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updated: December 10, 2016 (flight over Frost)

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 11/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).

Guest Photographers: Ryan Slaton (RS) USA, Gary Kluge (GK) USA
Michael Frei (MIF) Switzerland, Ruedi Schai (RUS) Switzerland
Robin Scanes (RSS) New Zealand
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)..

Our guest photographer Michael Frei contributed the first photos for our 2016 album.
All taken from Hill 582 on 3/20/16.
MIF 3/20/16 ex. C&NW AC44CW - 6001 MIF 3/20/16 BNSF WB GEVO ES44C4's - 6002 MIF 3/20/16 San Gabriel Peaks w/snow - 6003
MIF 3/20/16 BNSF EB ET44C4 - 6004 MIF 3/20/16 UP GEVO ET45AH‘s on UPT - 6005 MIF 3/20/16 UP SB GEVO ET45AH - 6006
MIF 3/20/16 UP 2666 and 2637 = GEVO ET45AH SB on UPT - 6007 MIF 3/20/16 DPU's of UP EB intermodal on BNSF MT-1  -  6008


Here is our next guest photographer Ruedi Schai with some great photos.
He is currently around Cajon Pass and took some from Hill 582 but also from Sullivan's Curve. He was even climbing the famous Sullivan's Curve Rock formation (a 45 min. walk) to shoot from above (pics 6014-6017).
RUS 3/21/16 BNSF WB w/Citirail loco - 6009 RUS 3/21/16 Silverwood w/10 locos - 6010 RUS 3/21/16 Sullivan's BNSF WB - 6011
RUS 3/21/16 BNSF WB Auto Carrier - 6012 RUS 3/21/16 on UPT is a UP SB - 6013 RUS 3/21/16 BNSF EB from high above - 6014
RUS 3/21/16 UP SB manifest - 6015 RUS 3/21/16 BNSF EB intermodal - 6016 RUS 3/21/16 Same train between the rocks 6017


Our Swiss Railfans Michael Frei and Ruedi Schai met each other on Hill 582.
On Good Friday, March 25, 2016, there was an international meet and greet on Hill 582. Don E. Toles was rising the US-Flag for the visitors. Soon after, Marc Fournier and Gary G. Gray joined and later on, Bruce "Doc" Jones showed up.
RUS 3/25/16 BNSF EB passing Hill 582 - 6018 MIF 3/25/16 Lots of cars on Hill 582 - 6019 MIF 3/25/16 Marc, Ruedi, Bruce - 6020
MIF 3/25/16 Bruce, Don, Gary - 6021 RUS 3/25/16 UP NB on UPT - 6022 MIF 3/25/16 UP SB on UPT - 6023
MIF 3/25/16 BNSF EB on MT-1 - 6024 RUS 3/25/16 BNSF EB w/Tier 4 loco - 6025 RUS 3/25/16 BNSF EB Auto Carrier - 6026
MIF 3/25/16 BNSF WB on MT-2 - 6027 RUS 3/25/16 Sullivan's Curve - 6028 MIF 3/25/16 the 3rd train is a UP EB - 6029
MIF 3/25/16 Action w/3 trains - 6030 RUS 3/25/16 BNSF WB intermodal - 6031 RUS 3/25/16 UP SB on UPT Silverwood - 6032
RUS 3/25/16 Silverwood from WSI with UP EB on BNSF MT-1 - 6033


On Saturday, March 26 the Swiss boys (Michael and Ruedi) went again on Hill 582.
 There was a lot of action with several meetings of trains.
MIF 3/26/16 BNSF WB and UP NB - 6034 MIF 3/26/16 DPU's of BNSF and UP - 6035 MIF 3/26/16 UP and BNSF meet - 6036
MIF 3/26/16 DPU's of same trains - 6037 MIF 3/26/16 BNSF WB and EB meet - 6038 MIF 3/26/16 WB on MT-2, EB on MT-1 - 6039
MIF 3/26/16 BNSF WB w/Citirail ES44DC - 6040 MIF 3/26/16 WB race of 2 BNSF trains - 6041 MIF 3/26/16 Meet at Silverwood - 6042
MIF 3/26/16 BNSF WB intermodal on MT-3 and BNSF EB intermodal on MT-1 at Silverwood - 6043


On Saturday, April 2 Michael went again on Hill 582.
 There was again action on the Hill including a UP Army Train probably going to Yermo.
MIF 4/02/16 BNSF 3-unit light helper set - 6044 MIF 4/02/16 2nd unit = UP GP39-2 - 6045 MIF 4/02/16 UP rear DPU - BNSF EB meet - 6046
MIF 4/02/16 Bloomimg Hill 582 - 6047 MIF 4/02/16 GE Tier 4 ET44Ce - 6048 MIF 4/02/16 UP EB Army Train - 6049
MIF 4/02/16 UP EB on BNSF MT-1 - 6050 MIF 4/02/16 Army Train passing Hill 582 - 6051 MIF 4/02/16 UP rear end DPU - 6052


