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updated:  October 30: (7083 - 7088)

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 12/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF),
Bruce "Doc" Jones (BJ)

Guest Photographers: to be announced
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

September 14, 2017: As per the latest information of the Lytle Creek Ranger Station, we were told that the
Cajon Pass fire closure has been lifted - good news indeed. (Don E. Toles)


Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (just scroll down)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound,
= BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track
= Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout
Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)..

Marc Fournier contributed the first photos for our 2017 album.
Last week, all of CA was hit by three powerful storms. NorCal received many feet of snow while SoCal mainly had a heavy rain event. The day after the final storm headed East (1/23/17), Marc decided to explore Cajon. The UP/SP Palmdale Cutoff & the road following it were both closed as was Hwy 138, due to large boulders and mud flows. The only way open into Cajon was USFS 3N45, the steep dirt (MUD) road from the Summit Inn. After working his way around three vehicles mired in mud up to their axles, he made it to Hill 582 & WSI. Obviously, he did not spend any great amount of time in the Canyon, since he still had to get out of there. His escape was made via the steep ups & downs of the maintence roads for the HIGH TENSION ELECTRICAL towers.
On 24 Jan, Marc picked me up & we drove around, finally stopping near Oro Grande.  (MF/GGG)
MF 01/23/17 Hill 582 - 7001 MF 01/23/17 East from Hill 582 - 7002 MF 01/23/17 BNSF 7719 WB - 7003
MF 01/23/17 WSI BNSF 5275 WB - 7004 MF 01/23/17 WSI same train - 7005 GGG 01/24/17 UP 9037 DPU EB Oro Grande 7006
MF 01/24/17 BNSF 3918 WB Oro Grande - 7007 GGG 01/24/17 close up BNSF 3918 WB - 7008 GGG 01/24/17 USAF C-17 - 7009
# 7009 USAF C-17 from March AFB shooting (practice) landings at SCLA (former George AFB) --- yeah, it was as low as pictured. (GGG)


1/30/17: Marc, Gary and friends spent a day at WSI (West Summit Island)
Marc called and off we went to West Summit Island to meet with Bob W., his son & nephew. It was a beautiful day with friends & a load of trains -- all using the BNSF #2 track. Our first train was interesting -- ONE TRAIN - THREE RAILROADS with FERROMEX 4653 as #4) and with CSX 3435 as the rear DPU.   GGG/MF
GGG 01/30/17 UP 7986 EB - 7010 GGG 01/30/17 Ferromex 4653 - 7011 GGG 01/30/17 CSX 3435 DPU same train - 7012
GGG 01/30/17 BNSF 6563 EB - 7013 GGG 01/30/17 BNSF 4117 DPU same train - 7014 GGG 01/30/17 UP 8644 WB manifest - 7015
GGG 01/30/17 same UP WB w/CSX - 7016 MF 01/30/17 UP WB (below is MT-3) - 7017 GGG 01/30/17 UP 8731 WB intermodal - 7018
GGG 01/30/17 same UP WB - 7019 GGG 01/30/17 UP 5468 DPU same train - 7020 MF 01/30/17 BNSF 7617 WB - 7021


3/09/17: Marc and Gary went to Gray's Hill
Marc & I drove up to Gray's Hill today --- no sign of road construction yet. However, we were surprised by the appearance of the BNSF Business Train which has been roaming the SW lately. So, from the Flyover at BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1, BNSF 4293 is EB to Barstow.   GGG/MF
GGG 03/09/17 BNSF 4293 EB at MP 39.1 - 7043 GGG 03/09/17 BNSF Business Train - 7044 GGG 03/09/17 On the way to Barstow - 7045


3/17/17: A visit to Frost MP 38 (Mojave Narrows)
Friend Harold R. was camped at Mojave Narrows Regional Park adjacent to BNSF Cajon Sub MP 38 (FROST). It was a great Mojave Desert spring day with plenty of trains. The ONLY complaint we could muster was that all our trains were BNSF --- hardly worth mentioning !!!

