well.html |
White Pass and Yukon Route Railway | http://wpyr.com/ |
Canada: VIA Rail (Passenger) | http://www.viarail.ca/en |
Canada: CN - Canadia National | http://www.cn.ca/ |
Canada: CP - Canadian Pacific | http://www.cpr.ca/en |
EMD - Electro Motive Diesel - Progress Rail (A Caterpillar Company) | http://www.progressrail.com/ |
Website for the Railway Industry | http://www.railway-technology.com/ |
Group 2: Transportation (Container & Trucking) Companies (Prototype) |
APL - American President Lines - Owner (NOL) Container Company | http://www.apl.com/wps/portal/apl |
MAERSK-Sealand - Container Company | http://www.maerskline.com/de-ch/ |
J.B. Hunt (Transportation Logistics Company) - Intermodal | http://www.jbhunt.com/ |
Schneider (Trucking Company) - Intermodal | https://schneider.com/home |
Werner Enterprises Specialized Carrier (Trucking Company) | http://www.werner.com/ |
Werner Enterprises on Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/WernerEnterprisesInc/ |
Group 3: Model Manufacturers / Importers / Distributors / Publishers |
Accucraft Model Trains (1:20,3 / 1:24 / 1:32 / 1:48) | http://www.accucraft.com/ |
Accurail - Freight Cars (HO Scale) | http://www.accurail.com/accurail/ |
American Models S Scale (1:64) | http://www.americanmodels.com/ |
Athearn Trains - Genesis / RTR / Roundhouse (N / HO Scale) | http://www.athearn.com/ |
Atlas Model Railroad Co. (N / HO Scale) | http://www.atlasrr.com/ |
AZL - American Z Line (Z Scale) | http://www.americanzline.com/ |
Bachmann Trains incl. Spectrum (N / HO / On30 G Scale) | http://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/ |
Bar Mills Scale Model Works (Building Kits) | https://www.barmillsmodels.com/ |
Blackstone Models (HOn3 Scale) | http://blackstonemodels.com/ |
Blair Line (Structures - Signs - Kits) | http://www.blairline.com/ |
Bowser Trains (N / HO / O Scale) | http://www.bowser-trains.com/ |
Brassguide (das ultimative Nachschlagewerk für den Brass Collector) | https://www.brasstrains.com/brassguide/pdg/ |
Broadway Ltd. (N / HO / On30 Scale) | http://www.broadway-limited.com/ |
Classic Metal Works (Cars & Trucks in N / HO Scale) | http://classicmetalworks.com/ |
Coach Yard - Brass Models (HO Scale) | http://www.thecoachyard.com/ |
Con Cor (N / HO Scale) | https://www.con-cor.com/ |
Division Point - Brass Models (HO / O Scale) | http://www.divisionpoint.com/ |
ESU - Digitalsysteme (DCC & Sound) | http://www.esu.eu/startseite/ |
Evergreen Scale Models - Styrene Platten und Profile | http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/ |
Exact Rail - Freight Cars (N / HO Scale) | https://exactrail.com/ |
Fast Tracks (das geniale Eigenbau-Weichensystem) | http://www.handlaidtrack.com/ |
Fox Valley Models (N / HO Scale) | http://www.foxvalleymodels.com/ |
Golden Gate Depot - Passenger Cars in Plastic (O Scale) | http://www.goldengatedepot.com/ |
Inter Mountain Railway (N / HO / O Scale) | http://www.intermountain-railway.com/ |
Kadee - copuler and freight cars (HO Scale) | http://www.kadee.com/ |
Key Imports - Brass Models (HO / O Scale) | http://www.keymodels.net/ |
Kohs and Company - hi-end brass models (O Scale) | http://www.kohs.com/ |
KR Models, Canada (HO Scale Shay) new 6/22 | www.krmodels.ca |
Lionel Trains - 3 Rail O Gauge | http://www.lionel.com/ |
MAC Rail Products, USA (Details for HO Scale) new 6/22 | www.macrailproducts.com |
MRC Model Rectricfier Co. (throttles) | https://www.modelrectifier.com/traincontrols-s/107.htm |
Microsscale Decals | http://www.microscale.com/ |
Micro-Trains Line (Z / N Scale) | https://www.micro-trains.com/ |
Miller Engineering / Micro Structures / Light Works USA | http://www.microstru.com/ |
