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updated: January 20, 2010

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 4/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF), Keith Schreiber (KS), Paul Westover (PW)
Guest: Bruce H. Jones (BHJ) - see Feather River at the end (9275 - 9280).
Guest: John Wagner (JW) - see CP Walker (9356 - 9357)
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by location from East to West (not by date, number or railroad):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard
Bonus Photos: LA Harbors, Feather River Canyon

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MP = Mile Post, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers) SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo.

BNSF Christmas Train 2009
Yearly, BNSF runs a Christmas Train over its system. The idea is to give disadvantaged and seriously ill children a "lift" for Christmas. In southern CA, the train was used over several days running in the LA area --- including one trip for children from the City of Hope Cancer Hospital. Last Sunday (12/20/09), it made two round trips from San Berdoo to Summit. On those trips the train ran in a 1+1 configuration.
On Monday (12/21/09), the train ran a round trip from San Berdoo to Barstow - with a stop in Victorville. The power units were arraigned "elephant style".
12/20/09 X-Mas Train EB at WSI - 9328 x 12/20/09 BNSF 7256 EB X-Mas Train at WSI - 9329
12/20/09 BNSF 7236 WB from Summit - 9330 12/21/09 EB Train entering Summit - 9331 12/21/09 BNSF 7256 EB at Frost MP 38 - 9332
12/21/09 Observation Car at Frost - 9333 12/21/09 X-Mas Train at Victorville - 9334 12/21/09 East Victorville - 9335
12/21/09 WB Train at MP 40 - 9336 12/21/09 EB X-Mas Train at MP 59 - 9358 12/21/09 Soon, it will pass Hill 582 - 9359
Dagget (East of Barstow) - MP 737.3 (Needles Sub)
Last Friday 12/04/09,  Don, Marc and I drove up to Daggett (10 Miles East of Barstow). As many of you know, Daggett is where the UP connector track from the Yermo yard joins the BNSF to head WB. On the map I marked our photo location with X and added some info. (GGG)
12/04/09 Map of Dagget, CA - 9306 12/04/09 UP 5196 SB coming from Yermo - 9307 12/04/09 Same train will join the BNSF main - 9308
12/04/09 BNSF 7294 EB MP 737.3 - 9309 12/04/09 BNSF 4497 WB on Needles Sub - 9310 12/04/09 Same train w/SF Warbonnet - 9311
12/04/09 BNSF 5521 WB same place - 9312 12/04/09 UP 7832 WB on BNSF main - 9313 12/04/09 BNSF 7431 EB Needles Sub - 9314
The Barstow Flyer (photos by Gary Gray)
Last Saturday (10/17/09) the Pacific Railroad Society and LARail sponsored a private car trip from LA to Barstow and return -- in conjunction with the Western American Railroad Museums' RailFest in Barstow.  Marc and his mom, Bob Widholm and his son Wiley rode the train while Colin Marsden (GB) and I chased  it. We drove up to Toles Towers near Helendale at MP 19 to take the  following:
 Photos 9223 - 9225: AMT 23 is approaching MP 19 - at track speed. Note Marc waving from the rear of the second coach. Photo 9226: The train was turned on the Barstow Yard balloon track and backed into the Barstow station. Photo 9227: Picture of the train at the Casa del Desierto (Barstow Station). Photo 9228: The train was late leaving Barstow. The last picture is from Kemper Campbell Ranch.  So, in the DARK, while listening to the HUNGRY coyotes howling, the train came by WB at track speed with the guys waving and yelling. FUN DAY - GGG
10/17/09 AMT 23 Barstow Flyer EB MP 19 - 9223 10/17/09 Getting closer Cajon Sub MP 19 - 9224 10/17/09 Marc Fournier is waving, 2nd Coach - 9225
10/17/09 Plenty people on the platform - 9226 10/17/09 Special in front of depot - 9227 10/17/09 Coming home WB at Frost - 9228
10/17/09 - While waiting for the Barstow Flyer, there were a good number of other trains. Photo: 9229: The newest exhibit at W.A.R.M is ATSF 1460, commonly known as the "BEEP". It was built by Baldwin, re-engined and trucked by EMD to GP standards and therefore the BEEP.
Check the Barstow Museum: and the Story of the BEEP:
 Photos: 9230 - 9231: UP 7613 is WB from W. Barstow. The West leg of the Mojave Sub Wye can be seen under the Hwy 58 bridge. Photos 9232 - 9233: UP 8123 (older SD-90/43) is EB at Cajon Sub MP 19 with UP 8688 (newer SD-70Ace) as the trailing DPU. - GGG
10/17/09 ATSF 1460 (BEEP) at WARM - 9229 10/17/09 UP 7613 WB at MP 2 - 9230 10/17/09 UP WB MP 2 (Barstow West) - 9231
10/17/09 UP 8123 EB MP 18 Cajon Sub - 9232 10/17/09 UP 8668 DPU for 8123 EB - 9233 10/17/09 BNSF 4725 EB MP 18 - 9234
10/17/09 BNSF 4535 EB MP 19 Cajon Sub - 9235 10/17/09 BNSF 5141 WB MP 20 - 9236 10/17/09 BNSF 7493 WB MP 20 - 9237
10/17/09 BNSF 7493 WB MP 20 - 9238 10/17/09 BNSF 7686 WB Mp 20 - 9239 10/17/09 BNSF 7686 WB getting closer - 9240
Barstow West MP 2
11/20/09 BNSF 7526 WB leaving Barstow - 9270 11/20/09 BNSF WB under Hwy 58 bridge - 9271 11/20/09 BNSF 7752 WB from the yard - 9272
Don and I drove up to the West end of the BNSF Barstow yard. The area is just RR West of the Hwy 58/Route 66 junction.
