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updated: August 14, 2022: (BHJ-09 to BHJ-12)
October 3, 2022: (GT-586 to GT-601)  //  November 19, 2022: (DW-374 to DW-377)
January 18, 2023: 1145 to 1153

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 17/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Laura M. Gray (LMG)
Marc Fournier
(MF), Bruce (Doc) Jones (BHJ), Don Winslow (DW)
Ryan Slaton (RS)

Guest Photographers: Bruce Blackadar (BB),
Lloyd Palmer (LP)

A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

New 10/22: BNSF Barstow International Gateway Project


Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonos Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (just scroll down)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound,
MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track,
MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 3- or 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer).

updated: January 6, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
On the second day of the New Year, Marc & I visited each of our photographic points between the new vehicular bridge at BNSF MP 39.4 and the KC Ranch at BNSF MP 38 (FROST).   MF & GGG
# 255-258: BNSF 7004 and its trailing DPU's were photographed WB between the Flyover at MP 39.1 and the construction area at MP 39.4.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-255
BNSF 7004 WB on the Flyover at MP 39.1
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-256
BNSF 7004 WB at MP 39.2
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-257
BNSF 7004 approaches construction area at MP 39.4.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-258
BNSF 7385 and 7751 DPU's of same BNSF WB train
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-259

The San Gabriel Mountains after our third "winter storm".
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-260
Facing South, an image of the entire bridge project. The majority of construction activities are centered on the Western (Right) third of project. The HUGE concrete structure is the NUTRO Dog Food Factory & Distribution Center.
The Nutro Center has a spur and is serviced by the BNSF.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-265
BNSF 6274 WB approaches the GreenTree Rd extension construction -- toward L.A.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-266
BNSF 6274 WB passes through & beyond the GreenTree Rd extension construction -- toward L.A.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-267
BNSF 6274 WB beyond the GreenTree Rd extension construction -- toward L.A.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-268
The support needed for the tons of concrete about to be poured.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-269
The Eastern third of the new bridge with the future view of the flyover.
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-270
Looking under the new bridge with the view of the flyover (close-up).
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-273
BNSF 4002 is EB into Frost at BNSF MP-38
MF - 1/02/22 - GT-274
BNSF 4002 is EB passing Frost at BNSF MP-38

updated: January 12, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
Last Sunday (1/09) was a beautiful desert winter day & Marc, George and I took advantage of it. Train traffic was unusually light but, as you'll see, we were able to catch two trains at Frost and the Flyover.  MF & GGG
MF - 1/09/22 - GT-275
UP 9061 pulls a long ballast train west through Frost MP 38.
MF - 1/09/22 - GT-276
UP 9061 pulls HERZOG ballast cars west through Frost MP 38.
# 281-282: UP 7410 export coal loads (in 4 + 0 + 2 configuration) crosses through the FLYOVER & heads WB to the construction area.
MF - 1/09/22 - GT-281
UP 7410 WB rolling under the Flyover at MP 39.1
MF - 1/09/22 - GT-282
UP 9022 & 5949 WB DPU's for same train at MP 39.4

updated: January 26, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
Last Sunday (1/23) Marc & I were out wandering around Gray's Hill. We were able to catch some trains at Frost, the Flyover and even downtown Victorville.  MF & GGG
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-283
BNSF 6852 is WB between the Flyover (MP-39.1) & the new bridge (MP-39.4).
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-284
BNSF 6989 (with War Bonnet) is EB at the flyover (MP-39.1).
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-286
BNSF 6989 is WB at the flyover toward the new bridge.
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-287
BNSF 6989 is WB approaching the new bridge.
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-289  -  BNSF 6756 is WB from BNSF FROST (MP-38)
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-296
UP 2660 has just cleared Frost & proceeds East to Victorville.
MF - 1/23/22 - GT-297
From the AMTRAK platform in "DOWNTOWN" OLD Victorville, UP 2660 passes the small BNSF Yard and it's two sets of LOCAL POWER.

updated: February 1, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
Last Sunday (1/23) Marc & I were out wandering around Gray's Hill. We were able to catch some trains at Frost, the Flyover and even downtown Victorville.  MF & GGG
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-310
BNSF 6786 WEST crosses the FLYOVER towrad the construction area.
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-311
BNSF 6786 WEST passes through the construction area. MP-39.4
# 318-321: BNSF 3690 and its trailing DPU are EB through the area with a BNSF RipRap train of erosion control boulders. 
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-318
BNSF 3690 EB passing under the new bridge. MP-39.4
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-319
BNSF 3690 EB passing under the Flyover. MP-39-1
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-320
The rocks are well visible on this close-up
MF - 1/30/22 - GT-321
Same train with DPU BNSF 3700

 updated: February 6, 2022

Date: 2/01/22 - Action at WSI (MP 56.7) and Hill 582 (MP 58.2) and Powerline Road (MP 57.2)
Compared to many other places, our weather has been great. However, for SoCal it was been very chilly, very windy with a very low train count. So, the first two days of this month yielded a very few "keeper" images except for Marc's views of a beautiful BNSF Officers Special.  MF & GGG
According to THE NAVIGATOR on "The train highballed Barstow and came to a stop about 10 miles further east, near Minneola, next to the Barstow-Daggett Airport. A charter bus was waiting by the William B. Strong, and I observed at least one biz jet land while the train was stationary. I believe the suits on the train transferred to the biz jet(s) via the charter bus. After the fanfare subsided, two biz jets departed and the train shoved back into the yard at Barstow".
#1101-1105: Polished BNSF #6017 & #6163, EB with 13 car Officers Special, climb MT #3 and pass West Summit Island @ MP 56.7
MF - 2/01/22 - 1101
BNSF 6017 & 6163 w/Officers Special on MT-3
MF - 2/01/22 - 1102
The BNSF Officers Special on MT-3 below WSI
MF - 2/01/22 - 1103
BNSF 6017 w/BNSF 25th Anniversary lettering
MF - 2/01/22 - 1104
BNSF 6163 w/BNSF 25th Anniversary lettering
MF - 2/01/22 - 1105
BNSF Officers Special leaving WSI and heading for Summit
MF - 2/01/22 - 1106
A Graffitied BNSF 7086 is EB past WSI and a UP train on UPT above.
#1107-1108: Two pictures of a Windy, Cold & Unoccupied Hill 582.
While there, we heard the dispatcher warn all Cajon Sub crews to expect 65 MPH wind gusts.
GGG - 2/02/22 - 1107
Trees on Hill 582 looking North
GGG - 2/02/22 - 1108
Hill 582 as seen from the East side
MF - 2/02/22 - 1109
BNSF 6829 is WB at Powerline Rd. (MP57.2)
GGG - 2/02/22 - 1110
UP 8831 is EB at Powerline Rd. (MP57.2)

updated: February 17, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
Our FIRST railroad shot taken from the NEW Bridge. BNSF 6810 is EB at the new bridge MP-39.4 and on through the Flyover at MP-39.1.
MF - 2/15/22 - GT-326
BNSF 6810 EB at MP-39.4 as seen from the new road bridge
GGG - 2/15/22 - GT-328
BNSF 6810 EB passing under the Flyover at MP-39.1
MF - 2/15/22 - GT-336
 BNSF 8257 West, due to a FORM "B" at MP-66 has priority & passes the waiting BNSF 6810 East at Frost (MP-38).
MF - 2/15/22 - GT-337
 BNSF 8257 West, due to a FORM "B" at MP-66 has priority & passes the waiting BNSF 6810 East at Frost (MP-38).
MF - 2/15/22 - GT-338
At long last, BNSF 6810 East passes through Frost & on to Barstow.
MF - 2/15/22 - GT-339
At long last, BNSF 6810 East passes through Frost & on to Barstow.