MiniNatur / Silhoutte / Silflor (Landscaping Materials), Germany | https://www.mininatur.de/de/ |
MS Trains - Joshua Trees in HO Scale by Mason Clark | http://www.mstrains.com/ |
MTH Trains (HO / O Scale) | http://mthtrains.com/ |
Norscot - Diecast Scale Models | https://norscot.com/ |
NWSL - North West Short Line - Motors - Gearboxes | http://www.nwsl.com/ |
Overland Models - Brass Models | http://www.overlandmodels.com/ |
PECO Gleissysteme (GB) | http://www.peco-uk.com/ |
PSC - Precision Scale Brass Models - | http://www.precisionscaleco.com/ |
Railmaster (new Zealand) Bras Models Sn3 (1:64) WP&Y, D&RGW | http://www.railmaster.co.nz/ |
Railroad Express (different loads for O and G Scale) | http://www.railpress.com |
Railway Classics - Brass Models (HO Scale) | http://www.railwayclassics.com/ |
Rapido Trains (Canada) N / HO Scale | http://rapidotrains.com/ |
Scale Trains (N / HO Scale) | https://www.scaletrains.com/ |
Sound Traxx Digital Systems (DCC & Sound) | http://www.soundtraxx.com/ |
Summit USA Customcuts - Modern Building Kits (N / HO Scale) | http://www.summit-customcuts.com/ |
Sunset Models & 3rd Rail - Brass Models (HO / O Scale) | http://www.3rdrail.com/ |
Tonkin Trucks - Trucks N' Stuff (HO Scale) | http://www.tontrucks.com/ |
USA Trains (G Scale) 1:29 | http://www.usatrains.com/ |
Walthers - Mainline - Proto - Cornerstone (biggest distributor) | https://www.walthers.com/ |
Wasatch Models (Brass) | http://www.wasatchmodels.com/ |
Woodland Scenics - Landscaping Materials - DPM Buildings | http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/? |
Badger Colors (Farbkarte): http://www.badgerairbrush.com/library/Paint%20Chart%20Images/Railroad%20Colors.gif (Badger Farben sind an Lager) |
from Floquil to Acrylic Paint
(Model Flex, Badger):published by MRH with Joe Fugate in 2016 (40 pags): (Vergleichstabelle von Floquil zu Acrylic Farben) https://www.testors.com/~/media/DigitalEncyclopedia/Documents/Testors/ebook/MRH-Acrylic-painting-guide-post-Floquil-Portrait.ashx |
Books: Altamont Press Publishing Co. | http://www.altamontpress.com/ |
Books: Canadian Railway Modeller | http://www.cdnrwymod.com/body.htm |
Books: Four Ways West | http://fourwayswest.com/ |
Books: Golden West | http://www.goldenwestbooks.com/ |
Books. McMillan Publications | http://www.mcmillanpublications.com/ |
Books: Melvin Photos | http://www.melvinphotos.com/ |
Books: Monte Vista Publishing | http://www.montevistapublishing.com/Welcome.html |
Books: Morning Sun | http://morningsunbooks.com/ |
Books: N Scale Railroading Magazine | http://www.nscalerailroadn.com/ |
Books: O Scale Trains Magazine | https://oscalemag.com/ |
Books: Railpace News Magazine | http://www.railpace.com/ |
Books: Railway Age (Magazine for the Pro) | http://www.railwayage.com/ |
Books: Railway Preservation News online Magazine | http://www.rypn.org/ |
Books: South Platte Press (Midwestern & Western Railroads) | http://www.southplattepress.com/ |
Books: TRP - The Railroad Press | http://www.alco628.com/ |
Books: White River Productions | http://www.whiteriverproductions.com/ |
Books: Withers Publishing (Diesel Era) | http://www.dieselera.com/ |
Books: Ztrack Magazine | http://www.ztrack.com/ |
DVD: 7idea Productions | https://www.7ideaproductions.com/ |
DVD: Anchor Videos | http://www.train-video.com/ |
DVD: Green Frog Productions | http://www.greenfrog.com/ |
DVD: Greg Scholl Video | http://www.gregschollvideo.com/ |
DVD: Highball Productions | http://www.highballproductions.com/ |
DVD: Pentrex | http://pentrex.com/ |
DVD: Tell Tale Productions by James Jones | http://vermontmadevideos.weebly.com/ |