# 7046-7048: BNSF MONSTER TRAIN --- BNSF 6265 (with Mid train & trailing DPU's) is WB.
# 7051-7052: BNSF 8011 is EB through the Frost Forest on the Kemper Campbell Ranch. Our spring rains (all 7 inches), have really added color to our desert scenery.  GGG
GGG 03/17/17 BNSF 6265 WB - 7046 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF Mid Train DPU's - 7047 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF Rear End DPU - 7048
GGG 03/17/17 BNSF 7719 WB - 7049 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF DPU's on same train - 7050 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF 8011 EB near KCR - 7051
GGG 03/17/17 Sam train to the Narrows - 7052 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF 6685 WB - 7053 GGG 03/17/17 BNSF 7763 WB - 7054


3/22/17 and 3/24/17: Cajon Summit with big changes for Highway 138
While photographing the realignment of SR 138, we have been treated to numerous rollby's from both the UP & BNSF.
We are having an interesting site about the
Highway 138 (East) Realignment Project - click here
MF 3/22/17 UP 2594 SB at UP Hiland siding (Cajon Summit) - 052 MF 3/22/17 UP 5465 DPU's SB at UP Hiland siding (same train) - 053 MF 3/22/17 Project Overview of Summit Overlook Hill - 054
MF 3/22/17 BNSF 8026 East approaches Summit - 055 MF 3/22/17 BNSF 7844 West passes the first (of two) UP EB military trains near WSI - 056 MF 3/22/17 BNSF 7829 is EB at Summit curve - 057
#058-065: UP 6577 with CSX is EB with a second military train. The train, probably headed to Yermo / Ft Irwin, carries equipment of the 3rd Infantry Division including M109A6 155mm Self Propelled Howitzers, M992A3 ammunition support vehicles and various other support vehicles.
Thanks to US Army Colonel (ret) Chuck Donaldson for his help in ID'ing the military equipment.
MF 3/22/17 UP 6577 EB - 058 MF 3/22/17 - 059 MF 3/22/17 - 060
MF 3/22/17 - 061 MF 3/22/17 - 062 MF 3/22/17 - 063
MF 3/22/17 Between tracks and old Hwy 138 will be new roadbed for Hwy 138 - 064 MF 3/22/17 Last photo of second military train going uphill at Summit Curve - 065 MF 3/24/17 With the UP Cajon Summit tracks in the foreground, a view of Summit Hill as of 03-24-17 - 075
GGG 3/24/17 UP 7667 is SB at UP Cajon Summit (Hiland) - 066 GGG 3/24/17 UP 7273 DPU SB at UP Cajon Summit (same train) - 067 GGG 3/24/17 BNSF / UP power mix is WB on the BNSF just RR West of Summit - 068
GGG 3/24/17 From above the UP Cajon Summit, UP 7643 is NB to Palmdale - 069 GGG 3/24/17 From above the UP Cajon Summit UP 8684 SD70ACe DPU NB on same train - 070 MF 3/24/17 BNSF 7620 is EB on BNSF MT-3 @ USFS 3N45 near WSI - 071
MF 3/24/17 - 072 MF 3/24/17 - 073 MF 3/24/17 - 074

 updated: April 17, 2017

April 10, 2017:  Hill 582 by Robert Starbuck

Robert Starbuck, a member of this Cajon Mafia Photographic Group sends these photos:
BTW: After the Blue Cut Fire the vegetation is coming back !

ROS 4/10/17 Son Jim on the Hill - 7055 ROS 4/10/17 Wild flowers on Hill 582 - 7056 ROS 4/10/17 Wild flowers on Hill 582 - 7057
ROS 4/10/17 Panorama looking East toward Summit with MT-3 in the foreground - 7058

updated: May 15, 2017

May 12, 2017:  "Gray's Hill" at MP 39.1 - Frost Flyover

Last Friday (5/12/17), after lunch with DET, Marc, & Karl J (Chicago), we adjourned to 'Gray's Hill' for a bit of train chasing. Train traffic was heavy but after 90 minutes, we split up with Karl & Don headed toward the K-C Ranch. I waited on the Hill to make sure their crossing of the very sandy stream bed, just under the Hill, was accomplished without getting stuck.