updated: March 2, 2022

A day of Cajon Pass by Bruce Blackadar Photography
On February 20, Bruce re-visited Cajon Pass and published his recent photos on facebook. I was thrilled to see his work and asked for permission to publish on our 2022 Cajon Pass Page. Thank you for sharing your great pictures - WM
The first train I shot was this WB UP at the Mormon Rocks on the BNSF North Track. Cajon Pass, CA, 2/20/22.
The 5 UP diesels are passing Cajon Creek.
These are the midtrain DPUs passing the Mormon Rocks.
These are the rear DPUs.
These are the rear DPUs passing Cajon Creek.
The moon was setting behind the San Gabriel Mountain. 2/20/22.
Next was a very long WB BNSF stack train at the Mormon Rocks on the BNSF North Track.
Within my memory the foreground track looped all the way to the right side of the picture before reversing in a much tighter S-curve.
The head end diesels of this BNSF WB are passing the Mormon Rocks.
Same train passing Cajon Creek.
These are the midtrain DPUs.
I next went to Hill 582, a nice little railfan park and viewing area (although a little rough to get to).
Two uphill trains, a BNSF and a UP on the ex-SP track, came simultaneously.
BB-014 BB-015
Two uphill trains, a BNSF and a UP on the ex-SP track, came simultaneously.
Photos taken from Hill 582.
BB-018 BB-019
Rear end DPU's are pushing the EB UP train.
I went to the area below Hill 582 and above the old tunnels to fly my drone. While I was getting there this EB BNSF came.
BB-022 BB-023
Then a WB BNSF came. Cajon Pass, CA.
I got my drone up for the next EB BNSF stack train above the daylighted tunnels. Cajon Pass, CA.
BB-026 BB-027
Hill 582 is in the middle distance on the right.
Hill 582 is in the middle distance.
The train is heading for Summit Cajon Pass, CA.
I then flew the drone right at Hill 582 and caught another EB BNSF stack train.
BB-032 BB-033
Spectacular photo of Hill 582 from above.
Next I went to the west end of the daylighted tunnels on the BNSF North Track. As I arrived a WB BNSF was passing and I caught the midtrain DPUs.
Next came a WB UP auto rack passing the former tunnels area also known as Alray.
BB-036 BB-037
Interstate I-15 is just above the train.
Since it was a holiday weekend, the OHV staging area on the right was hopping, almost a little too much for me.
I went to the site of the old campground along Cajon Creek, long since washed away. I used to like to camp here and shoot passing trains in the early morning. There were only two tracks here then.
This BNSF WB came by, but the trees and bushes on the right have grown up enough that the broadside views I had from the campground are gone.
BNSF WB along Cajon Creek. Location is also called Cozy Dell.
As I was going by a long EB BNSF stack train was climbing around Sullivan's Curve. I got this not very good grab shot from Cajon, but it at least shows how much the train climbs.
As I was going by a long EB BNSF stack train was climbing around Sullivan's Curve. I got this slightly better grab shot from Cajon of the midtrain DPUs.
I went in to Sullivan's Curve and caught this moderate-length BNSF EB with the drone. It was getting pretty windy and drone flight was marginal, so I didn't get too adventurous with it.
BB-046 BB-047
BB-048 BB-049
It got too windy for the drone, so I got ground-level photos of the next EB BNSF stack train which came just as some track equipment was passing on the ex-SP track.
EB BNSF stack train which came just as some track equipment was passing on the ex-SP track. (Not my vehicle!) Sullivan's Curve.
BB-052 BB-053
Close up of track equipment was passing on the ex-SP track.
I got ground-level photos of the next EB BNSF stack train which came just as some track equipment was passing on the ex-SP track. These are the midtrain DPUs.
The EB BNSF is visible here near the daylighted tunnels, as well as the bumper-to-bumper holiday traffic on I-15 all the way down from the summit. Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Pass, CA.
Typical rocks near Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Pass, CA.
Remarkably, the wind eased up enough in the late afternoon that I was able to fly the drone again, although shadows had moved across much of the curve. I caught a UP stack train crawling up the ex-SP track.
BB-058 BB-059
I got a bonus train, a WB UP on the BNSF track. The stack train was moving so slowly that I had almost exhausted the drone battery, but I got a few shots of the UP WB before I had to land.
UP WB manifest on BNSF MT-2.
BB-062 BB-063
After I had to land the drone, I got a ground-level shot of the rear DPU on the UP WB. Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Pass.
Following the stack train on the ex-SP track, a set of light units came up the hill. I thought maybe they would help the stack train which seemed to be really struggling, but apparently they didn't and just ran light all the way. Sullivan's Curve.
Last photo at Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Pass, CA.
I caught one last WB BNSF on my way out. Cajon Pass, CA, 2/20/22.
A big thank you goes to Bruce giving us a chance to see his outstanding photography incl. some spectacular drone shots.  WM
For those who want to see more photos from Bruce, go on facebook and enter: Bruce Blackadar Photography.

updated: March 7, 2022

Bruce (Doc) Jones Photography of Hill 582
On March 2, 2022, Doc Jones took some interesting photos on Hill 582. Thank you for sharing with us.
BHJ - 3/02/22 - 1111
The BNSF business train eastbound on track 2. Taken at 15.28 hrs.
BHJ - 3/02/22 - 1112
BNSF eastbound domestic stacktrain. 
BHJ - 3/02/22 - 1113
Warbonnets are getting rare as time goes by. There are a few "residents" around Southern California. This may be one of them.
BHJ - 3/02/22 - 1114
Last train of the day. EB overseas stacktrain. Taken 16.28 hrs. 

