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updated: June 22, 2012

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 6/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).

Guest Photographers: Ryan Slaton (RS), Don Winslow (DW), Keith Schreiber (KS), Bruce H. Jones (BHJ), USA
 Garth Brown (GB), Great Britain, Ruedi Schai (RUS), Switzerland
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)

Snow on Cajon Pass
Ruedi Schai, the Swiss who made some of the Hill 582 memorials, was visitting Cajon in early January 2011. He took some great photos with rare snow scenes at Hill 582 and West Summit Island. Marc Fournier was leading him. They started their winter journey at UP-Summit (North Hiland). The first 3 photos were taken the day before the snow fall (1/02/11), plenty snow pictures taken on 1/03/11 and finally the day after the snow (1/04/11).
RUS 1/02/11 UP EB on MT-1 at WSI - 1001 RUS 1/02/11 All 3 BNSF tracks are busy - 1002 RUS 1/02/11 BNSF WB on Flyover at Frost - 1003
RUS 1/03/11 UP w/snow fall at Hiland siding - 1004 RUS 1/03/11 UP w/Ferromex ES44 unit - 1005 RUS 1/03/11 UP w/Marc Fournier at Hiland - 1006
MF 1/03/11 Snow covered Hill 582 - 1007 MF 1/03/11 Signal bridge near Hill 582 - 1008 MF 1/03/11 BNSF 7721-7724 WB helpers - 1009
RUS 1/03/11 BNSF 7710 WB at WSI - 1010 RUS 1/03/11 Meet BNSF WB & UP EB - 1011 RUS 1/03/11 BNSF DPU's pass UP (on hold)  1012
RUS 1/03/11 UP SB on Silverwood Connector - 1013 RUS 1/03/11 Signal at WSI w/UP SB at WSI - 1014 RUS 1/03/11 UP SB entering UPT Silverwood  1015
RUS 1/03/11 UP SB Helpers pass UP EB - 1016 RUS 1/03/11 Finally, UP EB is moving - 1017 RUS 1/03/11 UP EB DPU's w/UP pickup - 1018
RUS 1/04/11 Next day UP SB on UPT - 1019 RUS 1/04/11 UP SB pass Hill 582 - 1020 RUS 1/04/11 US & Swiss flags on Hill 582 - 1021
RUS 1/04/11 BNSF EB round the curve  H582 - 1025 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF EB on MT-1 pass H582 - 1026 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF EB heading for Silverwood 1027
RUS 1/04/11 BNSF 7888 EB pass Hill 582 - 1028 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF EB JB Hunt intermodal - 1029 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF EB in the distance - 1030
RUS 1/04/11 BNSF WB on MT-2 toward H582 - 1031 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF WB pass Hill 582 - 1032 RUS 1/04/11 BNSF WB downhill - 1033
The result of the recent snow/rain/hail/wind storm of 2/26/11. The day after - LOADS of mud and road ruts but no damage to HILL 582. 
GGG 2/27/11 UP 5392 WB at MP 38 - 1034 GGG 2/27/11 Mount Baldy w/fresh snow - 1035 GGG 2/27/11 BNSF 7516 WB Baldy Mesa Rd 1036
GGG 2/27/11 San Gabriel Mountains - 1037 GGG 2/27/11 BNSF 7783 WB at Hill 582 - 1038 GGG 2/27/11 Cajon Mudmobile w/Marc - 1039
3/04/11: Marc and I joined Don on Hill 582 this morning. There were plenty of trains early - but nothing remarkable.
Marc and I moved down to the "S" curves just RR West of Hill 582 where we witnessed a couple of "seldom seen events".
Photo 1040: Hill 582 from the new BNSF MP 58 -- nice and green from all of our rain. Photos 1041 - 1043: BNSF 7526 is EB and about to pass Hill 582.
 Photo 1044: A deer shot past us -- and by the time I got my camera up -- well check the middle of the picture. Photo 1045: The new Boeing 747-8F (Freighter), still in testing, was on final to the San Bernardino Airport -- the  old Norton AFB. GGG
GGG 3/04/11 Hill 582 seen from MP 58 - 1040 GGG 3/04/11 BNSF 7526 EB at MP 58 - 1041 GGG 3/04/11 same train at same location - 1042
GGG 3/04/11 Same train pass signal bridge - 1043 GGG 3/04/11 Can you see the DEER ? - 1044 GGG 3/04/11 Boeing 747-8F over Hill 582 - 1045
DET 2/07/11 AMT 817 WB on # 3 Hill 582 - 1046 GGG 3/11/11 UP 2002 Olympic EB Hill 582 - 1047 GGG 3/11/11 BNSF 7273 WB w/FRA 220 - 1048
Photo 1047: UP 2002 is almost 10 years old and still looking good. Photos 1048 - 1049: FRA Track Geometry Car going downhill on MT-3. Here is a link to give some data for this FRA 220: . Photo 1050: This UP SB is rolling on UP tracks near fromer Tunnel 1. Photos 1051 - 1052: UP NB on UPT with Wind Turbine parts heading for Tehachapi.
