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updated: December 20, 2023: 3031 to 3059

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 18/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF),
Laura M. Gray (LMG)

Guest Photographers:

Bruce "Doc" Jones
(BHJ), Ryan Slaton (RS)

A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonos Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (just scroll down)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer).

updated: February 2, 2023

We start our 2023 photo documentation with several trains at Frost.
all photos have been taken on January 28, 2023 by GGG, MF, LMG
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-631
TEN of Uncle Warren's finest MEET at BNSF FROST.
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-632
BNSF 3831 EB at Frost passing WB intermodal
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-633
THE RAILFAN's MOST DREADED NIGHTMARE---Out in the boonies, just 2 miles from home, no decent road access, with a vehicle that will not START.
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-634
UP 2686 EB Auto Carrier at Frost
#634-637: While awaiting HELP for FOUR hours, with numerous phone calls & talking the tow truck through through the K-C ranch, there were PLENTY of trains to photograph. Here are four of them!
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-635
BNSF 4292 WB Intermodal at Frost
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-636
BNSF 4686 WB Intermodal at Frost
GGG - 1/28/23 - GT-637
BNSF 7526 WB Auto Carrier at Frost
LMG - 1/28/23 - GT-638
 DEAD FORD DELIVERY BTW, later that eve, the Ferd (Ford) started up and ran well.
2002 Ford Sportrac
108,000 (mostly Off Road) miles
Pickup at residence
Bring tow truck

updated: March 1, 2023

25 Feb 2023:  Railroading in a California "Blizzard"

 As most have heard, Southern California is having a series of Severe Snow Storms--Severe by California Standards.  What's interesting is watching California drivers, unfamiliar with ice & snow driving, play "bumper cars" on the roads.  The three MAJOR Highways Northbound out of SoCal were closed along with all roads to the Big Bear Resort area just South & well above  Victorville. So, our friend Marc braved the storm to get the following images for our Worldwide Railroad group.  Enjoy,  Marc
Marc mentioned that several parts of both drives were "WHITE KNUCKLERS".
#3001 & #3002: The front of Marc's home with about 10 inches of snow. Laura & I are about 16 railroad miles from Summit and at about 2800 Feet, while Marc is about 8 RR miles closer to Summit and 1000 feet higher. We received only a couple inches of snow and one inch of rain. The wind blew at near 50 MPH at both homes.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3001 MF - 2/25/23 - 3002
MF - 2/25/23 - 3003
Cajon Rover #1 in the snow & mud on the UP MOW Road . . .
MF - 2/25/23 - 3004
. . .  headed RR West toward Summit.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3005
A South Bound UP freight waits (for 2 days) in the UP Summit siding.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3006
A South Bound UP freight waits (for 2 days) in the UP Summit siding.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3007
North Bound UP 9078 & DPU blast through the UP Summit Crossing
MF - 2/25/23 - 3008
North Bound UP 9078 & DPU blast through the UP Summit Crossing
MF - 2/25/23 - 3009
Now down at the BNSF SUMMIT Crossing, a WB UP suddenly appears from the Blizzard.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3010
Rover draging snow at home
#3010 - #3014  Back at home, Marc inspects the HEAVY snow covering his property.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3011
Marc's Back Yard
MF - 2/25/23 - 3012
Marc's Back Yard
MF - 2/25/23 - 3013
Of special interest is the lighted signal in this photo.
MF - 2/25/23 - 3014
Marc's Patio looks different now!

updated: September 10, 2023

6 Sept 2023:  Railroading in a California "Blizzard"

After an almost two year absence, I decided to visit Cajon Pass & Hill 582. Marc offered to drive & show me some of the damage Hurricane Hillary had caused ----- so, I drove over to Marc's & off we went in his JEEP.
 The UPRR had some rather severe damage and service disruptions in the the Cima and Palm Springs areas and the BNSF suffered several washouts along the Needles sub. There was no severe ROW damage to either railroad in Cajon Pass.
According to the News folks, Cajon Pass received 6.31 inches of rain in the 48 storm hours. Of course, according to who you read or talk to, the total will vary.
 Unfortunately Don Toles was not able to join the group on this day.
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3015
One of the more serious washouts along the BNSF damaged the Cajon maintainer road.
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3016
Hill 582 received little damage & looks GREAT
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3017
BNSF 7534 is slowly WB on the 3+ % grade of MT #3
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3018
The newest SoCal Natural Gas facility is evidently finished and operational at Hwy 138 and Parker Ranch RD. Parker Ranch Rd, the normal access road to Hill 582, is open & passable.
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3019
UP 7103 is slowly SB on the SP/UP Palmdale line
GGG - 9/06/23 - 3020
BNSF 6640 is EB on BNSF MT #2