updated: March 9, 2022

Action between Frost MP 38 and the Flyover to the new bridge construction site at MP 39.4
Green Tree Blvd. Extension with new Bridge over BNSF main tracks.
Last Sun, was a beautiful day in the Mojave. Normally, we've been hitting the Bridge Construction Project twice a month but it way too nice to stay home --- & besides, it's NOT FOOTBALL Season.   GGG - MF
# 352-353: The Construction forces have been busy lowering the lookout point on "Gray's Hill". Many many railfans have used this area to photograph trains on the famous ATSF / BNSF FLYOVER near FROST. Upon our arrival at the Overlook, we were met by BNSF 6867 WB pulling a very long string of (probably) empties. If you will remember the "old" pictures taken from the overlook, the crest of the hill is now much lower.  We will determine how much has been removed shortly??
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-352
BNSF 6867 WB at Frost
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-353
BNSF 6867 WB on the Flyover
# 358-359: To cross the tracks, we must drive RR East to Frost (Kemper Campbell Ranch). While there, we noticed headlights back up near the new bridge. We waited and caught BNSF 9086 WB towing a buffer car and a Track Geometry Car.
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-358
BNSF 9086 WB SD70ACe
with a buffer car and a Track Geometry Car.
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-359
BNSF WB towing a buffer car and a Track Geometry Car.
# 364-368: BNSF 7438 and DPU's drag a HEAVY Ethanol (BOMB) load WB through the area.
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-364
BNSF 7438 WB rolling over the Flyover at MP-39.2
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-365
BNSF WB w/3 units up front at MP-39.3
GGG - 3/06/22 - GT-366
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-367
MF - 3/06/22 - GT-368
DPU's with a Warbonnet BNSF C44-9W toward Hesperia and Cajon
GGG - 3/06/22 - GT-369
Marc Fournier, our intrepid snake dodging, rock climbing, bridge crawling photographer!!
More photos of the "Green Tree Blvd. Extension (Victorville, CA)" w/new bridge over BNSF Main
are here:  click here

updated: April 4, 2022

Action on and under the Flyover at MP 39.1 at Victorville
MF - 4/02/22 - GT-382
BNSF 3927 WB is rolling over the Flyover at MP 39.1
MF - 4/02/22 - GT-383
It is the loaded Ethanol train (called: the BOMB)
MF - 4/02/22 - GT-384
BNSF 8121 & 7726 are the DPU's of this WB Ethanol train.
GGG - 4/02/22 - GT-388
BNSF 4386 WB on the Flyover at MP 39.1
GGG - 4/02/22 - GT-389
BNSF 7428 WB DPU for the same intermodal train on the Flyover.
GGG - 4/02/22 - GT-390
BNSF 3957 emerges EB from the Flyover tunnel. The new vehicular bridge can be seen in the background.

updated: April 12, 2022

Action on and under the Flyover at MP 39.1 at Victorville

MF - 4/10/22 - GT-392
BNSF 5319 was WB between the flyover and the new bridge.
GGG - 4/10/22 - GT-393
UP 7122  was EB past the "Gray's" Hill overlook.
MF - 4/10/22 - GT-394
BNSF 7812 WB on the flyover (MP 39.1) going to the bridge (MP 39.4)
MF - 4/10/22 - GT-395
BNSF 7812 WB entering the bridge (MP 39.4)

updated: April 26, 2022

Action on and under the Flyover at MP 39.1 at Victorville

MF - 4/24/22 - GT-404
BNSF 7041 was WB between the Flyover (MP-39.1) . . .
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-405
. . .
and the new bridge (MP-39.4).
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-410
While BNSF 7041 continues its crawl WB over the Flyover, a UP EB completes the meet. 
GGG - 4/24/22 - GT-411
Finally, BNSF 8203, DPU for BNSF 7041 WB, (mentioned in #404 & #405 above) passes under the new bridge.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-412
GGG, awaiting next train.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-413
UP 7707 Vehicle train climbs out of the Upper Narrows of the Mojave River. The telephoto really distorts the approximately 1.6 % grade.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-414
A UP coal EMPTY is EB.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-415
Trains from #413 & #414 above meet at the FLYOVER.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-416
BNSF 6271 WB intermodal at the Flyover.
MF - 4/24/22 - GT-417
BNSF 6190 WB rear end DPU (same train) at the Flyover.

updated: May 3, 2022

Action around the Kemper-Campbell Ranch at Frost MP 38 in Victorville

Sunday (May 1) was a beautiful day in the Mojave. After finding nothing really new at the bridge construction site, Marc & I drove down to the Kemper-Campbell Ranch at Frost (MP-38). BNSF has been replacing rail in the area and had temporally removed the FROST road crossing & the Dragging Equipment Detector (DED). For the last week, BNSF has been single tracking through this area.  MF & GGG

#418 - 419: Upon arrival at FROST, we found BNSF 3789 West waiting at a solid RED while higher priority BNSF 8046 West ran around.

MF - 5/01/22 - GT-418
BNSF 3789 WB on hold at Frost
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-419
BNSF 8046 WB is passing BNSF 3789 (on hold)
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-420
The cattle herd at the Ranch is growing --- we estimate that there are 60+ head of cattle there now.
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-421
BNSF 6909 EB at Frost MP-38
#421 - 423: While BNSF 3789 W. continues to wait, BNSF 6909 EB & UP 7815 EB run past. Both the road crossing (in #424) and the DED (in #422 have been replaced.
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-422
UP 7815 EB is passing Frost at MP-38
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-423
UP 7815 passes BNSF 3789 (on hold)
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-424
After a two hour wait, BNSF 3789 West finally gets the GREEN and heads toward L.A.
MF - 5/01/22 - GT-425
We noted that several containers on BNSF 3789 were open – which suggests looting -- nothing new in California.

updated: May 20, 2022

Action around the Flyover at MP 39.1 and the Kemper-Campbell Ranch at Frost MP 38 in Victorville

After two weeks, we again visited the new bridge construction area and the railroading scene at Frost.  BNSF was single tracking RR East of Frost due to MOW work. Obviously, with trains varying from long to MONSTER, there was a real traffic congestion problem in the entire area.  MF & GGG
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-426
A very long UP is WB over the flyover while a EB BNSF monster waits for the UP and a following BNSF WB to clear the crossovers at Frost. 
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-427
The following WB  BNSF 6602 is about to clear Frost
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-428
The EB BNSF MONSTER train, its mid-train and . . .
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-429
. . .  rear DPU's head toward Barstow.
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-435
UP 2728 East & trailing DPU hit Frost, switch to the open track & head to Yermo.
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-436
UP 2728 East hit Frost, switch to the open track & head to Yermo.
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-437
UP EB trailing DPU hit Frost & head to Yermo.
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-438
BNSF 3691 is WB @ Frost
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-439
BNSF 6860, NS 1000 + BNSF 709 EB Stopped @ Frost . . . .
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-440
BNSF 6860, NS 1000 + BNSF 709 EB Stopped @ Frost . . . .
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-441
. . . .
waiting for BNSF 7476 West to clear.
MF - 5/15/22 - GT-445
burros/mules at the Kemper Campbell Ranch. Railfans observer!

updated: June 1, 2022

A foggy day at West Summit Island (WSI) at BNSF MP-56.8

Last Saturday (May 28), Marc & I spent three hours with Bob & Guy, who were camped, on West Summit Island (WSI) @ BNSF MP 56.8.  It was a COOL, WINDY & VERY FOGGY day on the hill & train traffic was heavy.  GGG & MF
All following pictures are from WSI, a great railfan place founded, built & maintained by our friend Jerry Shiner.