On Sunday, April 3 Michael went again on Hill 582.
 There was again a lot of action on the Hill with train meets including 2 UP Army Trains probably going to Yermo.
MIF 4/03/16 Robbie the Rattler was here - 6053 MIF 4/03/16 UP DPs ex. SP Dash-9 - 6054 MIF 4/03/16 UP EB Army Train 1 - 6055
MIF 4/03/16 This Army Train will use the Silverwood Connector .  6056 MIF 4/03/16 . . to go on BNSF tracks toward Barstow and Yermo - 6057
MIF 4/03/16 UP WB and BNSF EB - 6058 MIF 4/03/16 above UP mid train DPU's - 6059 MIF 4/03/16 UP rear end DPU's - 6060
MIF 4/03/16 BNSF WB meets UP EB - 6061 MIF 4/03/16 UP w/ex. C&NW Dash-9 - 6062 MIF 4/03/16 2nd UP EB Army Train - 6063


On July 3, Ryan Slaton went to Cajon Pass.
This morning while checking out what would be running around So Cal I noticed a CSX AC4400 was leading an eastbound empty 'ore' train across the Cima Subdivision, it was due Yermo about 14:00 which would make for a nice afternoon run down Cajon. So about noon I drove over to Cajon and spent the remainder of the day on Cajon Pass.
RS 7/03/16 The CSX led train made great time across the desert from Vegas and was into Yermo by 12:30. Climbing up the eastern slope of the Pass between Lugo and Martinez CSXT 304 and UP 8710 have 70 empty gondolas tied to the drawbar. - 6064 RS 7/03/16 In all my trips to Cajon Pass I had yet to photograph a proper 'race' up the hill. Came close a time or two but never quite got a really good race photo. Well, this afternoon I came as close as I will ever get to a perfect uphill race. Having hiked up onto one of the Mormon Rocks I was awaiting UP's MWCRVC when a few moments after it came into view BNSF 4178 also came into view down below on an eastbound stack. And for my SP fans, this is a race between a westbound and an eastbound. - 6065


On Saturday August 6, Michael Frei was back in Southern California and visited Hill 582.
 There was again action on the Hill including EMD Tier 4 Demonstrator (SD70ACe T4), Citirail leasing units and a delayed Amtrak WB Southwest Chief with 3 private cars at the end. Last but not least was a light helper set with 11 locos.
MIF 8/06/16 UP NB on UPT - 6066 MIF 8/06/16 EMD Tier 4 Demonstrator - 6067 MIF 8/06/16 BNSF EB w/Citirail unit - 6068
MIF 8/06/16 AT WB on MT-1 - 6069 MIF 8/06/16 w/3 private cars at the end - 6070 MIF 8/06/16 BNSF WB w/4 axle units - 6071
MIF 8/06/16 Santa Fe GP60M - 6072 MIF 8/06/16 BNSF 11-unit light helpers - 6073 MIF 8/06/16  6-unit helper set on MT-3 - 6074


On Sunday August 7, Michael Frei was back on Hill 582.
 A seldom green GP50 and a Tier 3 compatible SD40-2 (remodelled by Progress Rail Service to PR30C) was in the same consist. Michael Frei is working for a Swiss Company (SMA and Partner AG, Zürich). He has to go to their Southern California Office at Santa Ana once in a while. SMA is optimasing railways and timetables. Joel Schaffer is an American working at the same office and he went railfanning with Michael.
For those, who are interested, we are having two links for SMA:   and
MIF 8/07/16 BNSF WB DBS on MT-2 - 6075 MIF 8/07/16 DPU on EB manifest MT-1 - 6076 MIF 8/07/16 UP NB on UPT - 6077
MIF 8/07/16 Another UP NB - 6078 MIF 8/07/16 EB DBS meets WB Autorack - 6079 MIF 8/07/16 BNSF EB w/special units - 6080
MIF 8/07/16 BN GP50 and BNSF PR30C - 6081 MIF 8/07/16 UP WB on MT-2, NB above - 6082 MIF 8/07/16 Marc and Joel Schaffer - 6083
MIF 8/07/16 Fires in the high desert (Oak Hills) - 6084 MIF 8/07/16 There are 3 trains rolling thru Silverwood - 6085


On Saturday August 13, Michael Frei visited Hill 582 and WSI.
 Today the temperature is around 104°F (40°C) but never a problem for doing some railfanning. First 3 pics were taken from Hill 582 and the other 4 from WSI (West Summit Island) at Silverwood.
MIF 8/13/16 BNSF WB MT-2, UP SB above 6086 MIF 8/13/16 UP rear end DPU above - 6087 MIF 8/13/16 WB DBS and EB manifest - 6088
MIF 8/13/16 WB helper set on MT-2 - 6089 MIF 8/13/16 it is a 11 unit light consist - 6090 MIF 8/13/16 UP WB w/CSX unit - 6091
MIF 8/13/16 BNSF EB Ethanol train on MT-1 and above a UP manifest on UPT passing Silverwood seen from WSI - 6092