DVD: Yard Goat Images | http://yardgoatimages.com/ |
Group 4: Important Sites of the US Railroad Scene & Photos |
American Rails - Photos - Links - Infos | http://www.american-rails.com/ |
Loco Photos - great Locomotive archives | http://www.locophotos.com/ |
Railfan.net - more than 1 million photos from railfans for railfans | http://www.railfan.net/ |
North East Railfan.net - more tahn 700'000 photos | http://www.northeast.railfan.net/ |
Qstation - Resources for AT&SF | http://www.qstation.org/ |
Railimages - Trainboard - lots of photos | http://www.trainboard.com/highball/index.php |
Railpictures.net - online photo database (sensationell) | http://www.railpictures.net/ |
Railroad Data - Rail Search Engine - Links to 5000 sites | http://www.railroaddata.com/ |
Railroad Info - Rail Search Engine - Online Source for RR News & Infos | http://www.railroadinfo.com/ |
Rail Serve - Rail Search Engine | http://www.railserve.com/ |
Rgus Rail - Great Collection of Data and Photos - unusual horizontal format | http://www.rgusrail.com/ |
RR Picture Archives - 4 million pictures | http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/ |
Steam Locomotive - everything you want to know about steam | http://www.steamlocomotive.com/ |
Train Web - Rail Search Engine | http://www.trainweb.com |
Trainorders - topaktuelle Infos (erfordert membership $ 32.-/Jahr) | http://www.trainorders.com/ |
Trainspo - lots of Photo Albums all over the World | https://trainspo.com/ |
Photos: Archives by Charles Biel - AT&SF, BN, BNSf | http://www.trainpix.com/ |
Photos: Archives by Chuck Donaldson | http://www.somewherewest.com/ |
Photos: Cajon Pass.net by Santiago Homsi jr. | http://www.cajonpass.net/ |
Photos: Cajon Pass Photography by Werner Meer (D. Toles, G. Gray) | http://www.trainmaster.ch/cajon.htm |
Photos: Cajon Pass by Rgusrail (unusual horizontal format) | http://www.rgusrail.com/cacajon.html |
Photos: Cajon Pass Rails by Stephen H. Caine | http://www.cajonpassrails.com/ |
Photos: Cajon Pass by Kevin Moore | http://www.phantasrail.com/cajon_pass1.htm |
Photos. Cajon Pass Group | http://www.trainweb.org/cajongroup/ |
Photos: Tehachapi and more (California Photo Gallery) by Werner Meer | http://www.trainmaster.ch/photos.htm |
Photos: Tehachapi by Rgusrail (unusual horizontal format) | http://www.rgusrail.com/catehachapi.html |
Photos: Southern Califormia by Don Winslow | http://www.donwinslow.net/ |
Photos: Western Roads - Cajon/Tehachapi/Arizona/New Mexico | http://trains.topflightimaging.com/ |
Photos: California by Randy Murphy (North American Rails) | http://www.northamericanrails.com/ |
Photos: California and other places by John Carr (Texas) | http://www.carrtracks.com/gallery.htm |
Photos: California and other places by Colin J. Marsden (GB) | http://www.dawlishtrains.com/usa.html |
Photos: California and other places by Paul & Zachary | http://www.z-trains.com/ |
Photos: California by Harold Riley | http://www.hrccomputing.com/ |
Photos: California by Judd Spittler | http://www.juddspittler.com/adistantsignal/index.htm |
Photos: California and other places by Ron Lehmer | http://www.calcoastrails.com/photos/ |
Photos: Great Photography "Walters Rail" by Paul Walters | http://www.waltersrail.com/ |
Photos: Western and Eastern Roads by R.P. Allen, V.J. Lee & C. Lee | http://www.eastwestrails.com/ |
Photos: NS and other roads by by Joe Shaw's RR Images | http://www.krunk.org/ |
Photos: Fallen Flags & viele aktuelle Fotos by G. Elwood & friends | http://www.rr-fallenflags.org/ |
Photos: lots of Infos in the RR scene by Lee A. Gautreaux | http://www.railgoat.railfan.net/ |