Photos 9270 - 9271: show the BNSF 7526 WB on the "wrong" main track (due to MOW). Photos 9272 - 9273: have BNSF 7752 appearing to come off the Mojave sub. However the train has actually come from the far RIGHT SIDE of the pictures, traveled UNDER the Main, traveled a short distance up the east leg of the Mojave Sub Wye. transitioned to the West Leg of the Wye and onto the Cajon Sub Main. Photo 9274: The edited Google map should clear-up the above mess I just wrote ! We are at "X". The train is WB under the Hwy 58 bridge on track "Y" -- having just used the tunnel under the Main at Z. (GGG)
11/20/09 BNSF enters Main - 9273 x 11/20/09 Map w/Hwy 58 in the middle - 9274
Fire in Cajon Pass (photos by Marc Fournier)
10/03/09 - For those NOT in Sourthern CA (and anyone interested), here are some pics of the SHEEP FIRE which started (evidently) in Lytle Creek Canyon -- one canyon west of Cajon. It progressed NW up the south side of Hwy138 toward Wrightwood where they THINK they have it somewhat contained. Rail traffic was stopped for a short while but is back to normal now.
Our FEARLESS friend, Marc, braved the terror and took the attached.
Photos 9211 - 9212: were taken from the Summit Curve next to the UP/SP track --- about 4.5 miles from the fire looking SW over Hwy 138. BNSF #1 & 2 can be seen crossing under the 138. To the right are the Mormon Rocks. Photos 9213 - 9214: are from the West Bound Control Signal at Silverwood. Photos 9215 - 9216: He got closer for - (1.5 miles) -- CP Walker and the Davis Ranch area. MT/GGG
10/03/09 Fire as seen from Summit Curve - 9211 10/03/09 Hwy 138 and Mormon Rocks - 9212 10/03/09 Fire as seen from Silverwood - 9213
10/03/09 same location  - 9214 10/03/09 As seen from CP Walker - 9215 10/03/09 As seen from Davis Ranch Rd. - 9216
East Victorville MP 34.1
East Victorville with the BNSF Mojave River Bridges. The Cemex cement plant can be seen in the distance and the lower narrows of the Mojave River.
12/04/09 BNSF 7511 EB MP 34.1 - 9315 12/04/09 BNSF EB getting closer - 9316 12/04/09 Same train goes thru the bridges - 9317
12/04/09 UP 7831 WB xing the Mojave River - 9318 12/04/09 Same with zoom lens - 9319 12/04/09 Looking toward Cemex plant - 9320
12/04/09 UP meets BNSF - 9321 12/04/09 UP mid train DPU's for WB 7831 - 9322 9/30/09 BNSF 4085 WB MP 34.1 - 9338
Frost MP 38 and MP 39.1 (Flyover)
3/13/09 BNSF 4912 WB - 9049 3/13/09 Brand New (ES44) BNSF 7230 WB - 9050 6/12/09 BNSF 7572 WB - 9109
6/12/09 UP 5506 EB from MT-2 to MT-1 - 9110 6/12/09 UP 8212 DPU for UP 5506 EB - 9111 6/12/09 BNSF 4076 MT-2 to MT-1 at Frost - 9134
6/12/09 BNSF going from MT-2 to MT-1 - 9135 6/22/09 RB B&B Circus Train MP40 - 9127 6/22/09 RB B&B Circus Traisn MP40 - 9128
Photos 9127 - 9129: Yesterday, after returning from a great weekend in Anaheim Ca, I was about to take a nap and relax when I read on TO that the RINGLING BROS. and BARNUM & BAILEY Circus Train was traveling between Vegas and Phoenix, AZ. The RB B&/BB has two complete shows that travel the US in two year segments. The BLUE show normally stays in the eastern US. Both travel between venues via train -- the cars are owned by the Circus and, of course, pulled by the RR involved.
 So, after reading the TO post, I had just a few minutes to get over to the tracks just west of our home -- even tho I was on the wrong sun side of the train.
 The cars directly behind the power are the animal cars -- BTW, the animals are superbly tended -- no matter what PETA says. After the animal cars are the people cars followed by the equipment cars. Here is the info on the mile long train: 
RED UNIT -- 139th Edition -- 
June 22 TRAIN-RUN from Las Vegas NV to Phoenix AZ. If they use the same routing as last year, we should see the train descend Cajon Pass once again, then head east on the former Southern Pacific 'Sunset Route.
2009 Red Unit Circus Train:
59 cars (38 conventional passenger-type cars; 21 TTX-[type] piggyback flats), 4,290 Tons (when fully loaded), 5,235 Feet (WITHOUT host RR's power attached; 1 mile = 5,280 feet)
Photo 9127: is BNSF 7237 EB at Cajon Sub MP 41. Photos 9128 & 9129: are the head end and the equipment cars.