On Sunday August 14, Michael Frei visited again Hill 582.
 Even today was a lot of action on Cajon Pass. Seldom seen BNSF SD70ACe in an intermodal train. The second time, I got a EMD Tier 4 Demonstrator. Wow, 9 engines are pulling a UP train. It was again a very satisfactory day.
MIF 8/14/16 BNSF EB w/EMD SD70ACe - 6093 MIF 8/14/16 UP NB on UPT - 6094 MIF 8/14/16 Full of Graffiti - 6095
MIF 8/14/16 UP NB on UPT . . . - 6096 MIF 8/14/16 . . . with 9 engines - 6097 MIF 8/14/16 UP SB w/Tier 4 Demo - 6098
MIF 8/14/16 EMD Tier 4 Demonstrator - 6099 MIF 8/14/16 UP NB manifest on UPT - 6100


August 16, 2016: Blue Cut Fire hit Cajon Pass very bad.
Freeway I-15 and Highway 138 are all shut down. Also BNSF and UP stopped all trains.
On the UP line (Palmdale Cutoff), a bridge was damaged.
Within 24 hrs, 33'000 acres were covered with fire.
Please note: The copyright of every photo belongs to the original photographer.
8/16/16 CP Walker - BCF-01 8/16/16 Double Stack Train - BCF-02
8/16/16 BNSF Intermodal Train - BCF-03 8/16/16 BNSF DPU on same train - BCF-04
8/16/16 Highway 138 w/Mormon Rocks - BCF-07 8/16/16 Interstate 15 - BCF-08
8/16/16 Mc Donald's at Exit from I-15 to Hwy 138 - BCF-09 8/16/16 The roof cought fire - BCF-10
8/19/16 Mc Donald's w/melted sign - BCF-10B
(copyright: AP Photo - Noah Berger)
8/18/16 Mc Donald's burned partial roof - BCF-10C
(copyright: Getty Images - Josh Edelson)
8/16/16 Fire Truck on duty - BCF-11 8/16/16 Overview of the Blue Cut Fires - BCF-12
8/16/16 DC-10 Air Tanker (copyright Getty Images Irfan Kahn) - BCF-13 8/16/16 dropping flame retardant (copyright Alex Gallardo) - BCF-14
This DC-10 Air Tanker is stationed at Victorville's SCLA (Southern California Logistics Airport)
The following photos below are all copyright by ABC7 News (taken from their Helicopter).
8/16/16 Where it all started, at Blue Cut - BCF-15 8/16/16 another view of Blue Cut - BCF-16
8/16/16 fire between BNSF and UP but also above - BCF-17 8/16/16 below BNSF, in the middle UPT - BCF-18
8/16/16 Cajon Station w/I-15 in the foreground - BCF-19 8/16/16 Overview from Summit downhill - BCF-20
8/16/16 Summit looking West - BCF-21 8/16/16 BNSF Summit and UP Hiland - BCF-22
8/16/16 Martinez in the foreground and Summit - BCF-23 8/16/16 Close up BNSF Summit - BCF-24
8/16/16 Highway 138 and Mormon Rocks - BCF-25 8/16/16 left of I-15 is Stein's Hill on fire - BCF-26
8/16/16 I-15 Exit # 131 to HWY 138 and Best Western - BCF-27 8/16/16 Location of Mc Donald's - BCF-28


August 16 and 18, 2016: Blue Cut Fire hit Cajon Pass very bad.
Union Pacific did already start rebuilding the fire damaged bridge at Baldy Mesa Road.
Please note: The copyright of every photo belongs to the original photographer.
8/16/16 Spectacular photo burning UP bridge - BCF-29C
8/16/16 UP Bridge at MP 468 Baldy Mesa Road (Alray) - BCF-05 8/16/16 Wooden support pieces were burned - BCF-06
 8/18/16 UP is already working on the damaged bridge - BCF-29
Above BNSF MT-1 and MT-2 are alreday back in service.
 8/18/16 Close up of bridge. It is on UP's Palmdale Cutoff line. - BCF-29A
Baldy Mesa Road was once old Route 66
Interesting video about the Blue Cut Fire's impact incl. work on this UP bridge (4'58"):
August 20, 2016: Around 2 p.m. the UP main line is back in service
8/20/16 The first UP SB train will pass the rebuilt bridge (This information was provided by Bruce "Doc" Jones) - BCF-29B


