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updated: January 5, 2015

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 9/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).

Guest Photographers: Ryan Slaton (RS), Bruce "Doc" Jones (BWH), Keith Schreiber (KAS),
Karl Joost (KHJ),
Butch Fahnestock (BF), Bonus Photos by Dave Tomeraasen
Georg Trüb (GT) Switzerland

A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonos Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (just scroll down)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer).

Well, here's a bit to help start your 2014 with "PLANES" and "TRAINS" ----- "properly"!
 On Friday, January 17, Don Toles visited the High Desert and off we went ---- roaming and making like TRUE Desert Rats. Our first stop was at my old USAF Base (George) now known as Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA).

# 4001-4002: German Government A-340-300 VIP aircraft. The reason for the aircraft visit is unknown to us.
# 4003: Four retired British Airways Aircraft (two B-747-400's and two B-737-400's) being "parted-out" for recycling.
# 4004-4005: Two MD-11's becoming parts. After lunch a DA DUMP #2 --- Mollie's on Rt 66 near Helendale, we adjourned to the BNSF Mojave River Bridges at Cajon Sub MP 34.1.
# 4006: Another British Airways 747-400 turns DOWNWIND for SCLA, on what is
PROBABLY its last flight.
# 4007-4008: BNSF 7754 and DPU's are WB @ MP 34.1. # 4009: BNSF 6656 is EB @ MP 34.1. # 4010: UP 7650 is WB
# 4011-4012: BNSF 7320 and DPU's are WB.    Enjoy,  GGG/DET     (more photos of SCLA - click here)
GGG 1/17/14 German A340-300 - 4001 GGG 1/17/14 Bundesrepublik Deutschland - 4002 GGG 1/17/14 BA B747 and 737 - 4003
GGG 1/17/14 World MD11 - 4004 GGG 1/17/14 parts spender - 4005 GGG 1/17/14 BA B747-400 - 4006
GGG 1/17/14 BNSF 7754 WB MP 34.1 - 4007 GGG 1/17/14 BNSF 5005 DPU WB - 4008 GGG 1/17/14 BNSF 6656 EB - 4009
GGG 1/17/14 UP 7650 WB MP 34.1 - 4010 GGG 1/17/14 BNSF 7320 WB - 4011 GGG 1/17/14 BNSF 6143 DPU WB - 4012
In the two weeks since UP 4014 was moved from Pomona to W Colton, nothing much (railroad wise) has been happening.
On January 26, we did stop by the UP West Colton yard to see:
# 4013: UP 5800 coming off the Colton-Palmdale cutoff to head West. # 4014: UP 5800 and another WB pace each other.
# 4015: From the Pepper Ave overpass, action in the West Colton Yard includes a BNSF lash-up which powers the nightly WCLBAR---West Colton Local to Barstow commonly known as the BAR-WINKEL / WINKEL-BAR.

On January 31, some pics from Hill 582: # 4016-4017: BNSF 7217 and DPU's are EB.
# 4018: Five BNSF units pull a very long solid UPS stack train EB up the very steep Main track # 3.  GGG
GGG 1/26/14 UP 5800 SB West Colton - 4013 GGG 1/26/14 UP 5800 and another WB - 4014 GGG 1/26/14 UP West Colton Yard - 4015
GGG 1/31/14 BNSF 7217 EB Hill 582 MT-1 - 4016 GGG 1/31/14 BNSF 6657 WB DPU's - 4017 GGG 1/31/14 BNSF EB all UPS MT-3 - 4018


Almost brand new EMD SD70AH UP 8829 by Ryan Slaton

Its always nice to see a solid set of EMDs doing battle with a heavy grade with a long train on the drawbar and that's exactly what we had last Sunday on Cajon Pass. Leaving Lancaster Sunday morning and seeing the cloud cover I would have bet the day was going to be a bust weather wise but by 8AM the sun got the upper hand and was out in full force...with only a few lingering high clouds. This was great news as we had it on good word that UP 8829 a brand new 'heavy' SD70AH was leading a long eastbound West Colton, CA to North Platte, NE manifest. For my first run by I was with a few friends at Blue Cut before heading up to Summit for one more shot. RS

RS 2/16/14 UP 8829 EB at Blue Cut - 4292 RS 2/16/14 EMD SD70AH - 4293 RS 2/16/14 Same Train at Summit Curve - 4294

# 4292: The heavy drag is strung out parallel to old US 66 as the MWCNP works up Cajon's western slope at Blue Cut.
# 4293: Roster shot of the fresh 8829.
# 4294: UP SD70AH 8829 joined by SD60M 2328 and SD70Ms 4422 and 4066 make one last all out pull to drag their train through Silverwood and around the big curve into Cajon Summit. After the summit is at hand it will be a down hill run towards the old LA&SL and a awaiting crew change in Yermo, CA.


Monday (February 17) was a National Holiday. Laura, Don & I gave a tour to our newest Cajon Mafia members (Butch & Deb). We started at Hill 582 and visited Noisy Point, Walker, & Sullivan's Curve. Of course, we ended the tour by having lunch at Da Dump. Since it was Monday AND a Holiday, we were not expecting heavy RR traffic and only two trains merited any special interest:
# 4019-4020: BNSF recently ordered 282 more ES44C4 locomotives (BNSF 8000-8281) and deliveries have started. BNSF 8001 is EB on MT#2 while MOW works on MT #1. # 4021-4024: UP 4397 is SB with the Georgetown Ballast Handling System cars. Short video:   GGG
GGG 2/17/14 BNSF 8001 EB Sullivans - 4019 GGG 2/17/14 BNSF 8001 = GE ES44C4 - 4020 GGG 2/17/14 UP 4397 SB on UPT - 4021
GGG 2/17/14 Ballast train - 4022 GGG 2/17/14 with special - 4023 GGG 2/17/14 Georgetown System - 4024