In any number of ways, it is THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH  -  Enjoy (GGG)
6/22/09 BNSF 7237 EB MP41 - 9129 6/22/09 BNSF 7450 WB flyover MP39.1 - 9130 8/01/09 BNSF 7754 WB Frost MP 38 - 9157
8/01/09 BNSF 7754 WB Frost - 9158 8/01/09 BNSF 7734 DPU for 7754 - 9159 8/01/09 UP 1983, 1996, 2002 WB - 9160
8/01/09 UP 1983 WP, 1996 SP, 2002 - 9161 8/01/09 UP 2002 (Olympic) - 9162 8/01/09 UP 8314 DPU for 1983 WB - 9163
8/11/09 UP 1983, 1996, 1995 WB - 9164 8/11/09 UP WB 3 Heritage units - 9165 8/11/09 The engines are getting closer  - 9166
Photos 9164 - 9170: Show time at the "natural crossover / flyover" MP 39.1 This KG1LA train was to have three of the UP Heritage units (1193 WP, 1996 SP, 1995 C&NW all 3 = SD70ACe's) leading along with the 2002 Olympic unit (SD70M) + 1 (SD70ACe) as mid-train DPU's. 
8/11/09 Almost in front of us - 9167 8/11/09 UP 2002 Olympic SD70M as DPU - 9168 8/11/09 2ns DPU is a UO SD70ACe - 9169
8/11/09 last view of the Heritage locos - 9170 9/25/09 BNSF 7767 WB at MP 38 - 9199 9/25/09 BNSF 7767 WB at MP 38 - 9200
Photos 9199 - 9202: BNSF 7767 + 5 WB through the Upper Mojave River Narrows at Cajon Sub MP 38. The two trailing GP-60M's were DiT (Dead in Tow) --- probably headed for local duties in San Berdoo or LA ? Photo 9203: UP 5625 is WB having just crossed the "natural crossovers" (flyover) at MP 39.1
9/25/09 BNSF 7767 WB at MP 38 - 9201 9/25/09 BNSF 7767 WB at MP 38 - 9202 9/25/09 UP 5625 WB at MP 39.1 - 9203
9/25/09 BNSF 7673 EB Frost MP 38 - 9204 9/25/09 BNSF 5330 DPU's for 7673 - 9205 9/25/09 BNSF 4056 + 10 WB MP 39.1 - 9206
Photo 9204: BNSF 7673 leads a MONSTER train (3+2+2) EB thru Frost and into the upper Narrows. Photo 9205: BNSF 5330 on the trailing DPUs EB for BNSF 7673. Photos 9206 - 9207: BNSF 4056 is WB approaching "Jones Flat" and onto the bridge of the flyover. Photos 9208 - 9209: Two views of BNSF 4430 WB from the Narrows to Frost.
9/25/09 BNSF 4056 + 10 WB MP 39.1 - 9207 9/25/09 BNSF 4430 WB Frost MP 38 - 9208 9/25/09 BNSF 4430 WB Frost MP 38 - 9209
9/25/09 BNSF 4904 EB at MP 38 - 9210 12/03/09 BNSF 4173 WB at Frost - 9323 9/30/09 BNSF 7269 EB at MP 38 - 9324
9/30/09 BNSF 7318 WB at Frost - 9325 11/13/09 BNSF 7535 WB at Frost - 9326 8/25/09 BNSF 7673 EB at Frost MP 38 - 9327
Cushenberry Branch, Hesperia to Lucerne Valley MP 45
The Cushenberry Branch runs 29.2 miles from Hesperia East to Lucerne Valley. 90+ Coal loads are left in Hespera. The Cajon local takes half the loaded cars out to the mines, returns a few days later to bring the empties back to Hesperia and then take the remaining loads to Cushenberry. So, the whole routine requires four round trips from Hesperia to Lucerne. (GGG)
2/20/09 BNSF 7718 heads east from the siding in Hesperia - 9017 2/20/09 BNSF 7718 leaving the siding in Hesperia with loaded coal cars - 9018 2/20/09 Crossing the Mojave river bridge and heading East (29 mls) - 9019
2/20/09 After crossing the Mojave river bridge it is heading East to the Cement plants - 9020 5/07/09 BNSF 4431 WB combined double stack and TOFC at Hesperia - 9096 11/30/09 BNSF 7574 WB Hesperia - 9304
11/30/09 BNSF 4050 Local (worktrain) - 9305 12/21/09 BNSF 5216 lite WB Hesperia - 9339 12/21/09 UP 5320 EB at Frost MP 38 - 9341
UP Palmdale cutoff. Marc lives in Oak Hills at the top of Cajon Pass. The UP/SP Palmdale cutoff runs west of his home.
Southern Pacific built the Colton - Palmdale cutoff in 1967 to get a possibility running trains from the Tehachapis to Southern California's Colton Yard without squeezing thru Soledad Canyon. SP was asking Santa Fe for possible trackage rights but SF refused because their tracks were already busy with their own trains and those from UP. So, SP decided to build their own line thru Cajon Pass. After UP took over SP in 1996, UP built the Silverwood connector to get access from their own line to the BNSF with continnuation to Barstow, Dagget and Yermo (UP's line to Salt Lake).