August 18, 2016:  Yes, Hill 582 is intact and survived the bad Blue Cut Fire !!
DET sent these 2 photos, taken today, by 'a friend of Hill 582'.
All things considered and after a quick look, the Hill APPEARS to have survived well.
8/18/16 View from trackside BNSF MT-1 and MT-2 - BCF-30 8/18/16 View from West side - BCF-31
August 19, 2016: Don Toles & Jerry Shinar visited Hill 582 this AM - Below is his report:
"Nothing burned on the Hill even though the fire burned at the North end up to the flagpole rocks. The West side didn't burn, but the fire came up the East side but didn't even singe the Hill. Talk about miracles - they do happen!"
Just heard, from DET, that WSI (West Summit Island) was also spared damage --- although the area AROUND WSI was consumed by the fire.   GGG
August 19, 2016: Don Toles was able to visit Hill 582 and take some accurate photos
DET 8/19/16 dark areas = burned - 6101 DET 8/19/16 both sides are burned - 6102 DET 8/19/16 below it was burned - 6103
DET 8/19/16 BNSF and UP tracks - 6104 DET 8/19/16 everything was hit - 6105 DET 8/19/16 Southeast side of the Hill - 6106
Lucky, Hill 582 was untouched by these huge fires. Thanks God, there are no more bushes to the top of the Hill which probably protected it !!


August 21, 2016: Summit just after the Blue Cut Fire
These 2 photos were taken by Gerard of Highland, CA (copyright Track Map)
8/21/16 View from Summit overlook (Hwy 138) - BCF-32 8/21/16 View of the burned area looking toward Hiland - BCF-33


August 22, 2016: Cajon after the Blue Cut Fire - Part 1
Gary Kluge made some accurate photos of the situation after the fire in Cajon Pass. (copyright by Gary Kluge)
GK 8/22/16 Looking toward Keenbrook from Cajon Boulevard/old US-66. - 6107 GK 8/22/16 Westbound DPUs between Blue Cut and Keenbrook - 6108 GK 8/22/16 Blue Cut with BNSF tracks. - 6109
GK 8/22/16 Swarthout Canyon Road grade crossing of the UP Palmdale Cutoff. - 6110 GK 8/22/16 UP eastbound at Blue Cut. - 6111 GK 8/22/16 Summit overlook, looking east. - 6112
GK 8/22/16 Summit overlook, looking west. - 6113 GK 8/22/16 Summit, from the shoulder of Highway 138. - 6114 GK 8/22/16 CHP screens traffic going west on Highway 138 from I-15 while in the background a UP moves west at restricted speed. - 6115
GK 8/22/16 Blue Cut w/SWC Xing looking west, from the I-15 turnout/overlook.  - 6116 GK 8/22/16 From the same position as above, looking toward the Cozy Dell area. - 6117


August 24 and 25, 2016: Cajon after the Blue Cut Fire
Except for those poor folks who lost most or all, the Blue Cut fire has dropped off the news.
Marc Fournier returned from his trip to the PNW to find his property untouched ---The fire was stopped about TWO MILES South of Oak Hills !!! In his explorations of the burn area, he got a few interesting images.
MF 8/24/16 The UPRR Bridge has been repaired & is in operation - 6118 MF 8/24/16 BNSF intermodal on MT-2 seen from Hill 582 - 6119 MF 8/24/16 Hill 582 from South-East side, lucky the top was untouched by the fire - 6120
MF 8/25/16 The Summit Inn is gone - 6121 MF 8/25/16 The Summit Inn was a historical place of old Route 66 - 6122 MF 8/25/16 UP Summit / Hiland Siding received a direct Phos-Chek hit - 6123
MF 8/25/16 The Cajon Rover sits between UP & BNSF RR's at Cajon Summit - 6124 MF 8/25/16 The old (unused) & new signals at UP Hiland (Cajon Summit) - 6125 MF 8/25/16 PTC Electronic huts at UP Hiland (Cajon Summit) - 6126
MF 8/25/16 Looking generally West - the trees are where Chard Walker lived and worked - 6127 MF 8/25/16 Marc decided to drive up on the pictured hill to photograph: - 6128 MF 8/25/16 Looking NE over Chard's old Homestead, the UP, the BNSF & Hwy 138 - 6129


August 27, 2016: Cajon after the Blue Cut Fire
Michael Frei went to visit Hill 582 after the fire. He also met Don Toles and Marc Fournier. Even Roy showed up, who planted the first Eucalyptus tree on the Hill in the early days.
MIF 8/27/16 Marc is talking to Don - 6130 MIF 8/27/16 all burned - 6131 MIF 8/27/16 have a talk on the Hill - 6132
MIF 8/27/16 UP NB on UPT - 6133 MIF 8/27/16 Hill 582 looking North - 6134 MIF 8/27/16 BNSF WB light helper set - 6135
The Alray area was also burned. The UP bridge over Baldy Mesa Road is back in service. Both end sections have been replaced. Several power lines have been damaged as well. Therefore, some BNSF and UP signals are getting their power with generators. At I-15 Exit # 131 to HWY 138, Best Western Motel, Tel Taco and 76 Gas Station are still waiting for power connection and are all using generators. Mc Donald's and Chevron Gas Station are both closed. Even McDo did not burn down to the ground but it got heavy water damage which requires extensive repairs.
MIF 8/27/16 UP bridge at MP 468 . . - 6136 MIF 8/27/16 . . crossing Baldy Mesa Rd - 6137 MIF 8/27/16 damaged end section . . - 6138
MIF 8/27/16 . . goes to the scrap yard - 6139 MIF 8/27/16 Marc at former tunnel area - 6140 MIF 8/27/16 damaged power lines - 6141
MIF 8/27/16 old box car at Davis Ranch Rd - 6142 MIF 8/27/16 Workers from Edison are repairing the power lines - 6143
At WSI, we can see the fire damage and some leftover "red" Phos-Chek dropped from the DC-10 Tanker.
MIF 8/27/16 BNSF WB DPU's coming from Summit curve - 6144 MIF 8/27/16 BNSF WB intermodal on MT-2 - 6145