February 22: Marc & I took a very quick trip to San Timoteo Canyon --- new ground for me. San Tim Cyn is East of Riverside CA and hosts the UP Sunset Route. # 4025-4026: UP 5438 and its DPU are EB.
February 27: Bobby D and I stopped at Cajon Summit --- which provided an interesting scene:
# 4027-4028: BNSF 4010 West was stopped on MT-2 to allow BNSF 7705 to runaround WB on MT-3. At the same time, BNSF 7768 was EB climbing to Summit on MT-1. # 4029: All BNSF tracks busy at Cajon Summit.
# 4030: BNSF 7705 transitions to MT-2 to descend Cajon on the lesser grade.  GGG
GGG 2/22/14 UP EB San Timoteo Canyon - 4025 GGG 2/22/14 UP DPU San Timoteo Canyon - 4026 GGG 2/27/14 BNSF 4010 & 7705 Summit - 4027
GGG 2/27/14 BNSF 7768 EB Summit Curve - 4028 GGG 2/27/14 All 3 BNSF tracks are busy - 4029 GGG 2/27/14 BNSF 7705 MT-1 to MT-2 - 4030


March 11: Marc hosted some railfans on the Cajon. At Sullivan's, he caught two BNSF Business trains WB.
# 4041-4043: BNSF 6565 is WB with seven cars. We
that this was a "shipper's special".
# 4044-4046: BNSF 5369 is WB with two cars.   MF/GGG
MF 3/11/14 BNSF Shipper's Special WB - 4041 MF 3/11/14 is passing EB intermodal - 4042 MF 3/11/14 at Sullivan's Curve on MT-2 - 4043
MF 3/11/14 BNSF WB Business Train - 4044 MF 3/11/14 with just 2 cars going downhill - 4045 MF 3/11/14 toward Cajon Station - 4046


March 27 - April 1: From BNSF MP 56.7 West Summit Island. WSI is just downhill (RR West) of Cajon Summit and hosts all three BNSF Main Tracks and the East End of the UPRR Silverwood connector. # 4074: BNSF 6999 is EB on MT-3. # 4075: BNSF 7765 is EB on MT-1. # 4076: Brand New UP 8828 SD-70AH (Heavy) WB on MT-2. # 4077: BNSF 7756 WB on MT-2. # 4078: UP 8378 EB on MT-2. # 4079: BNSF 7191 WB on MT-2 with the BOMB (ethanol train). 
From MP 38 (Frost & Kemper Campbell Ranch) # 4083: WB BNSF 6558. # 4084: EB BNSF 7765. # 4085: WB UP 7077.
From MP 39.1 (Flyover) # 4086-4088: With Apple Valley in the background, Three West bound BNSF trains, cross the bridge and transition from Right-Hand to Left-Hand running.
From MP 49 (water Resources Rd--between the Hesperia Airport & Lugo).
# 4089-4091: BNSF 7080 is EB with a vehicle train --- to meet UP 5992 WB. 
# 4103: BNSF meet near Hill 582. # 4105-4106: WB & EB at the BNSF Mojave River Bridges MP 34.1  -  GGG
GGG 3/27/14 BNSF 6999 EB on MT-3 - 4074 GGG 3/27/14 BNSF 7765 EB on MT-1 - 4075 GGG 3/27/14 UP 8828 WB on MT-2 - 4076
GGG 3/27/14 BNSF 7756 WB on MT-2 - 4077 GGG 3/27/14 UP 8378 EB on MT-2 - 4078 GGG 4/28/14 BNSF 7191WB onMT-2 - 4079
GGG 3/27/14 BNSF 6558 WB at KCR - 4083 GGG 3/27/14 BNSF 7765 EB MP 38 - 4084 GGG 3/27/14 UP 7077 WB MP 38 - 4085
GGG 3/28/14 BNSF Meet MP 58.2 - 4103 GGG 3/29/14 BNSF 7893 EB MP 34.1 - 4105 GGG 3/29/14 BNSF 7434 EB Victorville - 4106
GGG 3/30/14 BNSF 6834 WB MT-1 to MT-2 - 4086 GGG 3/30/14 BNSF WB 7578 WB MP 39.1 - 4087 GGG 3/30/14 BNSF 7748 WB on Flyover - 4088
GGG 4/01/14 BNSF 7080 at Lugo - 4089 GGG 4/01/14 BNSF 7080 Auto Carrier - 4090 GGG 4/01/14 UP 5992 WB pass EB - 4091
# 4100: BNSF 7536 EB between Cajon Jct and Sullivan's Curve.
# 4102: UP 7404 from UP Yermo to WB BNSF Daggett. # 4098: BNSF 6516 EB near the old tunnel #2.  -  GGG
GGG 4/01/14 BNSF 7536 EB into Sullivans - 4100 GGG 4/01/14 UP 7404 SB at Daggett - 4102 GGG 4/14/14 BNSF 6516 EB Alray - 4098
April 14: # 4059-4060: From the old Tunnel 2 (AlRay) area, UP 5369 --- the First UP Roseville?? freight is SB.
# 4061: BNSF 7384 is EB toward CP Walker. # 4062: UP 8848 (coal empties) is EB to Utah - on the BNSF.
# 4063: While watching UP 8848, UP 8052 South (with the Second Roseville??) stopped just South of Hwy 138 for a crew change. # 4064-4065: From Sullivan's Curve, UP 7426 (UP coal loads West on the BNSF) passes UP 8848.
# 4066-4067: UP 8848 and its Mid-train DPU's head South to join UP 7426 in Colton.       GGG
GGG 4/14/14 UP 5369 SB Alray - 4059 GGG 4/14/14 from former Tunnel 2 area - 4060 GGG 4/14/14 BNSF 7384 EB at Hwy 138 - 4061
GGG 4/14/14 UP 8848 EB on BNSF track - 4062 GGG 4/14/14 UP 8052 SB at Hwy 138 - 4063 GGG 4/14/14 UP 7426 WB Sullivans Curve - 4064
GGG 4/14/14 UP WB below, UP SB above - 4065 GGG 4/14/14 UP 8052 SB on UPT - 4066 GGG 4/14/14 Mid-Tarin DPU's on UP SB - 4067
April 22: The Big Boy will be departing West Colton on the start of its 8 day journey to Cheyenne on Monday morning April 28th, 2014 at 08.00 h. Of course it will not be going alone so Union Pacific brought out a special hospital train to escort the Big Boy back to Cheyenne. Below are a few photographs of the hospital train making its way west towards West Colton. The first two were taken between Martinez Spur and Lugo on the eastern slope of Cajon Pass and the third from Stein's Hill.
# 4056: Union Pacific SD70Ms 4014 and 4884 will be the power for the Big Boy move starting on Monday. Both units were cleaned up nicely in Cheyenne, WY before departing with the 5 car special for Southern California. Emerging from behind a eastbound BNSF intermodal train the hospital train was running on the blocks of a heavy westbound up ahead.
# 4057: Close up of UP SD70M 4014, looking nice and clean being 14 years old.
# 4058: UP 4014 WB at Stein's Hill   -   all photos by Ryan Slaton
RS 4/22/14 UP 4014 & 4884 - 4056 RS 4/22/14 UP 4014 = EMD SD70M  - 4057 RS 4/22/14 UP Special at Stein's Hill - 4058
# 4099: BNSF 7575 EB MT-3 Hill 582.  # 4101: UP 4688 WB Ballast near Helendale. # 4104: All tracks busy at Hill 582 - 3 photos by GGG
GGG 4/29/14 BNSF 7575 EB MT-3 - 4099 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4688 WB Cajon Sub MP18 - 4101 GGG 7/18/14 UP 9725 SB Hill 582 - 4104