4/02/09 UP 9411 NB Oak Hills Cut - 9064 x 4/02/09 UP 9411 NB Oak Hills Cut - 9065
West Summit Island (WSI) and Silverwood Connector (SC) are just below the Summit Curve MP 56.7
2/21/09 BNSF 7560 WB on Main # 3 - 9021 2/21/09 WB getting closer while EB is on # 1 - 9022 2/21/09 WB going downhill seen from WSI - 9023
2/27/09 BNSF 548 JAC-BAR at WSI - 9024 2/27/09 The JAC-BAR has 4-axle power - 9025 2/27/09 Passing WSI on Main # 3 - 9026
2/27/09 BNSF 7417 EB on Main # 3 uphill - 9027 2/27/09 EB passing WSI toward Summit - 9028 2/27/09 UP 4574 EB at WSI (ballast empties)  9029
2/27/09 UP 5415 SB on Silverwood Conn. - 9030 2/27/09 UP SB meets UP EB (Main 1) - 9031 2/27/09 BNSF 4935 (Main 2) pases UP EB - 9032
2/27/09 UP 4574 proceeds on Main 1 - 9033 2/27/09 BNSF 4690 WB on Main 2 - 9034 2/27/09 BNSF 4690 WB downhill on Main 2 - 9035
2/21/09 Erosion damage on M-3 - 9040 2/21/09 BNSF M-3 damage - 9041 2/21/09 Repaired damage on M-3 - 9042
YES, Cajon and the High Desert have received their fair share of rain this winter, however we could always use more. And Yes, there was some damage to the BNSF tracks in Cajon. Marc sends several photos. Photos 9040 + 9041 show the damage, 9042 the repair and 9043 hydroseeding of the water damage to the south side of M-3 just RR East of WSIs (West Summit Island). 
3/04/09 UP 5424 EB at Silverwood - 9043 3/20/09 BNSF 4444 WB on Main 2 at WSI - 9053 3/20/09 TRIPLE meet at MP 57.2 by KS - 9054
2/27/09 TOFC Werner Enterprises - 9055 3/20/09 UP 5427 EB at WSI on Main 1 - 9056 3/20/09 UP EB toward Summit Curve - 9057
3/26/09 LoRam Rail Grinder at Cajon Station - 9-058 3/26/09 Rail Grinder in action at Silverwood - 9-059 3/26/09 Both photos by Paul Westover - 9-060
3/31/09 BNSF 7543 WB on M-2 looking RR East. West Summit Island (WSI) in the middle - 9063 4/11/09 BNSF 7202 is WB to WSI and meeting a UP moving from the UP onto the BNSF M-1 via the Silverwood Connector - 9069 4/11/09 BNSF WB on M-2 pass UP EB on Silverwood Connector - 9070
3/18/09 BNSF 4609 EB at MP 57 - 9066 4/01/09 BNSF 7255 EB on M-3 at MP 57 - 9076 3/19/09 UP 5343 EB on M-1 at MP 56.8 - 9082
4/04/09 UP 5258 SB Ballast Train on SC - 9085 4/04/09 UP Helpers on Silverwood Connector - 9086 3/16/09 BNSF EB MP 57 (Hill 582 above cab)  9091
4/04/09 BNSF 4077 WB meet w/UP - 9092 4/04/09 BNSF meets UP DPU's - 9093 5/01/09 UP 8042 WB on M-2 seen from WSI  9099 
3/20/09 UP 5484 WB in early morning haze - 9097 4/05/09 BNSF 7250 EB MT-3 - 9136 4/11/09 BNSF 7770 WB - 9137
West Summit Island (WSI) is just below the Summit Curve.
From this point, we can see the Silverwood Connector (connecting UP and BNSF). Actually we can see the UP track, BNSF MT-1 and MT-2 (on the left side) and MT-3 (on the rigt side).
See also photo 8115 and 9063
8/10/09 UP 5402 EB MP 57 Silverwood - 9182 x 12/21/09 BNSF 7624 WB MT-3 at WSI - 9342
BNSF Track Renewal Main Track # 3 (between Summit and Hill 582)
11/02/09: Today, Keith and I witnessed something new (for us anyway). We were told that the BNSF P 811 Track Renewal Machine would be working on Main # 3 at the crossings and curves near MP 57.2 and down near Hill 582. Well this Multi-Million dollar machine is something to watch. 
The P 811 unclips the old rails, spreads them, picks up the old concrete ties, places the new concrete ties, places the new rail(s) and moves on - at about two MPH.
Photo 9241: On the way to MP 57.2, I stopped at Summit to watch UP 7740 move from Main # 3 to # 2
. Following photos are taken from Pipeline Hill MP 57.2:
Photos 9242 - 9243: BNSF 7744 leads the P811 and tie cars on Main # 3. Photo 9244: BNSF 7562 on Main # 2 passes to P 811. Photo 9245: The machine actually has three straddle buggies to move the new and old ties.  The front most Buggy brings new ties from the front of the train to the middle and then moves the old ties back toward the front cars.  The rearmost buggy grabs the new ties from the middle of the train and takes them back to the P 811.  It then picks up the old ties and moves them back to the middle---MAKE ANY SENSE? It takes two of the machines to keep the P 811 supplied with new ties and stack the old ties. Photo 9246: The buggy has delivered new ties to the upper level and is positioned to pickup the old ties. Photo 9249: Following the P 811, is the clipper and two surfacing machines ??. The last machine is an electromagnet picking up all of the old clips etc.  GGG
11/02/09 UP 7740 move from MT # 3 to # 2 - 9241 11/02/09 BNSF 7744 on # 3 & BNSF WB # 2  9242 11/02/09 BNSF 7744 leads P 811 & Tie Cars - 9243
11/02/09 BNSF 7562 # 2 above P 811 - 9244 11/02/09 See description above - 9245 11/02/09 New ties are ready - 9246
11/02/09 Close up of P 811 - 9247 11/02/09 The machine at work - 9248 11/02/09 Behind the P 811 is more equip. - 9249
11/12/09 Kershow undercutter - 9284 11/12/09 Detail, ballast removed between ties  9285 11/12/09 Detail, ballast removal shovel - 9286
Photos 9284 - 9288: Last month we sent pictures of the P811S replacing concrete ties and rail along certain areas of Main # 3. In the areas not replaced, the ballast needed renewing which means undercutting -- a dirty job for sure. I will not even try to explain this machine except to say it takes the top layer of ballast off, cleans some of it and disposes of the rest. Next will be new ballast, track "dressing" and rail grinding.