GGG 3/11/11 FRA Car on # 3 WB - 1049 GGG 3/11/11 UP 5456 SB on UPT, T-1 area - 1050 DET 2/11/11 UP NB on UPT - 1051
DET 2/11/11 Wind Turbine parts - 1052 DET 1/17/11 UP 5516 EB at Hill 582 - 1053 GGG 3/11/11 BNSF 7388 EB Hesperia - 1054
Photos 1055 - 1056: Amtrak dealy: BNSF SD70MAC 9615 was added to # 3 in La Junta, Colorado, because of an ailing Amtrak P42DC # 45. Also, slow orders through Kansas and Colorado due to signal problems (reportedly copper theft), and then setting out # 45 in Albuquerque, New Mexico added to the "lateness". From a very cool, cloudy and windy "Gray's Hill" at MP 39.1. Photo 1057: The Searchlight signals from Hesperia to Frost (so far) are being replaced with vertical signal heads --- taken from under the Main St Bridge in Hesperia. (GGG)
GGG 3/26/11 Delayed Amtrak # 3 at MP 39.1 - 1055 GGG 3/26/11 BNSF # 9615 leads AMT WB - 1056 GGG 3/26/11 New Signals at Hesperia - 1057
Last Tuesday morning (3/29/11) was Great. Marc & I went up to the Hill overlooking the BNSF Flyover at Cajon Sub MP 39.1 to see the first revenue run of four BRAND NEW ES44C4's. We were pleased to see 19 trains in 3 Hrs --- just like the old days.
Photos 1061, 1062, 1067, 1068:
BNSF 6656, 6657, 6658 & 6655 are WB at MP 39.1. Photo 1063: BNSF 7200 with BNSF 9292 & BNSF 9615 EB at MP 39.1 --- interesting in that: BNSF 9292 is a seldom seen (in these parts) BNSF SD70ACe. BNSF 9615 is the SD70MAC that lead AMT # 3 WB into LA on 3/26/11 (photos 1055 - 1056) --- returning to coal drag service. (GGG)
GGG 3/29/11 BNSF WB w/4 new ES44C4 - 1061 GGG 3/29/11 # 6656, 6657, 6658, 6655 - 1067 GGG 3/29/11 BNSF WB intermodal - 1062
GGG 3/29/11 Elephant style ES44C4 - 1068 GGG 3/29/11 BNSF 7200 EB at MP 39.1 - 1063 GGG 3/29/11 UP 8425 WB on the flyover - 1070
GGG 3/29/11 UP 7858/3948 DPU's - 1071 GGG 3/29/11 BNSF 5026 WB intermodal - 1072 GGG 3/29/11 BNSF 7447/5214 DPU's - 1073
Today (4/02/11), PRS sponsored an AMTRAK lead special from LA to Bakersfield (via the Cajon and Tehachapi passes). Marc, naturally, is aboard and was able to keep me informed as to the train's location. Photos were taken from the UPRR crossing of (DRR) Davis Ranch Road (just above BNSF CP Walker).
Infos about this Pacific RR Society Special: 
Photos 1074 - 1075: The Pacific Railroad Society Special came back from Bakersfield on Sunday 4/03/11 and we got it at Alray (former Tunnel area) on UPT.
GGG 4/02/11 BNSF 7372 EB at DRR on MT-1 - 1064 GGG 4/02/11 AMT 156 (PRS) NB at DRR - 1065 GGG 4/02/11 PRS Special NB at DRR (UPT) 1066
GGG 4/02/11 BNSF 7480 EB at DDR - 1069 ED/GGG 4/03/11 AMT 156 WB PRS at Alray  1074 ED/GGG 4/03 AMT WB Full Dome at Alray - 1075
Yesterday (4/13/11), Marc, Bob Widholm and I hosted a guest from Oregon at Frost (MP 38) and at the flyover (MP 39.1). As you may know the BNSF, between San Bernardino and the Flyover is normally "LEFT-HAND RUNNING" --- returning to "right-hand running" between the Flyover and Barstow.
Main track (MT) # 2 was closed just West of the flyover due to MoW work and it was a bit "interesting" explaining to our guest how WB trains would transition from MT # 1 to MT # 2 and back to MT # 1using only one switch movement.