Photos: Chicago Rail Infos incl. Guide | http://www.railchicago.net/ |
Photos: Canada - Canadian & US Freight Railcar Gallery | http://freight.railfan.ca/ |
Photos: Canada - Railfan Canada by David Graham | http://www.railfan.ca/ |
Photos: Canada - Locomotives Canada Stock Photos: https://www.gograph.com/stock-photo-images/locomotives-canada.html |
Photos: USA - Locomotives USA Stock Photos and Images: http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/locomotive-usa.html |
Photos: over 3,500 steam locomotive photos http://www.canstockphoto.com/images-photos/steam-locomotive.html |
Infos: Moving West - The History of the Transcontinental Railroad http://www.upack.com/moving-west-the-history-of-the-transcontinental-railroad |
Infos: How the Transcontinental Railroad Spurred Relocation https://www.movebuddha.com/blog/transcontinental-railroad-relocation/ |
Infos: History about Great Northern Railway https://www.jumpshell.com/posts/seattle-great-northern-railway |
Infos: Model Railroads w/different interesting links https://www.titlemax.com/model-railroads-and-freight-cars/ |
Infos: Timeline of NYC's transportation https://www.topviewnyc.com/packages/brief-history-of-new-york-city-transportation |
Group 5: Clubs / Groups / Layouts / Museums / Societies / Photos of Weathering, USA |
Club: 1/87 Vehicle Club (all about HO scale cars and trucks) | http://www.1-87vehicles.org/ |
Group: Cajon Pass Group (Infos zum Cajon) not up-to-date ! ! | http://spazioinwind.libero.it/cajon/index.htm |
Layout: Ted York's Cajon Pass in HO (sensational Cajon layout) | http://jamestowntrains.com/layout-tours/ted-york |
Layout: Mojave Desert incl. Cajon Pass in HO by Werner Meer | http://www.trainmaster.ch/layout.htm |
Layout: Haworth Engineering (HO and G Scale) by Michael Haworth | http://www.haworthengineering.com/ |
Museum: California State RR Museum, Sacramento, CA | https://www.californiarailroad.museum/ |
Museum: Golden Gate RR Museum, Niles Canyon, CA | http://www.ggrm.org/ |
Museum: Tehachapi Depot & RR Museum, Tehachapi, CA | http://www.tehachapidepot.com/ |
Museum: WARM - Barstow Railway Museum, Barstow, CA | http://barstowrailmuseum.org/ |
Museum: Orange Empire Railway Museum, Perris, CA | http://www.oerm.org/ |
Museum: San Diego Model RR MUseum, San Diego, CA | http://www.sdmrm.org/# |
Society: San Bernardino RR Historical Society | http://sbrhs.org/ |
Society: Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society | http://atsfrr.org/ |
Society: Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society | http://www.sphts.org/ |
Society: Friends of 4449 - SP-Daylight 4-8-4 GS-4 | http://www.4449.com/ |
Society: Union Pacific Historical Society | http://uphs.org/ |
Society: Friends of the Burlington Northern RR incl. BNSF | http://www.fobnr.org/ |
Society: NRHS - National Railway Historical Society | http://www.nrhs.com/ |
Society: Rocky Mountain Railroad Club, Denver, CO | http://www.rockymtnrrclub.org/ |
Society: Rocky Mountain Rail Society, Canada | http://www.6060.org/ |
Steamtown National Historic Site, Scranton, PA | https://www.nps.gov/stea/index.htm |
NMRA - National Model Railroad Association | http://www.nmra.org/ |
Weathering: The Weathering Shop - Art on Wheels | http://theweatheringshop.com/ |
Weathering: First Class weathered models by Gary Christensen | http://theweatheringshop.com/gmodels.html |
Ken Patterson: Model Photography & Professional Model Building | http://kenpatterson.com/ |
Union Pacific Loco Directory (incl. merged roads) | Union Pacific (thedieselshop.us) |
Group 6: Railroad-Shops USA |
Brass Trains, Ocala, FL (biggst brass dealer and home of the Brass Guide) | https://www.brasstrains.com/ |
