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updated: December 29, 2019: 9179 to 9197 / DW-121 to DW-126 / Big Boy UP-4017 to UP-4084

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 14/20
RUS 10/12/19 below left was former Tunnel-1. Big Boy Excursion train is on UPT going downhill at Alray. UP-4034

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).
Bruce H. Jones "Doc Jones" (BHJ), Don Winslow (DW), Ryan Slaton (RS)

Guest Photographers: Alvin Bustamante (AB), Bob Russel (BR), James Hickey (JH), USA
 Bill Pounds
(BP), Brian Shores (BS), Keith Schreiber (KS), USA
Eugen Haenseler
(EH), Ruedi Schai (RUS), Switzerland
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonos Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (just scroll down)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train


New 7/19: Accurate Map of Cajon Pass as of 2018 by Steve Jessup & Todd Gillette (RR Illustrated) - click here

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)..

updated: January 20, 2019

January 15, 2019: Marc Fournier contributed the first photos for our 2019 album.
Marc on the PROWL

As most know, the UP has painted several diesels into "heritage" paint schemes and a few more to honor organizations. The latest paint scheme "Spirit of Union pacific" honors the military services (UP 1943).

Several years ago, UP unveiled a unit painted to resemble Air Force ONE and lettered for former President George H. W. Bush (UP 4141). This unit has seen little service over the years, being "held" in reserve to lead the Presidential funeral train. Since completion of honors & services for the late President, UP 4141 & UP 1943 have been placed on display at a few UP system stops. This week, both units were at West Colton, CA.
Marc visited UP West Colton, followed by a quick stop at the Pepper Ave Bridge and ending at the San Bernardino MetroLink Station.   Marc & GGG
MF 1/15/19 UP 4141 & 1943 on display - 9001 MF 1/15/19 UP 1943 on display - 9002 MF 1/15/19 UP 4141 on display - 9003
MF 1/15/19 GATX tank car repair facility near W. Colton - 9004 MF 1/15/19 Two MetroLink units at San Bernardino - 9005 MF 1/15/19 Two MetroLink units at San Bernardino - 9006

updated: January 28, 2019

January 9, 2019: Alvin Bustamante visited Hill 582 the first time.
We are pleased of having the permission to publish these outstanding photos (some taken with a drone).
AB 1/09/19 Hill 582 as seen from the West side - 9007 AB 1/09/19 Hill 582 as seen from the East side - 9008
AB 1/09/19 BNSF EB w/Hill 582 - 9009 AB 1/09/19 UP SB on UPT - 9010 AB 1/09/19 BNSF & UP SB w/Hill at left - 9011
AB 1/09/19  Gate to enter from HWY 138 - 9012 AB 1/09/19 Hill 582 Main Street - 9013 AB 1/09/19 Chard Walker Memorial - 9014
AB 1/09/19 more Memorials - 9015 AB 1/09/19 East side w/bench - 9016 AB 1/09/19 Memorials of Hill 582 - 9017

updated: February 4, 2019

January 15, 2019: Marc Fournier's exploration of the Mojave Desert.
Attached are a few from Marc's never ending exploration of the Mojave and the surrounding areas.  MF & GGG

# 9029: The long abandoned Tonopah & Tidewater RR ROW across Soda Dry lake, near the long forgotten 'Metropolis' of ZZYZX, CA. Below is info on both the T & T RR and ZZYZX, CA.

Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad - Wikipedia
Zzyzx Mineral Springs and Healing Center – San Bernardino, California - Atlas Obscura
MF 1/26/19 New RR wheels, axles and wheel sets at the Progress Rail facility near the Mojave, CA. Airport. - 9018 MF 1/26/19 New RR wheels, axles and wheel sets at the Progress Rail facility near the Mojave, CA. Airport. - 9019 MF 1/26/19 Wind turbine blades awaiting erection - also from the Mojave airport - 9020
MF 1/26/19 BNSF 4136 SB at Monolith - 9021 MF 1/26/19 BNSF 6806 SB past the active Tunnel 10 on Tehachapi Pass - 9022 MF 1/27/19 UP 8794 from Yermo hits BNSF rails at Daggett - toward Barstow - 9023
MF 1/28/19 UP 5394 @ Kelso about to enter Afton Canyon - 9024 MF 1/28/19 UP 8186 West on Afton Canyon Bridge #4 - 9025 MF 1/28/19 UP 7892 is EB over Afton bridge #3 & on into the canyon - 9026
MF 1/28/19 UP 7892 is EB over Afton bridge #3 & on into the canyon - 9027 MF 1/28/19 A UP meet at Cima Summit - 9028 MF 1/28/19 Old T&T Row at ZZYZX, CA - 9029

updated: February 22, 2019

February 21, 2019: Marc Fournier with some snow on Hill 582
On Thursday, Feb. 21, Marc braved our Mojave Desert "Snow Storm" to image the RR action.
(On the way to Hill 582, Marc passed first WSI, West Summit Island - photo 9039)
MF 2/21/19 BNSF 5329 EB at WSI - 9039 MF 2/21/19 BNSF 6951 EB at Hill 582 - 9040 MF 2/21/19 BNSF 4507 w/CSX 5210 WB - 9041
MF 2/21/19 UP 5475 NB on UPT - 9042 MF 2/21/19 UP 8353 NB on UPT - 9043 MF 2/21/19 BNSF 5346 EB on MT-1 - 9044

updated: February 23, 2019

February 22, 2019: Alvin Bustamante visited Hill 582 the second time.
We are pleased of having the permission to publish these outstanding photos (some taken with a drone).
AB 2/22/19 Overview from the air - 9030 AB 2/22/19 BNSF EB intermodal - 9031 AB 2/22/19 same BNSF EB train - 9032
AB 2/22/19 Invasion w/11 Jeeps - 9033 AB 2/22/19 Busy day on the Hill - 9034 AB 2/22/19 BNSF WB on MT-3 - 9038
AB 2/22/19 UP WB above the branch - 9035 AB 2/22/19 UP WB w/San Gabriel Mts - 9036 AB 2/22/19 BNSF bare table on MT-3 - 9037

updated: March 8, 2019

February 27, 2019: Bruce H. Jones (Doc Jones) on Hill 582
On Wednesday, Feb. 27, Doc Jones took some photos from Hill 582 w/snow covered San Gabriel Mountains.
Photo # 9050: BN 3119 green remote to shop or scrap. Note BNSF 3751 in front (same number like Santa Fe 4-8-4).
BHJ 2/27/19 BNSF 8252 EB intermodal - 9045 BHJ 2/27/19 UP 2626 EB on MT-1 - 9046 BHJ 2/27/19 Same EB w/CN 3111 visitor - 9047
BHJ 2/27/19 BNSF 4246 EB on MT-2 - 9048 BHJ 2/27/19 Same EB w/CP 8813 visitor - 9049 BHJ 2/27/19 BNSF 3119 on EB manifest - 9050

updated: April 6, 2019

April 4, 2019: Latest pics from WSI and Hill 582 by Gary Gray
Thursday (April 4) was Very cool, windy, damp, & dark in Cajon Pass. Rail traffic was rather light. However Don, Marc, George & I had a good visit followed with a fine DA DUMP lunch. GGG
GGG 4/04/19 UP 6835 (on the Palmdale Cutoff) is NB at WSI - 9051 GGG 4/04/19 while BNSF 7074 is EB on BNSF MT-1 at WSI - 9052 GGG 4/04/19 UP 7503 & 7118 act as DPU's for UP 6835 (picture 9051) at WSI - 9053
GGG 4/04/19 BNSF 7995 is WB on MT-3 at WSI
GGG 4/04/19 BNSF 8332 is EB on MT-1 at Hill 582 - 9055 GGG 4/04/19 UP 5448 is NB on the UP/SP Palmdale line at Hill 582 - 9056

updated: April 6, 2019

April 5, 2019: Bob Russell (founder of facebook Hill 582 site) took 2 nice videos on Hill 582
Film 1: BNSF WB Ethanol "the bomb" train passing Hill 582, video 1'46" taken from Drone
Direct link:
Film 2: BNSF WB Ethanol train and UP EB intermodal passing Hill 582, video 1'55" taken from Drone
Direct Link:

updated: May 14, 2019

May 13, 2019: Latest pics from Cajon by Eugen Haenseler, Switzerland
Eugen was sent to San Francisco in late April/early May to do some special work for the famous Lindt Chocolate Factory. Afterwards, he spent a few days railfanning (Tehachapi and Cajon).
EH 5/13/19 BNSF WB passing famous Mormon Rocks - 9066 EH 5/13/19 UP NB on UPT (Palmdale Cutoff) over Cajon Creek - 9070
EH 5/13/19 these Rock formations are always an eye catcher - 9071 EH 5/13/19 Eugen was climbing on top to get this view - 9072
EH 5/13/19 UP WB Intermodal on MT-3 near Hwy 138 - 9067 EH 5/13/19 seen from the creek (actually across McDonalds) - 9073
EH 5/13/19 UP SB Intermodal on UPT at Sullivan's Curve - 9068 EH 5/13/19 BNSF WB on BNSF MT-2 at Sullivan's Curve - 9069
afterwards, Eugen went to Hill 582. He met some "off roader guys" and our "Robbie the Rattler". In other words, always watch your step!
EH 5/13/19 Hill 582 (South side) looking North - 9074 EH 5/13/19 Hill 582 (North side) looking South - 9075
EH 5/13/19 diff. Memorials on the Hill - 9076 EH 5/13/19 nice combination w/BNSF EB intermodal - 9077
EH 5/13/19 Robbie the Rattler said hello to Eugen - 9078 EH 5/13/19 are these off roaders aware of Robbie? - 9079
EH 5/13/19 UP EB on BNSF MT-2 from the Hill - 9080 EH 5/13/19 UP DPU (rear end helper) - same train - 9081
EH 5/13/19 the race between BNSF (lower track) and UP- 9082 EH 5/13/19 BNSF EB w/Warbonnet unit - 9083
EH 5/13/19 UP WB on MT-2 passing the Hill (afternoon shot) - 9084 EH 5/13/19 BNSF EB on MT-1 passing under the signal bridge - 9085

updated: May 25, 2019

May 25, 2019: Bob Russell (founder of facebook Hill 582 site) took a nice video on Hill 582
BNSF WB w/DPU's and UP EB combined auto rack and intermodal passing Hill 582, video 4'47" taken from Drone
Direct link:

updated: June 27, 2019

June 27, 2019: Spirit of Union Pacific (UP 1943) passing WSI
We heard that UP 1943 (Spirit of Union Pacific), which honors the US Military, would be through Cajon on 27 June. Marc happened to be visiting friends camping on West Summit Island (WSI) and was in position to photograph the diesel & its five car business train WB on MT-3.  -   MF & GGG
MF 6/27/19 UP 1943 WB at WSI - 9101 MF 6/27/19 - 9102 MF 6/27/19 - 9103
MF 6/27/19 - 9104 MF 6/27/19 - 9105 MF 6/27/19 going downhill on MT-3 - 9106