News April 28, 2014 - UP Big Boy Transfer over Cajon Pass
On 28 April, the Union Pacific RR moved the "Big Boy" from UP Colton over Cajon to UP Yermo. Railfans and the curious were EVERYWHERE with, at least, 1000 folks crowded into the small BNSF Yard in Victorville. Motive power was provided by UP SD70M's 4014 & 4884.
I asked several members of our Cajon Mafia to get images from different locations so that we could provide our world-wide members with full documentation of the move. There will be a total of 24 images.

Special Thanks to our photographers:

DET = Don Toles / BHJ = Doc Jones / KAS = Keith Schreiber / RS = Ryan Slaton / KHJ = Karl Joost
BF = Butch Fahnestock / GGG = Gary Gray

# 3314-3315:
GGG The "Hospital Train" leaves UP Colton. # 3316-3317: RS EB from above the Blue Cut area.
# 3318:
BHJ EB From Hill 582. # 3319-3320: DET EB From Hill 582. # 3321-3322: KAS From Pipeline Hill (approx MP 57).
# 3323:
GGG WSI - about to be Photobombed by a Westbound. # 3324: RS Cajon Summit.
# 3325-3326:
GGG Upper Mojave Narrows (approx MP 37- W. Frost).
# 3327:
BF Upper Mojave Narrows (approx MP 37- W. Frost). # 3328: GGG Pulling into Victorville -- note the crowd.
# 3329:
KHJ EB at MP 20 (Toles Towers). # 3330: GGG EB at MP 19. # 3331: GGG W. Barstow. # 3332: BHJ W. Barstow.
# 3333:
GGG EB at Daggett. # 3334: BHJ From EB on BNSF to NB on UP. # 3335-3336: GGG Heading into Yermo.
# 3337:
UPP 4014 on display in Yermo. Hope you have enjoyed the work of our photographers  -  GGG
GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 leaving Colton Yard - 3314 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 leaving Colton Yard - 3315 RS 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at Blue Cut Area - 3316
RS 4/28/14 UP 4014 above Blue Cut - 3317 BHJ 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB from Hill 582 - 3318 DET 4/28/14 UP 4014 w/crowded Hill 582 - 3319
DET 4/28/14 UP & US Flags are saluting - 3320 KAS 4/28/14 from Pipeline Hill MP 57 - 3321 KAS 4/28/14 from Pipeline Hill MP 57 - 3322
GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 at WSI/Silverwood - 3323 RS 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at Cajon Summit - 3324 GGG 4/28/14 Mojave Narrows MP 37 - 3325
GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 close up - 3326 BF 4/28/14 Mojave Narrows MP 37 - 3327 GGG 4/28/14 pulling into Victorville - 3328
KHJ 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at MP 20 - 3329 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at MP 19 - 3330 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at W. Barstow - 3331
BHJ 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at W. Baerstow - 3332 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 EB at Daggett - 3333 BHJ 4/28/14 from EB on BNSF to NB on UP - 3334
GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 heading into Yermo - 3335 GGG 4/28/14 UP 4014 heading into Yermo - 3336 BHJ 4/28/14 UP 4014 on display in Yermo - 3337
Did you see our UP 4014 Big Boy Transfer page?  -  click here


News June 1, by Ryan Slaton (Sullivans Curve and Blue Cut)

This past Sunday (June 1) I met up with friends and fellow TrainOrders members 'gjc' and 'syscom3' over in Cajon Pass. There were several trains out on Sunday and I am starting to go through my photos from a very enjoyable day out on Cajon's western slope.

RS 6/01/14 BNSF 7247 EB Sullivans - 4241 RS 6/01/14 BNSF 5527 on MT-2 - 4242 RS 6/01/14 UP 8615 above Blue Cut - 4243

# 4241: A four-pack of BNSF ES44DCs led by 7247 work a eastbound intermodal train up Cajon's western slope just above Sullivan's curve, meanwhile up on Union Pacific's Mojave Subdivision the 'Mojave Flyer' heads up the pass behind a pair of SD60Ms.
# 4242: Traffic was stead all day and we didn't find ourselves board for to long. A pair of westbound stack trains drift down Cajon's western slope with BNSF 5527-7891-7084 at left up on main 2 while another is at right down on main 3.
# 4243: Later in the afternoon we relocated to an area just above Keenbrook where we would spend the rest of our day. UP 8615-4906-5129 are easing their monster QRVWCB manifest down the pass up on the old SP Palmdale-Colton Union Pacific's Mojave Subdivision. Down on BNSF's Cajon Subdivision an eastbound double stack train is working through Blue Cut on its way up the Pass.


