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updated: July 3, 2024: (Photos 4038 - 4044)
December 22, 2024 (Photos 4045 - 4056)

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 19/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).

Guest Photographers:

Bruce "Doc" Jones (BHJ)

A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonos Photos - non Cajon Pass - will be at the bottom of this page (not ready)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer).

updated: January 4, 2024

We start our 2024 photo documentation with a visit of Bobby Deren on Hill 582.
Before his 2015 retirement, our friend & member of this group Bobby Deren was a B-747 Captain for UPS. His flying job often brought him into Ontario, CA airport and between flights he would join us on Hill 582 or here in Victimville.  Although, we kept in E-mail contact, last week was his first in-person visit since 2015. OF COURSE, we had to meet Marc & visit Hill 582. January 4th was a very cool, windy and uncomfortable day but we braved the elements anyway.
GGG - 1/04/24 - 4002  -  a dusting of snow on the mountains (Mt. Baldy) SW of the Hill.
GGG - 1/04/24 - 4001
Hill 582 w/memorials is looking good
GGG - 1/04/24 - 4003
Two old friends (Marc & Bobby) catching-up.
GGG - 1/04/24 - 4004
BNSF 5506 East approaches & passes the MP 58.2 control signals.
GGG - 1/04/24 - 4005
Close up of BNSF 5506 East passes the MP 58.2 control signals.

updated: March 24, 2024

Last WED (24-03-13), Marc & I decided that we should journey to West Summit Island (WSI), to meet with Bob & Paul who were already camped there.  For those who are not familiar, WSI is about 1.4 RR miles RR East of Hill 582 and is situated very close to where BNSF Main Tracks 1, 2 & 3 run close together and pass through Cajon Summit.
GGG, Marc, Bob, Paul and Snoopy
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4006
Bob, Marc & Paul are obviously relaxed while awaiting the next train.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4007
It is truly GREAT, how much positive & friendly reaction the U.S. flag and the "BEST WISHES" sign got from the train crews.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4008
Two well-preserved true war bonnet units sandwich a KCS (CPKCS) unit WB at WSI. The mismatched panels were noted.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4009
Paul & I photographed a nine unit BNSF "power move" WB on MT-3.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4010
This nine unit BNSF "power move" WB may go to W. Colton Yard and/or the docks.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4011
Paul & I caught a near six hour late AMTRAK #3 WB. The lateness can probably be explained by the addition of the BNSF freight unit for motive power.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4012
Paul & I caught a near six hour late AMTRAK #3 WB. The lateness can probably be explained by the addition of the BNSF freight unit for motive power.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4013
Greetings being exchanged with the crew of UP 2683 East
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4014

BNSF 3629 is EB at WSI on BNSF MT-1.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4015
A sight seldom seen lately---BNSF 6032 leads a FULL stack train down the 3+% grade of what is now BNSF MainTrack (MT-3). Most heavy trains now use BNSF Mains MT-1 & MT-2 which are around 2%, leaving MT-3 for light stuff like AMTRAK.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4016
Some will remember Bob's K-9 constant railfan companion named JAZZ, THE WONDER DOG. Time caught-up with Jazz, and Bob rescued a new K-9 railfan friend named Snoopy. As you can see, Snoopy is only barely interested in all the action & noise of WSI.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4017
UP 6433 climbs the UP Palmdale cutoff toward Tehachapi while in #4018 another long UP is EB on BNSF MT #01 toward Barstow/Yermo.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4018
at the same time another long UP is EB on BNSF MT-1 toward Barstow/Yermo.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4019
in front is the long UP is EB on BNSF MT-1 toward Barstow and above are the DPU's for the Palmdale train toward Tehachapi on the UPT.
I was there, and it confuses me also !!
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4020
A colorful consist of 3 BNSF units, 2 NS units up front . . . .
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4021
. . . . and a trailing KCS DPU are EB at WSI.
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4022
Marc was told that this HEAVILY SECURED set of GIZMOs has something to do with 'DRONES and RAILROAD SECURITY'. This heavy duty pen was built next to the abandoned security shack at HWY 138 and Post Office RD (Cajon Summit).
GGG - 3/13/24 - 4023
On the way back to Marc's home via the UP Palmdale Cutoff MOW road, we caught UP 5394 SB toward Cajon Summit.
For those unfamiliar with American slang, a GIZMO is an unnamed thingy, without which, the larger unnamed thingy to which it is attached, will not work.  -  It was a GREAT & FUN DAY  -  GGG