updated: October 20, 2023

18 Oct 2023:  Hill 582 with a BNSF Monster Train

Wednesday,  Jorge & I drove to Cajon Hill 582.  It was a  beautiful warm day with a HIGH SUN & unlimited visibility. Rail traffic was moderately heavy & included one very long & very heavy "MONSTER TRAIN".   GGG & JL
# 3021 - 3024:The MONSTER TRAIN -- BNSF 8000 plus seven (including Mid-train & trailing DPU's) is EB approaching & passing Hill 582.
JL - 10/18/23 - 3021
BNSF 8000 EB Monster Train from Hill 582
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3022
BNSF 8000 EB Monster Train below and UP Trains on UPT above
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3023
BNSF 8000 EB Monster Train mid train DPU's (helpers)
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3024
BNSF 8000 EB Monster Train rear end DPU's (# 4688 & 5676)
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3025
BNSF 7242 is WB to the docks with a very long bare-table on MT #3.
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3026
UP 5434 SB on the SP-UP Palmdale cutoff.
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3027
UP trailing DPU's are SB on the SP-UP Palmdale cutoff.
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3028
BNSF 7816 + 5 is EB with another long & heavy train.
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3029
UP 5838 is NB on the cutoff toward Palmdale.
GGG - 10/18/23 - 3030
BNSF 7419 +4 is EB - with 26 Year old BNSF 799 still wearing the ATSF Warbonnet scheme.

updated: December 20, 2023

Dec. 1, 2023:  Barstow and Daggett

Last week, Marc & I had the pleasure of hosting our retired USAF/NASA pilot friend Spike T. Spike ask that we visit Barstow & Daggett during his visit. So, after a quick stop in Barstow to check-out progress on the new N. First St Bridge and the new BNSF Railroad yard, we wound up on the BNSF BIG CUT East of the renovated Barstow Harvey House for pictures of Marc & Spike.
It was a GREAT, but busy, few hours in the MINI-MegaCity of Daggett, CA.  GGG, MF & SPIKE
 Daggett is a community of about 200 best known as the Home of the very first (EVER) Taco Bell,  a large USMC logistics Base, Peggy Sue's  50's cafe and the very busy junction of the Union Pacific RR  Cima Sub and the BNSF Needles Sub.  It is 13 miles East of Barstow.
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3031 - Marc & Spike on the BIG CUT GGG - 12/01/23 - 3032 - Marc & Spike on the BIG CUT
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3033 - Marc & Spike on the BIG CUT GGG - 12/01/23 - 3034 - Marc & Spike at Daggett
# 3043 - 3038: UP 7245 & trailing DPU (UP 7810) running East on the BNSF, transition onto the UP Cima sub to run to Las Vegas/SLC.
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3035
UP 7245 EB on BNSF tracks
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3036
UP 7810 DPU running East on BNSF tracks (same train)
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3037
Spike inspecting DPU 7810 while passing
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3038
UP 7810 DPU EB entering UP Cila Sub at Daggett
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3039
BNSF 5001, at track speed, is WB to Barstow (at Daggett)
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3040
BNSF 7183 is EB to Needles (at Daggett)
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3041
BNSF 7183 is EB  (Spike is taking a photo)
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3042
BNSF 7183 is EB to Needles
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3043
BNSF 6586 WB through Daggett toward Barstow
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3044
BNSF 6328 WB (w/Spike) through Daggett toward Barstow
 # 3045 - 3048: UP 7724 leaves the UP Cima Sub to head West on BNSF Needles Sub & to meet BNSF 3944 East
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3045
UP 7724 comes round the curve from the Cima Sub onto BNSF tracks
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3046
UP 7724 reached BNSF tracks toward Barstow
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3047
UP 7724 WB is an all intermodal double stack train
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3048
UP 7724 WB meets BNSF 3944 EB at Daggett
GGG - 12/01/23 - 3049  -  BNSF 3918 is WB through Daggett

updated: December 20, 2023

Dec. 18, 2023:  BNSF Needles Sub (between West Siberia and East Ash Hill) by Marc Fournier