Dave's Trains Martinsville, NJ: Lionel & Military items | http://www.davestrains.com/ |
Milepost 38 Toy Trains, Westminster, CA | http://milepost38modeltrains.com/ |
The Original Whistle Stop, Pasadena, CA by Fred Hill | http://www.thewhistlestop.com/ |
Group 7: Clubs & Railfans Europe |
AMRL - American Modelrailroaders of Luxembourg by Patrick Bopp | http://www.amrl.lu/ |
AMRL - HO Layout: Trackage Rights - California Style by Franz Achten | http://www.amrl.lu/franz.htm |
FREMO - Modulsystem HO, Germany | https://www.fremo-net.eu/fremo-startseite/ |
FREE-MO: Modular Railroading HO (USA) | http://www.free-mo.org/ |
NMRA British Region (England) | http://www.nmrabr.org.uk/ |
NTRAK Germany | http://www.germantrak.de/ |
NTRAK Swiss Division | http://www.ntrak.ch/ |
BSW - Kulturgruppe Modellbahnbau, Germany (US-Anlage) | http://www.bsw-modellbahnbau.de/ |
Fantastic US-Layout by Milan Matejka; Neratovice; Czech Republic | http://www.home.karneval.cz/00102232/ |
Haralds US Model Railroading World, Germany | http://www.hcwrd.eu/ |
MEC Dornier, Germany | http://www.mec-dornier.de/ |
Miniatur Wunderland, Hamburg, Germany | http://www.miniatur-wunderland.de/index.php |
MiWuLa-TV: Miniatur Wunderland Filme auf You Tube | https://www.youtube.com/user/MiWuLaTV |
Modelleisenbahnclub Schlanders, Italy | http://www.mecschlanders.com/ |
Railroadfan by Lars Gerber, Layouts: HO California, O Switching in L-Form | http://railroadfan.de.tl/ |
Railway Gazette International, Great Britain | http://www.railwaygazette.com/ |
Team Canada: HO Scale modular layout (USA and Canada), Germany | http://www.cnteamcanada.de |
US Amerikanische Eisenbahnen by Michael Kreiser, Germany | http://www.us-railroad.de/ |
US-Modellbahn: Treffpunkt der US-Modellbahner-Szene by Thorsten Schulz | http://www.us-modellbahn.net/ |
Group 8: US-Railfan Sites, Clubs and Layouts in Switzerland |
American Railroadfans in Switzerland | http://www.trainmaster.ch/americanrrfans.htm |
American Dreams on Wheels by Franco Rossi (updated weekly) | http://www.americandreamsonwheels.ch/ |
USA Trains - Photos by Peach Reisinger | http://www.usatrains.ch/ |
MB1Q, American Narrow Gauge by Dani Hunziker | http://www.mb1q.com/ |
NTRAK Swiss Division | http://www.ntrak.ch/ |
N: Santa Fe Mojave Terminal by Eugen Hänseler | http://www.trainmaster.ch/X-SFMT-1.htm |
HOn3: AMORS, HOn3 American Modular Railroaders in Switzerland | http://h0n3-amors.ch/index.html |
HOn3: WP&Y - White Pass and Yukon Railway by Dieter Stehli | http://www.trainmaster.ch/X-WP&Y-1.htm |
HOn3: Rocky Mountain Model Railroad Studio (Marco Unternährer), Zofingen | http://rmmrs.com/ |
HO: AleMar Anlage by Alexander von Orelli and Markus Senn | http://www.trainmaster.ch/XC-80.htm |
HO: Big Boy in Action 2012 by Kim Nipkow | http://www.kimoli.ch/photo_gallery.html |
HO: Cajon Pass - Mojave Desert by Werner Meer | http://www.trainmaster.ch/layout.htm |
HO: High Desert & Sierra, UP-Anlage in HO by Stefan Wagner | http://www.hdsrr.ch/ |
HO: Golden Fifties Trains by Reto Frick, Anlagenbau in Elementen | http://www.goldenfiftiestrains.ch/ |
HO: Red Rock Canyon RR (ex. RR-Fans) in Nunningen/SO | http://www.redrockcanyonrailroad.ch/ |
HO: Tomrailroad - River Harbor Lines by Tom Niklaus | http://tomrailroad.de.tl/ |
HO: Zofinger Eisenbahn-Amateure (mit sensationeller US-Anlage) | http://www.zea.ch/ |
On3: Trainbuffs, Switzerland, Rikon (huge On3-Layout) | http://www.on3trainbuffs.com/ |
O: Bay Shore Line by Günther Holzgang | http://www.trainmaster.ch/X-BSL-1.htm |
O: Orange Empire by Jürg Lütscher | http://www.trainmaster.ch/X-OE-1.htm |