GGG - 5/28/22 - 1115
Guy, Bob & Marc on WSI
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1116
Bob's best friend, JAZZ the WONDER DOG
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1117
UP 5958 WB in the fogg
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1118
UP 5958 WB 100 yards closer = less fogg
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1119
BNSF 5069 WB intermodal on MT-2
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1120
BNSF EB with 7 units on MT-1
MF - 5/28/22 - 1121
NS 1044 WB intermodal
MF - 5/28/22 - 1122
UP 6812 SB on UPT
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1123
BNSF 5069 WB intermodal
MF - 5/28/22 - 1124
UP 8186 WB manifest on MT-2
MF - 5/28/22 - 1125
UP 8186 WB meets BNSF 7076 EB
GGG - 5/28/22 - 1126
BNSF 8080 WB manifest on MT-2 (no traffic on MT-3)
MF - 5/28/22 - 1127
UP 2692 EB with NS and 2 x KCS units
MF - 5/28/22 - 1128
BNSF 6721 EB with a Warbonnet engine

updated: June 3, 2022

Action around the Flyover at MP 39.1 and Frost MP 38 in Victorville

Last Sunday (May 29) was a very cool, windy and dusty day. Trains were backed up at BNSF FROST due to single tracking, somewhere East of Victorville.
MF - 5/29/22 - GT-456
Again, due to single tracking, BNSF 7499 EB is slowing to . . . .
MF - 5/29/22 - GT-457
. . . . a stop at Frost to allow BNSF 3690 WB to clear the switches.
MF - 5/29/22 - GT-458
Same scenario with UP 7624 EB at Flyover
MF - 5/29/22 - GT-459
Same scenario with NS 4479, BNSF 3741, FM 4050 WB
GGG - 5/29/22 - GT-460
Marc imaging UP 7624, which is switching to the open track & proceeding on to Barstow.
MF - 5/29/22 - GT-461
A 6+ hour LATE AMT #3 clears the Upper Narrows.

updated: June 22, 2022

Action around the Flyover at MP 39.1 and Frost MP 38 in Victorville

On June 18 was extremely heavy train traffic between the Flyover und Frost.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-468
BNSF 6588 WB V-train rolling over the Flyover
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-469
BNSF 6747 WB on the Flyover
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-470
UP 7340 MTY COAL is EB for another export load
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-481
A 'WELL USED' and VERY DIRTY UP 8794 is WB at BNSF MP 38 (Frost)
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-475
BNSF 6195 EB has passed under the new bridge & approaches soon the  Flyover bridge.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-476
BNSF 6195 EB is passing under the "HIGHLY DECORATED" Flyover bridge.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-477
UP eight unit EB light engine move at Frost.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-478
UP eight unit EB light engine move toward the Narrows.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-479
BNSF 3836 EB intermodal train to Barstow at Frost.
MF - 6/18/22 - GT-480
same BNSF EB with 2 rear end DPU's on the way to Barstow.

updated: September 1, 2022

Action around the Flyover at MP 39.1 and Frost MP 38 in Victorville

On August 27 was quite some train traffic between the Flyover und Frost.
MF - 8/27/22 - GT-548
UP 9019 manifest is EB at Frost MP38
MF - 8/27/22 - GT-549
UP 2545 EB is DPU for UP 9019 at Frost MP38 toward Victorville
MF - 8/27/22 - GT-550
BNSF 5147 intermodal is EB at Frost MP38
MF - 8/27/22 - GT-551
BNSF Manned helpers are EB  @ the FLYOVER MP39.1

updated: September 15, 2022

Action around the Flyover at MP 39.1 and the new bridge MP 39.4 in Victorville

The following ten pictures all deal with with one event we experienced and enjoyed, while documenting the construction.  It is truly amazing how much noise and vibration thirteen diesel units & 47,000+ Horse Power can generate, whether pulling or dynamically braking.  MF & GGG
# 572-576:  UP 5285 WB, its mid-train and trailing DPU's (4+1+1) are WB on fly-over @ MP 39.1. They then run under the NEW bridge @ MP 39.4 and on RR West toward MP 40.
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-572
UP 5285 WB on Flyover at MP 39.1
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-573
UP 5285 WB at MP 39.2
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-574
UP 6708 mid train DPU
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-575
UP 5923 rear end DPU
GGG - 9/11/22 - GT-576
UP 5285 WB at MP 38.5
GGG - 9/11/22 - GT-577
UP 7203 East joins the scene in a 6+1 configuration.
# 578-580: UP 7203 EB meets UP 5285 WB - and continues East to the flyover.
GGG - 9/11/22 - GT-578 GGG - 9/11/22 - GT-579
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-580
UP 7203 EB just pasing under the Flyover
MF - 9/11/22 - GT-581
Trailing DPU's from the trains meet just RR West of the new bridge.

updated: October 3, 2022

Action around Frost MP 38 (KCR) the Flyover at MP 39.1, the new bridge MP 39.4 and MP 40 in Victorville

MF - 9/24/22 - GT-586
UP 5489 West Bound Manifest passing KCR and Frost
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-587
UP 5489 West Bound with mid train DPU.
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-588
UP 5489 West Bound with trailing DPU's.
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-593
BNSF 4542 Intermodal is WB.
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-594
BNSF 4542 and trailing DPU BNSF 4238 are WB.
GGG - 9/24/22 - GT-595
BNSF 6176+7 units are Westbound over the Flyover at MP 39
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-596
BNSF 6176+7 heading West at MP 39.5
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-597
BNSF 6176+7 WB meets BNSF 6673+4 EB at MP 40
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-598
BNSF 6673+4 EB passes tail of BNSF 6176+7 WB
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-599
BNSF 6673+4 EB 39.4
MF - 9/24/22 - GT-600
BNSF 6673+4 EB passes under new bridge at MP 39.4
GGG - 9/24/22 - GT-601
BNSF 6673+4 EB to Flyover at MP 39.1

updated: December 28, 2022

New 12/21/22: UP Derailment at BNSF Frost / Kemper Campbell Ranch (MP-38). 

