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updated: December 20, 2015

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 10/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).

Guest Photographers: Ryan Slaton (RS), Michael Frei (MIF)
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch,
JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)..

We start our 2015 documentation with great photos taken at WSI on 1/30/2015.
On Friday (1/30/15), Marc & I met Bob & Guy on West Summit Island (WSI). It was a very cool, cloudy, dark & windy day but the trains were almost NON-STOP with one very interesting event --- All Three BNSF tracks busy.
# 5018: UP 5562 WB @ WSI to meet --- # 5019: UP 7605 EB --- Both trains were very long, heavy and slow.
# 5020: UP 5562 continues the climb to Summit. # 5021-5022: BNSF 7762 climbs Main #3 EB.
# 5023: A FIRST for me --- All Three BNSF tracks busy between WSI and Summit. The noise & vibrations were AMAZING.  GGG
GGG 1/30/15 UP 5562 WB on MT-1 - 5018 GGG 1/30/15 UP 7605 EB on MT-2 - 5019 GGG 1/30/15 Both UP intermodal trains - 5020
GGG 1/30/15 BNSF EB below UP trains - 5021 GGG 1/30/15 BNSF 7762 EB on MT-3 - 5022 GGG 1/30/15 All 3 BNSF tracks are busy - 5023


Ryan Slaton sent us some great photos he took in January 2015. (added 2/25/2015)
# 5001: With work windows up on Tehachapi for the next few weeks I decided to head over to Cajon on Saturday January 10th. The forecast showed clouds rolling in Friday night for an upcoming storm but originally the weather-folks were saying no rain until late Saturday night-early Sunday morning. As I was leaving I received a heads up that brand new UP SD70AH 8912 was leading the eastbound West Colton, CA to North Platte, NE manifest and had just departed West Colton. Getting on the road Saturday morning I spotted a few large patches of blue sky's east of Cajon Pass out towards Lugo-Hesperia so that's where I headed to start the day. With clouds starting to build up over the San Gabriel's in the background UP 8912-3969-4263-3908 coast down the eastern slope of Cajon at Lugo. They are only new once and there is nothing quite like the UP's 'battle flag' scheme when it is new.
# 5006: Having conquered Cajon Summit BNSF 7072 now slips down grade through the curves approaching Martinez on the point of a eastbound stack train. In the distance the rear of a westbound auto train can be seen on main 3 waiting to be flagged through the maintenance window.
# 5010: Dropping down the Cajon grade east of Pine Lodge on main 2 UP motors 5746-9780-4844 hold back westbound tonnage bound for the West Colton, CA classification yard. UP 9780 sporting a fresh coat of armor yellow and a new battle flag decal started life as C&NW C44-9W 8676.
RS 1/10/15 UP EB at Lugo - 5001 RS 1/18/15 BNSF 7072 EB at Martinez - 5006 RS 1/24/15 UP 5746 WB at Pine Lodge - 5010
# 5007: A solid brace of Union Pacific EMDs hold back the westbound ISCLB as it coasts down main 3 approaching Blue Cut. 'Heavy' SD70AH 8831 is on the point.
# 5024: Upon arriving in the Pass Sunday morning there was a parade of eastbound trains waiting for a few westbounds, including a late Amtrak 3, to come down the hill. One by one the westbounds cleared the work zone and then it was time for the eastbounds. After getting one hotshot BNSF eastbound Z up main 3 the eastbounds holding on main 1 were one by one flagged through the work zone. Starting out my morning down near Blue Cut the first train that would find itself in my viewfinder was UP's eastbound K-Line stacker (ITSAH3-14) led by UP 7278-CSXT 812-UP 8210. The eastbound stack train is leaving Blue Cut and rolling up towards old Cajon Station where it will pause to allow traffic ahead to clear the work zone at Summit.
# 5025: And finally a trio of UP trains came into view as the 8212 muscled its way into Hiland. In the siding a Roseville manifest is tied down awaiting a crew while down on the Cajon Subdivision (at right) a westbound UP stack has just pulled up on main 3, awaiting its turn to be flagged down the hill. The original Santa Fe Cajon Summit right of way can be seen just to the right of Hiland siding.
RS 1/18/15 UP 8831 WB pass SWC - 5007 RS 1/18/15 UP 7278 EB crossing SWC - 5024 RS 1/18/15 UP Hiland, BNSF Summit - 5025
# 5002: By 0930 the patches of blue were all but gone anywhere you looked so I headed back towards Cajon. I had it in mind to do some scouting hikes on Saturday to check out a few angles that I have been after for awhile. The clouds actually helped with this as it provided 'neutral light'. For my second scouting hike of the afternoon I started by following the hills up along the old SP tracks starting at Canyon siding and headed compass south towards the Swarthout Canyon area. I made it down to MP 473.25 (on the ex SP) before starting back towards Canyon. Standing up on a cut in between UP's Mojave Sub and BNSF's Cajon Sub I captured BNSF 8030 and 5390 lugging all out on the point of a long eastbound stack train running out of the Ports. This view is looking south towards the old Cajon Campgrounds and Swarthout Canyon Road. By now there was a light rain falling in Cajon and in much of Southern California, which is much needed!
# 5026: Since they were only allowing one train at a time through the work zone the DS had been fleeting eastbounds up the hill but now had a few westbounds that needed to get down the hill, including a hot shot and two that had crews running low on hours. After getting the K-Line stacks and a eastbound UP helper set up the hill it was time to open the gates for the westbounds. First out was a westbound stack bound for the Ports led by BNSF ES44C4s 7122 and 8200. This westbound was crossed over to main 1 at Lugo as they were not qualified to go down main 3 due to the steep grades. As maintenance and track forces are hard at work replacing rail on main 2 BNSF 7122 west carefully drifts by preparing for the long descent down into San Bernardino.
# 502
7: Up on Union Pacific's Mojave Subdivision (formerly SP's Palmdale Cutoff) it was business as usual. After catching a few more fleeted westbounds down at Cozy Dell I moved up towards Hiland on the Mojave Sub to catch a pair of Tehachapi bound trains which had new UP GE's on the point. First up was UP 8256 on the IWBOAX which had run around the UP 8212 at Canyon siding. Following 8256 out of Canyon and up the hill was a manifest led by fairly new C45AH 8212. UP 8212-UP 2298-UP 4916 dig in as they round the curve leading into Hiland, the summit of the Cajon Grade nearly at hand. On the drawbar is the MWCFRX-18, an 'extra' West Colton-Fresno manifest.
RS 1/10/15 near Swarthout Canyon Road - 5002 RS 1/18/15 BNSF 7122 WB at Summit - 5026 RS 1/18/15 UP 8212 = GE C45AH - 5027