updated: July 26, 2019

July 13, 2019: Bob Russell (founder of facebook Hill 582 site) took a nice video on Sullivan's Curve
BNSF EB Manifest on MT-1, video 3'40" taken from Typhoon H Plus
Direct link:

updated: October 10, 2019

October 9, 2019: UP Big Boy # 4014 Cab Ride over Cajon
Direct link (5'53"):
October 13, 2019: UP Big Boy # 4014 from Barstow over Cajon to West Colton
Direct link (19'21"):

updated: December 2, 2019

November 4, 2019: Hill 582 and Gray's Hill MP 39.1 by GGG photography
# 9166 - 9169 from Hill 582 and # 9170 - 9174 from Gray's Hill BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 (Flyover)
GGG 11/04/19 UP 5450 is WB on MT-3 Hill 582
GGG 11/04/19 BNSF 8069 WB on MT-2 Hill 582
GGG 11/04/19 UP 8730 NB on UP/SP Palmdale Cutoff from Hill 582 - 9168
GGG 11/04/19 UP DPU's NB on UP/SP Palmdale Cutoff from Hill 582 - 9169 GGG 11/04/19 BNSF 7720 WB Manifest on Flyover - 9170 GGG 11/04/19 BNSF DPU's WB Manifest
GGG 11/04/19 BNSF 7216 WB intermodal
on Flyover - 9172
GGG 11/04/19 BNSF 7716 EB Manifest - 9173 GGG 11/04/19 BNSF 7485 WB Intermodal
on Flyover - 9174

updated: December 2, 2019

November 30, 2019: Today in Cajon Pass by Bruce "Doc" Jones photography
Here are some photos of my visit to the Pass today (11/30/19) with some snow around Summit.   BHJ
BHJ 11/30/19 Late Amtrak # 3 leaving Summit
BHJ 11/30/19 UP eastbound entering Summit
BHJ 11/30/19 BNSF EB at SWC - 9165

updated: December 4, 2019

November 29, 2019: Snow on Hill 582
The day after Thanksgiving 2019, Bill Pounds found Hill 582 with quite a lot of snow.
BP 11/29/19 Winterwonderland on Hill 582 - 9175 BP 11/29/19 Beautiful and unusual scene - 9176
BP 11/29/19 Looking East from Hill 582 - 9177 BP 11/29/19 BNSF WB on MT-2 passing Hill 582 - 9178
We are very thankful in showing these 4 photos taken by Bill Pounds (with permission by BP)

updated: December 29, 2019

December 26, 2019: Rain / Snow / Wind Storm over Cajon and Hill 582
Over Christmas, Southern California experienced a rather rare RAIN / Snow / Wind storm - with FREEZING temperatures in the HIGH DESERT. All of the major Highways, including I-15, I-5, SR-138 and SR-58 (Tehachapi) were closed for most of two days. However, we can always count on our own MAD MARC FOURNIER to provide us with pictures & information - no matter the conditions. Since all the roads were closed, Marc took the USFS road along the UP Colton cutoff, which is somewhat dangerous in the best of conditions.    MF & GGG
MF 12/26/19 The Cajon Rover ready for it's second storm day in Cajon - 9179 MF 12/26/19 Tree damage in Marc's Back Yard at Oak Hills. - 9180 MF 12/26/19 Marc took the USFS road to snap this BNSF WB at Summit. - 9181
MF 12/26/19 From BNSF MT-#3 at the base of Hill 582, he snapped the following: The Rover - 9182 MF 12/26/19 UP 8958 EB passing Hill 582 - 9183 MF 12/26/19 UP 8958 EB passing Hill 582 - 9184
MF 12/26/19 The destination - Hill 582 - 9185 MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9186 MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9187
MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9188 MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9189 MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9190
MF 12/26/19 Storm Damage to Hill 582 - 9191 MF 12/26/19 The Rover, half finished with its second Storm Day on Cajon - 9192 MF 12/26/19 The BNSF MP 582 Signal Bridge for Main Tracks #1 & #2 - 9193

updated: December 29, 2019

December 27, 2019: Snow on Sullivan's curve by Bob Russell
Excellent Drone photos by Bob Russell (founder of Hill 582 facebook site)
BR 12/27/19 View from across I-15 (McDonald's) - 9194 BR 12/27/19 Snow covered Rocks of Sullivan's Curve - 9195
BR 12/27/19 above is the UP Palmdale cutoff w/siding - 9196 BR 12/27/19 left UP tracks, right BNSF MT-1 and MT-2 - 9197

updated: September 30, 2019 (Big Boy in the Southwest)

9/27/19: California, here I come! by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
Not me ... rather 4014 is California bound

On Friday (Sept 27th) Big Boy departed Cheyenne on a 60 some day trek across the Southwest which will include its much anticipated return to Southern California. For my part I caught them heading west out of Cheyenne Friday morning. Originally I was thinking one and done but I ended up going to Laramie, catching them arrive and then depart. Big Boy sure sounded good working west up Sherman...again I shot some video and maybe one day I will get around to sharing that but for now here are my photos from the 27th.
RS-1951: Working up three track just below Swan between Speer and Cheyenne. RS-1952: Striking a pose as a rain front pushes in from the east. This is MP576(ish) between Laramie and Bosler, classic Big Boy territory here.


early October, 2019: UP Big Boy #4014 Video from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas

In the final quarter of the video, it shows 4014 going through Nevada's Meadow Valley Wash, one of the most scenic railroads in the western US. (outstanding drone video - a must to watch)
Presenting a short movie with a full 23 minutes of pacing the Big Boy on the move; This is the UP4014 during its Southwest trip seen here at locations between Salt Lake City and Las Vegas in 4K.
This is a drone video with accurate audio added in that sounds like what you're actually watching.
This was a 3 day chase in October 2019 by Railfan Dan (23'58"):

updated: November 26, 2019 (Big Boy in the Southwest)

10/08/19 and 10/09/19: Big Boy 4014 passing Cajon Pass and SoCal
We are documenting several movements over Cajon Pass.
Our photographers Marc Fournier (MF), Bruce "Doc" Jones (BHJ), Keith Schreiber (KS), Rudi Schai (RUS) & Brian Shores (BS) teamed up with my wife Laura (LMG) & me (GGG) to document two of UP 4014's three trips over Cajon -- both WB. There were so many excellent photographs that it was very difficult to choose and so here are those I consider "KEEPERS".
Many thanks to all our contributors  (GGG)
UP's roundtrip across the Southwest - UP-4040 UP equipment for the Excursion trips over Cajon - UP-4041
 MF 10/08/19 UP Bridge (made out of an flat car deck) on service road of the UP Cima Sub - UP-4042  MF 10/08/19 UP 4014 WB on the UP Cima Sub between Las Vegas, NV and Yermo, CA - UP-4043
 MF 10/08/19 UP 4014 WB on the UP Cima Sub before Yermo - UP-4044  GGG 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB from Yermo onto the BNSF Needles Sub to Barstow. UP-4045
GGG 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB coming from Yermo entering the BNSF Needles Sub at Daggett going to Barstow. UP-4046
#4045 & #4046 After leaving Yermo, UP 4014 with UP 2551 (protection power) head onto the BNSF toward Barstow.
BTW, Daggett's population of 200+ was, at least, doubled --- for a short time.
Below: #4047, #4048 & #4049 From Indian Trail Rd - about 15 miles RR West of Barstow.
I was set-up for some great pictures when I noticed the ATV & its wind driven dust cloud in #4047. I continued photographing while yelling great obscenities at the driver. GGG
GGG 10/09/19 from Indian Trail Road - UP-4047 GGG 10/09/19 too much dust is disturbing - UP-4048
 GGG 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at Indian Trail Rd - UP-4049 GGG 10/09/19 Route 66 is very busy toward Victorville - UP-4050
#4050 & #4051 Returning to Victorville via Old Rt 66, we got trapped in a rather slow moving mile long caravan of railfans trying to pace & photograph the BIG BOY.
The crowds lining the route were AMAZING---the most excitement I've ever seen the the normally quiet Victor Valley!
 GGG 10/09/19 The chase & UP 4014 from RT 66 into Victorville - UP-4051
Since BIG BOY stopped in Victorville for a public viewing, we arrived at Gray's Hill (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 overlooking the Flyover), just in time to join another 50 railfans awaiting UP 4014.
 GGG 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB from Gray's Hill - BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 (flyover) - UP-4052 (08) GGG 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB rolling over am EB manifest from Gray's Hill - BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 - UP-4053 (09)
4 photos below: Some really nice Doc Jones photography of UP 4014 WB in W. Hesperia
BHJ 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at West Hesperia - UP-4054 (10) BHJ 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at West Hesperia - UP-4055 (11)
BHJ 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at West Hesperia - UP-4056 (12) BHJ 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at West Hesperia - UP-4057 (13)
2 photos below: Marc Fournier made it on the "new" summit overlook to take these 2 photos of UP 4014 WB.
MF 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at Cajon Summit on BNSF MT-2 - UP-4058 MF 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB at Summit Curve - UP-4059
3 photos below: From Pipeline Hill, friend Keith Schreiber sends three of UP 4014 WB -- leaving the BNSF for UP rails via the Silverwood connector.
KS 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB Pipeline Hill (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 57). Excursion train seen from Pipeline Hill overlooking WSI (center). UP-4061 (15)
 KS 10/09/19 UP 4014 WB from Pipeline Hill (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 57)
UP-4060 (14)
 KS 10/09/19 Big Boy WB on UPT (below EB on BNSF track).
UP-4062 (16)
 6 photos below: UP 4014 is coming downhill on UPT (former SP) between the famous Mormon Rocks passing Cajon Creek (near Hwy 138).
BS 10/09/19 UP 4014 SB on UPT (by Brian Shores) - UP-4063 GB 10/09/19 plenty railfans are wating (by Gary Brainard) - UP-4080
GB 10/09/19 UP 4014 is coming downhill - UP-4081 GB 10/09/19 rolling over Cajon Creek Bridge - UP-4082
GB 10/09/19 everybody is taking pictures - UP-4083 GB 10/09/19 UP steam crew inside cab (by Gary Brainard) - UP-4084
Copyrights: Photo UP-4063 by Brian Shores / Photos UP-4080 to UP-4084 by Gary Brainard

updated: November 26, 2019  (Big Boy in the Southwest)