12/21/22 - 1145 This drone picture was posted by Samual Fuller on Facebook
Today a 20,000 ton UP WB ore train derailed on the switches at BNSF Frost / Kemper Campbell Ranch (MP-38). Marc & I tried every possible way to get to the site without success - due to heavy equipment and privately owned & posted land.
The derailment, naturally, had to happen in the only track-side tree grove within several hundred Mojave Desert miles. Attached are a few of ours from the closest possible view point. We will get back there next weekend to photograph the carnage cleanup. There were no injuries.  GGG & MF
GGG - 12/21/22 - 1129
Site Map  Our home is at bottom of map (in SVL)---about 1.5 miles from accident site.  Our normal Frost photographic spot was very close to the accident site and may need reevaluation.
MF - 12/21/22 - 1130
Head end  UP7041, UP6816, KCS 4866
GGG - 12/21/22 - 1131
Did I mention a tree grove?  Behind the grove are 15 mangled coal cars
GGG - 12/21/22 - 1132
The wreckage we could see.
MF - 12/21/22 - 1133
The wreckage we could see.
MF - 12/21/22 - 1134
The wreckage we could see.
As you may remember, a 20,000 ton UP Iron Ore train derailed at BNSF Frost (Cajon Sub MP-38) on 20 Dec. Thankfully, no injuries were reported.
 Both mainline tracks (for 1/4+ mile) and a heavily used mainline switch were destroyed. Access to the accident site was impossible due to the HUGE machinery and the posted private property involved. 
Marc and friend Lois, finally, were able to access & photograph the cleanup and track replacement operations on 12/26.
MF - 12/26/22 - 1135
The wreckage awaiting the "torch"
MF - 12/26/22 - 1136
The wreckage awaiting the "torch"
MF - 12/26/22 - 1137
The wreckage awaiting the "torch"
MF - 12/26/22 - 1138
The wreckage awaiting the "torch"
MF - 12/26/22 - 1139
The remains of one car!
MF - 12/26/22 - 1140
UP 5692 is WB through the reopened derailment site.
#1141: Loads of detail in this picture.  The Ranch Property (to the LEFT) is irrigated from the Mojave Regional Park Lake (RIGHT - off picture) by a rather large pipe, which runs under the tracks.   The owner of the cattle herd, which graze the Ranch property and drink from the Ranch lake, is installing a steel plate to protect said pipe from the heavy machinery.
The black stuff piled to the left of the tracks is Iron Ore, which was the train's cargo. The herd owner is also worried about the possibility of Iron Ore run-off or chemical leaching permanently fouling the Ranch water.  BTW, Iron Ore is so heavy and dense that the normal aluminum coal car can only be loaded 1/3rd full.  Its chemicals can be toxic if introduced into living tissue in high doses.
Both destroyed mainline tracks have been replaced by 39 foot pre-built BOLTED track panels.  A new switch will be built elsewhere and installed -- probably when the track panels are replaced with Continuous Welded Rail.
MF - 12/26/22 - 1141
 Loads of detail in this picture
MF - 12/26/22 - 1142
The yellow Front End loader in the Middle of this picture is sitting at the MP-38 road crossing, from where we normally take our "FROST" pictures. 
MF - 12/26/22 - 1143
 BNSF 6621 +2 with 3 DPU's power the loaded ethanol train (locally known as the "BOMB") West Bound.
MF - 12/26/22 - 1144
 BNSF 6621 +2 with 3 DPU's power the loaded ethanol train (locally known as the "BOMB") West Bound.
Below is a link to a video report from Eyewitness News by Rob McMillan:

updated: January 18, 2023

New 1/15/23: UP Derailment at BNSF Frost / Kemper Campbell Ranch (MP-38). 

Today, before US Football playoff games took-over our attention, friend Jorge L. and I decided to poke around the new bridge and the Frost derailment site. As mentioned, the bridge and underground utilities are complete. Crews are now readying the bridge approaches, curbing, pedestrian/bicycle pathways and associated roads for paving. 
The Frost derailment cleanup and rail repair are fully underway, even on this Sunday preceding the MLK National  Holiday. We talked to a BNSF employee who mentioned that the derailment was caused by an overheated and frozen axle being drug through a switch. He also mentioned that although the train was listed as an EXPORT IRON ORE TRAIN, there were some loads of coal within the train consist.   GGG  
GGG - 1/15/23 - 1145
Derailment track & switch repair
JL - 1/15/23 - 1146
Coal car trucks involved in derailment
GGG - 1/15/23 - 1147
Coal car wreckage
GGG - 1/15/23 - 1148
Caterpillar with "JAWS" attachment to finish demolition of wrecked coal cars.
GGG - 1/15/23 - 1149
CAT Front End Loaders removing spilled coal/iron ore cargo-the small mountain far right center.
GGG - 1/15/23 - 1150
SOMETHING NEW -- Water actually FLOWING in the NORMALLY DRY Mojave River bed.
In my last submission, I sent a picture of water flowing in the normally dry Mojave River bed. Several have asked about the relative positions of the River and the NEW bridge/road system being built across the BNSF transcon. I recently found a NEWER Google Map of the area and I decided to edit said map with the points of interest to members of this group.
Hope the attached clears any confusion.
GGG - 1/18/23 - 1151
Pictures of the flowing Mojave River
GGG - 1/18/23 - 1152
Pictures of the flowing Mojave River
GGG - 1/18/23 - 1153  Edited Google Map of area  (enlarge for better visability)
#01  The Northern half of our community - Spring Valley Lake
#02  The Yucca Loma Bridge over the Mojave River. This is the photographic location of the #1151 & 1152 above.
Note that the NEWER Road connecting Apple Valley & Victorville has three name changes within two miles -- Yucca Loma Rd in Apple Valley -- Yates Rd in San Bernardino County and GreenTree Blvd in Victorville. 
 #03  The Mojave River which flows NORTH
#04  Upper Narrows of Mojave River
#05  Kemper Campbell Ranch
#06  Our normal Frost photographic site
#07  Site of recent Derailment
#08  BNSF Flyover
#09  New vehicular bridge & road over BNSF Transcon

updated: November 19, 2022
(In Memoriam of Don Winslow)