News July 10, Cushenbury Branch
On July 10,  UPS Flight Captain Bobby Deren and I were finishing our twice a month aviation / railfan / lunch / & BS Session (at Mollies) when BNSF 6903, BNSF 7398 and four hoppers stopped at BNSF Cajon Sub MP 45. The short train moved onto the Hesperia siding, the power ran around the hoppers and the train headed East on the BNSF Cushenbury Branch. The thirty mile long / 10 MPH Cushenbury Branch usually carries coal cars out to the cement plants North of Lucerne Valley. I am told that these hoppers carry the "trace minerals" that are added to the limestone to complete the product. And so, in the HIGH SUN and HIGHER HEAT of the Mojave Desert, we send:
# 4092-4093: BNSF 7398 crosses the MIGHTY MO-jave River on the 1956 BNSF trestle at BNSF Cushenbury Branch MP 4. # 4094-4096: Now in Apple Valley, # 7398 climbs out of the Mojave River Valley to cross Kiowa Rd at MP 7.
# 4097: Interesting stencil on the rails at MP 7.    GGG
GGG 7/10/14 BNSF 7398 x-ing Mojave River 4092 GGG 7/10/14 BNSF trestle at MP 4 - 4093 GGG 7/10/14 BNSF in Apple Valley - 4094
GGG 7/10/14 BNSF will pass Kiowa Rd - 4095 GGG 7/10/14 BNSF local at MP 7 - 4096 GGG 7/10/14 Stencil on Rails at MP 7 - 4097


Added September 18, Cajon from Bottom to Top by Rayn Slaton (9/13/14)
With a day off on Saturday and no other pressing matters to attend to I decided to spend the day along BNSF's Cajon Subdivision here in Southern California. Going into the day I was hoping BNSF's LNG SD70ACe test set would make an appearance. The LNG set was a no show on Cajon but BNSF and UP certainly didn't disappoint with the usual parade of traffic, even sneaking in a few unexpected surprises. Before hitting the road at 0530 Saturday morning I checked to see what I could expect early on. A tip from a friend indicated that C&NW 8701, one of two un-patched C&NW C44-9Ws, was trailing on the day's West Colton to North Platte manifest. Furthermore I noticed that Amtrak's Southwest Chief was running about 2.5 hours late which would allow for some pictures in the lower reaches of the pass.

# 4218: Just after 0700 as I was waiting at Blue Cut both Amtrak 3 and the MWCNP were closing in but at that hour the sun had yet to peak over the mountain top. I decided to head down to Verdemont to grab a sunny shot of the Chief then get back up the hill to intercept the MWCNP. With the Cargill grain elevator forming the background, Amtrak's Southwest Chief hurries through Verdemont soaking in the morning sunshine behind Amtrak motors 41 and 133.
# 4219: Getting back up the hill I beat the MWCNP up to Summit so I set up for a shot just east of Summit towards Martinez. There was a bit of a traffic jam around Summit so shortly after arriving a westbound BNSF stack train came up to a stop blocking the view. No matter, as I had plenty of time to relocate. I headed down towards Lugo but being unsatisfied with the first few angles I looked at I ended up heading into Hesperia where I settled for this view as the UP 7226 charges into town passed some industrial trackage with the MWCNP pushing on the drawbar.
# 4220: My primary goal for this train was to get a roster shot of the C&NW 8701, which still wears its original colors well.
RS 9/13/14 Amtrak SW Chief at Verdemont - 4218 RS 9/13/14 UP 7226 at Hesperia - 4219 RS 9/13/14 C&NW 8701 (same train) - 4220

# 4221: Just after the rear of the MWCNP cleared I spotted the headlights on a approaching westbound, which had BNSF GEs 7829-6636-7057-5509 roaring away on the point.
# 4222: After catching the 7829 in Hesperia I was headed back up towards Summit when I got a heads up that un-patched Cotton Belt GP60 9647 was trailing as the third motor on a northbound West Colton to Roseville manifest. By this time the congestion at Summit was clearing which allowed for a few shots of trains along the way. UP 5429 leads the Roseville bound tonnage up the western slope of Cajon Pass with UP 6471-SSW 9647-UP 7686 trailing in the consist. This location is just up above Blue Cut down on BNSF's Cajon Subdivision.
# 4223: A roster shot of SSW 9647. The grey paint has sure gone to hell but the red nose has held up well and no yellow frame stripe.

RS 9/13/14 BNSF 7829 WB At hesperia - 4221 RS 9/13/14 UP 5429 above Blue Cut UPT - 4222 RS 9/13/14 SSW 9647 (same train) - 4223

# 4224: Getting out ahead of the UP 5429 I set up for it again just below Silverwood. With the San Gabriel Mountains standing tall in the background the MWCRV battles gravity as it ascends Cajon Pass.
It was then time to stop for some gas and a quick lunch at Cajon Junction. After grabbing lunch I headed back for Sullivan's Curve and spent the next few hours hiking around in the area.
# 4225: After a couple westbounds I got my first eastbound, led by 2014 production C45AH 8164.
# 4226: A little while later BNSF 7862-7527 came along with yet another westbound stack train.

RS 9/13/14 UP 5429 just passed Hill 582 - 4224 RS 9/13/14 UP 8164 EB at Sullivans Curve - 4225 RS 9/13/14 BNSF 7862 WB on MT-2 - 4226

# 4227 (vertical): As the train slipped passed on its way down towards old Cajon I began to realize that the entire train was made up of JB Hunt 53' containers.
# 4228: Hiking up onto the Mormon rocks it wasn't long before two more westbounds, running back to back, came along. The second of the two was BNSF 7759 west seen easing down the Cajon grade on main 1.
# 4229 (vertical): Life then came to Union Pacific's Mojave Subdivision, which sits just above and a stones throw from the Cajon Sub. As the dynamic brakes whine UP 'We Will Deliver' SD60M 2446 eases the 'Mojave Flyer' down grade passed Canyon siding with a large block of potash from Trona up front.

# 4230: As I was thinking about changing locations I was persuaded to wait as BNSF 8237 east came into view down at old Cajon Station.
# 4231 (vertical): As the rear DPUs on BNSF 8237 east shove the rear of the train around Sullivan's Curve, BNSF 6700 west eases passed on its way west. Just to the left of the two trains in the photo can be seen the original alignment of Santa Fe's 1913 main. The curve through the cut is the original curve that owes its name to Herb Sullivan.