10/08/19 to 10/14/19: Big Boy 4014 passing Cajon Pass and SoCal
We are documenting several movements over Cajon Pass.
Below 23 photos of Big Boy 4014 taken by Ruedi Schai, Switzerland.
RUS 10/08/19 UP 4014 with Excursion train coming from Las Vegas, NV and is westbound at Manix, CA.  UP-4017
RUS 10/08/19 just before Yermo, CA.  UP-4018
RUS 10/09/19 Cajon Summit, WB on BNSF MT-2.  UP-4019 RUS 10/09/19 Summit Curve, WB to crossover at Silverwood. UP-4020
RUS 10/10/19 West Colton, details of rear driver. UP-4021 RUS 10/10/19 West Colton, our photographer Ruedi Schai. UP-4022
RUS 10/10/19 West Colton, front end w/Big Boy sign. UP-4023 RUS 10/10/19 West Colton, Ed Dickens (steam crew). UP-4024
RUS 10/11/19 Excursion train going over the connector from UP track to BNSF track and is EB (Silverwood/WSI). UP-4025
RUS 10/11/19 entering Summit Curve towards Barstow. UP-4026 RUS 10/11/19 Big Boy and two diesels are pulling the train. UP-4027
RUS 10/12/19 just above the Big Boy is Hill 582. UP-4028 RUS 10/12/19 WB on UPT (Palmdale cutoff) UP-4029
RUS 10/12/19 Big Boy is entering former tunnel area. UP-4030 RUS 10/12/19 It is also called "Alray". UP-4031
RUS 10/12/19 a rare look of a Big Boy under steam. UP-4032 RUS 10/12/19 no question, it was a one-of-a-kind event. UP-4033
RUS 10/12/19 below left was former Tunnel-1. Big Boy Excursion train is on UPT going downhill. UP-4034
RUS 10/14/19 Big Boy coming round the curve at Beamont. UP-4035 RUS 10/14/19 The Cajon spectacular is over. UP-4036
RUS 10/14/19 Heading East to Arizona. UP-4037 RUS 10/14/19 22nd Street at Beaumont. UP-4038
RUS 10/14/19 22nd Street crossing at Beaumont. Big Boy with full throttle will pass and gone (its history). UP-4039

updated: November 26, 2019  (Big Boy in the Southwest)

10/11/19: Big Boy 4014 at UP's West Colton Yard
We are documenting several movements over Cajon Pass.
Our photographers Marc Fournier (MF), Bruce "Doc" Jones (BHJ), Keith Schreiber (KS), Rudi Schai (RUS) & Brian Shores (BS) teamed up with my wife Laura (LMG) & me (GGG) to document two of UP 4014's three trips over Cajon -- both WB. There were so many excellent photographs that it was very difficult to choose and so here are those I consider "KEEPERS".
Many thanks to all our contributors  (GGG)
MF 10/11/19 UP 4014 Engineer Ed Dickens - UP-4065 RS 10/11/19 Marc Fournier is saying hello to Ed Dickens - UP-4066
RUS 10/11/19 interesting conversation with Ed Dickens - UP-4067 RUS 10/11/19 Marc (Cajon Pas) and Ed Big Boy engineer - UP-4068
RUS 10/11/19 Marc is posing in front of UP 4014 - UP-4064 MF 10/11/19 Rudi (Swiss Railfan) is posing as well - UP-4069

updated: November 26, 2019  (Big Boy in the Southwest)

10/13/19: Big Boy 4014 passing Cajon Pass (Flyover and Hill 582)
We are documenting several movements over Cajon Pass.
Our photographers Marc Fournier (MF), Bruce "Doc" Jones (BHJ), Keith Schreiber (KS), Rudi Schai (RS) & Brian Shores (BS) teamed up with my wife Laura (LMG) & me (GGG) to document two of UP 4014's three trips over Cajon -- both WB. There were so many excellent photographs that it was very difficult to choose and so here are those I consider "KEEPERS".
Many thanks to all our contributors  (GGG)
#4070 - #4075 LMG & GGG UP 4014 WB @ Gray's Hill (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1)
LMG 10/13/19 UP 4014 WB coming from the Narrows V.V. - UP-4070 LMG 10/13/19 getting closer - UP-4071
LMG 10/13/19 going uphill toward Flyover - UP-4072 GGG 10/13/19 UP 4014 on the Flyover MP 39.1 - UP-4073
GGG 10/13/19 the perfect meet on the Flyover - UP-4074 GGG 10/13/19 this is high class railroading - UP-4075
GGG 10/13/19 UP 4014 rolling over an EB Intermodal train - UP-4076 MF 10/13/19 UP 4014 WB @ Hill 582 UP-4078


Here are some videos with UP Big Boy 4014 over Cajon Pass
10/08/19: UP 4014 Big Boy Steam Locomotive in Southern California (ALL Catches) by zchcsse1 (33'33")
10/09/19: Chasing UP 4014 across Cajon Pass 2019 by Tim Levis (12'48")
10/09/19:Union Pacific‘s 4014 “ Big boy” coming up Cajon pass California!!! by Joel Homie show: (3'09")
10/09/19: Union Pacific 4014's return to Southern California. by Bob Russell (2'47")
10/12/19: Big Boy passing Hill 582 EB from the air by Bob Russel: (4'29")
10/12/19: Rare 4014 "Big Boy" (Cajon to Barstow) by rrphotographer65 (14'40")
10/12/19: Chasing the Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 from Colton to Daggett by BNSFFan453: (13'15")
10/12/19: Union Pacific BIG BOY 4014 through Cajon Pass & Railfanning by KRPmodels (18'58")
10/13/19: UP BIG BOY 4014 Steam Locomotive CHASES from Colton to Barstow, CA & back to Cajon spencerhughes2255 (14'11")
10/13/19: Big Boy - UP 4014 Over Cajon Pass + Bonus by Locomotive450:(19'21")
10/13/19: Union Pacific 4014's California Excursions! by California Rail Productions (38'05")
10/13/19: Chasing UP 4014 through Cajon Pass by Sacramento Rail Productions (17'04)

 updated: November 27, 2019

11/26/19: Big Boy's snowy return home by Ryan Slaton
As I'm sure many of you know Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 has recently been on a large tour of the southwest. Following its big return to Southern California in October the tour also took Big Boy through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Colorado. This morning (11/26) Big Boy departed Denver for the final leg home to Cheyenne but today was no ordinary return as several inches of snow fell overnight. As it worked out I was home today and had enough time for a 'one and done' photo of the Big Boy as it climbed the grade through Terry Bison Ranch south of Speer.
Yes, it was chilly out there this afternoon.   Ryan

2019 has been a historic year for UP's steam program, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for the program as psr continues to run amok. Still this seemed a fine way to end the steam season --- very fortunate I was able to see as much as I did.
RS-1961 11/26/19 UP 4014 zoom from Terry Bison Ranch RS-1960 11/26/19 UP 4014 wide angle from Terry Bison Ranch

updated: November 27, 2019

Here are some videos with UP Big Boy 4014 and snowy weather
11/24/19: Big Boy # 4014 in the cold and snow Hays to Sharon Springs, Kansas, by Traveling Tom (25'45"):
11/26/19: Union Pacific 4014 Delayed in Denver by Steam UP (15'01"):
11/27/19: Big Boy # 4014 Limon to Denver, Colorado by Traveling Tom (18'45"):
11/27/19: Big Boy #4014 From Denver, CO to Cheyenne, WY by Colorado RR Productions (10'02"):