Photos 1076-1077: BNSF 7412 WB (on MT # 1) pulls to Frost to wait for --- Photos 1078-1079: BNSF 7913 EB to clear Frost --- the ditch light failure was reported to Barstow. Photo 1080: BNSF 7412 transitions to MT # 2 --- which will become MT # 1at the flyover --- 1.1 miles West of Frost. Photo 1081: UP 7876 waits in Victorville to proceed west --- BNSF 4071 will run to Hesperia and use the Cushenbury spur to run East to Lucerne Valley. Photos 1082-1083: UP 7876 WB and it's DPU transition from MT # 2 to MT # 1. Photo 1084: BNSF 7690 WB heads into the flyover.
In photo 1078, please note the new vertical stack signals. In photo 1080, note the new equipment shed and loop antenna for the upcoming Positive Train Control system --- here are some infos: --- Enjoy (GGG)
GGG 4/13/11 BNSF 7412 WB MP 38 Frost - 1076 GGG 4/13/11 BNSF WB intermodal MP 38 - 1077 GGG 4/13/11 BNSF 7913 EB MP 38 Frost - 1078
GGG 4/13/11 BNSF EB passes WB train - 1079 GGG 4/13/11 BNSF 7412 WB transition - 1080 GGG 4/13/11 UP 7876 WB at MP 36.7 - 1081
GGG 4/13/11 UP 7876 WB MP 39.1 flyover - 1082 GGG 4/13/11 mid-train DPU on UP WB - 1083 GGG 4/13/11 BNSF 7690 WB MP 39.1 - 1084
Last weekend (April 16/17, 2011), San Bernardino, CA celebrated it's third annual Railroad Days. Infos on the link below:
I received images from several photographers (RS = Ryan Slaton, DW = Don Winslow, KS = Keith Schreiber, MF = Marc Fournier) and so I thought that I would combine them into album to tell the story. (GGG) Thanks guys for sharing your photos. And so, with permission:
4/16/11 San Bernardino Railroad Days Poster - 1091 RS 4/16/11 ATSF 3751 about to leave LAUPT  1092 DW 4/16/11 ATSF 3751 EB throu Claremont - 1093
KS 4/16/11 ATSF 3751 on flyover S.B. Depot - 1094 MF 4/16/11 Arrival at S.B. Depot - 1095 MF 4/16/11 ATSF 3751 under Mt. Vernon Ave. 1096
MF 4/16/11 Arrival at S.B. Depot - 1097 MF 4/16/11 BNSF 6662 ES44C4 at S.B. - 1098 MF 4/16/11 BNSF 1300 Genset Switcher - 1099
MF 4/16/11 Metrolink 878 on display S.B. - 1100 MF 4/16/11 BNSF 7590 EB thru S.B. - 1101 DW 4/16/11 ATSF 3751 WB throu Claremont - 1102
We are back in the Pass with 3 photos of WSI and one of each Hill 582, Flyover and Frost.
Photos 1103-1104: Four new BNSF ES44C4's + BNSF 7348 are EB at Silverwood. Photo 1105: UP 4581 EB on #1 waits at Silverwood for a WB UP to move onto the UP/SP via the connector. Photos 1106-1107: Two rare ex-SP units are EB from Hill 582 and MP 39.1 (Flyover). Photo 1108: BNSF 5242 East passes the old and new signals at MP 38 (Frost). GGG/MF
MF 4/10/11 BNSF 6671-6670 EB at WSI - 1103 MF 4/10/11 DPU's EB (all ES44C4's) - 1104 MF 4/16/11 UP 4581 EB at WSI - 1105
GGG 4/13/11 UP-SP 6235 EB Hill 582 - 1106 GGG 4/13/11 UP 7393 w/SP 319 EB MP 39.1 1107 GGG 4/13/11 BNSF 5242 EB MP 38 Frost - 1108
GGG 5/27/11 BNSF 7714 WB at WSI - 1109 GGG 5/27/11 BNSF DPU's of 7714 WB - 1110 GGG 5/27/11 UP 7907 EB at Hill 582 - 1111
GGG 5/27/11 UMAX Cont. owned by UP/CSX - 1112 GGG 5/27/11 UP 8468 DPU of UMAX train - 1113 GGG 5/27/11 Larry da Lizzard visits Hill 582 - 1114
WSI (West Summit Island) - here, BNSF MT-3 splits from BNSF MT-1 and MT-2. In addition, UP has the Silverwood Connector between UPT and BNSF MT-1
GGG 6/06/11 Mt. Baldy still w/snow on top - 1115 GGG 6/06/11 BNSF 7770 WB at WSI - 1116 GGG 6/06/11 ATSF 162 GP60M warbonnet - 1117
GGG 6/06/11 BNSF 7777 & 7747 DPU's WB - 1118 GGG 6/06/11 UP 5142 WB - 1119 GGG 6/06/11 BNSF 7470 EB  - 1120