# 4232: After wrapping up at Sullivan's curve I headed back up towards Summit/Martinez where I came upon UP 5495 west with a heavy iron ore train. Struggling up the grade just below Martinez on Cajon's eastern slope the UP 5495 will soon have the summit of the grade at hand.

RS 9/13/14 BNSF 7759 WB on MT-1 - 4228 RS 9/13/14 BNSF 8237 EB on MT-1 - 4230 RS 9/13/14 UP 5495 at Matinez - 4232
RS 9/13/14 BNSF same train (see 4226) - 4227 RS 9/13/14 BNSF EB & WB (see 4230) - 4231 RS 9/13/14 UP 2446 SB on UPT - 4229


Added October 1: Silverwood and Blue Cut by Rayn Slaton (9/27/14 and 9/30/14)

# 4205: As the morning went on the sun continued to eat away at the clouds creating larger patches of sunshine, however as fast as they would appear they would often disappear within a few minutes. Traffic was a little sluggish Saturday morning but a few back to back eastbounds did come along. Of them I got the sun and clouds to cooperate long enough to get BNSF 4110 working through Silverwood with the summit of the Cajon grade nearly at hand.
# 4206: After finishing up with the Crestmore local I went back to Pepper to figure out what to do with the rest of the day. I met up again with Mike ('RSD5') and thanks to a heads up from two friends we knew that CSXT ES44AH 837 was the rear facing DPU on UP's eastbound ZCIG1. After catching the train down in Colton I followed it up Cajon Pass. I paused at Blue Cut but as I waited for the ZCIG1 I began thinking that some more elevation was in order, so I hiked up a near by hill side just in time to catch the UP 7778 and CSXT 837 shoving the eastbound train up the western slope of Cajon Pass.
# 4207: After a few more trains at Blue Cut I moved up to Silverwood where I found a few more trains before calling it a day. With a brace of 7700 series ES44DCs on the point led by BNSF 7717 this eastbound manifest has nearly completed its climb up Cajon and will soon be crossing the high desert towards Barstow.

RS 9/27/14 BNSF EB at Silverwood - 4205 RS 9/30/14 CSX 837 (UP) WB at Blue Cut - 4206 RS 9/30/14 BNSF 7717 EB at Silverwood - 4207


Added October 6: MP 49 (8/28/14) and MP 38 Frost (10/02/14)
Have not been out chasing trains in quite a while. The Mojave has been really HOT this summer and there have been no special train movements or projects. My UPS pilot friend, Bobby D, landed his A-300 at Ontario CA airport a couple of times here lately, drove up and we decided to brave the early morning coolness at MP 49 (between the Hesperia Airport & Lugo) and at MP 38 (Frost).

# 4107-4108: From MP 49 -- UP DPU EB passes BNSF 7629 WB.
# 4109-4114: BNSF trains EB & WB through MP 38 (Frost / Kemper Campbell Ranch).
# 4115: provided a bit of excitement -- Two HEAVY BNSF trains, moving at "track speed" met directly in front of us at the Frost road crossing. It was like being in a 4.0 QUAKE in the middle of a VERY LOUD single note ROCK CONCERT.

BTW, the construction equipment at the East end of the KC Ranch, has to do with a tri-city sewer project and is not a BNSF project.   GGG
GGG 8/28/14 UP EB & BNSF WB MP49 - 4107 GGG 8/28/14 BNSF 7629 WB MP39 - 4108 GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 4997 WB MP38 - 4109
GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 6581 EB at Frost - 4110 GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 5323 WB - 4111 GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 7018 EB - 4112
GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 7849 WB - 4113 GGG 10/02/14 BNSF 8276 WB - 4114 GGG 10/02/14 BNSF Meet at Frost - 4115
Added November 3: MP 38 Frost (10/28/14)
Bobby D. aka 'Milepost 180' and I visited Frost / KCRanch @ BNSF Cajon Sub MP 38 last Tuesday. It was a very busy train day with 15 trains in 3 hours and loads of new power. Here are the first six.
# 4116: BNSF 6874 WB Frost. # 4117-4118: BNSF 8172 & DPU EB --- note the greeting from the crew.
# 4119: UP 8164 WB Frost. # 4120: BNSF 7464 WB Frost. # 4121:
BNSF 6686 EB Frost.   GGG
GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 6874 WB Frost - 4116 GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 8172 EB at MP 38 - 4117 GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 7055 DPU's - 4118
GGG 10/28/14 UP 8164 WB Frost - 4119 GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 7464 WB - 4120 GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 6686 EB - 4121
To finish our Tuesday morning at Frost, we spotted BNSF 7729 West leading a "strange" lash-up into Frost.
We had heard that BNSF was testing both the GE and EMD Liquefied Natural Gas units in CA. BNSF 7729 pulled to Frost and stopped -- giving
us an opportunity to photograph the consist.

# 4122-4124: BNSF 7729, (ES44DC
NON-TEST unit), BNSF 9130, (SD70ACe LNG test unit), BNSF 933501 (methane gas test LNG tender), BNSF 9131, (SD70ACe LNG test unit). BNSF #82 (Kootenai River Test & Research car).
# 4125: The plumbing & electrical connections between the first test ACe and the tender & Research cars.
# 4126: The test crew
to close one tender valve and open another.
# 4127-4128: The 1912 (102 years old) BNSF #82 Test & Research car.
# 4129: Note the computer connections between the test units and the Research and Test car.
# 4130: From Ranch property, the train moves Westward.   BD & GGG
BD 10/28/14 BNSF 7729 ES44DC WB - 4122 GGG 10/28/14 BNSF 9130 SD70ACe - 4123 GGG 10/28/14 Test LNG Tender - 4124
BD 10/28/14 Between Tender and Loco - 4125 BD 10/28/14 Test Crew - 4126 BD 10/28/14 BNSF Research & Test Car - 4127
BD 10/28/14 Test Car (102 years old) - 4128 BD 10/28/14 Computer connection - 4129 BD 10/28/14 Heading WB for Cajon Pass - 4130


Added November 27: Lugo MP 50.1 and Hill 582 (10/30/14)
A while back (October 30), Marc, Bobby & I decided to explore the Lugo area of the BNSF Cajon Sub around MP 50. BNSF Lugo is a very curvy length of track roughly paralleling Summit Valley Rd between West Hesperia and Martinez. Notice that all of the trains are "leaning" into the 'super elevated' trackage.