O: Layout and Models by Urs Schopfer and Kurt Theiler (by A. Thommen) | http://www.atrecords.magix.net/album/all-albums/!/oa/6856466/ |
O: Layout w/MTH UP Dash-9 by Rudolf Eicher (Youtube 7'03" - 6/17) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hzgMCb2ISs |
G (1:29): Youtube Kanal von GGamer42 (Stefan Pauli & Friends) | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrsTE3X0y4TUj0zC7Hc-vjA/videos |
G (1:29): Moose Creek by Urs Weibel | http://www.moosecreek.ch/ |
G (1:29): Umbaubericht von Aristocraft UP SD45 by Urs Weibel | XCV-Umbaubericht-UP-SD-45.pdf |
G (1:29): grosse US-Innenanlage in der Nähe von Luzern | http://www.g-scale.ch/ |
G: US G-Scale Friends Switzerland | https://us-g-scale.ch/ |
Spur 80 (1:11,25): Holzmodelle by Martin Rindlisbacher in English | http://4largescale.com/fletch/d40.htm |
Spur 80 (1:11,25): Anlage am Open House 2011 (sensationell) | http://fluhdesign.ch/?p=3070 |
Rocky Mountain Model Railroad Studio, Zofingen by Marco Unternährer | http://www.rmmrs.ch/ |
Paintings (Aquarelle) by Franz Stucki | http://www.stuckiart.ch/ |
Armin Steiner (Veranstaltungen CH) | http://www.hobbytrain.ch/ |
SGEG Schweiz. Eisenbahngeschichte & Bahnarchiv.ch | http://www.sgeg.ch/index.php?lang=en&id=100 |
USA Special by Thomas Egger - Part 1 (new 11/21) | https://youtu.be/0D4BV3NaN3c |
USA Special by Thomas Egger - Part 2 (new 11/21) | https://youtu.be/XzreptZz-bw |
USA Special by Thomas Egger - Part 3 (new 11/21) | https://youtu.be/klMoN9k9zfY |
USA Special by Thomas Egger - Part 4 (new 11/21) | https://youtu.be/eY758sMiHh4 |
USA Special by Thomas Egger - Part 5 (new 11/21) | https://youtu.be/Zb2CA9ELSV4 |
We take care of your US-Models or Collection on Consignment |
Wir übernehmen Ihre US-Modelle oder -Sammlung im Auftrag (Konsignation) |
ask for our conditions / fragen Sie nach unseren Konditionen |
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Z/N/HOn3/HO/O/G Scale 30 American Layouts located in Switzerland updated: 1/25/25 click here |
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N/HO/O Scale 31 American Dioramas located in Switzerland updated: 1/25/25 click here |
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Below are some quick links of my
Mojave Desert Layout
(with 3300 photos)
See the whole construction (page 0 - 14) and the finished layout (page 15 - 23)
Group 9: Conventions & Hobby Shows USA, D, CH |
15th & Final Convention American Railroadfans in Switzerland, 2012 | http://www.trainmaster.ch/XCV-15-e.htm |
Exhibitions, Train Shows, Conventions Listing by Rail Serve | http://www.railserve.com/events/train_shows.html |
4. American Rail Convention in Neuendorf - 4./5. Oktober 2025 |
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www.railroad-convention.com - OK-President Beat Scheuter: b.scheuter@railroad-convention.com |
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3. Dutch US Convention in Ulft, Niederlande - April 11/12, 2026 | ||
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Ronald Halma organisiert auch die 3. US-Convention in
Holland für 2026. Infos hier klicken: www.dutchusconv.nl |
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Headquarters der American Railroadfans in Switzerland | ||
Direktlink der 15th Convention vom 13./14. Oktober 2012 click here |
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"Review" der 15th and Final Convention 2012 click here |
Photos and Films of the Conventions |
12th CV Photos by Forum S9, Switzerland | http://www.forums9.ch/reportagen/american_railroad/index.htm |
12th CV Photos by ? (Name nicht bekannt), Germany | http://www.america-n.de/Activities/Adliswil2002/Adliswil2002.htm |