11/12/09 Work under I-15 bridge - 9287 x 11/12/09 Dusty action - 9288
Hill 582 = MP 58.2X This is the "Oasis" for the Railfans  (See also - The History of Hill 582 - click here)
1/12/09 - BNSF 8738 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 - 9001 1/12/09 - EB JAC-BAR all 4 axle power - 9002 1/12/09 BNSF 5083 WB "baretables" (empty)  9003
1/12/09 BNSF 4030 EB "baretables" - 9004 1/23/09 Above BNSF busy UP workers - 9005 1/23/09 BNSF EB JAC-BAR 8738 leading - 9006
2/11/09 Amtrak # 3 WB near Hill 582 - 9013 2/11/09 Amtrak WB train is 5 hours late - 9014 2/16/09 BNSF 7687 WB in heavy snow - 9015
2/16/09 Same WB train seen from the Hill - 9016 3/13/09 BNSF 548 JAC-BAR EB on M-1 - 9046 3/13/09 BNSF 4870 WB on M-2 - 9047
3/13/09 UP 7715 WB (Werner Trailer) on M-3 - 9048 3/20/09 BNSF 155 EB JAC-BAR on Main 3 - 9051 3/20/09 JAC-BAR going uphill on Main 3 - 9052
3/11/09 BNSF 7774 EB on M-2 seen from new MP 58 w/Hill 582 just above the diesels - 9061 4/01/09 BNSF 107 JAC-BAR EB on M-3 at MP 57 just RR East of Hill 582 (is top, center right) - 9062 3/23/09 BNSF 4737 WB at MP 58.4 just west of Hill 582 on M-3 - 9067
3/27/09 BNSF-UP all GE meet at Hill 582 - 9068 4/18/09 BNSF 7599 EB on M-3 below Hill 582  9071 2/20/09 BNSF 10 units EB on M-3 at Hill 582 - 9083
4/18/09 UP 8167/BNSF EB and UP above - 9084 5/07/09 UP 8172 EB (SD90/43) - 9088 5/07/09 UP 4487 WB MT-3 past Hill 582 - 9089
3/24/09 BNSF WB on MT-3 MP 58.4 - 9090 5/07/09 Rattler on Hill 582 - 9087 5/22/09 BNSF 109 EB JACBAR on M-3 - 9106
Photo 9087:  I have just read that you cannot tell the age of a rattler by the number of rattles. Evidently, "they" can shed their skin up to four times a year and each shedding exposes a new rattle. The point, I guess, is that this is probably a young snake who was just laying there warming in the sun  --- until I hit him/her/it with a small pebble. Suffice it to say that he/she/it was NOT Happy. A 300 mm lens helps. GGG
5/22/09 UP 7732 WB on M-2 - 9103 5/22/09 UP WB, manned BNSF Helpers EB - 9104 5/22/09 UP WB DPU SD90/43 - 9105
5/22/09 BNSF 1027 EB w/framed trees - 9102 5/22/09 Werner Enterprises TOFC - 9100 5/22/09 Total of 9 WE Trailers on this train - 9101
6/12/09 UP 5476 WB (1 front + 1 rear) - 9107 6/12/09 UP 8244 DPU for UP 5476 WB - 9108 6/16/09 BNSF 5202 WB on M-2 - 9123
6/16/09 BNSF 7255 EB (10 units lash-up) - 9121 6/16/09 Same train with 10 units (1 x NS) - 9122 6/16/09 UP 5411 EB (w/UPY 1115) - 9124
6/16/09 Close up of UPY 1115 - 9125 6/16/09 UP 5411 EB meets UP 7860 WB - 9126 7/04/09 Another Rattler on the Hill - 9138
Photo 9138 - 7/04/09: While visiting Hill 582 yesterday morning and one of the gentleman who tends the garden, the subject of those unwelcome guests came up and “Hill Tender” let on that they have killed three Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes so far this season. As we were getting ready to depart, number 4 was discovered right where we were walking and he was not talking. That was the part that bothered all of us, that he was keeping quiet. Normally, the wildlife on Cajon is safe from molestation, but Hill 582 is a noted exception simply because of the high number of folks who come to see it.
There’s no assurance by any means this was the last one, so for those stopping by, pay very close attention.
Text & photo by espee4ever (thank you for this important information - it is greatly appreciated - WM)
7/31/09 UP 7418 NB on UP tracks - 9151 7/31/09 BNSF 4914 EB - 9152 7/31/09 BNSF 7517 WB - 9153
SUPER morning on Hill 582 last Friday (7/31/09) with Don, Marc and Jerry.
Photo 9151: UP 7418 is slowly NB on the UP/SP -- creeping up to the Silverwood connector--just to be held for. Photo 9152: BNSF 4941 EB with a 3 + 2 + 2 configuration pulling 9,000 feet of stacks. Photo 9153: BNSF 7517 is WB with the Ethanol "BOMB" train. Photo 9154: BNSF 7517 lead units pass the mid-train units of BNSF 4941. Photo 9155: BNSF 5508 rear DPU's for 4941. Photo 9156: BNSF 4108 trailing DPU's for "da BOMB".