#7068-7069: While I was waiting for the wadi crossing, BNSF 3889 took the flyover pulling the ethanol "BOMB" WB.
#7070: DET's brand new GMC Cajon Rover --- just a few seconds before encountering an array of purposely implanted railroad spikes --- which cost a bunch of labor and a new tire.

Such is railfanning in Kalifornia   GGG
GGG 5/12/17 BNSF 3889 WB on Flyover - 7068 GGG 5/12/17 Ethanol "Bomb" Train - 7069 GGG 5/12/17 GMC Cajon Rover of DET - 7070

updated: May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017: Great Video of Cajon Pass w/drone shootings
5/26/17 - Cajon Pass: Gateway to the L.A. Basin by csx6900 incl. great drone pics (29'56"):

updated: June 28, 2017

June 28-29, 2017: West Summit Island and Hill 582
As most know, Bob Widholm (San Diego) often drives his motor home up here - to spend a long weekend on West Summit Island. Paul Westover (CA City - North of Edwards AFB) visited Bob and, while in the area, took the following images:.

#134: BNSF 3816 leads a very late AMT #3 West, past West Summit Island.

#135: After joining DET on Hill 582, the trio found Robby the Rattler #XX. Realizing the these VARMINTS are protected by the State of California, they PROPERLY cared for & removed the creature from the Hill.   PW / GGG
PW 6/28/17 Delayed AMT #3 WB past WSI - 134 PW 6/28/17 Robby the Rattler on Hill 582 - 135
PW 6/29/17 UP 1996 is WB @ WSI - 137 PW 6/29/17 AmTrak #3 WB @ WSI on MT-3 - 138
PW 6/29/17 BNSF 8175 EB and above UP NB on UPT - 140 PW 6/29/17 BNSF LIGHT POWER move WB MT-3 @ WSI - 141
PW 6/29/17 Late afternoon UP 9027 EB on MT-1 @ WSI - 145 PW 6/29/17 BNSF 8035 WB @ WSI on MT-2 - 139

updated: July 18, 2017

July 16, 2017: Hill 582 and UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff (UPT)

Sunday (07-16-17) was HOT, HUMID (for here), and SMOKEY (from all of the CA fires). However Marc & I braved ??? the Cajon weather to collect the attached.

DET & his helpers are doing a SUPER job of tending Hill 582 during our severe long-term heat wave --- The Hill NEVER LOOKED BETTER.

GGG 7/16/17 UP 4712 is WB past the Hill - 7071 GGG 7/16/17 A 7 hour late AMT #3 - 7072 GGG 7/16/17 is WB on MT-3 - 7073
FROM THE UP/SP Colton - Palmdale CUTOFF (also called UPT)
GGG 7/16/17 UP 7994 is SB near HiLand (Cajon Summit) - 7074 GGG 7/16/17 UP 7449 is NB approaching Ranchero Rd in Oak Hills - 7075 GGG 7/16/17 UP 7449 is NB approaching Ranchero Rd in Oak Hills - 7076


September 14, 2017: As per the latest information of the Lytle Creek Ranger Station, we were told that the
Cajon Pass fire closure has been lifted - good news indeed. (Don E. Toles)

updated: October 3, 2017

September 30, 2017: Summit and Hill 582

# 168: Summit Hill: We hope the area in the middle of this image (where the dirt has been disturbed) will be the new highway alignment and that the old Observation Point will remain untouched. A few trains in poor light: GGG

# 171-173: UP 8080 is WB on MT #3. Just behind the power is the newest design of ArroWedge.

GGG 9/30/17 Summit Hill - 168 GGG 9/30/17 BNSF 4661 is WB at Hill 582 - 169 GGG 9/30/17 BNSF DPU is WB at Hill 582 - 170
GGG 9/30/17 UP 8080 is WB on MT #3 - 171 GGG 9/30/17 ArroWedge Container - 172 GGG 9/30/17 newest design of ArroWedge - 173

updated: October 26, 2017

October 18, 2017: Summit and Hill 582 (Hesperia)