August 28, 2016: Cajon after the Blue Cut Fire
Michael Frei went again to Hill 582 as it will be his last visit for a while (he has to go back to Switzerland). At least he was able to get a lot of traffic with several meets, in other words, it was satisfactory.
MIF 8/28/16 BNSF MT-1 + MT-2 are busy - 6146 MIF 8/28/16 4-axle power with GP60's - 6147 MIF 8/28/16 BNSF WB w/6 units - 6148
MIF 8/28/16 DPU with heavy graffiti - 6149 MIF 8/28/16 UP and BNSF Meet - 6150 MIF 8/28/16 UP DPU on WB manifest - 6151
MIF 8/28/16 Graffiti at its best - 6152 MIF 8/28/16 BNSF intermodal Meet - 6153 MIF 8/28/16 WB will meet EB DPU - 6154
MIF 8/28/16 UP 4009 = EMD SD70M and UP 4885 = EMD SD70M w/flared radiators going downhill on UPT (Palmdale Cutoff) - 6155


August 28, 2016: Cajon - Blue Cut Fire Aftermath - Part 2
Gary Kluge visited Cajon Pass again this morning as a follow-up to document the areas he wasn't able to access as depicted in Monday's thread (see photos 6107 - 6117 above). Although both BNSF and UP were busy this morning, it was nevertheless sad to see such widespread devasation. GK (copyright by Gary Kluge)
GK 8/28/16 Eastbound BNSF as seen from Cajon Boulevard/old US-66 about a mile west of the crossovers at Cajon. - 6156 GK 8/28/16 DPU of the train in Pic 6156 from the base of Stein's Hill in the Mormon Rocks area. - 6157 GK 8/28/16 Same location as Pic 6157, of a UP southbound on UPT.  - 6158
GK 8/28/16 UP northbound about to cross over Highway 138, shot from the same location as Pics 6157 and 6158.  - 6159 GK 8/28/16 Working my way back downhill, BNSF 5267 WB passes the site of Cajon Station on MT-2. - 6160


September 2, 2016: Another look at the Blue Cut Fire Aftermath by Gary Gray and Marc Fournier
BAD NEWS --The USFS has just CLOSED the Blue Cut Fire Area
Map of closed area:
The devastation from the Blue Cut Fire was worse than I had imagined. In the whole area, over 500 wooden power poles are being replaced along with many miles of both high & low tension electrical cables.
We also visited with Don on Hill 582 and the three of us ended the tour with lunch at DA DUMP in Hesperia.

We started way above Silverwood   -   GGG / MF
GGG 9/02/16 We started way above Silverwood where we saw a UP NB. If you look closely, Jerry S's truck can be seen on WSI. - 6161 GGG 9/02/16 On UPT is the UP NB and below on BNSF track a BNSF WB. - 6162 GGG 9/02/16 We then drove RR West to cross under I-15 to view what's left of the already abandoned Davis Ranch. - 6163
GGG 9/02/16 A view of the Mormon Rocks - 6164 GGG 9/02/16 Looking SW across Hwy 138 at the old mine area - 6165 GGG 9/02/16 BNSF EB has traversed Sullivan's Curve and is headed toward Hwy 138 - 6166
GGG 9/02/16 UP NB near Hwy 138 (is just coming from Sullivan's Curve) - 6167 GGG 9/02/16 Two pictures (of just a part) of the massive . . . - 6168 GGG 9/02/16 . . . electrical infrastructure repair & replacement - 6169
GGG 9/02/16 Two residence images of the most prepared . . .  - 6170 GGG 9/02/16 . . . or most lucky (or both) of Cajon residents - 6171 GGG 9/02/16 Repair work on the I-15 /Hwy 138 McDonalds Restaurant - 6172