Actually, at the same time, BNSF MT # 3 had a WB ---- all Cajon tracks were busy. (GGG)
7/31/09 BNSF 7517 WB - 9154 7/31/09 BNSF 5508 DPU for 4941 EB - 9155 7/31/09 BNSF 4108 DPU for 7517 WB - 9156
8/14/09 New plaques finally installed - 9171 8/14/09 Close up of the plaques - 9172 8/14/09 Gary Gray, Marc Fournier, Don Toles - 9173
Photos 9171-9173: Thanks to the generosity and High-Tech expertise of Ruedi (Switzerland), Hill 582 has two new plaques explaining the origins of the artifacts. Also, the 582 locals have new 582 T-Shirts (GGG)
8/14/09 UP 5435 EB on Main # 1 - 9174 8/14/09 BNSF 5442 WB pass UP EB - 9175 8/21/09 BNSF 792 EB "Z" Train - 9176
8/21/09 BNSF 5519 EB - 9177 8/21/09 BNSF EB Mid Train Helpers - 9178 8/21/09 BNSF EB Rear End Helpers - 9179
Photos 9177-9179: BNSF 5519 (leading), 2 Mid-Train DPU's, & 2 Trailing DPU's of a 12,000 foot - 11,000 ton BNSF monster train EB at Hill 582.
8/21/09 ATSF 543 FM H12-44TS on the move - 9180 8/19/09 BNSF 710 EB w/trees of Hill 582 - 9181 7/31/09 BNSF 1003 WB on MT-3 - 9185
Photo 9180: ATSF 543 (a Fairbanks Morse H12-44TS) is on the move from the CSRM in Sacramento. It is loaded on flat car QTTX 131391 and is currently moving south on the QRVWCB 20 heading towards West Colton, CA. The eventual destination is the Illinois Railway Museum at Union, IL
8/14/09 BNSF 4107 EB on MT-1 - 9184 8/14/09 BNSF 4398 EB on MT-1 - 9186 8/14/09 BNSF 7610 EB on MT-1 - 9187
9/11/09 Gary Gray, Alice Hall, Don Toles - 9188 9/11/09 The Group (see below) - 9189 9/11/09 UP 7634 WB on Main 2 - 9190
Photos 9188 - 9189: Several months ago, Alice Hall (an author from Devore, CA) contacted Don and me concerning using a few of our Cajon Pictures in a book which would trace the history of Cajon Pass. Last Friday, Alice and husband Roger joined the Westovers (Tehachapi), Bobby Deren (Nashville), Don, Marc and me on Hill 582.
THE CAJON PASS is a superb pictorial history of 127 pages and 250+ photographs.
Do you want a copy of this book?  Click here: The Cajon Pass - Arcadia Publishing
Don and I are honored to have four pictures included in the railroading section. THANKS ALICE (GGG)

Photos 9190 - 9193:
UP 7634 is WB with about 8,000 feet of freight.  BTW, the third unit behind 7634 is a newly painted GP 40-2. The meet was just west of Hill 582. The last picture is of the two DPU's helping UP 7634.
9/11/09 UP WB meet w/UP EB - 9191 9/11/09 UP 7634 WB - 9192 9/11/09 UP WB DPU's - 9193
10/02/09 BNSF 4547 EB - 9281 10/02/09 4 units C44-9W 4400 HP - 9282 10/02/09 Elephant style Dash 9's - 9283
Photos 9281 - 9283: BNSF 4547 is EB to Hill 582 --- notable only because all four units are identical in Heritage II scheme and are arranged "elephant style". All 4 locos are of a 698 unit order (Nos. 4300 - 4999) and were built during 1997, 1998 and 1999. 
11/30/09 UP 8546 WB w/Werner Trailers - 9299 11/30/09 BNSF 7762 WB (paint is fading) - 9300 11/30/09 DPU's for 7762 w/faded paint ! ! - 9301
11/30/09 BNSF 7561 WB on Main 2 - 9302 6/16/09 - Don Toles, the "Hilltender" - 9119 11/30/09 DPU's for 7561 WB dbl stack - 9303
Photo 9344: Our famous Hill 582 is just visible above the first engine. This photo was taken from the former Tunnel 1 East portal Area.

Actually all other photos above have been taken from Hill 582.

Did you read the History of Hill 582
written by Don E. Toles?

Take a look - click here
12/18/09 UP 8134 EB - 9343 x 12/21/09 UP 5526 EB toward Hill 582 - 9344
Alray - Area between Interstate 15 and former Tunnel 2
3/09/09 BNSF 5384 WB Ethanol train - 9036 3/09/09 It is rolling downhill on Main 2 - 9037 3/09/09 Almost endless tank cars - 9038
Marc sends a great series of BNSF 5384, WB near the old T-2 WP area (AlRay) leading the ethanol train. Locally, the ethanol train is known as "the bomb".
BTW, FRA/BNSF rules require and "idler" car between the power and the "loads".
3/09/09 DPU's at the end of train - 9039 2/21/09 Erosion former T-2 area - 9044 3/09/09 UP 5385 WB pass repaired damage - 9045
3/10/09 BNSF 7434 EB old T-1 area - 9075 4/03/09 BNSF 7261 M-3 MP59 under I-15 - 9079 4/03/09 Same EB towards old Tunnel area - 9080
Photo 9294: An interesting view toward former Tunnel 2 area. Interstate 15 WB (direction San Bernardino) in front and EB lanes behind (going uphill to Hesperia and Barstow). We can see a BNSF EB TOFC train (which passed under I-15) and the front is already passing the former Tunnel 2 area (with high retaining wall) continuing to former Tunnel 1 area. This scene has really changed thru the construction of the 3rd Main Track because of daylighting of the 2 Tunnels and the addition of a track. So we have now MT-1 and MT-2. This BNSF train is actually on MT-1 going uphill.
