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updated: January 17, 2009

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 3/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

We do have photos before, during and after the 3rd Main Track Project (no photos of the 3MT construction shown here).
Photos are sorted by location from East to West (not by date, number or railroad):
Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MP = Mile Post, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo.

Victorville MP 36.5
7/09/08 UP 7803 EB Victorville - 8-142 7/09/08 UP 7803 EB Victorville - 8-100 7/09/08 UP 7845-7803 EB Victorville - 8-101
Frost MP 37 - MP 39
3/07/08 BNSF 5310 WB Frost - 8-012 3/07/08 BNSF 4445 WB Frost - 8-010 7/09/08 BNSF 4126 EB Frost - 8-040
7/09/08 BNSF 4142 WB Ethanol Frost - 8-143 7/09/08 BNSF 4142 WB Ethanol Frost - 8-041 7/09/08 BNSF 5151 WB DPU Ethanol Frost - 8-055
Cushenberry Branch, Hesperia to Lucerne Valley MP 45
6/06/08 UP 5858 EB Cushenberry Branch - 8-094 6/06/08 UP 5858 EB Cushenberry Branch - 8-095 6/06/08 UP 5858 EB Cushenberry Branch - 8-096
6/06/08 UP 5858 EB Cushenberry Branch - 8-097 10/31/08 Hesperia Siding Cushenberry Turn - 8-026 10/31/08 Interesting lashup - 8-027
10/31/08 ATSF 6317 Hesperia Siding - 8-030 10/31/08 Mojave River Bridge - 8-028 10/31/08 Mojave River Bridge - 8-029
The Cushenberry Branch runs 29.2 miles from Hesperia East to Lucerne Valley. 90+ Coal loads are left in Hespera. The Cajon local takes half the loaded cars out to the mines, returns a few days later to bring the empties back to Hesperia and then take the remaining loads to Cushenberry. So, the whole routine requires four round trips from Hesperia to Lucerne.
 Photos 26, 27, 30 are of ATSF 6317 and an interesting lashup facing East on the Hesperia siding. 6317 will pull half the cars out onto the Main, back a couple of miles and reenter the spur at the RR West end ---- and then head out onto the branch. Photos 28, 29 show the lashup EB on the BNSF Mojave River Bridge. Photo 31 ATSF 6317 is EB through Apple Valley crossing Kiowa Road headed out to the boonies. (GGG)
10/31/08 Crossing Kiowa Road - 8-031 07/10/08 Friendly CA Highway Patrol - 8-146 8/08/08 BNSF 7951 SD40-2R Hesperia - 8-078
Lugo (between Hesperia and Summit) MP 50.3
9/03/08 BNSF 4634 WB Lugo - 8-050 10/03/08 BNSF 5263 WB w/9 units Lugo - 8-061 10/03/08 BNSF 5263 WB w/9 units Lugo - 8-060
West Summit Island (WSI) - Silverwood Connector (below Summit Curve) MP 57
5/21/08 UP 7645 EB Silverwood Connector - 8-099 5/21/08 UP 7645 EB Silverwood Connector - 8-098 6/10/08 3 Trains from above MP 57.2 - 8-108
7/04/08 BNSF 4634 w/KCS WSI - 8-008 7/07/08 UP 5451 NB WSI - 8-091 10/17/08 UP 6728 NB to EB WSI - 8-020
10/17/08 SP 177 AC4400CW WSI - 8-085 10/17/08 BNSF 8607 Track Geometry Car - 8-080 10/17/08 3 of 4 tracks are busy - 8-079