September 3, 2016: El Roco Photography took great photos after the Blue Cut Fire
Robert was kind enough to give permission to publish his photos on our page - thank you very much.  (WM)
ELR 9/03/16 An eastbound stack train grinds up the hill as it approaches the grade separation with USFS Road 3N45.
(BNSF 6765 GE ES44C4) - 01
ELR 9/03/16 A WB bound stack train rolls down the 2% grade on BNSF trackage passing Mormon Rocks three weeks after the Blue Cut Fire burned through the the coastal chaparral in the bed of Cajon Creek. - 02 ELR 9/03/16 Davis Ranch, looking west towards the Mormon Rocks formation at the wishing well in the Cajon Pass. BNSF Cajon Subdivision at Davis Road - MP 60.0. - 03
ELR 9/03/16 Davis Ranch, looking west towards the Moron Rocks formation at the former swimming pool in the Cajon Pass. - 04 ELR 9/03/16 Davis Ranch, looking northeast towards Hesperia. - 05 ELR 9/03/16 Davis Ranch, looking west towards the Moron Rocks formation in the Cajon Pass.
- 06
ELR 9/03/16 A pair of General Electric DPU's hold a stack train back from rolling down the 2% grade on Main #2 of the BNSF Cajon Subdivision in the Cajon Pass. - 07 ELR 9/03/16 A pair of SD70Ace's on loan from the Powder River Division in Montana coast lite down the 2% grade at the crossing of Davis Road in the Cajon Pass after a trip up to Hesperia on helper duty. - 08 ELR 9/03/16 Davis Ranch, looking southwest towards Palmdale in the Cajon Pass.
BNSF Cajon Subdivision at Davis Road
MP 60.0. - 09
ELR 9/03/16 The WATBAR climbs the hill towards Barstow at CP Walker with eight units up front. The result of the Blue Cut Fire can be seen in the foreground with the scorched vegetation on both sides of the track and on the hill side behind the power units.
(BNSF 7719 GE ES44DC)
BNSF Cajon Subdivision at Control Point Walker - M.P. 59.3. - 10
ELR 9/03/16 A meet at first light in the Cajon Pass with a westbound UP manifest and an eastbound BNSF container train. The damage to the coastal chaparral from the Blue Cut Fire is evident in the foreground.
(BNSF 6699 GE ES44C4)
BNSF Cajon Subdivision at U.S.F.S. Road 3N45 (Pilgrim Hill) - MP 57.15 - 11
ELR 9/03/16 While most of the Cajon Pass was burned over in the Blue Cut Fire (right side of the picture) the vegetation surrounding the east side of Hill 582 remained intact, apparently protected on the north side by the double tracked BNSF main line. On the west side of the Hill, the fire burned to the access road next to the hill and stopped without climbing to the top of the rise where the trees and benches are located (left side of image). - 12
ELR 9/03/16 A late Amtrak Train #3 (Westbound Southwest Chief originating in Chicago Ill.) rounds the turn around Stein's Hill as it descends the Cajon Pass in route to it's next station stop in San Bernardino, a mere 25 miles away. - 13 ELR 9/03/16 The result of the Blue Cut Fire can be seen in the foreground with the scorched vegetation on both sides of the track and on the hill side behind the train cars.
BNSF Cajon Subdivision at Stein's Hill
MP 60.2. - 14
ELR 9/03/16 The result of the Blue Cut Fire can be seen in the foreground with the scorched vegetation on both sides of the track and on the hill side behind the train cars.
BNSF Cajon Subdivision at Stein's Hill
MP 60.2. - 15
ELR 9/03/16 The bridge spanning USFS Road 3N12 on the former Southern Pacific Palmdale Cutoff. The wooden piers supporting both ends of the bridge were damaged by the Blue Cut Fire. - 17 ELR 9/03/16 The west end abutment of the bridge spanning USFS Road 3N12 on the former Southern Pacific Palmdale Cutoff. Union Pacific Mojave Subdivision at Alray, Near CP SP 469 N Canyon - 18 ELR 9/03/16 Burnover at West Side of Hill 582
An eastbound auto train climbs the hill in the Cajon Pass near Hill 582 a few weeks after the Blue Cut Fire. (BNSF 6559 GE ES44C4) - 19
ELR 9/03/16 An eastbound stack train climbs the hill towards Barstow at the crossing of Davis Road near CP Walker.
(BNSF 7244 GE ES44DC) - 20
ELR 9/03/16 An eastbound stack train reached the summit of the Cajon Pass while the rear of the train is passing CP Silverwood.
BNSF Cajon Sub. at C.P. Summit - M.P. 56. - 21
ELR 9/03/16 An eastbound stack train grinds up the hill as it approaches the grade separation with USFS Road 3N45.
(BNSF 6765 GE ES44C4) - 22