10/07/09 BNSF EB to old Tunnel 2 area - 9294 x 12/23/09 BNSF 7530 WB Alray - 9348
12/23/09 UP 5448 WB in front - 9362 12/28/09 BNSF 7739 WB from T-2 area - 9346 12/28/09 BNSF 7739 WB getting closer - 9347
In late December, Don Toles took some more great photos of the Alray area. He was standing above Interstate 15 and is looking eastward.
On photo 9362, a UP WB train is coming downhill on UP's Palmdale cutoff line. Photo 9361 shows also a train on the UP line plus a BNSF WB on BNSF MT-2 
Did anyone notice the top of the trailer on photo 9348? It is not on a Flat Car, but going uphill on I-15.
The initials of Don are DET and the Truck in front is marked DET Transportation ! !
12/28/09 BNSF 5130 EB at Alray - 9360 x 12/28/09 BNSF WB and UP in front - 9361
Area between Hwy 138 and I-15 incl. Mormon Rocks, Stein's Hill, Davis Ranch Rd., CP Walker
4/18/09 BNSF 7276 EB Davis Ranch Rd - 9077 4/18/09 BNSF 7668 WB Davis Ranch Rd. 9078 4/16/09 UP 5553 WB Davis Ranch Rd. - 9133
12/17/09 BNSF 7569 EB Davis Ranch - 9349 12/31/09 BNSF 7403 EB Mormon Rocks - 9350 12/23/09 BNSF 7524 WB Davis R x-ing - 9351
12/21/09 BNSF 7486 EB west of DR Rd. - 9352 12/23/09 BNSF 7331 EB approaching DR - 9353 12/23/09 BNSF 7747 EB west of DR Rd. - 9354
12/23/09 BNSF 7747 EB west of DR Rd. - 9355 12/21/09 UP 8178 NB above CP Walker - 9363  12/29/07 BNSF 7604 EB at CP Walker - 9345
What has Werner Enterprises to do with us?
WE is a big trucking company founded in 1956 and based in Omaha, NE.
With 7'200 Trucks (Tractors), 25'000 Trailers and 14'000 employees, WE is one of the five largest truck carriers in the U.S.
WE is using the railroads for TOFC service, which can be seen over Cajon Pass.
Last but not least, the host of this website, Werner Meer, feels somehow familiar with WE because his first name is Werner. So, on his HO layout (under construction) there is also a WE facility with WE trucks - take a look: click here
Direct link to Werner Enerprises: click here
12/28/09 Werner TOFC at CP Walker by JW - 9356 12//28/09 Werner Trailer close up by JW - 9357
Sullivan's Curve MP 63.7X
4/18/09 BNSF 7213 WB on Main 2 - 9072 4/18/09 BNSF 4060 EB on M-1 meet w/WB - 9073 4/18/09 BNSF EB train pass end of WB - 9074
5/03/09 UP 7768 WB on M-2 - 9098 7/06/09 UP 8667 WB on BNSF track 2 - 9139 7/06/09 UP 4884 DPU for same train - 9140
Last week, Marc and I drove down to Sullivan's to photograph the RB B&B Circus train traveling SB from Fresno to LA. We arrived early, but in time to see one of the new UP MONSTER trains WB through the Curve-on the BNSF. So, pics 9139-9140 are the lead and mid-train helpers for an 11,700+ ton, 10,600+ foot Super Train. Thanks to Andy Goodson for the train info. The late afternoon light was less than ideal but we did see some traffic while waiting. (GGG)
7/06/09 BNSF 7774 WB on track 2 - 9141 7/06/09 BNSF 7608 WB on track 1 - 9142 7/06/09 BNSF WB under Hwy 138 bridge - 9143
7/06/09 UP 5432 WB Circus Train - 9144 7/06/09 WB RB B&B Circus Train - 9145 7/06/09 WB RB B&B Circus Train - 9146
As mentioned, the RB B&B Circus Train was SB thru Sullivan's Curve on UP tracks last Monday. At almost 6:00 PM, the light was fading but it is still worth to see.