Don Winslow Photography of Cajon Pass (Needles Sub)
Don Winslow of Glendora, CA is sharing his great photos with us. These are not sorted by date or location.
Don is specializing is early morning shots with sometimes spectacular light effects !!
Thank you for sharing - GGG. We are listing his photos the way Don is sending these to Gary - WM
DW-218 taken on 10/12/18 - BNSF 3864 EB intermodal at Swarthout Canyon (SWC)
DW-217 taken on 6/30/18 - Amtrak 138 WB at Cozy Dell DW-219 taken on 9/22/18 - BNSF 5942 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-220 taken on 5/12/18 - BNSF 4217 WB at Cajon DW-222 taken on 8/25/18 - BNSF EB 6734 at Cozy Dell (SWC)
DW-221 taken on 3/30/14 - BNSF 6658 EB at SWC DW-223 taken on 4/17/19 - BNSF 6769 WB  at Cozy Dell
DW-224 taken on 6/15/19 - Amtrak 187 WB at Cozy Dell DW-225 taken on 1/05/19 - BNSF 4298 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-226 taken on 4/26/14 - BNSF 4435 at Hill 582 DW-227 taken on 2/21/09 - BNSF 4478 EB "bare table" at Hill 582
DW-228 taken on 1/27/12 - BNSF 7495 at Ludlow DW-229 taken on 6/09/13 - UP 4138 at SWC
DW-230 taken on 4/06/19 - UP 4959 at Cozy Dell DW-231 taken on 3/09/19 - UP 7864 and BNSF 6086 at Cajon
DW-232 taken on 8/18/18 - BNSF 4630, eastbound at Summit DW-233 taken on 8/18/18 - BNSF 4851, east bound at Cozy Dell
DW-234 taken on 8/31/18 - BNSF 7159, westbound at Cozy Dell DW-235 taken on 8/31/18 - BNSF 7760, eastbound at Cozy Dell
DW-236 taken on 8/22/14 - BNSF 7166 WB on MT-2 at Cajon DW-237 taken on 6/22/20 - BNSF 7814 WB on MT-3 at Cozy Dell
DW-238 taken on 6/22/19 - BNSF 7995 WB on MT-2 at Cozy Dell DW-239 taken on 3/14/109 - UP 5382 EB on MT-1 at Hill 582
DW-241 taken on 11/14/17 - BNSF 8071 East of Ludlow DW-242 taken on 4/21/18 - UP 7400 at Cozy Dell
DW-243 - taken on 9/07/19 - BNSF 3838 EB at Cajon DW-244 - taken on 6/02/18 - BNSF 5165 EB at Cozy Dell
DW-240 - taken on 11/09/12 - BNSF 7476 at Bagdad, Needles Sub DW-245 - taken on 3/10/10 - BNSF 7289 WB at base of Hill 582
DW-250 - taken on 11/10/12 - BNSF 7531 at Bagdad, Needles Sub DW-251 - taken on 6/09/13 - BNSF 6609 EB at SWC, Cajon
DW-252 - taken on 11/09/12 - BNSF 7405 at Essex, Needles Sub DW-253 - taken on 8/31/18 - BNSF 7179 WB at Cozy Dell, Cajon
DW-255 - taken on 6/03/13 - BNSF 6593 WB at SWC, Cajon DW-256 - taken on 11/15/17 - BNSF 6984 at Lavic, Needles Sub
DW-257 - taken on 11/20/14 - BNSF 7022 at Ash Hill, Needles Sub DW-258 - taken on 6/09/13 - BNSF 7085 WB at Cajon
DW-259 - taken on 1/24/15 - BNSF 7061 at Hill582 DW-260 - taken on 3/09/19 - BNSF 7228 at SWC
DW-261 - taken on 8/04/18 - BNSF 7232 at Cozy Dell DW-262 - taken on 11/09/12 - BNSF 7405 at Essex, Needles Sub
DW-264 - taken on 9/07/19 - BNSF 5979 at Cozy Dell DW-265 - taken on 11/14/17 - BNSF 7308 at Pisgah, Needels Sub
DW-263 - taken on 6/22/19 - BNSF 4989 at SWC DW-266 - taken on 8/13/16 - UP 9000 at Pomona (Rail Giants Display)
DW-267 - taken on 5/12/18 - BNSF 7836 WB at Cajon DW-268 - taken on 8/28/10 - BNSF 4084 EB at San Bernardino
DW-269 - taken on 6/02/18 - BNSF 4176 WB at Cajon DW-270 - taken on 9/22/18 BNSF 4952 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-271 - taken on 11/20/14 BNSF 4139 at Ash Hill, Needles Sub DW-272 - taken on 5/05/18 - BNSF 4268 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-273 - taken on 11/07/09 BNSF 5183 at Ash Hill, Needles Sub DW-274 - taken on 12/29/18 - UP 2625 EB at SWC
DW-276 - taken on 4/04/18 BNSF 6204 WB at Cajon DW-277 - taken on 4/27/19 BNSF 6859 WB passing EB at Cozy Dell
DW-275 - taken on 9/07/19 BNSF 5979 WB passing EB at Cozy Dell DW-278 - taken on 9/22/18 BNSF 6935 WB passing EB at Cozy Dell
DW-279 - taken on 3/27/10 BNSF 4701 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub) DW-280 - taken on 11/28/09 BNSF 7539 at Pisgah (Needles Sub)
DW-281 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 7846 at SWC DW-282 - taken on 8/10/19 UP 2653 WB at Cajon
(see the Sullivan's Rocks in the sun light)
DW-283 - taken on 6/09/19 BNSF 4226 at Cozy Dell DW-284 - taken on 1/19/18 BNSF 5085 at Lavic (Needles Sub)
DW-285 - taken on 3/26/10 BNSF 5139 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-286 - taken on 10/29/09 BNSF 5143 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-287 - taken on 7/27/19 BNSF 4114 at Cozy Dell DW-288 - taken on 8/31/18 BNSF 4615 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-289 - taken on 4/27/19 BNSF 4648 WB on MT-3 at Cajon DW-290 taken on 9/28/19 BNSF 4695 WB at Cajon crossing Cajon Creek
DW-291 - taken on 6/02/18 BNSF 5165 EB at Cajon DW-292 - taken on 11/14/17 BNSF 8237 at Pisgah (Needles Sub)
DW-293 - taken on 1/27/12 BNSF 4099 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-294 - taken on 3/03/16 BNSF 4225 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub)
DW-295 - taken on 11/21/08 BNSF 4695 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-296 - taken on 8/0319 BNSF 7421 at Cajon
DW-297 - taken on 11/21/08 BNSF 4725 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-298 - taken on 1/19/18 at Lavic (Needles Sub)
DW-299 - taken on 4/14/18 BNSF 5971 WB at Cajon DW-300 - taken on 7/16/19 BNSF 5974 EB at SWC
DW-301 - taken on 3/09/19 BNSF 4210 EB at SWC DW-302 - taken on 1/24/15 BNSF 7409 WB at Silverwood
DW-303 - taken on 7/06/19 BNSF 8238 EB at SWC DW-304 - taken on 6/02/18 BNSF 8396 WB at Cajon
DW-305 - taken on 10/29/09 BNSF 7517 at West Ash Hill (Needles Sub) DW-306 - taken on 4/26/14 UP 7128 EB at Hill 582 (track level)
DW-308 - taken on 9/22/18 UP 7764 EB at Cozy Dell DW-309 - taken on 3/19/19 UP 8056 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-311 - taken on 5/05/18 BNSF 7747 WB at Cozy Dell DW-307 - taken on 6/22/19 UP 7128 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-310 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 7689 WB at Cajon DW-312 - taken on 11/14/17 BNSF 8071 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-313 - taken on 11/13/17 BNSF 8151 at West Ash Hill (Needles Sub) DW-314 - taken on 6/02/18 BNSF 8396 WB at Cajon
DW-315 - taken on 11/09/19 BNSF 8398 EB at SWC/Cozy Dell DW-316 - taken on 9/22/18 UP 7764 EB at Cozy Dell
DW-317 - taken on 4/06/19 BNSF 5950 WB at Cozy Dell DW-318 - taken on 3/26/10 BNSF 7213 at E. Siberia (Needles Sub)
DW-319 - taken on 3/03/16 BNSF 8025 at Siberia (Needles Sub) DW-320 - taken on 3/20/14 BNSF 8025 EB and a 2nd EB at SWC
DW-321 - taken on 11/14/17 BNSF 4175 at Pisgah (Needles Sub) DW-322 - taken on 2/25/15 BNSF 7025 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-323 - taken on 3/02/16 BNSF 7089 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-324 - taken on 11/20/14 BNSF 7208 at Lavic (Needles Sub)
DW-325 - taken on 10/20/18 BNSF 7446 EB at SWC DW-326 - taken on 6/22/20 UP 9003 EB and BNSF 4989 EB at SWC
DW-327 - taken on 8/25/18 BNSF 4247 passing another one at Cozy Dell DW-328 - taken on 3/04/15 BNSF 7235 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-329 - taken on 3/16/19 BNSF 7231 EB at Cajon DW-330 - taken on 1/18/18 BNSF 8281 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-331 - taken on 9/07/19 BNSF 7046 at Cajon DW-332 - taken on 6/15/19 delayed Amtrak 187 WB at SWC
DW-333 - taken on 10/29/09 BNSF 3450 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub) DW-334 - taken on 11/21/14 BNSF 4139 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub)
DW-335 - taken on 1/05/19 BNSF 4298 WB at Cozy Dell DW-336 - taken on 9/02/18 Dawn at Swarthout Canyon
DW-337 - taken on 2/21/09 BNSF 4478 EB at Hill 582 with stormy clouds DW-338 - taken on 6/15/19 BNSF 7916 EB in the fog at SWC
DW-339 - taken on 12/20/18 UP 2625 EB early morning at SWC DW-340 - taken on 6/09/13 UP 4138 WB at SWC
DW-341 - taken on 10/12/18 BNSF 3864 EB at Cozy Dell (SWC) DW-344 - taken on 10/12/18 BNSF 8149 WB at Cozy Dell (SWC)