updated: December 29, 2019

Don Winslow Photography of Cajon and BNSF Needles Sub (Mojave Desert)
Don Winslow of Glendora, CA is sharing his great photos with us. These do not only include Cajon Pass, but also the BNSF Needles Sub and are not sorted by date or location.  Thank you for sharing - GGG
We are listing the photos the way Don is sending this to GGG (usually 3 in a row per week)
DW-001 1/27/12 BNSF 792 Needles Sub DW-002 4/14/08 BNSF 6713 at SWC DW-003 4/21/18 BNSF 6770 at Cozy Dell
DW-004 1/19/18 BNSF 6321 Siberia DW-005 1/28/12 BNSF 7618 Bagdad DW-006 8/05/10 BNSF 7651 West Ash Hill
DW-007 12/08/18 BNSF 6157 Cosy Dell DW-008 8/31/18 BNSF 6697 Cosy Dell DW-009 12/22/18 BNSF 6879 & 5971 Cosy Dell
DW-010 11/21/08 BNSF 522 Needles Sub DW-011 11/21/08 BNSF 4725 Needles Sub DW-012 1/18/18 BNSF 8281 Needles Sub
DW-013 1/19/19 BNSF 6708 at SWC DW-014 4/18/18 BNSF 6713 at SWC DW-015 3/20/10 BNSF 7489 at Hill 582
DW-016 11/21/08 BNSF 4695 Ludlow DW-017 7/14/13 BNSF 5331 Columbia Gorge DW-018 3/02/16 BNSF 5339 Bagdad
DW-019 3/09/19 BNSF 6086 & UP 7864 Cajon DW-020 4/21/18 BNSF 6770 Cozy Dell DW-021 11/20/14 EB at Lavic
DW-022 3/16/19 BNSF 6631 Cajon Station DW-023 1/19/19 BNSF 6708 SWC DW-024 4/28/18 BNSF 6847 Cozy Dell
DW-025 11/13/17 BNSF 5150 Ludlow DW-026 3/09/19 BNSF 6086 Cajon Station DW-027 1/18/18 BNSF 6548 Ludlow
DW-028 3/16/19 BNSF 8321 WB MT-3 Cajon DW-029 6/30/18 BNSF 6237 Cozy Dell DW-030 BNSF 7446 Cozy Dell
DW-031 11/21/08 BNSF 522 Ludlow DW-032 2/26/10 BNSF 4055 Siberia DW-033 3/27/10 BNSF 4083 Klondike
DW-034 6/30/18 BNSF 3857 Cozy Dell DW-035 3/09/19 BNSF 6086 & UP 7864 Cajon DW-036 11/20/14 BNSF 7095 Siberia
DW-037 4/06/19 BNSF 4688 Cozy Dell DW-038 5/13/09 BNSF 5360 Hill 583 DW-039 11/09/12 BNSF 7848 Essex
DW-040 8/04/18 BNSF 4550 Cozy Dell DW-041 BNSF 5377 West Ash Hill DW-042 BNSF 7531 East Siberia
DW-043 11/20/14 BNSF 7022 Ash Hill DW-044 8/22/14 BNSF 7166 Cajon DW-045 8/04/18 BNSF 7232 Cozy Dell
DW-046 4/06/19 BNSF 4219 Cozy Dell DW-047 10/20/18 BNSF 4219 Cozy Dell DW-048 4/21/18 BNSF 4219 Cozy Dell
DW-049 10/19/09 BNSF 1107 Ash Hill DW-050 11/27/09 BNSF 7519 Ash Hill DW-051 11/03/17 BNSF 4647 West Ash Hill
DW-052 3/27710 BNSF 7261 at Lavic DW-053 7/14/18 BNSF 7344 at SWC DW-054 3/09/19 BNSF 7416 at Cozy Dell
Shooting in the shadows of the Cajon Pass. The first 2 photos are at Cajon (Cajon Station) and the 3rd photo is at Cozy Dell which is between Swarthout Canyon and Cajon. It takes a little more effort, like getting up in the canyon in the early hours, using manual settings in the camera, and a whole lotta luck in getting a train at the right moment because the shadows change by the minute.
Don Winslow,  Glendora, California
DW-055 6/02/18 BNSF 4176 at Cajon DW-056 6/30/18 BNSF 5805 at Cajon DW-057 10/20/18 BNSF 7446 at Cozy Dell
DW-058 4/21/18 BNSF 6963 at Cosy Dell DW-059 1/28/12 BNSF 6820 at Danby DW-060 BNSF 6917 at Amboy (Needles Sub)
DW-061 3/26/10 BNSF 6608 at Ludlow DW-062 10/27/09 BNSF 1008 at Ludlow DW-063 1/19/18 BNSF 3990 at Lavic
DW-064 5/26/18 BNSF 5409 at Cajon Station DW-065 6/09/13 BNSF 6593 ats SWC X-ing DW-066 8/04/18 at Cozy Dell
DW-067 1/19/18 BNSF 4791 at Lavic DW-068 5/05/18 BNSF 5048 at Cozy Dell DW-069 11/20/14 at Lavic
DW-070 10/29/13 BNSF 7067 at Klondike DW-071 11/10/132 BNSF 7242 at Bagdad DW-072 11/17/15 BNSF 7264 at Klondike
DW-073 10/20/18 BNSF 8061 EB at Cozy Dell DW-074 2/23/19 BNSF 8102 first light Hill 582 DW-075 2/23/19 BNSF 8120 base of Hill 582
DW-076 5/05/18 BNSF 5056 WB at Cozy Dell DW-077 10/29/09 BNSF 5143 at West Ash Hill DW-078 5/05/18 BNSF 9398 WB at SWC-Xing
DW-079 5/26/18 BNSF 7765 EB at Cajon DW-080 7/27/19 BNSF 5421 WB at Cajon DW-081 7/06/19 BNSF 7772 EB at SWC
DW-082 7/06/19 AT 201 at Cozy Dell DW-083 8/03/19 BNSF 3751 at Cajon DW-084 7/06/19 BNSF 3825 at Cozy Dell
DW-085 11/03/18 UP 3795 at Cozy Dell DW-086 4/28/18 UP 5851 at Cozy Dell DW-087 8/04/18 UP 8043 at Cozy Dell
DW-088 5/13/09 BNSF 207 below Hill 582 DW-089 11/14/17 BNSF 7308 at Piscah DW-090 7/14/18 BNSF 7344 at SWC
DW-091 1/18/18 BNSF 5085 at Lavic DW-092 3/26/10 BNSF 5139 at Ludlow DW-093 11/10/12 BNSF 6619 at Siberia
First two photos are taken at the Ludlow Curve just west of town. The third is taken at the track split at Klondike. This is the regular east bound track and has the steeper grade. The tracks split at Siberia and Klondike with the west bound track taking a longer route with less grade and coming back to join the east bounds at the west end of Klondike. All this is just east of Ash Hill.
Don Winslow,  Glendora, California
DW-094 3/02/16 BNSF 6995 at Ludlow DW-095 3/02/16 BNSF 7089 at Ludlow DW-096 2/26/10 BNSF 7285 at Klondike
DW-097 5/13/09 UP 5448 at Hill 582 DW-098 8/10/19 UP 6011 at Cajon DW-099 7/28/18 UP 8010 at Cozy Dell
DW-100 8/05/10 BNSF 7895 at Klondike DW-101 7/28/18 BNSF 7927 at Cozy Dell DW-102 4/14/18 BNSF 7982 at SWC
DW-103 5/12/18 BNSF 4217 at Cajon DW-104 3/16/19 BNSF 4610 at Cajon DW-105 1/20/18 BNSF 5304 at Lavic
DW-106 7/06/19 AT 201 at Cozy Dell DW-107 9/07/19 UP 7387 at SWC DW-108 4/14/18 UP 7796 at SWC
DW-109 3/02/16 BNSF 7810 at Bagdad DW-110 10/23/12 BNSF 7895 at Amboy DW-111 3/13/16 BNSF 8073 at Klondike
DW-112 6/30/18 AT 138 WB at Cozy Dell DW-113 3/26/10 BNSF 6608 at Ludlow DW-114 4/21/18 BNSF 6963 at Cozy Dell
DW-115 8/10/19 UP 8135 at Cozy Dell DW-116 8/03/10 UP 8333 at Hill 582 DW-117 8/22/14 UP 8719 at Cajon
DW-118 9/28/19 BNSF 4695 at Cajon DW-119 8/03/19 BNSF 7887 at Cajon DW-120 8/03/19 BNSF 7887 at Cajon
DW-121 11/09/19 BNSF 8136 at Cozy Dell DW-122 11/09/19 BNSF 8136 at Cozy Dell DW-123 11/09/19 BNSF 8136 at Cozy Dell
DW-124 3/14/09 BNSF 7477 at Hill 582 DW-125 10/29/13 BNSF 7482 at Klondike DW-126 6/02/18 BNSF 7713 at Cajon

below: Highway 138 (EAST) Realignment Project

Cajon Pass Sub
Photo Collection 2016-2017-2018

Highway 138 (EAST) Realignment Project
between I-15 and BNSF Summit

Photos by Michael Frei, Gary G. Gray
Marc Fournier, Doc Jones, Keith Schreiber (USA)

Updated: 8/19/18
GGG 3/20/17 Looking toward Summit - 033 See all 250 photos - click here GGG 8/17/18 SR 138 (view from Hill 582) - 8068

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass
updated: August 26, 2019 (scroll down)

March 15, 2019: Short Line Railroads of Oregon
Middle of March 2019, Marc Fournier drove to Corvallis Oregon to attend Winter Rail (WINTERAIL).
During the trip, he Railfaned some Short Line Railroads of Oregon.
  MF & GGG


# 9057-9061: Albany & Eastern RR -  # 9062-9064: Coos Bay RR -

# 9065 Portland & Western RR -
MF 3/15/19 Albany & Eastern - 9057 MF 3/15/19 Albany & Eastern - 9058 MF 3/15/19 Albany & Eastern - 9059
MF 3/15/19 Albany & Eastern - 9060 MF 3/15/19 Albany & Eastern - 9061 MF 3/15/19 Coos Bay - 9062
MF 3/15/19 Coos Bay - 9063 MF 3/15/19 Coos Bay - 9064 MF 3/15/19 Portland & Western - 9065

 updated: August 26, 2019

August 10 - 18, 2019: near BNSF Williams Junction, AZ
Escaping the Mojave heat (100F+), Marc Fournier just spent twelve days camped near BNSF Williams Junction, AZ. - at a much cooler 7,000 foot elevation.  MF / GGG

MF 8/11/19 The PERFECT camp site with the BNSF Seligman Sub just across the fence.
- 9107
MF 8/11/19 BNSF 7672 is EB and has just passed the Phoenix Sub (Peavine) connector track (to the left). - 9108 MF 8/11/19 BNSF 6371 transitions onto the Seligman Sub from the Phoenix Sub. - 9109
MF 8/11/19 BNSF 6737 is WB at Williams JCT
- 9110
MF 8/10/19 The Grand Canyon RR heading North . . - 9111 MF 8/10/19 . . to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. - 9112
just a few miles from Marc's camp site:

#9113- #9117: After accessing the damage, Hulcher Services obviously?? decided that this was not just a simple re-railing project. Note the damage in the blow-ups (9115 & 9117). Their answer was to tip the 5 pack over, clear the track and allow MOW forces to fix any track damage -- 70 ties to be replaced.
MF 8/17/19 - 9113 MF 8/17/19 - 9114 MF 8/17/19 close-up of 9114 - 9115
MF 8/17/19 - 9116 MF 8/17/19 close-up of 9116 - 9117 MF 8/17/19 BNSF 155 & 2644 "rescue" the cars not involved in the derailment. - 9118
MF 8/18/19 Grand Canyon RR on the Wye & ready to return to Williams. - 9119 MF 8/18/19 Grand Canyon RR on the Wye & ready to return to Williams. - 9120 MF 8/18/19 Grand Canyon Depot, History - 9121
MF 8/18/19 Grand Canyon Depot, Present 9122 MF 8/18/19 What's a visit to the Canyon - 9123 MF 8/18/19 without a few scenery pictures - 9124

updated: November 29, 2019

October 20 - 25, 2019: BNSF Needles & Seligman Sub by Garry G. Gray
Late October, I got to cross off another item from my 'BUCKET LIST'. Coinciding with a visit from our great KIWI friends, we scheduled a Road Trip along I-40 (old Rt 66) East from Victorville with stops in Needles CA, Topock, Kingman, HACKBERRY, Seligman, Willams, Flagstaff Meteor Crater & Winslow AZ. Of course, the BNSF closely follows old Rt-66 and since Robin & I are devoted train crazies, we started counting trains. We gave up the counting after the first 100!!!!

Each small AZ town welcomes tourists with museums, monuments and trinket shopping -- all dedicated to Rt-66 & the old ATSF. So, here are a few of the highlights:  GGG

The uneventful (few trains) return trip was via Sedona, Palm Springs & The Joshua Tree National Park -- GREAT & FUN 10 days.  GGG
9127 GGG 10/20/19 A quick stop at the Needles, CA depot found three west bounds awaiting crews. 9128 GGG 10/20/19 One Topock feature is the view of the heavily used BNSF Colorado River bridge. 9129 GGG 10/20/19 Topock, AZ is a hamburger, beer & boat dock joint on the Colorado River.
9130 GGG 10/20/19 Overnight in Kingman, AZ with plenty of RR traffic. 9131 GGG 10/20/19 Overnight in Kingman, AZ with plenty of RR traffic. 9132 GGG 10/20/19 Overnight in Kingman, AZ with plenty of RR traffic.
9133 GGG 10/20/19 AT&SF 3759 at Kingman 9134 GGG 10/21/19 Hackberry 9135 RSS 10/22/19 Roadkill Cafe, Seligman

# 9134: On old Rt-66 about 30 miles NE of Kingman stands HACKBERRY -- the largest collection of (for sale) trinkets & old rusting junk I've ever seen. Fun Place!
# 9135:
Seligman, AZ was another watering spot (for the long past RR Steam Engine era). It's also home to the ROADKILL CAFE, its LOGO and plenty of trains -- I had a Coyote burger & a coke -- tasted "just like Chicken".

9136 GGG 10/22/19 real cool advertisement 9137 GGG 10/22/19 Seligman, AZ 9138 GGG 10/22/19 Williams, AZ
9139 LMG 10/22/19 Flagstaff with Kiwi Flag 9140 RSS 10/23/19 Flagstaff, AZ 9141 RSS 10/25/19 La Posada at Winslow, AZ
# 9139/9140: Overnight in Flagstaff, AZ--Our friends Robin & Rhonda pose, with a KIWI flag, for the Virtual Railfan Cameras--and naturally, one of several TRAINS.