The Needles Sub is a 168 mile stretch of the BNSF Transcon between Needles (MP-578) & West to  Barstow (MP-746). All Needles Sub miles are calculated from Belen, NM. All WB ATSF/BNSF trains climbing out of the Needles/Colorado River Valley have been faced with two 1.4+ % "Choke Point" climbs, where the numerous HIGH priority & faster trains would become backed-up behind slower trains. The answer was to triple track both sections of Mainline trackage. Triple tracking of the most Eastern choke point, from Needles thirty miles West to Ibis was completed in 2023.
The second choke point, currently being TRIPLE TRACKED, is a ten mile stretch between WEST Siberia (MP-676) and East Ash Hill (MP-686).  While camping near Ludlow, Marc rode his dirt-bike to access and view the new Roadbed construction.  He sends the following pictures with Happy New Year wishes.  MF & GGG
# 3050: Water is severely scarce in the Mojave DESERT, but necessary for compaction and dust mitigation. Huge water trucks must drive 40 miles to NewBerry Springs to find adequate amounts, and bring it to the fenced pond. The water is then pumped into the elevated tanks and gravity fed into the spreader trucks. We're talking EXPENSIVE WATER!!
MF - 12/18/23 - 3050
Elevated Water Tanks are needed out in the desert.
MF - 12/18/23 - 3051
A few of the 15+ "scrapers" parked for the evening at Ash Hill  MP-686
MF - 12/18/23 - 3052
Klondike MP-682/683. The track & switch farthest right are for an existing house track which probably will become part of the new third main.
MF - 12/18/23 - 3053
BNSF 4032 is WB @ Klondike MP-682/683.
MF - 12/18/23 - 3054
BNSF 4032 is WB @ Klondike MP-682/683.
MF - 12/18/23 - 3055
Four of the gigantic (45 ton) HAUL trucks doing their thing
MF - 12/18/23 - 3056
BNSF intermodal WB @ KLONDIKE
MF - 12/18/23 - 3057
A new bridge will be built near Klondike (MP 682) to allow storm water & vehicular traffic (what little there is) to "flow freely".
MF - 12/18/23 - 3058
BNSF 7944 WB @ Klondike
MF - 12/18/23 - 3059
Marc is standing on the new third main ROW with the current #1 Main to the right & the Haul Rd to the left.  

updated: July 20, 2023

In Memoriam:
We are very sorry to tell, but Don Winslow just passed away at age 83 on 11/18/2022.
We are thankful he was sharing his great and spectacular photography with us.
Please check the website of Don Winslow as our specialist Harold Riley was able to transfer his website to a new server and all photos are availablbe as in the past and not lost:

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass
updated: April 30, 2023

April 30, 2023:  Tehachapi 2023 by Ryan Slaton Photography

Today is the last of my 12-day vacation, back to work for the evil yellow borg tomorrow! After not being able to take a proper vacation last year this trip was sorely needed!
I spent my vacation in So Cal and was able to spend time with family and good friends, some of whom I had not seen in many years! I was also able to spend a few days trackside on my beloved Tehachapi. Could not have asked for better weather while I was home, especially on the days spent trackside. The wet weather meant that late into April the hills were still green and the wildflower super bloom was still in force, especially on the 'desert' side of the mountain where the wildflowers were much thicker. Anyway here are some photos from the trip, there is a ton more yet to go through so as time allows I will send out some more.
Also for anyone curious the 6 photos from the 2023 trip were shot with my mirrorless Canon R camera. This trip I was finally able to really break it in and see what it can do. I am still getting use to the mirrorless but I am very impressed with the results I got on this trip. To complete the picture (see what I did there... 😝) I am using my trusty Canon 28-300 L glass on an adaptor to fit the new RF mount on the mirrorless line.
RS-2301: 1) This first photo is from June 3rd, 2014. On that warm afternoon the dispatcher has held the westbound ILBOAX at the Cable X-Over to allow a pair of eastbound Z trains off the single track. Would have never guessed at the time that some day KCS 'belle' 4767 would join SPatch 6216 (SP 303) in representing a fallen flag! RS-2303: 3) An eastbound 'no-grainer' has just topped the 4024' summit of Tehachapi Pass as a westbound H BARPAS now has the summit within sight.
RS-2302: 2) And now onto 2023 photos... Having just met the old 991 (Z NBYWSP9) at Caliente, UP's westbound ZLCLT slithers into the Caliente Narrows. RS-2304: 4) 'Goat boat' C44 #1115 peaks through tunnel 3 above Bealville as it leads yet another empty grain shuttle.
RS-2305: 5) A trio of GEs, led by 'big 6' rebuild 7049, crawl through the curves at Cable. Notice in the very upper left a UP caboose has been freshly painted and placed on display in someone's back yard! RS-2307: 7) And finally on 4/20 my Dad and I got back to one of my favorite spots, the Clear Creek Ravine overlook near the west portal of tunnel 5. This is the first time I have photographed a train at this location since the shoo-fly fill was washed away in 2017. There was a ton of pool power out and about on this trip, especially from NS! Also note that this GE has burned off the correct two initals on its long hood
RS-2306: 6) BNSF's eastbound Q STOCHI, with 'redhead' 4713 on the rear, has just left UP rails at East Mojave and will soon be just a blur across the desert as it heads for Barstow. I have never seen the flowers so thick on this side of the mountain!