14th CV Films, Photos, Reports | http://www.trainmaster.ch/XCV-14-d.htm |
15th CV Films and Photos | http://www.trainmaster.ch/XCV-Review-03.htm |
Group 10: Shops and Layouts in Switzerland, Showcases, Miscellaneous |
Shop: Pitsch's Trucker Shop (builder of Werner Enterprises Trucks), Zürich | http://www.pitsch-trans.ch/ |
Shop: Rocky Mountain Model Railroad Studio by Marco Unternährer, Zofingen | http://rmmrs.com/ |
Shop: Die erste Adresse für Schotter, Steine und Sand by Carlo Bernasconi, Zürich | http://www.trainmaster.ch/Y-838.htm |
Shop: Egger Film (produziert Filme von Bahnen: BLS, BLT, RBS, SBB, SZU) | http://www.eggerfilm.ch/ |
Shop: Vitrinen aus Acrylglas, Hauben, Stufen, nach Mass zu guten Preisen, Germany | http://www.sora.de/ |
Layout: KNUBI Modellbahn by R. Bachofen, Wädenswil (CH-HO-Anlage und RGS Goose 1:8) | http://www.knubi-modellbahn.ch/ |
Layout: Smilestones, Miniaturwelt der Schweiz, Neuhausen am Rheinfall (HO Grossanlage) | http://www.smilestones.ch |
Group 11: American Cars - the real thing |
Chip Foose, Foose Design, Huntington Beach, CA (first class car designer), USA | https://www.chipfoose.com/ |
West Coast Customs, Burbank, CA, (Autoveredelung), USA | http://www.westcoastcustoms.com/ |
Jay Leno's Garage (Der bekannte Talkmaster hat sensationelle Autos), USA | http://www.nbc.com/jay-lenos-garage |
Southern California Car Culture (wo alle Car Events aufgelistet sind), USA | http://www.socalcarculture.com/ |
Chevy Camaro Switzerland (eine coole Fotoseite mit Camaro's) on Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/ChevyCamaroSwitzerland |
Föderation Amerikaner Autoclubs Schweiz | http://www.faas.ch/ |
Cadillac Club of Switzerland | http://www.cadillacclub.ch/ |
American Cars |
über 100 versch. Links zum Reisen in den USA (Kanada)
mit Tourist RR's, Museen usw. more than 100 links for travelling in the USA (Canada) with Tourist RR's, Museums, Attractions |
USA by Train |
Below are the regular links of my website / unten sind die normalen Links meiner Homepage
Wie finde ich mich auf dieser Homepage
zurecht? Alle Neueingänge finden Sie under der Rubrik
"News". Unter "News-1" sind die aktuellen Modelle, die jeweils mitte Monat eintreffen, aufgelistet. Nachher werden die Plastikmodelle unter "Models Plastic" eingetragen, Bücher unter "Books", DVD's unter "DVD/Videos". Unter "News-2" sind alle Eingänge von Kommissionsmodellen (Plastik und Messing). Davon werden die Messingmodelle auf der "Models Brass" Liste nach Spurweite aufgeführt. Zu jedem Modell hat es jeweils eine anklickbare Fotoseite. Die Plastikmodelle werden auf "Commission" eingetragen. Unter "Models History" sind nur Modelle aufgeführt, die bereits verkauft sind (sold out) und nicht mehr beschafft werden können. Diese Seite ist als Referenz für frühere Modelle gedacht. Zudem haben wir unter "Cajon Pass" und "Photo Gallery" eine Fotosammlung vom Original mit mehreren tausend Bildern. Ich bekomme laufend aktuelle Aufnahmen vom Cajon Pass, die dort sofort hochgeladen werden. Unter "HO Layout" können Sie meine fertige HO-Anlage sehen (mit über 2000 Photos vom Bau). Unter "Railroadfans" finden Sie alle Daten über die American Railroadfans in Switzerland und die monatlichen Meetigs. Das Datum "12/28/14 = Monat/Tag/Jahr" auf der Hauptseite in den versch. Rubriken (Links) zeigt an, wann die jeweilige Seite geändert wurde. Datum oben auf einer Seite: updated oder sold out: "12/14 = Monat/Jahr". |
Description of our Links / Links-Liste von Trainmaster mit Beschreibung
Link | Beschreibung | Description |
Books | Liste von US-Eisenbahnbüchern | List of US Railroad Books |