Doc Jones, Marc & I (GGG) had a grand week with our visitors --- John & Roz Parker from AUS & 'SPIKE' from Omaha, NE.  After the Hill 582 visit, the group went to Hesperia to have lunch at "Da Dump" (Molly Brown's Country Cafe).  BHJ

BHJ 10/18/17 BNSF 8215 EB at Cajon Summit
BHJ 10/18/17 A light engine move WB, with 8 units coming down on MT-3 - 7078 BHJ 10/18/17 BNSF 747 (Warbonnet) was built in 1997 --- is WB - 7079
BHJ 10/18/17 the group from left: GGG, J. Parker, Spike, Marc, Roz Parker - 7080 BHJ 10/18/17 at the same time, a BNSF WB is passing the restaurant - 7081 BHJ 10/18/17 John Parker is shooting the rear end DPU - 7082

updated: October 30, 2017

October 22/23, 2017: UP Hiland, WSI, Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Frost

Last week, while touring our great Aussie friends around the BNSF Cajon Sub and taking numerous "people pictures", we did see many trains. So, for those who have not already seen, here are a few of the RR traffic.   GGG

GGG 10/22/17 UP 8156 is NB at UP Hiland (near Cajon Summit) on the W Colton / Palmdale cutoff. - 7083 GGG 10/22/17 BNSF 7958 is EB at West Summit Island - 7084 GGG 10/22/17 BNSF 3798 is WB at Hill 582
- 7085
GGG 10/22/17 BNSF 4209 is WB on Sullivan's Curve - 7086 GGG 10/23/17 BNSF 5856 is EB at Hill 582
- 7087
GGG 10/23/17 BNSF 7768 is WB at Frost (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 38) - 7088


Bonus Photos (non Cajon Pass)
new July 30, 2017: Pacific North West by Marc Fournier (scroll all the way down)


Marc Fournier visited Tehachapi Loop on January 2, 2017
In early January, Marc visited the Tehachapi Loop and was invited onto Loop Ranch Property.

# 7501 Monument Hill in middle of the loop.
# 7502 - # 7506 From Monument Hill BNSF 6988 leads "THE GRAIN" or "THE WORM" Train NB through Tunnel 10 and onto THE LOOP. This very long & heavy train had nine diesel units in 4 X 3 X 2 configuration.
# 7507 & # 7508 BNSF 6587 is NB with the NS 1071 (Jersey Central RR) heritage unit.    MF
MF 01/02/17 Loop Memorial Cross - 7501 MF 01/02/17 BNSF 6988 NB w/T-10 - 7502 MF 01/02/17 Loop Ranch - 7503
MF 01/02/17 same train w/DPU's - 7504 MF 01/02/17 we are inside the Loop - 7505 MF 01/02/17 mid train DPU's - 7506
MF 01/02/17 BNSF 6587 NB - 7507 MF 01/02/17 NS Heritage Unit - 7508 MF 01/02/17 BNSf 4316 SB Caliente - 7509


Bruce "Doc" Jones and Spike visited Daggett on February 2, 2017
Spike and I took a trip out to Daggett for a great (and much-needed for me) train fix. It's a great place to watch trains. It's where the UP Salt Lake route joins the BNSF rails for the trip down Cajon Pass. It's a very busy place. All UP and BNSF traffic has to go by, including the BNSF traffic via the Mojave Sub. toward Tehachapi. It's also a real racetrack with 79/70 (freight/passenger) speed limit. Between 11.00 h and 17.00 h we saw 20 trains.

BTW, if you Google "Daggett" there is a ton of information on the place.