DW-342 - taken on 11/09/12 BNSF 6917 at Bagdad (Needles Sub)

DW-345 - taken on 11/20/14 BNSF 6853 at Seberia (Needles Sub) DW-343 - taken on 11/10/12 BNSF 7242 at Bagdad (Needles Sub)
DW-347 - taken on 8/22/14 UP 8719 EB at Cajon DW-348 - taken on 8/13/16 UP 9000 on display at Pomona
DW-346 - taken on 8/31/18 BNSF 4443 WB at Cozy Dell DW-349 - taken on 8/22/14 UP/MKT 1988 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-350 - taken on 4/06/19 BNSF 6507 EB at SWC DW-351 - taken on 10/21/10 BNSF 7594 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub.)
DW-352 - taken on 10/29/13 BNSF 7619 at Cadiz (Needles Sub.) DW-353 - taken on 2/25/15 BNSF 7634 at Bagdad (Needles Sub.)
DW-354 - taken on 9/22/18 BNSF 7717 EB at Cozy Dell DW-355 - taken on 11/10/12 BNSF 5509 at Klondike (Needles Sub)
DW-356 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 6593 WB at SWC DW-357 - taken on 3/30/13 BNSF 6658 EB at SWC
DW-358 - taken on 2/25/15 BNSF 6673 at Ludlow (Needles Sub) DW-359 - taken on 10/29/13 BNSF 6693 at Siberia (Needles Sub)
DW-360 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 6609 EB at SWC DW-361 - taken on 10/26/19 BNSF 7218 at Cajon
DW-362 - taken on 11/26/14 BNSF 8223 at Ash Hill (Needles Sub) DW-363 - taken on 8/01/01 UP 2396 EB at SWC
DW-364 - taken on 8/25/18 BNSF 4247 and 4901 at Cozy Dell DW-366 - taken on 1/27/12 BNSF 7477 at Ludlow (Needles Sub)
DW-365 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 6609 EB at SWC DW-367 - taken on 4/14/18 BNSF 6204 WB at Cajon
DW-369 - taken on 6/09/13 BNSF 7846 EB at SWC DW-370 - taken on 7/28/18 UP 5633 WB at Cozy Dell
DW-368 - taken on 2/08/19 BNSF 6978 EB at SWC DW-371 - taken on 10/18/19 BNSF 4509 EB at Cajon
DW-372 - taken on 11/28/09 BNSF 4533 at Pisgah (Needles Sub) DW-373 - taken on 5/26/18 BNSF 6529 EB at Cozy Dell
DW-375 - taken on 4/06/19 BNSF 5950 WB at Cozy Dell DW-376 - taken on 8/18/18 UP 7431 EB at Cozy Dell
DW-374 - taken on 6/30/18 CP 8654 WB on MT-1 at Cozy Dell DW-377 - taken on 8/04/18 UP 8043 WB on MT-2 at Cozy Dell
In Memoriam:
We are very sorry to tell, but Don Winslow just passed away at age 83 on 11/18/2022.
In other words, these are the last photos presented on this page.
We are thankful he was sharing his great and spectacular photography with us.
Please check the website of Don Winslow as our specialist Harold Riley was able to transfer his website to a new server and all photos are availablbe as in the past and not lost:


New 5/22: Please see the following for info on ATSF 4-8-4 #3751

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass
updated: August 14, 2022

Doc Jones Photography of Tehachapi Pass  -  Farewell Union Pacific Big Flags
Spectacular night shots taken by Bruce "Doc" Jones - thank you for sharing with us.
As many of you know, the famous Union Pacific American Flags on the locomotive sides are being replaced by a smaller version. The wings are going too. These were taken on March 3, 2005 at Tehachapi Summit. BHJ
BHJ-09 - taken on 3/03/05 at Tehachapi Summit
UP 3866 SD70M flared radiators, built 8/04
BHJ-10 - taken on 3/03/05 at Tehachapi Summit
UP 3866 SD70M flared radiators, built 8/04
BHJ-11 - taken on 3/03/05 at Tehachapi Summit
UP 3866 SD70M flared radiators, built 8/04
BHJ-12 - taken on 3/03/05 at Tehachapi Summit
UP 3866 SD70M flared radiators, built 8/04

updated: April 12, 2022

Doc Jones Photography of Tehachapi Pass
On April 9, 2022 I took a day trip to the Tehachapis. It was a great day to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and open space. The springtime green is rapidly disappearing and there are very few wildflowers. I've noticed that there are a lot more UP and BNSF manifests lately. Plenty of stacktrains as well but mostly manifests this day. BHJ
BHJ-01 - taken on 4/09/22
The Tehachapi Loop from the new overlook viewing platform. EB UP manifest meets WB BNSF manifest.
BHJ-02 - taken on 4/09/22
WB BNSF manifest crossing Tehachapi Creek at west end of Rowen.
BHJ-03 - taken on 4/09/22
EB UP manifest leaving Caliente crossing Caliente Creek. 
BHJ-04 - taken on 4/09/22
WB UP manifest approaching Monolith.
BHJ-05 - taken on 4/09/22
The new Loop viewing area at the monuments. Built by the Friends of Tehachapi Depot.
BHJ-06 - taken on 4/09/22
WB BNSF manifest leaving Tehachapi toward Cable.
BHJ-07 - taken on 4/09/22
WB BNSF manifest at Caliente road crossing.
BHJ-08 - taken on 4/09/22
Same WB as #15 meeting EB BNSF at Caliente. The WB's train is visible in the background.