GGG 6/06/11 BNSF EB meets BNSF WB - 1121 GGG 6/06/11 BNSF 7244 WB - 1122 GGG 6/06/11 BNSF DPU's for 7244 WB - 1123
GGG 6/06/11 UP 6645 WB onto Connector - 1124 GGG 6/06/11 UP DPU's for 6645 WB - 1125 GGG 6/08/11 BNSF 7911 WB MP 38 Frost - 1126
GGG 5/31/11 BNSF Business Train Hesperia - 1127 DET 6/02/11 BNSF 7555 EB Officer's Special  1128 DET 6/02/11 Same Train pass Hill 582 - 1129
DET 5/08/11 BNSF 5271 WB E. Barstow - 1130 DET 5/08/11 BNSF 7824 EB Helendale - 1131 DET 5/08/11 BNSF 7728 WB W. Barstow - 1132
DET 3/22/11 Herzog Rail Train Hill 582 - 1133 DET 3/22/11 Same Herzog Rail Train - 1134 DET 4/19/11 Hill 582 Damage - 1135
Last week (June 24), Don Toles and I had two visitors --- Chuck Donaldson (Portland, OR) and Werner Meer (Switzerland). We had a great time and Don topped himself by introducing us to a new (to us) place that he named "Noisy Point". Noisy Point (NP) is just BNSF RR West of Interstate 15 and above the UP and BNSF CP Walker. From NP, we can see Cajon Summit AND almost to Sullivan's curve - no trains can sneak up upon you. The only drawback is the NOISE from I-15 --- and therefore, the NP name. Photo 1145: This map shows how we normally access NP via USFS 3N53. Photos 1138 - 1147 were taken from NP (actually from the powerline tower seen on photo 1137).
CAUTION --- USFS 3N53 shares the tunnel under I-15 with the UP/SP tracks. Clearance is tight and so a close check of the signals and a visual check are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Access to USFS 3N53 may also be gained via Hwy 138W and Davis Ranch Road. (Gary G. Gray)
GGG 6/24/11 Map w/Noisy Point - 1136 GGG 6/24/11 Details: How to find NP - 1145 GGG 6/24/11 NP is at the tower - 1137
GGG 6/24/11 BNSF 7724 WB (Tunnel 2) - 1138 GGG 6/24/11 BNSF WB will pass I-15 - 1139 GGG 6/24/11 BNSF WB at CP Walker - 1140
GGG 6/24/11 UP 5364 EB above CP Walker - 1141 GGG 6/24/11 Same UP EB Baldy Mesa Rd - 1142 GGG 6/24/11 UP EB above T-2 on UPT - 1143
GGG 6/24/11 UP EB above T-1 - 1144 GGG 6/24/11 BNSF 6646 EB Baldy Mesa Rd  1146 GGG 6/24/1 BNSF 7509 EB at Alray - 1147
GGG 6/20/11 BNSF 7558 WB Flyover MP39.1 - 1148 GGG 6/22/11 BNSF 7706 WB Hill 582 - 1149 KS 4/11/11 BNSF & UP WB at Silverwood - 1150
I heard that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Baily Circus Train would be coming thru on it's way from Fresno to San Diego. Went up to "Gray's Hill" (MP 39.1 - Flyover) and while waiting (photos 1154 - 1157) I got 3 BNSF WB and 1 UP 7867 EB train. Photos 1158 - 1159: After I "lost the perfect sun", the Circus train appeared. The first four cars are for the large animals. Photos 1160 - 1161: show the people cars with the generator car. And finally photo 1162: The show equipment cars.
From Train Orders: The Red unit train is 5405 feet in length less host power. The RED Unit has 59 Cars = 4 Stocks, 2 COFC, 34 Coaches, 18 Flats, 1 Bi-Level (RBBX 84708). GGG
GGG 7/12/11 BNSF 7779 WB on Flyover - 1154 GGG 7/12/11 BNSF 7229 WB intermodal - 1155 GGG 7/12/11 BNSF 7739 WB manifest - 1156
GGG 7/12/11 UP 7867 EB intermodal - 1157 GGG 7/12/11 BNSF 7315 WB Circus Train - 1158 GGG 7/12/11 First cars are for large animals - 1159
GGG 7/12/11 People cars - 1160 GGG 7/12/11 and generator cars - 1161 GGG 7/12/11 Show equipment cars - 1162
Back on Hill 582 (photos 1163 - 1169). 1170 (1173 - 1175) = WSI seen from above UPT and 1171 = Alray (former Tunnel area).