# 9141 to 9147: Overnight in Winslow, AZ. As far we could tell, Winslow has three attractions:
FIRST--The La Posada hotel--a beautifully restored & very large Fred Harvey House Hotel with an EXCELLENT restaurant. The back lawn / patio has an unobstructed view (about 50 feet) of the four track BNSF main.
SECOND--Back in the 1970's, the Eagles had a hit recording entitled "Takin it Easy" which included the line "Standin' on the corner in Winslow Arizona". The City has memorialized the song by erecting a statue and decorating a corner. It is evidently incumbent on visitors to do exactly as Laura & I did in # 9147.

9142 GGG 10/24/19 nice place for railfanning 9143 LMG 10/23/19 Robin & Gary 9144 GGG 10/23/19
9145 GGG 10/23/19 9146 GGG 10/25/19 "Standin' on the corner in Winslow Arizona" 9147 RSS 10/25/19 Laura & Gary

updated: November 29, 2019

November 2, 2019: Daggett by Gary & Robin
After returning from our Rt-66 odyssey, we and our KIWI guests did some railfaning in the local area. Robin & I drove up to Daggett, where all BNSF trains using the far Western Transcon will pass. Any UP trains running between LA & Las Vegas enter or leave the BNSF Needles Sub at Daggett.  GGG
# 9148 - 9150: Since there are ALMOST ALWAYS trains running at Daggett, we were surprised at the lack of RR activity, until we noticed the MOW activity just a quarter mile East of our position. Robin walked down and found a rail pull-apart being repaired.
9148 RSS 11/02/19 MoW at work, Daggett 9149 RSS 11/02/19 gap to be repaired 9150 RSS 11/02/19 job done . . .
# 9151 - 9155 After the rail was repaired, the 'flood gates' opened and we quickly saw four BNSF EB's & one WB.
9151 GGG 11/02/19 9152 RSS 11/02/19 9153 GGG 11/02/19
9154 GGG 11/02/19 9155 GGG 11/02/19 9156 GGG 11/02/19 UP 8562 head to Yermo
# 9156 - 9159: UP 8562 & DPU 6265 head to UP Yermo while BNSF 8501 West waits for the BNSF WB track to clear.
9157 GGG 11/02/19 leaving BNSF tracks 9158 GGG 11/02/19 DPU 6265 going to Yermo 9159 GGG 11/02/19 BNSF 8501 going to Barstow
9160 GGG 11/02/19 BNSF 8501 is WB to Barstow (last photo taken at Daggett). 9161 GGG 11/02/19 East Barstow yard "throat" with two WB's awaiting clearances. 9162 RSS 11/02/19 A quick shot of USMC Logistics Base of A VERY FEW of the many military vehicles awaiting maintenance or after-maintenance assignment.

updated: January 14, 2019

Colorful Start 2019 around Cheyenne by Ryan Slaton Photography
Ryan Slaton is famous for his outstanding photos.  Thank you for sharing - GGG
2019 picked up right where 2018 left off in terms of 'color'. Since late December 2018 we have had 5 of the 6 heritage units and both Olympic units through Cheyenne, just as impressive all but two (1988 and 2001) were leading their respective trains. Was able to catch a few on pixels...  Ryan
RS-1901 1/04/19 UP 2002 Plympic RS-1902 1/06/19 UP 1983 (WP) RS-1903 1/06/19 WP/C&NW Meet

1901) Cruising through the reverse curves between Heard and Hermosa, on the west side of Sherman Hill, the eastbound ILAG1 is making track speed with UP 2002 on the point.

On January 6th we had the unique treat of having two heritage leaders on the same day, UP 1983 on the ZLTG2 east and UP 1995 on the MNPPC west. I was lined up to work west to Rawlins late on Jan. 5th so I didn't figure I'd be getting any photos. Just before going to work my buddy Sam, who works the Rawlins to Green River pool, said he should be home and to pack my camera. So I loaded it into the grip and got called for a MNPRV. After I got into Rawlins we caught some breakfast and then hit the road at sunrise in search of the first heritage unit.

1902) Through the biting cold and light snow the hot UPS ZLTG2 powers out of Daley, WY on the Rawlins Subdivision. In the distance the rear of the MNPRV (yes, the one I had just climbed off) can be seen at the bottom of 'the hole' and beyond that are the headlights of yet another eastbound at Riner.

1903) We followed the 1983 east to Cheyenne getting a few photos along the way and as it worked out the heritage units met right in front of the depot. My photo of the meet turned out really poor and lightening it up didn't help much but how often do we get meets like this? 1983 has just eased to a stop on P2 while 1995 has a fresh crew on P3 and ready to depart.

RS-1904 1/06/19 UP 1995 (C&NW) RS-1905 1/06/19 UP 1995 (C&NW) RS-1906 1/07/19 UP 9096

1904) With the Swan Ranch Industrial Complex in the background the 'PPC' with its full compliment of EMDs rounds the big curve at Speer, WY. This view also offers a comparison in water tanks

1905) Further up three track at Harriman we got some more sunshine and another steam era UP water tank. And oh yes, both the conductor and engineer were having fun with us every chance they got

1906) And finally a solid yellow SD70AH 9096 with three 70Ms take the ZG1BR 'over the top' west of Buford as the MPCNP heads down main one.

updated: March 17, 2019

PSR returns SD40's to Sherman Hill by Ryan Slaton Photography
Ryan Slaton is famous for his outstanding photos.  Thank you for sharing - GGG
Well, it has been a long while since my last email, mostly because I just haven't had anything new to share picture wise.

Back in mid-January following the 'first of the year slow down' I got cut-off the Cheyenne-Rawlins pool, I could still hold the Rawlins to Green River run quite comfortably but having been borrowed out for three months and being on the road (and in a hotel) I decided I did not want to 'commute' Wyoming's often crazy winter weather factored in as well. So I bumped into Cheyenne yard and landed on the preference board. I'm now holding the midnight westend switch engine 5 days a week with Wednesday and Thursday as my weekend.

Back when I was on Green River's yard preference board I also held straight midnights, which I quite like. There are a few afternoon jobs I can hold in Cheyenne throughout the week but I'd rather have the same schedule all week. Plus not many managers show up at night so there's also that ;)

After UP rerouted most of the remaining 'manifest' traffic off the old Rio Grande by way of the Overland Route Cheyenne yard has been busier than ever. Very recently we had a change to the operating plan due to PSR and the first few photos on this email are related to this.

Some of the 'originating/terminating' trains we had in Cheyenne were the MCYGR/MGRCY (Cheyenne-Green River) and the MCYNY/MNYCY (Cheyenne-North Yard in Denver). Recently UP dropped the MGRCY/MCYNY and replaced them with the MGRNY and LLZ51 'Laramie Hauler', keeping the MCYGR and MNYCY as they were. This new pattern has the LLZ51 (local job) take the North Yard cars out of Cheyenne to Laramie, there the MGRNY will pick them up and set out the Cheyenne block from Green River, then the local takes the Cheyenne cars back to town.

This LLZ51/MGRNY just started running a few days ago and this morning I built my first Laramie local. Being the ever eagle eyed switchman that I am I was checking our list against a cut of cars we were pulling up to switch out when an old Santa Fe hopper caught my eye...still in its 'as delivered' appearance. I couldn't believe my eyes! Just as impressive was how clean the car was...paint was worn sure but no graffiti. I'm not sure where they had that car hiding all these years but I knew I needed to take a picture of it. So after getting off work I came home and caught a nap. When I woke up I looked to see if the local was ready to leave, sure enough it was and with a trio of NLR rebuilt SD40Ns for power...well gotta chase it down now :)  Ryan

RS-1908 CW 311722 was a former AT&SF Covered Hopper

RS-1907 UP 1905 leaving Hermosa Tunnel RS-1909 dirty Dodge Ram used to take pictures
1907) Still looking right at home against the snow dusted granite faces of Sherman Hill UP 1905-1932-1883 burst out of Hermosa Tunnel on two track with the new westbound 'hauler'.
1908) How cool is this?? Re-lettered now...CW 311722. The old Santa Fe hopper was built in February 1971 and belonged to Santa Fe's GA-173 class.
) Those who also like to play in the spoils of winter know it can be a dirty business ;) Guess I was going for a two-tone look on my rig, soon as I got back to Cheyenne it was time for a bath!
RS-1910 2/12/19 WAMX 4155 SD40T-2 ex DRGW RS-1911 2/12/19 SWRR going uphill RS-1912 2/12/19 WAMX 4184 SD40-2 ex MoPac
1910) Keeping with the 'SD40' theme, here's a look back to some local Swan Ranch Railroad action I caught back in February. Dressed in parent Watco's sharp black and yellow WAMX 4155 (ex-D&RGW SD40T-2 5385) and WAMX 4200 (ex-KCS SD40 625) switch out the tank car farm inside the Swan Industrial Complex. SWRR services many industries within the complex and interchanges with both UP and BNSF.
1911) Dragging their cut up hill towards the interchange with UP's Laramie Sub...of which the three and four track alignment can be seen above the Swan power.
) Lastly a recently repainted ex-MoPac SD40-2. I also have photos of this motor after it first landed and still wore its Wisconsin & Southern scheme.

updated: April 19, 2019

California Vacation by Ryan Slaton Photography
Spent the first 10 days of April back home in Southern California. Originally I had hoped to make my California trip in mid-March but for reasons beyond my control, here's looking at you crew management, I had to settle for early April for a week + trip. Had a wonderful time back home getting to spend time with family and friends and naturally had to work in a few visits to Tehachapi :)

1913) On my first day back in SoCal I paused at Warren before driving home to catch a handful of eastbounds coming off the mountain, last of the pack was the MRVWCX.
1914) On Saturday April 6th I was on my way to Bakersfield to visit friends at the model train club and paused to catch a few trains while en-route. Seen working upgrade through Bealville was an eastbound H RICBAR manifest, as seen from the bottom end of Cliff.
1915) Sunday April 7th was my only full day on Tehachapi which was spent with a few good friends. Westbound BNSF grain loads drop down grade at Ilmon, with a mixed bag of power up front. The train's swing and rear distributed power consists can also be seen in this view.
RS-1913 4/02/19 UP 5442 Warren, CA RS-1914 4/06/19 BNSF 8134 Bealville, CA RS-1915 4/07/19 UP 5528 Ilmon, CA
After my 10 days in SoCal it was back to Wyoming and back to work. This past Sunday I noticed UP 6706 was leading an eastbound LA to Chicago double-stack train, 6706 being noteworthy as it is the last AC4400 in C&NW paint. What's really wild about the 6706 was it was sent to North Little Rock and placed in storage, when it returned to service it escaped without a trip through the paint booth. Since 2018 a trip to NLR's Jenks Shop for any unit still in 'fallen flag' colors has almost certainly meant, at the very least, a repaint. Knowing full well it could be my last chance to see true C&NW colors out on the mainline, especially leading, I got my lazy ass out of bed and made a quick run to the top of Sherman Hill.
left) Catching a brief break in the clouds a pair of eastbounds, an ICIG1 on main one and the hot ZLTG2B on main two, nearly have the 8015' summit of their endeavor up Wyoming's Sherman Hill within sight.