updated: May 1, 2022

LUDLOW, CA --- ABANDONED RAILROADS  -  All photography by Lloyd Palmer
During late February & early March 2022, Marc & his friend Lloyd Palmer (OR) set-out to explore the two ABANDONED Railroad Rights of Way (ROW) in the Ludlow, CA area . At one time there were three RR's in Ludlow, but only Atlantic & Pacific, now known as the BNSF, has survived. A short history of Ludlow and its three railroads may be found at:
Ludlow, Route 66 California

Editing & dialog by GGG  -  published with permission
Lloyd & Marc
LP-01 Lloyd & Marc (see text above) LP-02 The Vast Mojave Desert
#03 - 04: Beginning with the Ludlow & Southern Rail Road (L&S RR), two views of its mineral transfer station at Ludlow.
LP-03 Ex. L&S RR mineral transfer station at Ludlow LP-04 Ex. L&S RR mineral transfer station at Ludlow
#05 - 06: Plaque commemorating the Buckeye Mining District and a picture of the Red Dog mine, both of which contributed to the L&S "Bottom Line": Stedman-Rochester-Buckeye Mining District, California | The Diggings™
Red Dog Mine Map - San Bernardino County, United States - Mapcarta
LP-05 Plaque for Buckeye Mining District LP-06 Red Dog Mine
#07 - 13: Searching the Tonopah & Tidewater RailRoad's (T&T RR) abandoned ROW for artifacts, artifacts found, and the actual abandoned ROW.
LP-07 Marc with Metal Detector LP-08 T&T RR old right of Way (ties)
LP-09 T&T RR old artifacts (shovels) LP-10 T&T RR old artifacts (spike)
LP-11  T&T RR old artifacts (screws) LP-12  T&T RR old artifacts (ties)
LP-13  old T&T RR ROW LP-14  Roy's at Amboy, CA
#14 - 17: During a quick detour to Amboy, CA our explorers stopped at ROY's EVERYTHING---ROY'S Motel, ROY'S Gas Station, ROY'S Cafe & ROY'S Airport. Amboy, California - Wikipedia
While photographing Amboy, this 1938 Piper J-3 Cub landed, taxied back and shutdown at the automobile gasoline pumps. The pilot climbed out, pushed the Cub closer to the pumps and filled the tank(s) with 87 octane auto gasoline. He then took-off & left town - leaving our photographers wondering "what the 'HELL' just happened?"
Aircraft Data N21486, 1938 Piper J3F-60 C/N 2342
LP-15  NC 21486, 1938 Piper J-3 LP-16
LP-17  in the middle of nowhere LP-18 The WB BNSF 7075 grain feed loads with four leading & three mid-train DPU's at Danby
LP-19 The WB BNSF 7075 grain feed loads with four leading & three mid-train DPU's at Danby LP-20 UP 8663 EB at Fields on the CIMA SUB
#18 - 20: During their ramblings, our explorers did see some modern railroading at Danby, CA and Fileds, CA.

updated: June 7, 2022

Ryan Slaton Photography of UP Trains in Nevada
By now most of you know but for those who don't, I went back to work for Union Pacific at the start of this year after two years at Watco/Swan Ranch Railroad. I hired out of Las Vegas, NV in the old Utah Service Unit. Working out of Las Vegas I can work west to Yermo, east to Milford, or there are also 6 road switchers based out of Arden (3), Valley (2), and Apex (1). So far it has kept me very busy! (There are also several other locations available to me in the service unit in northern Nevada and Utah.)
RS-2201 - Having topped the hill at Erie, NV a few miles back this westbound coal load is led by KCS 4578 as it approaches Jean, NV. RS-2202 - Climbing the grade out of the Vegas the westbound MOGWC can be seen all stretched out at the west end of Sloan, NV.

Here is another photo of the UP 7017/MOGWC approaching Jean.
RS-2204 - On Tuesday I made my first (railfan) trip to Afton Canyon in over 6 years. Two of the trains I was after ended up not working out however for my trouble I did catch this westbound MOGWC coming off the dune sea at Basin, CA.
RS-2205 - Finally here is the eastbound 'Denver' (ZLADV) at Bard, NV (between Sloan and Arden).

updated: June 28, 2022

Ryan Slaton Photography of "Chico has the spirit . . . the spirit of '76"
I had this past weekend off work so I decided I would make a trip home to see my folks. When I learned the recently (cosmetically) restored Santa Fe 5704 would be making its way across the Needles Subdivision that information sure sealed up those plans.
For those who may not know, last year BNSF donated the SD45-2 to the Southern California Railroad Museum in Perris, California. Before the locomotive was shipped west from Kansas the old SD45-2 was meticulously returned to its mid-1970s appearance, including a return of the striking red, white, and blue colors used by the Santa Fe to celebrate the Bicentennial in 1976.
My dad drove out and met me at Ludlow at sunrise and together we made the trek out to Klondike on the east side of Ash Hill. We then followed the train west towards Victorville on the Cajon Subdivision. BNSF was experiencing some significant congestion on the Needles and Cajon Subs so it was somewhat slow progress despite being on a Z train. Still, the day was great fun, made better by seeing 5704 arrive in SoCal with my dad.
RS-2206 - My first look at the 5704, using my 300mm zoom here is the westbound Z LPKLAC6 22 climbing the grade towards West Siberia. RS-2207 - Same train w/5704 at Klondike.
RS-2208 - Approaching Helendale on the Cajon Subdivision. ATSF 5704 sure looks amazing, it will fit right in with the rest of the SCRM collection at Perris. RS-2209 - At Lenwood we paused to photograph one of the many stopped trains on the Cajon Subdivision. Nice to see a 'goat boat' leader in 2022!


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


New 7/19: Accurate Map of Cajon Pass as of 2018 by Steve Jessup & Todd Gillette (RR Illustrated) - click here
8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland - 2022)