September 17, 2016: Ruedi Schai (Switzerland) made a short visit to Cajon Pass
The area around Hill 582 looks black and everything was burned, except the top of Hill 582. Here are photos of these locations:
Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Silverwood and WSI (West Summit Island), CP Walker and Mormon Pioneer Trail Monument.
RUS 9/17/16 Road to Hill 582 - 6173 RUS 9/17/16 the vegetation is gone - 6174 RUS 9/17/16 Hill 582 from the West side - 6175
RUS 9/17/16 no green or brown bushes - 6176 RUS 9/17/16 left side was burned - 6177 RUS 9/17/16 seen from North side - 6178
RUS 9/17/16 Luxury meets Hill 582 - 6179 RUS 9/17/16 UP NB on UPT - 6180 RUS 9/17/16 delayed Amtrak WB - 6181
RUS 9/17/16 BNSF EB manifest - 6182 RUS 9/17/16 below BNSF above UP - 6183 RUS 9/17/16 BNSF EB intermodal - 6184
RUS 9/17/16 BNSF WB manifest - 6185 RUS 9/17/16 same train w/DPU's - 6186 RUS 9/17/16 WB intermodal on MT-3 - 6187
RUS 9/17/16 BNSF WB pass the Hill - 6188 RUS 9/17/16 on the way to Sullivan's - 6189 RUS 9/17/16 UP entering Sullivan's - 6190
RUS 9/17/16 BNSF EB at Sullivan's - 6191 RUS 9/17/16 BNSF WB at Sullivan's - 6192 RUS 9/17/16 rebuilt UP bridge MP 468 - 6193
RUS 9/17/16 Silverwood overlook - 6194 RUS 9/17/16 WSI w/blooming bush - 6195 RUS 9/17/16 WSI J.B. Hunt DBS - 6196
RUS 9/17/16 WSI BNSF EB - 6197 RUS 9/17/16 WSI signal bridge - 6198 RUS 9/17/16 BNSF WB on MT-2 - 6199
RUS 9/17/16 Davis Ranch Road - 6200 RUS 9/17/16 CP Walker - 6201 RUS 9/17/16 CP Walker - 6202
RUS 9/17/16 photos 6204-6207 were taken here (red circle)  - 6203
(copyright Google Maps)
RUS 9/17/16 Mormon Pioneer Trail Monument - 6204
RUS 9/17/16 old Jaguar - 6205 RUS 9/17/16 house and cars all burned - 6206 RUS 9/17/16 BNSF MT-3 behind - 6207


October 7, 2016:
Last week, Marc & I hosted Ruedi & Peter (Switzerland) on the hill overlooking the "flyover" at BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1.
Nothing new, on the Hill, except for the "squatters" (homeless encampment ??) visible in # 6213.
BTW, A SQUATTER is a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused land.
GGG 10/07/16 BNSF 4164 is EB with a very . . . - 6208 GGG 10/07/16 . . . long and 'pure' UPS "Z" train- 6209 GGG 10/07/16 BNSF 7775 is WB - 6210
GGG 10/07/16 BNSF 8133 is WB with a partially empty ballast train -- BTW, it had two DPU's -- for a total of seven running diesels - 6211 GGG 10/07/16 UP 8122 is WB (note the squatter / homeless / . . .  - 6212 GGG 10/07/16 . . . / weekend camping encampment ) - 6213


October 14, 2016: Highway 138 (East) Realignment Project is now under way.
For all who are familiar with Hwy 138 while visitting Cajon Pass, are aware of the old two lane and curvy Highway 138 coming from exit # 131 (I-15) and going to Summit. Several years ago, Hwy 138 has been widened after the exit toward Summit for the first 1.9 mls. But from that point up to Summit, it is a curvy up and down slow speed (mountain) road. Three bridges and one undercrossing will be built.
(Hog Ranch Creek Bridge, Vjner's Shack Creek Bridge, OHV Undercrossing, Double Drajn Cheek Bridge)
 Map copyright by Caltrans and RUS -  6214
more infos:
more detailed infos with different maps:

Hwy 138 looking toward Summit. Photo Courtesy (copyright):
San Bernardino County Sherrif's Department

Hwy 138 is famous for the mountain style road with tight curves, up and down with grade up to 15 %. Every railfan knows this road very well while hanging around Cajon Pass.
Photo copyright: The Daily Press, Victorville, CA

close up of Summit w/BNSF tracks. Photo Courtesy (copyright):
San Bernardino County Sherrif's Department

all photos are copyright by the original photographer and as
mentioned with each picture.
This curvy and hilly road will be history in 2018.
Photo copyright: The Daily Press, Victorville, CA

  updated: October 30, 2016

October 29, 2016:
Michael Frei (Switzerland) is back in the USA and went to visit Hill 582 and WSI on 10/29/16.
After the Blue Cut Fire more than 2 months ago, not much to see in the landscaping because of rain. The Mc Donald's at exit 131 off I-15 is still not in service yet. Michael met Marc on Hill 582 and there was a lot of action with some special highlights.
MIF 10/29/16 BNSF WB on MT-2 - 6215 MIF 10/29/16 SF GP60M and GP60 . . . - 6216 MIF 10/29/16 . . . got heavy graffiti - 6217
MIF 10/29/16 Two covered hoppers with huge graffities on a UP train on UPT - looks cool - 6218
MIF 10/29/16 BNSF EB, above UP NB - 6219 MIF 10/29/16 Same trains are manifest - 6220 MIF 10/29/16 next BNSF EB w/Citirail - 6221
MIF 10/29/16 Citiral & BNSF helpers - 6222 MIF 10/29/16 UP WB manifest on MT-2 - 6223 MIF 10/29/16 BNSF EB on MT-1 - 6224
MIF 10/29/16 GP60 SF freight colors - 6225 MIF 10/29/16 Marc w/railfans - 6226 MIF 10/29/16 BNSF EB on MT-1 - 6227
MIF 10/29/16 "old" AT&SF Dash9 . . . - 6228 MIF 10/29/16 . . . in Warbonnet colors - 6229 MIF 10/29/16 UP above, BNSF below - 6230
MIF 10/29/16 another helper set on MT-3 - 6231 MIF 10/29/16 Mid train DPU's - 6232 MIF 10/29/16 from WSI WB on MT-3 - 6233