updated: April 14, 2024
Haven't heard from many of you lately, so I thought I'd stir the TRAIN CHASING/LOVING pot a bit. Last Wed (24-04-10) Jorge & I drove down to West Summit Island (WSI) and Hill 582. It was a near perfect day with moderate train traffic.
Hope you enjoyed,   GGG & JL
JL - 4/10/24 - 4024 (WSI)
BNSF 4219 is West Bound (WB) down BNSF Main Track (MT) #3 with it's 3% grade.
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4025 (WSI)
Hill 582 as seen from WSI --- about 1.2 miles
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4026 (Hill 582)
BNSF 3883 is WB on MT #3. The end of 3883's train is still at Cajon Summit & can be seen stretching across the near top of this page/picture. The 3% grade of MT #3 is very obvious.
JL - 4/10/24 - 4027 (Hill 582)
The San Gabriel Mountains (still with snow) with the Mormon Rocks below.
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4028 (Hill 582)
UP 7771 is an EB manifest with LOADS of power.  However, we think the last 4 UP units were Dead In Tow.  Those same four UP units appear to have been stored?? outside in salty air, for an extended period of time - with no maintenance.
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4029 (Hill 582)
BNSF XXXX (unknown lead number) is a HIGH PRIORITY EB, "Running Around" the UP 7771 manifest mentioned in #4028.
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4030 (Hill 582)
UP 7303 is the trailing DPU for the EB manifest train mentioned in #4028
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4031 (Hill 582)
Two nicely maintained UP SD-70's head a "Wood Products" SB on the 2.2% grade of the UP/SP Palmdale cutoff.
GGG - 4/10/24 - 4032 (Hill 582)
BNSF 7972 is EB with another amply powered train. The GP-60 MAY be hitching a ride to Barstow for inspection &/or servicing---which would be a usual practice for diesel power units that work the Cities & the Ports of the L.A. area.
JL - 4/10/24 - 4033 (Hill 582)
On the way home we ran across (not over) Robby the Rattler #25 who seems to have lost an encounter with some (not ours) vehicle. This Robby will probably make a good meal for the several ROAD RUNNERS we noted in the area.

updated: May 14, 2024
This past Saturday, May 11, long-standing (60+ years) bud Pete and I found some time for a quick day trip to Swarthout Canyon and Hill 582. 
After a couple of so-so hours at Swarthout Cyn. Rd. aka Cozy Dell, we headed to DaDump for late breakfast. We got four or five there and then things picked up. Pete wanted to see Hill 582 so we headed there for the afternoon. We were in a light Santa Ana so the air was very clear. The light was lousy but the purpose of the trip was mostly social so all went well.
Doc Jones, Pete, GGG
BHJ - 5/11/24 - 4034
classic "wedge" of UP 7495 WB at Swarthout Cyn Rd.
BHJ - 5/11/24 - 4035
an almost solid block of "Bezos Specials" (Jassey now) WB main 3 from Hill 582.
BHJ - 5/11/24 - 4036
"Horsies" on the point. NS 7553 EB from Hill 582.
Lots of these on BNSF lately.
BHJ - 5/11/24 - 4037
You can see the whole train. BNSF 3860 WB Main 3.
Looks like a solid JB Hunt train.

updated: July 3, 2024
Last eve (June 28, 2024) was, at best, a frustrating photo opportunity. Not allowing for a fairly brisk breeze, a medium dust storm & a bit too little sunlight, to bother us, Jorge & I drove up to what's left of Gray's Hill to photograph cousin Elon's latest Falcon 9 launch from Vandenberg SFB. OF course #I, while we were waiting, a couple of BNSF's best just happened to roll by. Of course #II, we were on the wrong side of the road /intersection, that has replaced Gray' Hill.
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4038
BNSF MONSTER TRAIN is WB directly over the Flyover at MP 39.1
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4039
While the MONSTER train continues West, another BNSF is EB through the lower level of the Flyover headed toward  BNSF FROST at MP 38.
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4040
Two pictures of the FOUR Mid-train DPU's in . . . .
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4041
. . . . the aforementioned WB monster train.
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4042
A North East scenic view with the long EB  BNSF holding at Frost
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4043
The previously mentioned dust storm near completely obliterates the, normally beautiful, plume of the second rocket stage. 
GGG - 6/28/24 - 4044
So ends my adventure into Low Light, Long Range & Dust storm photography!

updated: December 15, 2024
Last week, Spike (OMAHA, NE) stopped in for a quick visit. He spent the first couple of days with Marc, in and around Cajon Pass / Hill 582. On 15 Dec, I joined them for a few hours at BNSF Frost. You may remember that the BNSF rails at Frost, divide the Kemper Campbell Ranch (KCR) & The Mojave Narrows Regional Park. We picked the proper day & time as rail traffic was really heavy. In our three hours at Frost, we saw 15 trains - and several were semi-monster trains with DPU's.
The attached photographs are self-explanatory & labeled however:
#4051: shows Spike, Lee Graham & Marc. Lee is a local businessman who also owns the herd of beef cattle that feeds on portions of the KCR & Regional Park.
#4056: On 16 Dec, Doc Jones drove to Victimville to have lunch with Spike and me. We were also joined by Mike, a long term friend of Spike from their USAF/Palmdale/NASA days.  GGG
MF - 12/15/24 - 4045
BNSF 3678 EB intermodal MP 38
MF - 12/15/24 - 4046
BNSF 3678 WB meets BNSF EB train
MF - 12/15/24 - 4047
BNSF 6838 EB at MP38 (Frost)
GGG - 12/15/24 - 4048
BNSF 6838 WB at MP 38
MF - 12/15/24 - 4049
BNSF 6953 WB at Frost
GGG - 12/15/24 - 4050
BNSF 6953 meets BNSF 6207 EB at Frost
GGG - 12/15/24 - 4051
Spike, Lee and Marc at Frost
GGG - 12/15/24 - 4052
BNSF 6690 EB at Frost
MF - 12/15/24 - 4053
BNSF 6690 EB at MP 38
GGG - 12/15/24 - 4054
BNSF 8207 EB at Frost
MF - 12/15/24 - 4055
BNSF 6106 WB at Frost
GGG - 12/16/24 - 4056
Doc, GGG, Spike and Mike at da Dump


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


New 7/19: Accurate Map of Cajon Pass as of 2018 by Steve Jessup & Todd Gillette (RR Illustrated) - click here
8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland - 2024)