above) A short while later UP 6706 came along with the ILAG3.
RS-1916 4/15/19 UP 3911 Sherman Hill RS-1917 4/15/19 UP 6706 Sherman Hill

updated: June 16, 2019

Union Pacific - other than the Big Boy by Ryan Slaton Photography
Taking a break from more photos of Big Boy 4014 for the time being, it's been business as 'usual' on the railroad (well, as usual as it is anymore). Here are a few other trains that I've put glass on the last few months with special leaders.
RS-1926 4/22/19 On April 22nd UP 1943 led a ten car special (PCBSC: Council Buffs, IA to Salt Lake City, UT) at Pine Bluffs, WY. RS-1927 4/25/19 A few days later (April 25th) UP 1995 was westbound at the bottom end of Hermosa with the ZG2OA.
RS-1928 5/10/19 On '150' day (May 10th, 2019) UP 1995 was again westbound at the east end of Cheyenne with the IG1LA. RS-1929 5/10/19 I've had my fill of 1995 for awhile....catching a break in the clouds leading the ZLADV at Carr, CO.
A few days ago I learned that UP 4141 and UP 1111 (the new employee 'appreciation' motor) would be on display in Omaha for the College Baseball World Series. Having only seen the 4141 in person once (at night and while at work) and never having been able to take a photo of it, I figured it was now or never.
Rumor following its brief tour for the employees earlier this year was it was being readied for donation to 41's Library and Museum in Texas. To my surprise it returned to service running on a few freights before heading to Omaha for the College World Series. Will this be it's final public appearance while still with the UP? Time will tell but at least I finally got a few photos of it.
RS-1931 6/12/19 UP 1111...if UP really appreciated us I can think of a few better ways to express it than painting a locomotive but this is what we got. 1111 was originally UP 8362.
RS-1930 6/12/19 UP 4141 in downtown Omaha, across the street from T.D. Ameritrade Stadium where the CWS is held.

RS-1932 6/12/19 The 4141/1111 duo after dark...that Air Force One paint scheme is really striking. 4141's display in Omaha began on June 12th, on what would have been 41's 95th Birthday. Another fun fact...41 played in the first and second CWS in 1947 and 1948 as a first-baseman for Yale University.

updated: September 26, 2019

September 2019: How about some photos? by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
It sure has been awhile since I've sent out any photos and until recently it had been awhile since I've had anything new to share. On July 9th I photographed the Big Boy on day two of its trek across the Midwest, after that outing I didn't touch my camera again until the first weekend of September!

I am still holding Sunday-Monday days off in Cheyenne yard and still holding the Holly-Frontier refinery job...although sometimes I do ripple up to finish off my week as helper on the afternoon west lead job.

Almost a year ago now (late September) I left for the Utah Service Unit borrow out. Almost hard to imagine our traffic levels could warrant a borrow out...especially when I remember those few weeks I worked out of Helper, UT on the Rio Grande. I sure hope better days return!   -   Ryan
RS-1939: On November 14th, 2018 I made my second venture to Palisade Canyon while I was working out of Elko, NV. Other than noting a few morning westbounds I did not look into much else so when my first train arrived I was surprised and disappointed when a near spotless UP 1983 appeared trailing a 'run down' looking UP 5951. On the drawbar was 13585 tons of coal loaded at Savage, UT (near Price) and bound for Port Stockton, CA. The WP heritage unit need only look across the Humboldt to see 'home' rails. RS-1940: My last Palisade visit came on a snowy December 6th. In the foreground (on WP rails) is the eastbound IOASC and in the distance is a waaaay over-powered LRG59 (Elko to Winnemucca) westbound on SP rails. I can't recall what the reason was for so much power going to Winnemucca.

RS-1941: Looking ahead to May 19th, 2019 and we are just east of Hermosa Tunnels as UP 4014 and 844 return home from the Transcontinental Railroad celebrations in Ogden. It was a cold/foggy morning and this really made for some neat scenes. My Dad and I followed the steam duo for a few days on their return trip, this is one of my favorite photos from their return trip. RS-1942: On July 9th, 2019 Big Boy 4014 was on day two of its trek across the Midwest. It paused for a brief service stop in Julesburg, CO on that day's journey between Sidney and North Platte, NE. A nice smokey start was a nice way to wrap up my chase, after this shot I had to turn back so I could made it home for work! If you look close you can see the SD40N assigned to the Sterling-Julesburg local peaking into the scene.
RS-1943: On September 3rd UP 1996 was leader on an eastbound Roseville, CA to West Colton, CA manifest, so a quick run up to Hermosa was in order. Catching a break in the clouds the morning sun shines bright as 1996 leads its charge through the searchlight installation at the top end of Hermosa (W547).
RS-1944: And speaking of searchlights, last night I tried some night shots at the bottom end of Hermosa (W549). It has been a long time since I've done night shots and I was not quite on my game but I got a few that I like alright. The warm glow from a fast approaching ZBRG1B catches the searchlights at 549, here stands the last searchlight equipped cantilever on the Overland in Wyoming. Eastbound 'super-shooters' often use three track out of Laramie to Hermosa, as is the case here. RS-1945: And finally the eastbound ILAG3 streaks through 549 on main two.


updated: September 26, 2019

September 2019: Some old and new UP by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
Mostly older photos from the archives this week but the last image is from earlier this month.   Ryan

RS-1946: In May 2015 as I made my way to Cheyenne to begin new hire class I paused for a few days in Denver. While I was there a 17 car Union Pacific shippers special was set to make a round trip run on the former Rio Grande between Denver and Dotsero and lucky for me my good friend John Shine let me tag along with him. (Having never been to Colorado I would have been lost trying to catch this!) Our first photo of the train was emerging from the west portal of Moffat Tunnel at Winter Park, CO. As John and I discovered it was much cleaner hiking up the muddy hillside then it would be coming back down!!!

RS-1948: Now back to June of 2019 and we find UP SD40N 1905 leading the LLZ51 (Laramie 'Laser' Local) up Sherman Hill at Harriman, WY (3 track). RS-1947: On New Years Day 2017 Union Pacific's eastbound Fresno to West Colton manifest finds itself beneath a mixture of clouds, fog, snow, and sunshine as it works up grade at the top end of Marcel siding.
RS-1949: Now this one was being on the outside looking in! All Summer I held foreman on the YCY54R Holly-Frontier Refinery job. The day before this photo was taken I was working the job (on my Friday) as a severe thunderstorm passed by south of town. We were dry and far away from the lightning but the skyline was absolutely beautiful! I thought to myself that would sure make for a killer photo! So on my Saturday with reports of another 'possible' severe thunderstorm I tried to catch my job with the same great background. Unfortunately the thunderstorm was not what it was the day before, resulting in a ho-hum background. On the point is Mike Kleich who was my switchman all Summer...Mike and I had off set days off so my Saturday was his Friday. Not long after this photo was taken the roundhouse re-arranged the goats assigned to the 54 so we had two east facers, so any more attempts at this photo would feature a long hood coming at you at this angle. Oh well, still glad I have the photo! RS-1950: Looking a little tired the 'pink ribbon' GEVO leads the MWCNP up Archer Hill east of Cheyenne. I don't have very many photos of the UP 7400 leading so I was happy to catch it here.


updated: October 18, 2019

October 4-7, 2019: Land of enchantment and semaphores 2019 by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
Well, it is that time of year ... time for semaphores!

So first a little update. PSR has finally caught up to me in Wyoming, specifically Cheyenne. Over the last few months management cut 3 of the 6 yard jobs we started off the year with. Early this year I was holding the yard by 14 at one point and with the job cuts (and resulting board cuts) I can no longer hold Cheyenne yard :{ While management denies it many of us believe they are looking to close Cheyenne yard, all in an effort to make them (and their cost cutting) look good in the eyes of upper management in Omhaha. So back to the road for it turned out this kind of helped my semaphore trip. Going back to the road I get personal leave days (compensated days) which we do not get in the yard (since we have regular days off). So I strung a few of my PL days together and took a little New Mexico vacation. It was sure great to get away for awhile! Spent my days hiking, taking pictures, and exploring some new territory (both trackside and exploring New Mexico).
Since I've still got some time before I have to go back to work I got a few photos from the trip ready to share. All Amtrak the 4 days I was down south, apparently I missed a BNSF maintenance of way move by one day...oh well that is my luck haha. I was able to check off a number of semaphores off my 'to photograph' list and even included some searchlights which up until this trip I always had to skip to focus on the blades.
RS-1953:  Problems with the code-line resulted in Amtrak 3 running on restrictive signals from Springer to Colmor on day one of my trip. Here, in between downpours, the Chief is about to split the east most set of blades at 706. RS-1954:  Delays racked up by #3 resulted in a meet with #4 at Blanchard in TWC territory. It was raining so hard for the meet all I could do was roll my window down a bit and grab a few shots before the truck filled up with water! Crazy weather.
RS-1955:  Aside from the heavy rain on Friday the next three days saw perfect weather. On Saturday night I spent some time at the east end of Chapelle siding doing some night shots. It was a nice surprise to find that the signal protecting the siding here stays lit up. RS-1956:  On Sunday Amtrak 3 splits the intermediates at 722, just east of Wagon Mound.



RS-1957:  Most of the semaphores are located between Bernal and Springer however there are 5 (I believe) between Lamy and Cerrillos, these are harder to access and so often overlooked. I had never made an effort towards photographing these until Sunday afternoon. Here #3 sprints passed the intermediate at 850 (its east facing counterpart around the bend in the distance). I believe this is the west most semaphore.
RS-1958:  On Monday Amtrak 3 peaks over the summit at Glorieta, NM. Glorieta is the preferred meeting point for trains 3/4 when they are on was the case on Monday but unfortunately the meet took place around the curve and out of my view. Glorieta is in CTC territory between Lamy and Rowe and like most (if not all) of the sidings in this stretch it is protected by searchlights. RS-1959:  And finally I followed #4 east to Raton on Monday afternoon, then parting ways and heading home. More code-line issues presented Monday afternoon between Levy and Colmor, this allowed me to catch #4 twice in this stretch. At the west end of Colmor #4 is seen approaching a clear after several miles of restricted speed.

updated: July 11, 2019

7/09/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is going East by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
Been awhile since I've had some new photos to share but recently I got trackside to watch Big Boy 4014 begin its tour of the midwest. Last month I changed my off days in Cheyenne yard from Wednesday-Thursday to Sunday-Monday, this as it turned out lined up perfectly with Big Boy's planned departure from Cheyenne on Monday July 8th, allowing me to follow the first day (Cheyenne to Sidney) and a portion of the second day (Sidney to North Platte). I am working straight afternoons in the yard, holding foreman on the east end refinery job that switches Holly-Frontier Oil.