 Photos 9144 - 9150: Here are the specs on the train:
 2009 Red Unit Circus Train: -- 59 cars (38 conventional passenger-type cars; 21 TTX-[type] piggyback flats)
-- 4,290 Tons (when fully loaded) -- 5,235 Feet (WITHOUT host RR's power attached; 1 mile = 5,280 feet)
7/06/09 WB RB B&B Circus Train - 9147 7/06/09 Circus Train flat cars - 9148 7/06/09 Circus Train Trailers - 9149
7/06/09 End of Circus Train - 9150 8/19/09 UP meet at Sullivan's Curve - 9183 10/07/09 UP 7859 EB on BNSF Main 1 - 9289
10/07/09 UP 7732-4914 DPU for 7859 EB - 9290 10/07/09 Same DPU's end of train - 9291 10/07/09 UP 5460 EB on UP tracks - 9292
10/07/09 UP 5427 EB on UP track - 9293 10/07/09 BNSF 6624 EB on BNSF Main 2 - 9295 10/23/09 BNSF 7569 EB on Main 2 - 9296
Swarthout Canyon Road (SWC) - Blue Cut and Lower Canyon
3/31/09 BNSF 7776 WB M-3 SWC MP 64.8 - 9095 3/06/09 BNSF 4975 EB on M-1 at MP 66 - 9094 4/16/09 BNSF Track Geometry Train Blue Cut 9132

Bonus photos - non Cajon Pass

Bonus Pictures: Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors (photos by Marc Fournier)
1/11/09 An original, 102 year old, fully operational San Pedro Trolley car - 9007 1/11/09 # 500 is a replica of the trolley on the left - used in daily service - 9008 1/11/09 BNSF 1203 LNG Switcher - 9009
1/11/09 PHL #33 (Pacific Harbor Line) 2100 HP GenSet Switcher - 9010 1/11/09 The Wilmington, CA Ethanol unloading facility - 9011 1/11/09 UP 1983 (WP Heritage) SD70ACe awaiting assignment at LA Harbor - 9012


Bonus Pictures: Feather River Canyon (photos by Marc Fournier)
8/09 BNSF 7583 EB near Belden - 9194 8/09 BNSF 7583 EB emerging from tunnel - 9195 8/09 UP 7830 WB - BNSF 7583 EB meet at Camp Rogers Siding - 9196
8/09 BNSF 7583 NB on Bieber Line - 9197 8/09 BNSF 7583 NB on Bieber Line - 9198 8/09 UP 7695 WB keddie Wye - 9217
8/09 UP WB DPU on Clio Trestle - 9218 8/09 UP EB at Spring Garden - 9219 8/09 UP WB meets EB at Spring Garden - 9220
8/09 Modesto & Empire Traction 603 + 607 switching in Modesto - 9221 8/09 UP 4514 NB pass BNSF 714 DPU at Rowen Siding (Tehachapi Pass) - 9222 10/30/09 California Zephyr EB in FRC - 9250
10/30/09 Short CZ w/Amtrak engine - 9251 10/30/09 CZ Dome Observation WB - 9252 10/30/09 Williams Loop w/EB Train - 9253
Late last month, Fearless Fournier (Marc) traveled back to the Feather River Canyon (FRC) to chase the Mini California Zephyr (CZ).  The train trip was from Oakland to Portola and back.
He found some GREAT photographic places and, so, here are his first seven images.Photos 9250 - 9252: Various pictures of the CZ EB in the FRC. Marc then stationed himself on the upper level of the FRC Williams Loop. Photos 9253 - 9254: show the train approaching and departing the Williams Loop Flyover -- on the lower level. Photos 9255 - 9256: show the CZ on the upper level -- the lower track is visible in both images. Enjoy this great stuff from Marc. (MF/GGG)
10/30/09 Below the Loop - 9254 10/30/09 Above the Loop - 9255 10/30/09 EB CZ is leaving the Loop  - 9256
10/30/09 CZ EB to Keddie Wye - 9261 10/30/09 CZ WB Stockton Diamond - 9262 10/30/09 CZ Dome/Obs at Diamond - 9263
10/30/09 UP NB on North Fork Bridge - 9258 10/30/09 BNSF NB on Bieber Line - 9259 10/30/09 BNSF WB at Pulga - 9260
Marc also visited the Nevada State RR Museum in Carson City, NV
Photos 9264 - 9265: McKeen Motor Car #22. Restoration is almost complete.
 Photo 9266: New Cat 8 cylinder engine which replaces the old "I" Block inline 6. The engine sits in the drivers compartment --- noise ??
From the Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola, CA -
 Photo 9268: UP Heritage DDA40X 6936 coupled with WPRM display 6946. Photo 9269: Three WPRM WP F units which will someday pull a resurrected California Zephyr. -
10/30/09 McKeen Motor Car # 22 - 9264 10/30/09 McKeen NV Museum Carson City - 9265 10/30/09 New engine for the McKeen - 9266
10/30/09 NSRM Museum Baldwin # 25 - 9267 10/30/09 UP DDA40X at Portola - 9268 10/30/09 WP F's at Portola's WPRM - 9269


Bonus Pictures: Feather River Canyon (photos by Bruce H. Jones)
Last weekend - Nov 19-22 -  I flew up to Sacramento and met my friend Pete (Pacer Stacktrain) and his brother for a weekend in Feather River Canyon. The occasion was the last of the stacktrains over the Canyon Sub. We arrived at Pete's mountain retreat, about 5 miles west of Portola, Thursday evening, and began our adventure Friday morning. Pete's brother is a meteorologist and correctly predicted we would have snow that day. That did not stop us. By late afternoon we had whiteout conditions so we retreated back to Pete's place and enjoyed the late afternoon and evening in warmth and comfort. Saturday morning dawned clear and sunny with "winter wonderland" scenery. We got a good bit of rail action in the canyon and had a great day. (BHJ)
A warm welcome to Bruce H. Jones as a guest photographer. Thank you for sharing your great photos with us. (WM 11/27/09)
11/20/09 UP EB at Williams Loop - 9275 11/20/09 UP EB on Keddie Wye - 9276 11/20/09 UP at Portola in heavy snow - 9277
11/21/09 BNSF EB on High Line - 9278 11/21/09 UP EB near Paxton - 9279 11/21/09 UP EB on Keddie Wye - 9280


The year 2009 has come to an end !
12/24/09 The lack of snow here in the lower Southern CA elevations has forced us to search for a proper Holiday card to send to the World-Wide Cajon Mafia. 
Marc took this beautiful Cajon sunset from Summit. - 9337
A big thank you to Don, Gary and Marc for sharing their wonderful photos with us (12/24/0
9 WM)
(We sure appreciate the addtl. photographers mentioned on top of this page) 


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

Go back to Cajon Pass Main Page - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)