 updated: November 13, 2016

October 28 & 29, 2016: We had the pleasure of hosting R & R Scanes (NZ) last month. With Cajon being CLOSED, we spent a few hours at East Victorville and at Cajon Summit on Hwy 138. GGG/RSS
East Victorville is generally considered the area between the CEMEX Cement Plant and the BNSF Mojave River Bridges at MP 34.1.
# 6234 - 6238 Multiple views of BNSF 4084 and its DPU's powering a very long & heavy ethanol train WB thru East Victorville.
# 6242 - 6243 BNSF 5520 and DPU's are WB in Hesperia. DPU BNSF 3851 is a newer ET44C4 Tier 4 --all of which means 4400 HP, 4 axles powered and EPA compliant (to the latest regulations). Note also that it appears to have all of the latest electronics (PTC etc) installed.
GGG 10/28/16 BNSF WB at MP 34.1 - 6234 RSS 10/28/16 Mojave River Bridges - 6235 GGG 10/28/16 WB Ethanol Train - 6236
GGG 10/28/16 DPU's of same train - 6237 RSS 10/28/16 Cemex plant visible - 6238 GGG 10/28/16 BNSF 6526 WB on bridge - 6239
RSS 10/28/16 BNSF 8257 is EB at EVV - 6240 GGG 10/29/16 same BNSF EB - 6241 RSS 10/29/16 BNSF EB DBS at Hesperia - 6242
RSS 10/29/16 BNSF DPU's at Hesperia - 6243 GGG 10/29/16 BNSF 7401 WB Summit - 6244 RSS 10/29/16 BNSF Meet at Summit - 6245

updated: November 14, 2016

November 13, 2016: Michael Frei (Switzerland) went to visit Hill 582 on 11/13/16.
Wow, Cajon Pass with blue sky and approx. 30 ° C and in Switzerland we have 0 ° C (freezing-ponit) and cloudy weather.
Glad to see, Michael can do railfanning at its best with lots of action around Hill 582.
MIF 11/13/16 BNSF Meet - 6246 MIF 11/13/16 action: 3 trains visible - 6247 MIF 11/13/16 huge graffiti on UP train - 6248
MIF 11/13/16 above UP DPU on NB manifest and below BNSF EB DBS - 6249 MIF 11/13/16 above UP NB, below BNSF EB intermodal and on MT-3 a UP WB - 6250 MIF 11/13/16 brown leaves (too much heat) was the result of the blue cut fire - 6251
MIF 11/13/16 BNSF EB intermodal - 6252 MIF 11/13/16 lots of power with 7 units on this BNSF WB manifest - 6253 MIF 11/13/16 ES44, Genset, GP60M, GP60 and 3 x SD70ACe - 6254
MIF 11/13/16 BNSF WB intermodal Z-train - 6255 MIF 11/13/16 Dash-9 still in Santa Fe Warbonnet paint - 6256

 updated: November 20, 2016

November 19, 2016: Michael Frei (Switzerland) went to Hill 582 for his last visit of this year.
Once again, beautiful Southern California blue sky and a lot of action. Michael captured the activities from Hill 582.
MIF 11/19/16 UP WB Army Train - 6257 MIF 11/19/16 This Train is on BNSF MT-2 - 6258 MIF 11/19/16 On the UPT is a UP SB - 6259
MIF 11/19/16 Manifest above Army train - 6260 MIF 11/19/16 BNSF WB w/leasing unit - 6261 MIF 11/19/16 BNSF WB Ethanol Train - 6262
MIF 11/19/16 BNSF EB intermodal - 6263 MIF 11/19/16 BNSF WB w/Citirail unit - 6264 MIF 11/19/16 BNSF WB Auto Carrier - 6265

 updated: December 10, 2016

April 2016: Frost is MP 39.1 on the BNSF Cajon Sub and is the site of FAMOUS
"Natural Crossover" / Flyover.
Just west of Victorville, CA, the two main tracks of the BNSF Cajon Sub fly over one another. These three eastbounds and one westbound were filmed in April 2016 with a DJI Phantom 3 Pro (by The Truck 12)
running time 5'25" - click here:


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 4/16: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)