GGG 7/22/11 BNSF 6687 WB ethanol train - 1163 GGG 7/22/11 BNSF 4352 - 4861 DPU's - 1164 GGG 7/22/11 UP 7900 EB DBS on MT-2 - 1165
GGG 7/15/11 UP 7911 DPU EB DBS - 1166 GGG 7/15/11 UP 8238 EB manifest on MT-1 - 1167 GGG 7/15/11 UP 2004 (old GP60) EB - 1168
DET 7/22/11 CSX 201 - 460 NB on UPT - 1169 DET 6/29/11 AMT # 3 WB (late) at WSI - 1170 DET 6/24/11 BNSF 7393 WB at Alray - 1171
DET 6/29/11 UP 8507 EB Silverwood MT-1 - 1173 DET 6/29/11 Same EB pass WSI - 1174 DET 6/29/11 BNSF 7715 WB MT-2 pass WSI  1175
DET 6/24/11 BNSF 6646 EB from NP - 1176 DET 6/24/11 BNSF 7724 WB Baldy Mesa Rd  1177 DET 7/04/11 BNSF EB 4th of July on Hill 582  1178
DET 6/20/11 BNSF Officers Special H-582 - 1179 DET 6/27/11 BNSF 7447 WB from UP 475 - 1180 DET 6/27/11 UP 5069 SB from UP 475 Spot - 1181
DET 7/26/11 UP 5452 EB near DRR - 1185 DET 7/26/11 UP EB w/GenSet 2738 DRR - 1186 DET 7/27/11 UP 8082 NB on UPT at DRR - 1187
DET 7/27/11 UP NB w/ex. SP 6314 DRR - 1188 DET 7/27/11 BNSF 7309 EB near DRR - 1189 DET 7/29/11 UP 5078 SB from 475 Spot - 1190
DET 7/29/11 UP 5441 SB at 475 Spot - 1191 DET 7/29/11 UP 7778 WB on BNSF MT-1 - 1192 DET 7/29/11 UP 4255 WB at 475 Spot - 1193
This is almost a 360 degree view of the "Mormon Rocks" area. From left: Rock formation between Lone Pine Canyon Road and Highway 138, main Mormon Rocks, UP Track (car is parked next to it), Rocks facing to BNSF tracks 1 and 2 (not visible). I am highly impressed with the performance of the app for my space age iphone that was used to create this picture with minimal effort. Photo taken by Jan Olejnik.  - 1206
GGG 9/16/11 BNSF 5145 EB Hill 582 - 1207 GGG 9/02/11 BNSF 7670 WB on MT-3 - 1208 GGG 9/02/11 Load of Wind Turbine Nacelle - 1209
GGG 9/02/11 Cajon Summit Fire (Oak Hills) - 1210 GB 9/02/11 Erickson Air Crane water bomber  1211 GGG 9/02/11 BNSF Meet at KCR (Frost) - 1212
DET 9/02/11 Fire near Summit above I-15 - 1228 DET 9/02/11 Trucks are still rolling uphill - 1229 DET 9/02/11 SkyCrane is dropping water - 1232
Heard that the UP Special would be EB through here today (10/06/11). Seen from "Gray's Hill" - BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 (Flyover).
Photo 1213: BNSF 7718 is WB to Hesperia for a trip EB on the Cushenbury line. Photos 1214-1216: BNSF 7289 is WB with ATSF 161, BNSF 140 & BNSF 3170 headed for work in the LA/SD areas. Photos 1218-1221: New UP SD-70 ACe's 8688 & 8698 lead the special EB.  (GGG)
GGG 10/06/11 BNSF 7718 WB (see above) - 1213 GGG 10/06/11 BNSF 7289 w/4 axle units - 1214 GGG 10/06/11 BNSF 140 GP60M - 1215
GGG 10/06/11 ex. AT&SF EMD GP60M - 1216 GGG 10/06/11 BNSF 7406 WB Intermodal - 1217 GGG 10/06/11 UP 8688/8698 SD70ACe's EB  1218
GGG 10/06/11 UP director's special EB - 1219 GGG 10/06/11 UP 11-Car Special - 1220 GGG 10/06/11 Heading for the Narrows - 1221
Yesterday (10/07/11), I joined Don on Hill 582 for a few hours. Last weeks rains provided us with clean cool air and a very bright sk --- so bright that I had decided not to try much photography. That is, until we noticed the ex-SP unit (UP/SP 6327) and UP 2001 (Olympic SD70M) in the power consist of a UP train EB on the BNSF. I noticed the DC-9 fuselage as it passed by the hill and then found that I had caught it in the first image.