# 4151: On the way to Marc's home, Bobby spotted UP 8556 East at Hesperia Rd and Santa Fe Ave West (near Da Dump).

From the Lugo area at MP 50.1: # 4152-4154: BNSF 5260 is WB. # 4155: BNSF 6969 is WB.
# 4156-4157: Two views on BNSF 7173 East. # 4158: BNSF 8009 East.

From Hill 582: # 4159: BNSF 8082 is EB.   -    GGG, BD & MF
BD 10/30/14 UP 8556 WB at Hesperia - 4151 BD 10/30/14 BNSF 5260 WB at Lugo - 4152 GGG 10/30/14 BNSF 5260 WB at MP 50.1 - 4153
BD 10/30/14 BNSF WB w/Marc & Gary - 4154 GGG 10/30/14 BNSF 6969 WB - 4155 GGG 10/30/14 BNSF 7173 EB - 4156
GGG 10/30/14 BNSF 7173 EB - 4157 GGG 10/30/14 BNSF 8009 EB - 4158 GGG 10/31/14 BNSf 8082 EB Hill 582 - 4159


Added November 10: UP Hiland and Hill 582 (10/31/14)
Back on 31 Oct, Marc and I used the UP / USFS road to travel between Oak Hills and Hill 582.
# 4131: Approaching Cajon Summit, we found UP 8806 SB (to West Colton) waiting in the UP / SP Hiland siding.
# 4132-4133: After a short wait, UP 4496 NB (to Mojave & beyond) crested Cajon Summit.
# 4134-4135: Greetings 'All Around' and the required 'Roll BY'
# 4136: As we drove over the Summit, this view of the San Gabriel Mountains welcomed us to a cool (for here), windy and cloudy day. # 4137: UP 8562 EB @ Hill 582. # 4138-4139: Two views of BNSF 7763 EB @ Hill 582.    GGG
GGG 10/31/14 UP 8806 SB at Hiland siding - 4131 GGG 10/31/14 UP 4496 NB entering Hiland - 4132 GGG 10/31/14 UP 4496 pass siding switch - 4133
GGG 10/31/14 UP NB is passing SB train - 4134 GGG 10/31/14 SB is ready to roll - 4135 GGG 10/31/14 Mt. Baldy from Hill 582 - 4136
GGG 10/31/14 UP 8562 EB on BNSF MT-1 - 4137 GGG 10/31/14 BNSF 7763 EB on MT-2 - 4138 GGG 10/31/14 EB pass Hill 582 - 4139


Added November 24: Cajon Station / Summit / Hill 582 (11/22/14)
Some more fantastic photography from Ryan Slaton  -  thanks Ryan  (GGG)

Yesterday (11/22/14) I made my way over to Cajon Pass. Originally the weather was forecasted to be clear but cloudy conditions awaited me early on in Cajon. The clouds would eventually give way to full sunshine around 0930 allowing for a nice afternoon in the Pass. Trains were the order of the day and there were some 25 trains between 0700-1100! With the weather being some what crappy early on I decided to do some exploring. As many of you who have been to Cajon Pass know the Cleghorn Rd. exit off I15 dumps you off onto Route 66 that follows the tracks from old Cajon down to Keenbrook. On the east side of the Interstate Cleghorn Rd. also enters BLM land with several off road and dirt trails in the mountain. Looking at Google maps I found a BLM road that switch backed up the mountain that eventually led up to Cajon Summit. I explored this area Saturday morning and after getting a few trains l ended up hiking the BLM road all the way to Summit. The switch back road eventually got you very close to the top of the mountain which was a cool view. With the exception of CP Walker and Alray you could just about see the entire railroad between Bluecut and Silverwood. To high up for shots (wow did I say that?) but it was neat to watch the action from up there.

# 4147: As I mentioned trains were everywhere Saturday morning, there was hardly a time early on when you only had one train in view at once. Following another dirt path off the BLM road I got up to this vantage point looking down at old Cajon where 3 trains can be seen in this shot. In the foreground UP 8844-6153-4794 hold back the KG1LA as it drops down into Cajon on main 3. A eastbound BNSF stack train is up on main 1 while UP's QRVWC is in Canyon siding up on the former SP tracks. This time of year the sun is to far to the south for good light on this wide angle shot, so perhaps it was best it was cloudy. Come April/May the sun will be in position for this shot.

# 4148: I believe the BLM road eventually gets back down to the 138 east of Summit but I didn't make it that far, getting off the BLM road I hiked up onto a hill overlooking the big curve west of Summit just in time for a pair of eastbounds. The consist of the day belonged to UP's ZCIG1 which is seen working up main 3 into Cajon Summit with 2014 built C45AH 8152 leading CSXT GEs 3110 and 206. CSXT 3110 is wearing the roads current scheme with the 'box car' logo, I think it looks sharp. There is something very natural about a blue unit with yellow bookends and yellow letters on Cajon.... ;-)

# 4149: I finished my afternoon doing some hiking between Silverwood and Alray along mains 1 & 2. Drifting down grade BNSF ES44C4s 8105 and 7198 hold back their stack train with another pair of GEs adding to the dynamic braking effort on the rear. Just to the right of the signal bridge is the well known Hill 582.
RS 11/22/14 Cajon Station (Sullivans) - 4147 RS 11/22/14 Summit (Silverwood) - 4148 RS 11/22/14 Before Alray w/Hill 582 - 4149