10/17/08 UP 8196 (SD-9043) WSI - 8-102 10/31/08 UP 8480-8490 Helpers above WSI - 8-106 10/31/08 BNSF 7533 WB above WSI - 8-071
10/31/08 BNSF 7533 WB above WSI - 8-072 11/08/08 BNSF EB into Summit Curve - 8-115 12/15/08 BNSF WB above Silverwood - 8-124
12/15/08 BNSF 548 JAC-BAR EB at WSI - 8-122 12/15/08 BNSF 548 JAC-BAR EB at WSI - 8-123 12/17/08 UP DPU's SB on UP track at Hiland 8-134
Hill 582 = MP 58.2X This is the "Oasis" for the Railfans  (See also - The History of Hill 582 - click here)
3/07/08 BNSF 4421 EB Hill 582 - 8-049 3/07/08 BNSF 5241 EB Hill 582 - 8-059 3/07/08 BNSF 7593 EB Hill 582 - 8-073
3/07/08 UP 5429 EB Hill 582 - 8-089 3/20/08 BNSF 4809 EB Hill 582 - 8-053 3/20/08 BNSF 4881 EB Hill 582 - 8-054
5/09/08 BNSF 4311 EB Hill 582 - 8-047 5/09/08 BNSF 5277 EB Hill 582 - 8-062 5/09/08 UP 2331 NB on UP track Hill 582 - 8-086
5/30/08 BNSF 4192-8145 WB Hill 582 - 8-045 5/30/08 BNSF 4192-8145 WB Hill 582 - 8-046 6/20/08 BNSF 731 EB Hill 582 - 8-038
6/20/08 UP 5353 NB on UP track Hill 582 - 8-087 7/07/08 ATSF 162 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 - 8-017 7/07/08 ATSF 162 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 - 8-018
7/07/08 BNSF 7762 EB Hill 582 - 8-077 7/21/08 BNSF 7543 EB Hill 582 - 8-013 8/08/08 BNSF 580 JAC-BAR EB Hill 582 - 8-037
8/08/08 BNSF 4483 + 7 units WB Hill 582 - 8-023 8/08/08 BNSF 4483 + 7 units WB Hill 582 - 8-024 8/08/08 CSX 5335 WB Main # 3 Hill 582 - 8-083
8/08/08 BNSF 4680 EB track # 2 Hill 582 - 8-052 8/08/08 BNSF 4680 EB track # 2 Hill 582 - 8-051 8/08/08 BNSF DPU's for 4680 EB Hill 582 - 8-048
8/08/08 BNSF 5295 WB Hill 582 - 8-065 8/08/08 BNSF 5295 WB Hill 582 - 8-066 8/08/08 BNSF 7398 WB Main # 2 Hill 582 - 8-069
9/12/08 BNSF 4392 EB Hill 582 - 8-021 9/12/08 BNSF 4392-CSX EB Hill 582 - 8-022 9/12/08 BNSF 4392 Heavy Lift Hill 582 - 8-001
9/12/08 BNSF 4142 EB Hill 582 - 8-043 9/12/08 BNSF 4142-CSX 205 EB Hill 582 - 8-042 9/12/08 UP 8380 NB on UP track Hill 582 - 8-103
9/12/08 BNSF 580-529 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 8-036 9/12/08 BNSF 580-529 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 8-035 9/22/08 BNSF 7721 WB Ethanol Hill 582 - 8-064
9/22/08 BNSF Helpres for 7721 WB Ethanol - 8-063 9/26/08 BNSF 564 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 - 8-034 9/26/08 BNSF 564 EB JAC-BAR Hill 582 - 8-033
10/03/08 BNSF 7678 EB Hill 582 - 8-076 10/08/08 AMT # 3 WB (delayed) Hill 582 - 8-002 10/17/08 UP 6728 NB on UP track Hill 582 - 8-003
11/09/08 AMT # 3 WB (delayed) Hill 582 - 8-110 11/21/08 BNSF 4175 WB Main # 1 Hill 582 - 8-044 12/15/08 Hill 582 seen from 58.2 Signal Mast - 8-127
12/17/08 Hill 582 from Main # 3 MP 58 - 8-130 12/17/08 Hill 582 covered w/snow - 8-131 12/17/08 BNSF EB & UP NB from Hill 582 - 8-132
12/19/08 BNSF 4079 EB on Main # 1 - 8-136 12/19/08 Same train passing Hill 582 - 8-137 12/19/08 Another BNSF EB on hold - 8-138