Thanks to all for looking and enjoy. Bruce "Doc" Jones
BJ 02/02/17 BNSF 8516 WB intermodal toward Barstow - 0009
BJ 02/02/17 UP 5266 WB from Yermo - 0031 BJ 02/02/17 same UP entering BNSF rails - 0033 BJ 02/02/17 UP DPU 7376 same train - 0052
BJ 02/02/17 BNSF 3839 EB from Barstow - 0058 BJ 02/02/17 BNSF EB meets BNSF WB - 0070 BJ 02/02/17 NS 1105 on DPU EB - 0074
BJ 02/02/17 a beautiful day to be trackside - 0088 BJ 02/02/17 EB meets WB - both at speed - 0092 BJ 02/02/17 tail ends of both trains - 0095
BJ 02/02/17 UP 7239 "clears its throat" coming up the slight climb from Yermo and getting the signal to enter BNSF rails - 0101 BJ 02/02/17 UP 7239 on a loaded coal train headed WB  - 0106 BJ 02/02/17 UP 4441, SD70M, on the "coaler"
 - 0112
BJ 02/02/17 2 EMD SD70M's DPU on the "coaler"
 - 0129
BJ 02/02/17 GE Tier 4 unit on BNSF 5056 WB
 - 0139
BJ 02/02/17 time for some track inspection
 - 0140


Marc & Gary joined Bruce "Doc" Jones and Spike going to Daggett on February 15, 2017
Last Wed (2/15/17), Marc & I joined Doc Jones & Spike (Omaha, NE) for a Daggett day- including lunch at Peggy Sue's "50's diner" in Yermo.

# 7002 & # 7023 Our first train was the BNSF "Cadiz Turn" pulled by newly rebuilt & repainted GP60M's 148, 119, 101 & 144. My shot was ruined when Doc jumped in front of my camera --- earning him the new nickname of "WIDELOAD". This power, at Cadiz, will trade trains with the AZ & CA RR and return to Barstow.
# 7024 & # 7025 UP 7505 & DPU leave BNSF tracks and head NE to Yermo on UP rails. 
# 7027
BNSF 4664 is WB with KCS unit. This train had just 'runaround' the train in the background.   GGG/MF
GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 148 EB GP60M - 7022 GGG 02/15/17 4-unit GP60M's - 7023 GGG 02/15/17 UP 7505 to Yermo - 7024
GGG 02/15/17 UP DPU same train - 7025 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 4052 EB + Citirail unit 7026 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 4664 WB w/KCS - 7027
GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 5645 WB + warbonnet 7028 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 7025 East - 7029 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 6576 West - 7030
GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 7121 is EB. - 7031 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 7147 is WB. - 7032 GGG 02/15/17 BNSF 7717 is EB  - 7033
GGG 02/15/17 - 7034  UP 8016 transitions - - - GGG 02/15/17- - from UP Yermo onto - - 7035 - - BNSF - WB to Barstow. GGG 02/15/17 - 7036
GGG 02/15/17 Marc got some interesting images: (See 7038 and 7039)
- 7037
MF 02/15/17 A commercially owned (TBM of the Fresno, CA area) senior citizen C-130A flies Downwind for landing at Barstow-Daggett APT.- 7038 MF 02/15/17 A cut of BRAND NEW tank cars EB from BNSF Daggett - 7039
TBM Inc. Hercules C130-A on Youtube:
Spike & Bruce stayed an extra hour in Daggett to capture the low sun and gathering clouds. Two days later a storm hit Southern California. It was the worst of the season and the worst in many years for the entire state.
BJ 02/15/17 BNSF 8068 is EB through Daggett
- 7040
BJ 02/15/17 BNSF 8222 is EB Daggett  - 7041 BJ 02/15/17 DPU for BNSF 8222 East passes two Helper sets East of Daggett - 7042


Northern California
Photo Collection

March 2017

by Bruce H. Jones

Updated: April 9, 2017
3/16/17 UP 8224 WB at Thisbe - 03 See all 28 photos - click here 3/16/17 UP 5383 WB at Reno Jct. on former WP (current UP Winnemucca Sub) - 06


Pacific North West
Photo Collection

June 2017

by Marc Fournier

Updated: July 30, 2017
6/17/17 Warren MT, the Montana Limestone SD50F's wait for assignment - 7522 See all 24 photos - click here 6/19/17 BNSF 9072 EB into the Mullian Pass Summit Tunnel  - 7526


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

Go back to Cajon Pass Main Page - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)