updated: May 8, 2023

April 27-29, 2023:  Tehachapi 2023 by Bruce "Doc" Jones Photography

On April 27-29 my bud Pete and I took a long-awaited trip to Tehachapi. We have been chasing trains up there for 59 years and next year will mark 60. This was an interesting trip with a lot of unusual motive power (for the Tehachapis) showing up on the hill. The first group of photos I'm sending is some of what we saw. We both noted that there were quite a few EMD (Progress Rail) units running on the hill. I'm not sure why but they were a welcome break from the GE's (Wabtec). I used Bing AI search to find the loco. types and it's scary good!

There's quite a bit of foreign power running over the hill these days - Ferromex, NS, CSX, etc.

The more "scenic" photos will follow. I noticed that the wildflowers were quite disappointing after a lot of hype about a super-bloom. There may have been one but it was not in the Tehachapis.

Enjoy,  Bruce "Doc" Jones
Part 1
BHJ-13: Ferromex SD70ACe EB (SB) at Caliente BHJ-14: BNSF "Grinstein Green" SD70Mac EB (SB) as DPU at Caliente
BHJ-15: UP "One" Heritage engine SD70M WB (NB) at Woodford second unit out BHJ-16: BNSF Warbonnet C44-9W still earning its keep. WB (NB) west end of Woodford
BHJ-17: BNSF 120 GP60M-3 WB (NB) in consist at Caliente. Looks to be setup for remote control BHJ-18: BNSF 515 B40-8W same consist as BNSF 120 Note GE trucks
BHJ-19: 11 unit UP power move WB (NB) at Sandcut.
Part 2
BHJ-20: WB (NB) leaving West portal Tunnel 5 (Cliff) for Bealville BHJ-21: "Rainbow" consist of units WB (NB) between Tunnel 5 and Bealville. Seen quite frequently on the hill lately.
BHJ-22: BNSF #7901 WB (NB) splitting the signals between Cameron and Monolith MP 367.0 BHJ-23: BNSF #3999 EB (SB) leaving Cable for Tehachapi
BHJ-24: BNSF EB (SB) leaving East portal Tunnel 5 at Cliff BHJ-25: Site of BNSF EB (SB)  derailment at Marcel, Jan 21, 2023
BHJ-26: BNSF #3999 EB (SB) at Woodford BHJ-27: BNSF #7787 WB (NB) at Sandcut
BHJ-28: BNSF #6220 WB (NB) entering Tehachapi from Monolith

updated: May 14, 2023

May 14, 2023:  Amtrak Phase IV comeback by Ryan Slaton Photography

Back in 2011 Amtrak painted several P42s in their older paint schemes (phases) to commemorate their 40th anniversary. All of the 40th anniversary units proved illusive to me, in particular the phase IV painted 184. In fact, prior to 2022 I had only seen it once and that was as a trailing locomotive on a Coast Starlight Tehachapi detour. Last summer #184 made several round trip runs on the California Zephyr and I was finally able to photograph it leading. In 2023 Amtrak repainted the 184 into their current standard but very recently released another in phase IV colors, #164. 164's first transcontinental voyage since being repainted was on the California Zephyr and Thursday morning while at work I saw it lead #5 through Elko. Since I was going on my off days with it slated to lead #6 I decided to go after it otherwise it'd probably be 11 years before I'd get another shot at it.

RS-2308: 1) August 6th, 2022 and the original phase IV heritage 184 is leading a late #5 at Palisade on an overcast morning. RS-2309: 2) Going after the 164 yesterday I returned to Donner Pass for the first time since January 2017. With the sun further north in the sky I decided to hike up to Andover as I have never photographed an eastbound there in morning sun conditions. A little later in the morning than I had hoped but considering I missed the first eastbound while I was hiking and another stalled out at Shed 10, I was happy to get something!
RS-2310: 3) I managed to get 4 run-bys of #6 with the fresh 164 leading and 2 new chargers trailing the road power. Here is #6 at Hinton (Hirschdale) on the eastern slope. RS-2311: 4) Lastly, this morning while checking line-ups I noticed the 4449 was leading the AMICH, unfortunately it was only UP 4449 ;} Having never photographed the UP 4449 and with SD70M leaders in general getting few and far between I went after the 'tesla express'. I had to head east to Moor, NV to get out from under the morning clouds but finally found some sun!


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


New 7/19: Accurate Map of Cajon Pass as of 2018 by Steve Jessup & Todd Gillette (RR Illustrated) - click here
8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

Go back to Cajon Pass Main Page - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland - 2023)