12/19/08 A BNSF WB Main # 2 (triple meet) 8-139 12/29/08 Don Toles w/new Memorials - 8-140 12/29/08 New Memorials are Swiss made - 8-141
Former Tunnel Area MP 59X
5/02/08 UP 5418 NB above Tunnels - 8-088 5/21/08 BNSF 5331 WB T-1 - 8-068 5/21/08 BNSF 5331 WB T-1 - 8-067
5/02/08 UP 8605 NB above Tunnels - 8-107 6/06/08 UP 5435 NB T-1 Area - 8-090 7/08/08 BNSF EB former T-2 MP 59X - 8-144
7/08/08 BNSF EB around Shoo-Fly - 8-145 7/18/08 BNSF 4115 EB MP 59X - 8-111 7/22/08 BNSF 7773 EB MP 59X - 8-114
11/21/08 1913 of T-1 EP on display above T-2 8-025 12/15/08 Snow removal former T-1 area - 8-128 12/17/08 T-1 ShotCrete Wall old T-1 area - 8-133
David Ranch Road / CP Walker / Stein's Hill / Pine Lodge (between Highway 138 and Interstate 15) MP 60X - MP 61X
4/04/08 BNSF 575 EB at CP Walker - 8-019 4/04/08 BNSF 575 EB at CP Walker - 8-032 4/04/08 BNSF 575-529 EB at Walker - 8-082
4/04/08 BNSF 7652 EB Pine Lodge - 8-075 6/11/08 BNSF JAC-BAR EB Stein's Hill - 8-084 10/22/08 BNSF 4699 WB David Ranch Area - 8-007
12/15/08 BNSF 5323 WB M-2 at Walker - 8-125 12/15/08 Same BNSF train pass CP Walker - 8-126 12/15/08 UP bridge Baldy Mesa Rd (I-15) - 8-129
Sullivan's Curve MP 63.7X
9/24/08 UP 5459 SB Sullivan's - 8-015 9/26/08 BNSF 819 EB Sullivan's - 8-004 10/01/08 BNSF 564 EB JAC-BAR MP 63.7X - 8-006
10/01/08 BNSF 4457 EB MP 63.7X Sullivan's 8-009 10/30/08 UP 5462 NB Sullivan's - 8-093 10/30/08 UP 5462 NB Sullivan's - 8-092
Cajon Station / Junction MP 62.8
7/12/08 BNSF 7407 WB Cajon Station - 8-070 9/22/08 BNSF 5209 EB 12 unit lite Cajon Jct. 8-057 9/22/08 BNSF 5209 EB 12 unit lite Cajon Jct. 8-056
9/22/08 UP 8478 EB 4 engine power move 8-105 9/22/08 UP 8478 EB 4 engine power move 8-104 11/08/08 BNSF 7574 WB Cajon Junction - 8-113
Graffity Bridge MP 63.4
7/22/08 AMT # 3 AMT 95 WB MP 63.4 - 8-109 11/07/08 BNSF 4471 EB MP 63.4 - 8-112 11/14/08 BNSF 4082 EB Graffity Bridge - 8-039
Swarthout Canyon Road (SWC) MP 64.6
6/06/08 BNSF 7602 WB at SWC - 8-074 9/26/08 BNSF 761 WB to SWC - 8-005 10/22/08 BNSF Business Train WB MP 64 - 8-148
Blue Cut MP 65
6/24/08 BNSF 5311 WB Blue Cut - 8-011 11/14/08 BNSF 5218 WB Blue Cut - 8-058 10/16/08 BNSF WB Main # 3 above Blue Cut  8-149
Surplus - miscellaneous photos which did not fit with in the "three in a row" system, but are still worth to see !
7/10/08 UP/SP EB at Cajon Station - 8-147 9/17/08 UP 7672 SB UP MP 466 - 8-016 10/24/08 UP 3891 SB MP 475 - 8-014
Union Pacific's Colton Yard
10/28/08 UP 4141, 1996, 1988 EB Colton - 8-116 10/28/08 UP 4141, 1996, 1988 EB Colton - 8-117 10/28/08 UP 7850, 5017 EB Colton - 8-118
10/28/08 UPY 2313 Colton Yard - 8-119 10/28/08 UPY 2313, 2734 Colton Yard - 8-120 10/28/08 UPY 2734 Colton Yard - 8-121
12/06/08 BNSF 5017 WB Christmas Train is passing Hill 582 on Main # 1 before the recent blizzard (Photo by Marc Fournier) 8-135
A big thank you to Don, Gary and Marc for sharing their wonderful photos with us (12/24/08 WM)


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)