Added December 21: BNSF Christmas Train at Sullivan's Curve (12/15/14)
The annual BNSF Christmas Train made its way uphill thru Sullivan's Curve in the morning of December 15. It was actually a big surprise to the Swiss Photographer, Georg Trüb, while he was visitting Cajon Pass on his 3 weeks trip, as he did not know anything about it. Lucky, he was at the right time at the right place.
This 11 car consist was having two GE ES44C4's up front. Copyright by Georg Trüb (Switzerland)
GT 12/15/14 BNSF EB Christmas Train with GE ES44C4 # 8169 and 8179 at Sullivan's Curve on BNSF MT-1 - click here
We are having a new page with 53 photos (Cajon & Barstow) taken by Georg Trüb - click here


Added January 5, 2015: BNSF EB passing Hill 582 & Silverwood by Ryan Slaton (12/31/14)
# 4160: Last night a light dusting of snow coated Southern California's Cajon Pass, a welcome sight for a desert dweller.
Just after sunrise this BNSF 6500 leads the eastbound Z LACWSP8-31 up main 1 passing 'Hill 582' on the western slope of Cajon Pass. Nice way to cap off 2014.
# 4164: Amidst a light coat of fresh snow BNSF 5445 has Cajon Summit within view as the eastbound Z SBDALT7-31 labors through Silverwood on the final day of 2014. The UP Mojave Subdivision-BNSF Cajon Subdivision connector at Silverwood can be seen at right. More photos of Ryan Slaton - click here

RS 12/31/14 BNSF EB passing Hill 582 - 4160 RS 12/31/14 BNSF EB passing Silverwood - 4164
Don, Marc, Gary and Ryan wishing us the very best for 2015.
A big thank you is going to our photographers and friends, who are sharing their fantastic photos on our site.
We are already looking forward to get great pictures during the year 2015 - Happy Railfanning - Werner


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 future Cajon 18 future
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass
(updated: January 5, 2015) just scroll down

added: November 17, 2014 - SCLA, Yermo and Daggett
Last week (11/06/14 and 11/10/14), I had several appointments around the area and so, I was mostly 'on my own'. NATURALLY, I "gyrated" toward anything related to planes or trains. I hope you enjoy this presentation - as much as I enjoyed photographing it.

At "SCLA" Southern California Logistics Airport (former George AFB). # 4140: Recent British Airways recycling arrivals - Boeing 767, 747, 737. This small facility was the former USAF Air Defense Alert "Barn/hangar" and housed, at different times, FULLY ARMED F-102's, F-106's and lastly F-16's.
# 4141: General Electric Jet Engine Test aircraft N747GE (B474-100) powering up for a flight. This aircraft is truly historic in that it was the #25 B-747 ever built, is 45+ years old and has 88,000+ flight hours on its airframe. If interested, the aircraft history (as of
2009) is here:
The above B 747-100 has been joined by a recently retired JAL B 747-400 in the numerous GE Jet Engine test programs at SCLA.
# 4142: DoD / USA EMD GP10 @ USMCLB Daggett / Yermo. # 4143: BNSF 7377 WB into Daggett. # 4144: BNSF 6518 with UP 9408 (C41-8W repaint) WB into Barstow. # 4145: Light engine move led by UP 8582 is EB @ W Daggett. This lashup rolled through Daggett and moved onto the NB UP track to UP YERMO. NOTE the FRED on the coupler of UP 8582. I have no idea of the purpose of this movement !!   GGG

GGG 11/06/14 BA Boeing Jets - 4140 GGG 11/06/14 GE Test N747 - 4141 GGG 11/06/14 US Army GP10 at Yermo - 4142
GGG 11/06/14 BNSF 7377 WB Daggett - 4143 GGG 11/06/14 BNSF 6518 WB to Barstow - 4144 GGG 11/06/14 UP 8582 EB Daggett - 4145


June 21, 2014 - Tehachapi Pass
Ryan Slaton sent these great images from the HIGH GROUND above the Tehachapi Pass area.
It has been a couple weeks now since I have done a weekly photo email, so here is the 1st day of Summer report for this weeks photo set.
With yesterday being the first day of Summer I decided I would head up to Tehachapi. My original game plan was to hike up onto a hill above the east end of the Caliente creek narrows, one that I had hiked up last year, to retry a shot of a EB working out of the narrows. However as I was coming up on the Keene exit I began to think of another hike I have wanted to try for awhile, one that would benefit from the sun being as far to the north as its going to get. So I made a last minute change in plans and headed for Rowen. From Rowen I headed towards Rowen 'butte' located north of the Mojave Subdivision and started up to the top. I will have to say this was probably the toughest hike I have ever done on Tehachapi. The total distance traveled was not the issue but rather the fact that it seemed I was do some 'vertical' hiking as I got close to the top. But make it to the top I did....and the view was well worth the price of admission! From the top you could see portions of Marcel and Walong, all of Woodford, Rowen, and down to Cliff. A portion of Caliente was also viewable and yes, you could also see Bakersfield over the mountain top. It turned into a fairly busy morning and there was hardly a time that I didn't have at least one train in my view.
Thanks for looking,  ~Ryan
RS 6/21/14 Rowen - 4068 RS 6/21/14 Keene - 4069 RS 6/21/14 Keene - 4070
#4068: I wasn't quite to the top when I noticed a UP eastbound working up the mountain at Cliff. So I took a much needed pause to grab a shot of Gatorade and get the camera out. Stretched out between switches at Rowen UP 8104 is the lead motor on the eastbound MFRWC-20.
#4069: After the MFRWC cleared the west end of Woodford the dispatcher lined BNSF 7103 west, a loaded grain train running 4x3x2, out of the siding and down the mountain. Its head end has just rolled off the Woodford horseshoe curve while its train is strung around the horseshoe and still rolling out from under the CA58 overpass.
#4070: A brief lull came over the portion of the mountain I could see but that soon changed as a UP cement train came into view at Marcel...with a BNSF eastbound coming into view down at Cliff. BNSF 7772 east held the siding at Rowen for the westbound UP cement train and was then lined out of Rowen. As BNSF 7772 works up the bottom leg of the Woodford horseshoe in the foreground BNSF's STOBAR manifest can be seen drifting down grade on the siding at Woodford.
RS 6/21/14 Cliff - 4071 RS 6/21/14 Rowen - 4072 RS 6/22/14 Warren - 4073
#4071: After the 7772 cleared Woodford the STOBAR behind BNSF 8058 was lined down to Rowen where it would meet the next eastbound. Soon that eastbound appeared in the form of BNSF 8234. The head end of 8234 has just emerged from the rock cut east of Tunnel 8 with its train of stacks/mech. reefers/trailers/auto racks strung out through Tunnels 8 and 7 with the rear end just above Cliff siding. Just above the rear of the train and down in the valley below sits Caliente.