As some of you know I purchased a new camera in March, this has allowed me to use my old (but still trusty) 6D to shoot video of Big Boy's travels. They are nothing to fancy but one of these days I'll try to share those, there was some great audio from this outing, especially on the pull up Archer Hill!

Now on to the Big Boy chase... More to come... Ryan
RS-1933 6/24/19 UP 1943 at East Cheyenne RS-1934 7/08/19 Archer Hill w/UP EB and WB at sunrise
1933) Back on June 24th UP 'spirit' 1943 led a westbound officers special through Cheyenne as it traveled between Council Bluffs, IA and Roper, UT. Here it is sailing through the OS at 508 (East Cheyenne) having split a pair of 'I' trains. At right background is the Holly-Frontier refinery and to the right of the three mains is the east end 'drill' lead.
1934) I started the morning at Archer, arriving just before sunrise I was the first person there and had this view of a meet between an eastbound ILBG3 and westbound MNPNY all to myself.
RS-1935 7/08/19 UP 4014 at Archer Hill w/21 cov. hoppers RS-1936 7/08/19 UP 4014 at East of Bushnell, NE
1935) It was not long before I was no longer alone at Archer, at least a hundred people crowded the overpass and hill sides by the time Big Boy departed Cheyenne (which was a few hours late). Leaving Cheyenne Big Boy departed with 21 covered hoppers (18 sand hoppers and 3 grain hoppers) giving them some additional weight and breaking. Archer made the day 100% worth while as they were working the 4000 up the hill...I'm here to tell you that Big Boy's bark is just as mean as its looks!
) There didn't seem to be near as many people chasing this time vs the first trip in May but that's not to say there still wasn't a large group of chasers. Following a service stop in Pine Bluffs, WY Big Boy (with its entourage in hot pursuit) sails across the Sidney Subdivision, now in Nebraska, east of Bushnell.
RS-1937 7/08/19 UP 4014 at Sidney, NE RS-1938 7/09/19 UP 4014 at Chappell, NE
1937) Much has changed since Big Boys last roamed the rails but one thing that hasn't is the chance for severe afternoon thunderstorms. One such storm had followed Big Boy east from Cheyenne and finally was about to catch up as the steam crew made a few finally moves in Sidney, NE (where the locomotive would spend the night). The SD70M at right is one of many stored in Sidney.
1938) Finally on Tuesday morning I followed Big Boy east out of Sidney as far as Julesburg, CO where I called it and headed home. My first view of Big Boy on Tuesday was in Chappell, NE where it appeared most of the town turned out to witness a Big Boy pass through for the first time in over 60 years!

updated: June 27, 2019

Big Boy 4014
I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of Ryan Slaton (USA), Bruce "Doc" Jones (USA),
Marc Fournier (USA), James Hickey (USA) and Michael Maniura (Germany)

(For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo)

5/02/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Ryan Slaton Photography (USA)
Well, you all knew it was coming and here are a few pictures from Big Boy 4014's first mainline trial run on Thursday May 2nd, 2019.  Ryan
The steam crew did a fantastic job on the restoration, 4014 looked and sounded great. What an experience it was today to watch a Big Boy highball Cheyenne for the first time in 60 years...hard to put into words. Hope you enjoy the photos.
RS-1918 5/02/19 UP 4014 on main 3 at Cheyenne RS-1919 5/02/19 UP 4014 passing Tower A
1918) After making a few back and forth moves in Cheyenne yard the 4014 shoved out onto main 3 at 508. A few minutes later they had a light and 4014 was on the charge west into Cheyenne.
1919) After stopping for an inspection at Tower A the 4014 recreated a once daily ritual of a Big Boy storming out of Cheyenne and up Sherman Hill. At Speer 4014 would diverge off the Overland Main for a run down to Greeley, CO.
RS-1920 5/02/19 UP 4014 at Carr, CO RS-1921 5/02/19 UP 4014 on Hansen Track at Cheyenne
1920) The sun had set on the trial run at Speer and it was getting dark fast but I wanted one more look at the big ALCo, so I went down to Carr, CO. I played around with the high ISO setting on my new 6D mark II and got some neat results, even if a bit grainy.
1921) This first photo was taken on May 2nd just before Big Boy's first mainline trial run. Before they shoved out onto the main the 4000 ran back and forth on the Hansen (track) in Cheyenne Yard. The steam crew carefully observed the 4014 as it ran up and down the Hansen, making adjustments where needed. Here we see a bit of the 4000s articulation as it has paused at the west end of the South Hansen. I had asked my manager if it was cool to take photos and with his blessing me and a few other rails had the 4014 all to ourselves in Cheyenne Yard.


5/02/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - latest test run videos
Rare Aerial Footage of the 4014 Big Boy on its first run outside the yard by Vintage Slots (13'45")
Direct Link:
First Look! Union Pacific "Big Boy" 4014 Test Run in Cheyenne, WY! by Michael Loves Trains (6'20")
Direct Link:
Worlds largest steam locomotive is back! Big Boy 4014 hits the main line by Traveling Tom (34'35")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific 4014 1st Test Run by SteamUp (13'53")
Direct Link:


2019 Union Pacific Steam Schedule:


5/04/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Ryan Slaton Photography
On Saturday May 4th, 2019 the 'great race to Ogden' began in grand fashion as Union Pacific's newly restored Big Boy teamed with stable mate 844 for their multi-day journey across the original transcontinental. I followed the double-header west out of Cheyenne to Rawlins on the first day, hitting a few planned spots. We had some great weather early on but by the afternoon the clouds had really moved in. We were living right however and had sun shine at all four locations we photographed the train at!
RS-1922 5/04/19 UP 4014 approaching Speer RS-1923 5/04/19 UP 4014 Hermosa Tunnels
1922) The 'big day' and my first glimpse of the double-header. 4014 and 844 are just a few miles out of Cheyenne, approaching Speer.
1923) Big Boy was truly at home on Saturday on Sherman Hill. While the Big Boys were regular fixtures between Ogden and Cheyenne starting in 1941 it was Sherman Hill that kept them employed near the end. Here the steam special emerges from Hermosa Tunnels on main one, now on the down grade towards Laramie.
left) Union Pacific .... Route of the Streamliners, Domeliners, and Big Boys.

above) Our last location of the day was near the top of Percy Hill between Hanna and Durant, WY. We really cut it close here as by the time the rear of the passenger consist went sailing by the sun was covered by clouds!
RS-1924 5/04/19 UP 4014 just after Hermosa Tunnels RS-1925 5/04/19 UP 4014 between Hanna and Durant, WY


5/04/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - on the way to Ogden (Day 1)
Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 and UP 844 - First Double Header by SD457500 (8'00")
Direct Link:
Big Boy #4014 UP #844 Double header Cheyenne to Rawlins, Wyoming by Traveling Tom (21'26")
Direct Link:
2019 Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 The Great Race to Ogden First Day Compilation by American Train (30'21")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific's Big Boy No. 4014 and Living Legend No. 844 Departure at Cheyenne Depot
by 106.3 Country Radio Cheyenne (3'14")
Direct Link:
UP Big Boy 4014 at Harriman, WY - May 4, 2019 by Randy Lee (1'38")
Direct Link:
The legendary Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 steam engine with UP 844 at Laramie by Virtual Railfan (9'04")
Direct Link:
Raw / Unedited Drone footage of UP 4014 / 844 North of Laramie by Vintage Slots (11'37")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific 4014 Big Boy 4-8-8-4 at Laramie with some close ups of both steamers by karlruth1 (5'08")
Direct Link:
UP 4014 & 844 - Great Race to Ogden DAY ONE by Rail Blazer 5371 (6'41")
Direct Link:
May 4 to May 9, 2019: 15 minute compilation of best UP 4014 Big Boy video clips by dbrohm (15'49")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Bruce "Doc" Jones (USA)
First 3 photos were taken on May 4, 2019
Between May 2 and May 7 a couple close friends and I traveled to Denver Colorado and thence to Cheyenne Wyoming to chase the UP Big Boy 4014 across Wyoming and into Utah. The chase was great. Of course we had to share the locomotive with a few thousand or more of our "good friends" but it made for a great time. We left the 4014 at Evanston Wyoming due to our schedules and did some "Diesel" railfanning from there into Ogden Utah. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. (Bruce "Doc" Jones, Sierra Madre, CA)
BTW, they are not in strict east-to-west order as they were taken with two different cameras.
BHJ-004 5/04/19 Speer, Wyoming BHJ-009 5/04/19 Laramie, Wyoming
BHJ-014 5/04/19 Bosler Wyoming


5/05/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - on the way to Ogden (Day 2)
Chasing UP 4014 Big Boy & UP 844 Double Header Through Wyoming by NY Trainzchaser (16'42")
incl. Testrun at Cheyenne plus Day 1 and 2 up to Rock Springs, WY
Direct Link:
Raw / Unedited Drone footage of UP 4014 / 844 near Creston WY by Vintage Slots (5'20")
Direct Link:
2019 Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 The Great Race to Ogden 2nd Day Compilation by American Train (12'50")
Direct Link:
UP Big Boy 4014 Fully Restored To Operation Part 4! Incredible Shots by 844 Steamtrain (3'05")
Direct Link:
Big Boy #4014 Departs Wamsutter, Wyoming by Coaster Trains 95 (2'14")
Direct Link:
BIG BOY 4014 & U.P. 844 at Point of Rocks Wyoming by Wyoming Hunter (6'09")
Direct link:
Aerial (drone) video (with sound!) of UP Big Boy 4014 near Bitter Creek WY by Vintage Slots (4'30")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Bruce "Doc" Jones
Next 12 photos were taken on May 5, 2019
BHJ-028 5/05/19 Creston Wyoming
BHJ-029 5/05/19 Creston Wyoming
BHJ-038 5/05/19 Wamsutter Wyoming BHJ-046 5/05/19 Wamsutter Wyoming, note: Ed Dickens in charge.
BHJ-049 5/05/19 Wamsutter Wyoming BHJ-052 5/05/19 Wamsutter Wyoming
BHJ-055 5/05/19 Wamsutter Wyoming BHJ-061 5/05/19 Point of Rocks Wyoming
BHJ-174 5/05/19 Big Boy at Wamsutter, WY BHJ-200 5/05/19 Big Boy at Rock Springs, WY
BHJ-201 5/05/19 Diesels are passing 4014 at Rock Springs, WY BHJ-217 5/05/19 UP 4-8-4 at Rock Springs, WY