According to a 2 Oct Train Orders post, the DC-9 fuselage was loaded on a flat in Mojave, CA to be sent to W. Colton --- final destination unknown. (GGG)
GGG 10/07/11 UP 5543 EB on BNSF MT-1 - 1222 GGG 10/07/11 ex. SP unit and UP Olympic - 1223 GGG 10/07/11 interesting power consist - 1224
GGG 10/07/11 DC-9 fuselage on flat car - 1225 GGG 10/07/11 Brand new DPU UP 7527 - 1226 GGG 10/07/11 BNSF EB w/all new UPS cont. 1227
Photos 1237 - 1238: Martina McBride, a famous Country & Western Star, launched her new album with a cross country tour via private Amtrak train. Here, the train is EB on BNSF MT-3 passing Hill 582.
DET 10/10/11 Martina McBride Tour Train - 1237 DET 10/10/11 Special lettering of superliners - 1238 DET 10/20/11 UP EC-4 Track Geometry Car - 1239
DET 10/13/11 BNSF 7908 EB on MT-1 - 1240 DET The traditional Hill 582 "Money Shot" - 1241 DET 10/13/11 Bird feeder on Hill 582 - 1242
DET 10/13/11 Memorials w/BNSF 7544 EB  - 1243 DET 10/13/11 Plaque of W. Garner - 1244 DET 10/13/11 Plaque: D. Burton & E. Delvers  1245
Thanks to some rain and LOADS of HARD WORK by Don and a very few friends, Hill 582 is a truly lush oasis this year --- it has never looked better. The memorials were crafted and donated by Ruedi Schai (Switzerland). GGG
DET 10/13/11 BNSF 7552 WB on MT-3 - 1246 DET 10/13/11 take a rest on the bench - 1247 DET 10/13/11 Memorials of Hill 582 - 1248
As noted a few weeks ago, UP 844 has been on a long journey and finally got to Southern California. The weather was really WET, WINDY & COLD as you'll note in the images. Along with what seemed to be many hundreds of others Don, Marc, Keith, & I joined the throng to bring you the following photos. GGG
DET 11/19/11 Hill 582 w/dramatic dark sky - 1303 DET 11/19/11 UP 7179 EB at former tunnels - 1304 DET 11/19/11 BNSF EB and UP on UPT - 1305
DET 11/19/11 Waiting for UP steam is over - 1306 DET 11/19/11 Here comes UP 844 EB - 1307 DET 11/19/11 Going uphill on MT2 - 1308
DET 11/19/11 UP 1996 as a helper - 1309 DET 11/19/11 UP's streamliners - 1310 DET 11/19/11 Dome and Obseravtion Car - 1311
MF 11/18/11 UP 1996 Bloomington, CA - 1249 KS 11/19/11 UP 844+1996 at MP 57.2 - 1250 GGG 11/19/11 UP 844+1996 at MP 39.1 - 1251
GGG 11/19/11 UP 844 EB at MP 39.1 - 1252 GGG 11/19/11 Special passed the Flyover - 1253 GGG 11/19/11 On the way to Victorville, CA - 1254
MF 11/19/11 UP Special EB at Daggett, CA - 1255 GGG 11/19/11 Special on BNSF tracks going  1256 GGG 11/19/11 onto UP tracks NB to Yermo  - 1257
GGG 11/19/11 UP 844 arriving Yermo - 1258 GGG 11/19/11 Close up of famous UP 4-8-4 - 1259 GGG 11/19/11 UP Cheyenne Business Car - 1260
BNSF Latest Cajon Sub construction Project
This new project will be difficult to explain and even more difficult to photograph however - - - -
The Victor Valley has, for years, had only three legal East/West road crossings of the BNSF RR. With the population growth, any major storm, accident or construction causes tremendous congestion for people driving between Victorville / Hesperia and Apple Valley. The answer is described in the following Hesperia CA Web Site:
The Ranchero Rd extension will require a three track (for a future BNSF 3rd main ???) Railroad bridge. Also, the extension of Ranchero Rd east of the BNSF will require a very large box culvert and 30 feet of fill to raise the road above a major tributary that carries storm runoff to the Mojave River.