#4072: What was once BNSF's Z FRSCHI (now I believe its the Q RICWSP) led my clean C4 8234 prepares to meet the STOBAR with equally clean C4 8058 on the point at the west end of Rowen. The 8234's train still up on the Cliff side between Tunnels 8 and 7. Above the mountain side in the upper left corner sits Bakersfield.....way, way down below.

                   #4073: This morning I made another brief Tehachapi trip, this time however I stayed much closer to sea level ;-) After spending the morning sitting at the Loop overlook I decided to follow the BNSF 5215 east back home, which had a CN cowl unit trailing in the consist. This was my first time up on the 'morning' hill at Warren since the large wind turbines were put in. After a short wait BNSF 5215-4953-8022-CN 5543-BNSF 7086 came along which brought the weekends railfanning adventures to an end. Not exactly sure what the CN 5543 is, a SD50F or SD60F (???), will have to look it up. What ever it is, it has been a long time since I have seen one down here!

 updated July 6, 2014 (below)

July 2, 2014 - Tehachapi Pass
More GREAT photographic stuff from Ryan Slaton.
The Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Blue Unit Circus train on the Tehachapi
RS 7/02/14 UP 5117 w/Circus Train at MP 386 (Mojave Sub) - 4080
RS 7/02/14 UP 5117 w/Circus Train at Caliente - 4081 RS 7/02/14 UP 5117 w/Circus Train at Cable - 4082
Over the last 2-3 years I have not made much of an effort to go out and photograph the passage of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus train here in Southern California, usually only getting trackside to catch it en route to Los Angeles from Fresno when it passes through the AV in the afternoon. It is an interesting train to see to be sure but normally it seems that our schedules aren't coordinated to allow for me to catch it a few times up on Tehachapi. Well yesterday afternoon that changed, just after getting out of work I checked and found the train was just departing Phelan, CA to make the High Desert dash over to Palmdale en route to Fresno, CA from Phoenix, AZ. After getting a few things done at home I grabbed my camera and headed out the door at 1400. I caught up with the RBBX-BU at Oban where it was holding the main to meet a eastbound Roseville-West Colton manifest. I got out ahead of him and set up on a hill side between Ansel and Fleta, roughly MP 385, where I would wait for the train. It was a lovely 104 degrees in the High Desert yesterday but thankfully there was a nice breeze blowing to keep things from getting to warm. After getting the Circus south of Mojave I followed it up and over the mountain down to Caliente, where I ended the day. It was nice to finally photograph the train in some nice afternoon light all the way over Tehachapi.

I believe they were a 'little' behind schedule because after Oban they had a green light just damn near all the way over the mountain. Even made a nicely executed rolling meet with a BNSF Q train at Bealville, neither had to stop and everyone just kept rolling along nicely :-)
Also, I am trying something a little different. I know that the 1020x680 resized image isn't the best for really getting in to see details for those of you who care to do so. The two circus train shots are sized down to 1800x1200 so they are still cut down by more than half but gives the option of seeing the shots a little better. Just click on the photo # above.
#4080: Amid the vast High Desert UP 5117 works the westbound Circus away from Ansel and towards Fleta, passing MP 386 on the Mojave Sub. #4081: Caliente, which was living up to its name, would be my final destination of the day. I hiked up onto a hill side overlooking the entrance to the Caliente Creek Narrows and took cover under a near by tree until the Circus train came along. With its train strung out along the Mojave Sub back into 'downtown' Caliente UP 5117-7963-5188 lead their train into the narrows. #4082: Nice view at Cable as the Circus Train just left the Town of Tehachapi (above is Hwy 58)  -   Thanks for looking,  ~Ryan


Added January 5, 2015: Tehachapi: Ilmon & Warren (12/27 & 12/26, 2014)
# 4162: Running up above the northern bank of Caliente Creek a eastbound BNSF Z rumbles through Ilmon and towards the twisting confines of the Caliente Narrows. Prior to the 1983 flood Ilmon was the location of a passing siding, the east end of which was once located just up from the head end of the Z. Just to the right of the train's lead motor (BNSF 4931) the old siding right of way diverged from the mainline to briefly hug the hillside before returning to run side by side with the mainline down towards the west end, where the siding again briefly diverged to run up along the hill side north of the tracks. This alignment survived the 1983 flood and was for a time a portion of the double tracked alignment but was eventually straightened to the alignment we see today. Although all 4 motors are GEs they are all 4 different models; BNSF C44-9W 4931, UP C41-8W 9359, UP C40-8 9320, and BNSF ES44DC 7362.

# 4163: On a cool and overcast December 28th, 2014 BNSF's eastbound S OIGLPC3-26 eases down the eastern slope of the Tehachapi grade behind motors CREX 1431-BNSF 7295-BNSF 8202.
RS 12/27/14 BNSF 4931 above Caliente Creek at Ilmon - 4162 RS 12/28/14 BNSF EB w/CREX 1431 leading at Warren - 4163


Added January 5, 2015: San Vernando Valley (12/26, 2014)
# 4161: Under a spider-web of freeway ramps at the California 14 Freeway and Interstate 5 junction Union Pacific's westbound Saugus local prepares to leave the San Fernando Valley behind and works its way towards the 6740' Tunnel 25 under Newhall Pass. This was once Southern Pacific's Saugus Line between Palmdale and Los Angeles, today the line belongs to Metrolink as their Valley Subdivision.
RS 12/26/14 UP WB Saugus Local below Freeway bridges at San Fernando Valley - 4161


Carrizo Gorge - Goat Canyon Trestle
On Sunday, March 2, 2014, 14 members from our "Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association" took two gang cars from Campo to Dos Cabezas and back to Jacumba. It was a lot of fun. Attached are a few photos from our adventure.  Dave Tomeraasen


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)