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Michael Maniura (Germany)
Next 2 photos were taken on May 5, 2019
MM-1592 5/05/19 Wamsutter, Wyoming
MM-1666 5/05/19 before Rock Springs, WY


5/06/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - on the way to Ogden (Day 3)
UP 4014 Big Boy at Leroy, Wyoming by Dave Schumacher (11'42")
Direct Link:
The Big Boy Arrives at Evanston Wyoming by Karyn Felix-Angell (7'41")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific HD 60fps: UP Big Boy 4014 & FEF-3 844 Great Race to Ogden Chase Day 3 Preview by Fan Railer (3'04")
Direct Link:
Big Boy #4014 UP #844 Double header Rawlins to Rock Springs, Wyoming by Traveling Tom (15'35")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific BIG BOY 4014 Rides Again! Worlds Largest Steam Locomotive by JohnnyD's World (5'59")
Direct Link:
[4K] Big Boy 4014 & 844 Doubleheader Under a Brilliant Sunrise - 60 fps by NorfKhazad (4'36")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Michael Maniura (Germany)
Gigantic steam cloud in the air taken on May 6, 2019
MM-1703 5/06/19 before Granger, Wyoming


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Bruce "Doc" Jones (USA)
Next 6 photos were taken on May 7, 2019
BHJ-103 5/07/19 Evanston Wyoming BHJ-112 5/07/19 Evanston Wyoming
BHJ-114 5/07/19 Evanston, WY BHJ-117 5/07/19 UP 844 at Evanston, WY
BHJ-123 5/07/19 UP 844 at Evanston, WY BHJ-226 5/07/19 Ogden Depot w/loco display


5/08/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - on the way to Ogden (Day 4)
Union Pacific HD 60fps: Pacing UP Big Boy 4014 & FEF-3 844 Through Echo Canyon by Fan Railer (16'59")
Direct Link:
Big Boy No. 4014 and No. 844 in Morgan county, UT May 8 2019 by Northern Utah Dashcam (3'01")
Direct Link:
Big Boy 4014 and 844 Doubleheader Steam Locomotives to Ogden by airailimages (16'44")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific HD 60fps: UP Big Boy 4014 & FEF-3 844 Great Race to Ogden Chase Day 4 Preview by Fan Railer (2'19")
Direct Link:
Big Boy and 844 at Ogden Yard, no people, no rain. May 8, 2019 by cantabriaaa (4'33")
Direct Link:
Big Boy, Worlds Largest Steam Locomotive Passing UP 844 ! 3 Train Meet! by Jaw Tooth (13'36")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Michael Maniura (Germany)
Huge white steam cloud in the air taken on May 8, 2019
MM-1888 5/08/19 before Evanston with some rain


5/09/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - on the way to Ogden (Day 5)
Heritage Festival 150th - Golden Spike 150 & BIG BOY 4014 at Ogden by RoadTrippinNomad (4'02")
Direct Link:
2019 Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 The Great Race to Ogden Fifth Day Compilation by American Train (24'28")
Direct Link:


5/10/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - at Ogden (Day 6)
UNION PACIFIC No. 4014 & No. 844 WHISTLE in Ogden UT, Great Race 150th Anniversary by Daniel Zombori (7'34")
Direct Link:
Big Boy and 844 Railfanning and More by KDT&R Productions (8'41")
Direct link:
Union Pacific 844 and Big Boy 4014 at Ogden, UT by challenger3989 (24'20")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific 4014 Big Boy, UP 844 & More Trains In Ogden, UT 5/10/19 by Bobby Case Loves Trains (15'30")
Direct Link:


5/12/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - going home to Cheyenne (Day 8)
Magnificent [4K] Big Boy Union Pacific #4014 Aerial Pacing Inaugural Trip 5/12/2019 by Railfan Dan (7'46")
Direct Link:
Chasing UP Big Boy 4014 and 844 Over the Wasatch Mountains by Chuttlely (9'09")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 and 844 Leaving Ogden by Doug Atwood (5'19")
Direct Link:
UP Big Boy 4014 Climbing Weber Canyon on Mother's Day, 12 May 2019 by airailimages (11'06")
Direct Link:
Big Boy Returns to Evanston Wyoming by Karyn Felix-Angell (4'09")
Direct link:
Chasing Big Boy 4014 & 844 up Weber Canyon. Ogden to Echo, Utah by Aired down and disconnected (8'59")
Dirct link:
An aerial (drone) view of the UP 4014 Big Boy Articulating in a curve by VintageSlots (1'46")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy" returns to Echo during Spike 150 Celebration on May 12, 2019 by Michael Libby (7'55")
Direct Link:
Chasing the Big Boy 4014 and Living Legend 844 Doubleheader! by Central California Rail Productions (9'21")
Direct Link:
[4K] UP "Big Boy" #4014 Leads The Spike150 Excursion! [May 8 & 12, 2019] by Royal Hudson Rail Videos (11'11")
Direct Link:
UP BIG BOY 4014 CHASE from Ogden, Utah to Purple Sage, Wyoming! by spencerhughes2255 (8'44")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 & 844 at Morgan Utah 5/12/19 by conrailSD40guy (2'58")
Direct Link:
UP Big Boy 4014 on the Long Uphill Climb to Curvo Tunnel MP 930 by Rocky Mountains (3'13")
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[HD] UP Big Boy 4014 on the Great Race from Ogden! Ft. UP 844! (5/12/2019) by American Rail Videos (3'46")
Direct Link:
4014 And 844 from Ogden Utah to Evanston Wyoming by Next-Gen Railroaders (11'01")
Direct Link:
May 12 & 13, 2019 Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 Back to Cheyenne Compilation by American Train (23'28")
Direct Link:
Railfanning Weber & Echo Canyons ft. UP 4014 5/12/2019 by Westbound Railfan Productions (12'49")
Direct Link:
Big Boy and the Living Legend racing up Echo Canyon 5/12/2019 4k drone by Eddy Abbott (4'00")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Michael Maniura (Germany)
These 3 photos were taken during the return trip toward Cheyenne on May 12 and 13, 2019
MM-2072 5/12/19 at Echo MM-2149 5/13/19 leaving Evanston
MM-2213 5/13/19 arriving at Granger


5/13/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - going home to Cheyenne (Day 9)
UP Big Boy 4014, 844 at Stowe Creek, near Evanston, WY 5-13-19 by Dave Schumacher (5'31")
Direct Link:
Big Boy 4014 and 844 UP Steam Trains From Ogden to Cheyenne by Mech Master (5'28")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific Big Boy #4014 and UP #844 from Ogden, Utah to Rock Springs, WY by Aaron McCreight (25'45")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific 4014 & 844: Big Boy to the Golden Spike (Ogden - Evanston) by SmokyMtnSteam (17'22")
Direct Link:
UP Big Boy 4014 On to Green River - 13 May 2019 by airailimages (12'07")
Direct Link:
[4K] Big Boy 4014 & 844 - Evanston to Rock Springs - 60 fps by NorfKhazad (6'40")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Marc Fournier (USA)
Last month Marc traveled to Utah to follow UP 4014 EB back to Cheyenne, WY. After the chase he traveled on to Omaha / Council Bluffs, Iowa following the UP Main.

left: MF-1901 5/12/19Ed Dickens, Manager of the UP Steam / Heritage Program talks to Railfans in Evanston, WY.

right: MF-1902 5/13/19 UP 4014 is EB through Granger, WY.


5/16/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - going home to Cheyenne
UP 4014 & 844 Doubleheader from Point of Rocks to Cheyenne by Southwest Washington Rail Productions (26'31")
Direct Link:


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Marc Fournier (USA)
Last month Marc traveled to Utah to follow UP 4014 EB back to Cheyenne, WY. After the chase he traveled on to Omaha / Council Bluffs, Iowa following the UP Main.
MF-1903 5/16/19 California Northern RR #2402 Tier 4/5 (New-ish PR24B) crosses over UP in Rawlins, WY. MF-1904 5/16/19 UP 4014 MINOR derailment Rawlins, WY.
MF-1905 5/16/19 UP 4014 EB Wamsutter, WY MF-1906 5/16/19 UP diesels refueling Rawlins, WY
MF-1907 5/17/19 UP 4014 EB through Bosler, WY MF-1908 5/17/19 UP 4014 EB through Bosler, WY


5/19/19: UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years - going home to Cheyenne
Union Pacific's Big Boy & 844 departs Laramie, WY by Virtual Railfan (8'12")
Direct Link:
Chasing Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 back home to Cheyenne by Sean McBride (7'05")
Direct Link:
Chasing the Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 Laramie to Cheyenne by Metra160 (12'31")
Direct Link:
Union Pacific Big Boy #4014 and UP #844 Whistles! This is my full video compilation of the entire trip to and from Ogden before and after the 150th Anniversary Celebration, and during The Great Race To Ogden by 844Steamtrain (15'36")
Direct Link:


Big Boy 4014 taken by James Hickey at Hermosa Tunnel in 2014 and 2019
A demonstration of what, a dream, 5 years of hard labor and many millions of dollars can do.

Among all of the photographs taken of the recently resurrected UP 4014's trip from Cheyenne to Ogden & return, I think that these two images best tell the whole story. The first image (05-08-2014) shows UP 4014 & 4884 (diesels) pulling UP 4014 steam engine - (which had been on display in Pomona, CA for 50 years) to Cheyenne, WY for rebuilding. The second image (05-19-2019) is of the restored UP 4014, under its own steam power, returning to Cheyenne after a triumphant round trip to Ogden, UT. Both images by JAMES HICKEY EB at Hermosa Tunnel.
JH-1901 5/08/14 Big Boy 4014 on the way to Cheyenne for rebuilding JH-1902 5/19/19 Big Boy 4014 under his own power back to Cheyenne


UP Big Boy 4014 is back alive after 60 years by Marc Fournier (USA)
Last month Marc traveled to Utah to follow UP 4014 EB back to Cheyenne, WY. After the chase he traveled on to Omaha / Council Bluffs, Iowa following the UP Main.
MF-1909 5/19/19 UP 4014 EB @ Hermosa Tunnels MF-1910 5/19/19 UP 4014 EB @ Hermosa Tunnels
MF-1911 5/19/19 UP 4014 arrives Cheyenne under BNSF Bridge MF-1912 5/23/19 UPP 102 Business car (St Louis) at UP Heritage Park, Council Bluffs, Iowa.


News 5/31/19:  Big Boy excursion set for Southern California on October 12 & 13, 2019
Direct Link:  Big Boy excursion set for Southern California | Trains Magazine

did you see our photography of the Big Boy 4014 ransfer back in 2014?

2014 transfer of UP 4014 from Pomona to Las Vegas
How UP 4014 is moving from the "Rail Giants" Museum in Pomona to the Metrolink Tracks and to Colton and over Cajon Pass by Gary G. Gray, Marc Fournier and Bruce H. Jones.  click here for photos


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)