Cajon Pass | Grosse Photo-Sammlung vom Cajon Pass in California | Great photo collection of Cajon Pass in California, the real thing |
California Gallery | Photo Alben von California (ohne Cajon) | Photo Gallery of California (w/o Cajon) the real thing! |
Cars/Trucks | Liste mit Autos und Lastwagen in Spur HO und O | List of Cars and Trucks in HO and O scale |
Commission | Liste von Kommissionsmodellen (ohne Messing) | List of consignment models (w/o brass) |
Consignment News | laufende Eingänge von Kommissions-Modellen (News 2) | incoming Consignment Models (News 2) |
Customized Models | Modelle - Loks - Wagen - detailliert (unverkäuflich) | Models - Locos - Cars - detailed (not for sale) |
Different Items | versch. Artikel: Tassen, Joshua Trees, CH-Modelle | different Items: Mugs, Joshua Trees, Swiss Models |
DVD/Videos | Liste von US-RR-Filmen auf DVD | List of US-RR-Movies on DVD |
Freight Cars | Liste von Güterwagen in N und HO | List of Freight Cars in N and HO scale |
Future | Vorankündigungen von geplanten Modellen | Announcements of new releases |
Hobby Shows | Liste von Eisenbahnausstellungen, CH, D, USA | List of Hobby Shows and Conventions, CH, D, USA |
HO Layout | Bilder von meiner HO Anlage: Mojave Desert | Pictures of my own HO Layout: Mojave Desert |
Home | Hauptseite von Trainmaster (Index) | Main page of Trainmaster (Index) |
Info | Informationen zu Trainmaster und Fahrplan ÖV | General Information about Trainmaster |
Joshua Trees | Joshua Bäume in der Mojave Wüste und im Modell | Joshua Trees at the Mojave Desert and in scale |
Layout Center | Bilder der Anlagen im Layout Center (LCH) in Hinwil | Photos of layouts at the Layout Center Hinwil |
Links | Grosse Sammlung von Links in der US Szene | Great collection of Links in the US RR scene |
Models Brass | Liste von Messingmodellen in HO, HOn3, O, On3, G | List of Brass Models in HO, HOn3, O, On3, G scale |
Models History | Modellgeschichte: Liste von ausverkauften Modellen | List of sold out models (not available anymore) |
Models Plastic | Liste von Plastikmodellen in N, HO, O, G. | List of Plastic Models in N, HO, O, G scale |
Monthly News | monatliche Neueingänge von Neuheiten (News 1) | monthly New Arrivals (News 1) |
News | News Hauptseite für News 1 und News 2 | News Mainpage for News 1 and News 2 |
Passenger Cars | Liste von Personenwagen und - Züge, Triebzüge in HO und O | List of Passenger Cars and Trains in HO and O scale |
Railroadfans | Hauptseite der American Railroadfans in Switzerland | Main Page of the American Railroadfans in Switzerland |
Reports | Reportagen über Werner Meer | Repots about Werner Meer |
Sale | Ausverkaufsliste von reduzierten Modellen | Sale list of reduced models |
Shop - how to find | Wie finde ich den Laden (Wegbeschreibung mit Karten) | How to find my shop w/maps and timetables |
Shop Photos | US-Railroad Shop Kilchberg: Photos | US-Railroad Shop Kilchberg: Photos |
sold out Brass | ausverkaufte Messingmodelle (nicht mehr lieferbar) | Sold Out Brass Models (not available anymore) |
sold out Plastic | ausverkaufte Plastikmodelle (nicht mehr lieferbar) | Sold Out Plastic Models (not available anymore) |
Structures | Liste von Gebäuden (Häuser) | List of buildings and structures |
USA by Train | MEGA Travel: Railfan Reisen in den USA & vielen Links | MEGA Travel: Railfan Journeys in the USA & lots of links |
US-Dioramas | Dioramen von versch. Modellbauern | Dioramas of different modellers |
US-Layouts | US-Anlagen von versch. Modellbauern | US-Layouts of different modellers |
US-Cars (Autos) | Amerikanische Autos (1:1) | American Cars - the real thing |
Web Site Copyright Trainmaster by Werner Meer 1977 - 2025