So, a one half mile + shoo-fly is being built near THE HESPERIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BNSF MP 47-48) to accommodate RR traffic during bridge construction. GGG (Check all photos of this project here: )
GGG 11/16/11 edited Google map of the area - 1261 GGG 11/16/11 BNSF 7457 EB showing the shoo-fly to the East of the Main Line - 1262 GGG 11/16/11 UP 7815 EB at MP 48 West end of shoo-fly - 1263
GGG 11/16/11 MP 48 East end of shoo-fly - 1264 GGG 11/16/11 Looking East from the tracks at the extension of Ranchero Rd and the new box culvert - 1265 MF 11/16/11 BNSF 7449 is EB at MP 48 - 1266
Nov 16, 2011: Marc and I hosted Ruedi and Martin (Switzerland) at "Gray's Hill & Frost last week. Unfortunately, traffic was very light. After waiting for an hour at Frost, we finally heard a crossing horn from Victimville. So, what shows up but the slightly OVERPOWERED local on its way to the Cushenbury cement plants. 1267-1268: BNSF 5041 with the Cushenbury turn. 1269-1270: BNSF 7259 is WB at Frost.
Nov 19, 2011: While waiting on Gray's Hill, we heard that UP 844 needed to stop for 25 minutes at Cajon Summit. The DS responded that the stop would be fine since he had the systems HOTTEST Train right behind the 844 and would run BNSF 7259 around him. 1271: BNSF 7259, with plenty of power, is EB at MP 39.1-- the super "Z" train. 1272: BNSF is EB thru Daggett while a WB waits for UP 844 to clear onto UP trackage. 1273: BNSF 7367 is EB through Daggett. 1274: UP 5812, in Yermo, is ready to head SB to BNSF trackage at Daggett. 1275: From a while back: BNSF 7449 is EB @ MP 48 (Shoo-FLY). GGG
GGG 11/16/11 BNSF 5041 WB Local - 1267 GGG 11/16/11 Local is passing WBCS Frost - 1268 GGG 11/16/11 BNSF 7259 WB at Frost - 1269
GGG 11/16/11 BNSF WB at Frost - 1270 GGG 11/19/11 BNSF BNSF 7259 on Flyover - 1271 GGG 11/19/11 BNSF EB thru Daggett - 1272
GGG 11/19/11 BNSF 7367 EB Daggett - 1273 GGG 11/19/11 UP 5812 SB Yermo - 1274 MF 11/16/11 BNSF 7449 EB MP 48 Shoo-Fly  1275
12/06/11: Progress is rapidly being made on the Ranchero Rd extension including the BNSF Shoo-fly in Hesperia. One of the major problems is storm water drainage. Hesperia has a long history flooding during our infrequent but very heavy rain storms. Yesterday, Marc and I surveyed the projects progress. Train traffic was very heavy.
1284-1285: The eastward extension Ranchero Rd. BTW, The storm drain is an eight foot pipe and will drain into the stream bed down near the box culvert. 1286-1287: Guess I caused some confusion with my comments about the Hesperia "International" Airport. This airport is a small general aviation facility with a 3900 x 50 foot runway. From the air, this runway looks like a sidewalk --- Here is the airport and its "fleet" of mostly unflyable aircraft.
GGG 12/06/11 The first of the two Shoo-fly tracks is being "dressed"  - 1279 GGG 12/06/11 BNSF 6788 is WB - 1280 GGG 12/06/11 BNSF 7708 is EB with the empty ethanol train  - 1281
GGG 12/06/11 AMT WB train #3 (5 hrs late) - 1282 GGG 12/06/11 BNSF 6788 is WB - 1283 GGG 12/06/11 Huge 8 foot pipe - 1284
GGG 12/06/11 Water drainage being built - 1285 GGG 12/06/11 Hesperia Airport - 1286 GGG 12/06/11 Aircraft at Hesperia Airport - 1287
GGG 12/09/11 UP 5391 NB at Hiland (UPT) - 1291 GGG 12/09/11 BNSF 6763 WB Hill 582 (MT3) 1292 GGG 12/09/11 UP 3960 Hesperia MP 48 - 1293
From Hesperia: 1294-1295: BNSF 6686/6715 are deadheading WB (pass Hesperia) for duty as the 2011 BNSF City of Hope Hospital Christmas Train.
From MP 48 (Shoo-FLY area) Hesperia: 1296: Steel beams are stockpiled for the soon to be built BNSF bridge over the Ranchero Road extension. 1297-1299: UP 8523 & BNSF 7330 are headed for a meet at MP 48. (GGG)
GGG 12/15/11 BNSF Christmas Train WB - 1294 GGG 12/15/11 Heading for San Bernardino - 1295 GGG 12/23/11 Steel beams for BNSF Bridge - 1296
GGG 12/23/11 UP 8523 WB at MP 48 - 1297 GGG 12/23/11 BNSF 7330 EB at MP 48 - 1298 GGG 12/23/11 UP-BNSF Meet at MP 48 - 1299
During Oct 2011, the City of Hesperia broke ground on an industrial Spur in an effort to attract new business. The new track departs the BNSF Cushenbury line just NE of Mollie's Cafe and travels North for a bit over a mile. This project is not connected to the Ranchero Rd (Shoo-fly) extension. (GGG)
GGG 12/06/11 Map of new Hesperia Spur - 1300 GGG 12/06/11 New Switch of industrial spur - 1301 GGG 12/06/11 Spur waiting for track - 1302
These are the last photos of the year 2011. Take a look at our 2012 Cajon photo page - click here

Bonus photos (none Cajon Pass)

Tehachapi by Bruce H. Jones
The trip was great. We were on the hill April 13, 14 and 15. Weather was everything from freezing cold with 35 mph wind to sunny and 68 degrees on our last day. DS 254 on day watch was a lady and she really knew how to run that hill. On the days that MofW equipment was working she got trains right through the work areas. This was in contrast to putting up a big window for the entire day, although I imagine they do that when there's a big project. We saw plenty of trains throughout the three days. (BHJ)
BHJ 4/12/11 AMT SB at Sundcut - 1085 BHJ 4/12/11 BNSF SB at Sandcut - 1086 BHJ 4/13/11 AMT SB at Caliente - 1087
BHJ 4/13/11 BNSF SB at Caliente - 1088 BHJ 4/13/11 BNSF SB Bealville/Tunnel 4 - 1089 BHJ 4/13/11 BNSF at Woodford - 1090


North West (USA & CDN) by Marc Fournier (June/July 2011)
Marc has returned from a one month, 6500 mile, 800 photograph adventure in the NorthWest including CA, MT, WA, ID, OR in the USA and British Columbia and Alberta in Canada. He has culled his photographs down to 27 pcs. Does this mean that there is more railroading to be seen - other than just in Cajon ???
MF 4707: BNSF SB over Columbia River - Vancouver, WA. MF 4758: CP coal empty (lower) + CP potash (upper) on Cisco Bridges - BC. MF 4769: WB Rocky Mountaineer on CN in BC. MF 4841: CP WB @ Revelstroke BC - CP Museum. MF 4910: Unfriendly Railfans - East Portal Mt. McDonald Tunnel - BC. MF 4938: CP coal Empty - Connaught Line @ Frain - BC.
MF 6/11  - 4707 MF 6/11  - 4758 MF 6/11  - 4769
MF 6/11 - 4841 MF 6/11 - 4910 MF 6/11 - 4938
MF 4949: CP coal loads WB on Mt MacDonald Line @ Frain - BC. MF 4968: Loose Joint Bar Fastners BC. MF 5077: Early Mining Compressed Air Locomotive - Fort Steele Museum - BC.MF 5113: UP-CP interchange - Crainbrook Yard BC. MF 5132: Worlds Largest Truck Titan 33-19 (3300 HP-350 Ton payload) - Sparwood BC. MF 5139: Massive Coal Facility (1 of 5) Sparwood, BC.
MF 6/11 - 4949 MF 6/11 - 4968 MF 6/11 - 5077
MF 6/11 - 5113 MF 6/11 - 5132 MF 6/11 - 5139
MF 5189: GN 441 hotel (ATSF 1910) - Izzak Walton Inn - Essex, MT. MF 5204: BNSF 7536 WB Grainer @ Essex, MT. MF 5229: Ear piercing turbine tunnel exhaust - BNSF Flathead Tunnel Portal MT. MF 5285: UP Spokane Sub over BNSF Kootenai River Sub ID. MF 5313: All BN at Spokane, WA. MF 5338: BNSF EB @ Latah Jct -- Spokane, WA.
MF 6/11 - 5189 MF 6/11 - 5204 MF 6/11 - 5229
MF 6/11 - 5285 MF 6/11 - 5313 MF 6/11 - 5338
MF 5416: New Wheel sets @ MRL RR yard Missoula, MT. MF 5462: Camas Prarie RR under UP Ayer Sub in WA. MF 5489: BNSF SB crossing under OLD NP RR bridge in WA. MF 5523: BNSF Rotary - Wenatchee, WA. MF 5524: BNSF Rotary - Wenatchee, WA. MF 5626: BNSF Jordan Spreader - Skykomish, WA.
MF 6/11 - 5416 MF 6/11 - 5462 MF 6/11 - 5489
MF 6/11 - 5523 MF 6/11 - 5524 MF 6/11 - 5626
MF 5711: SP 4449 on wye - Easton, WA. MF 5729: SP 4449 leaving Easton WA for Stampede Pass WA. MF 5855: New CFNR Genset @ Corning, CA.
MF 6/11 - 5711 MF 6/11 - 5729 MF 6/11 - 5855


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)