A few from the Cajon Sub taken in late January and early Februray 2015. (added 3/04/2015)
From "Gray's" Hill -- BNSF Cajon Sun MP 39.1 (the flyover)
# 5028-5030: UP 8853 & its mid train DPU's are WB onto Main Track-1.  # 5031-5032: UP 6522 West over an EB BNSF.
# 5033: Another "meet" at the fly-over.     GGG
GGG 2/04/15 UP 8853 WB at MP 39.1 - 5028 GGG 2/04/15 UP WB on Flyover - 5029 GGG 2/04/15 UP 5148 mid train DPU's - 5030
GGG 2/04/15 UP 6522 WB at MP 39.1 - 5031 GGG 2/04/15 UP/BNSF Meet - 5032 GGG 2/04/15 BNSF 7354 WB on Flyover - 5033
Marc, Bob & I on a cold, windy & rainy day at West Summit Island
# 5034-5035: BNSF 8063 climbs MT-3 and leans into the Cajon Summit curve. # 5036: BNSF 6523 is EB approaching WSI on MT-3.
# 5037: BNSF 5461 is WB on MT-3. # 5038: BNSF 6657 is WB on MT-1. # 5039: Marc and our MudMobile transportation on said rainy day.
GGG 1/30/15 BNSF 8063 EB on MT-3 - 5034 GGG 1/30/15 BNSF EB at Summit Curve - 5035 GGG 1/30/15 BNSF 6523 EB on MT-3 - 5036
GGG 1/30/15 BNSF 5461 WB on MT-3 - 5037 GGG 1/30/15 BNSF 6657 on MT-1 - 5038 GGG 1/30/15 Marc and MudMobile - 5039


Ryan Slaton went high above Pine Lodge on March 8, 2015. (added 3/25/2015)

Here are three shots take back on March 8th, 2015 during an impromptu Sunday trip over to Cajon Pass. BNSF's Cajon Subdivision, formerly the 1st District of Santa Fe's Los Angeles Division, sits near the western end of BNSF's Chicago-Los Angeles Transcon, here trains are almost always in no short supply. Back on that beautiful sunny day in Southern California it was business as usual on Cajon with what seemed like train after train after train....
# 5052: I spent most of the afternoon hiking on the Mormon Rocks that overlook Union Pacific's Mojave (ex-SP Palmdale-Colton cutoff) & BNSF's Cajon Subdivisions (mains 1 & 2 'north tracks'). Standing up on the top of one such Mormon Rock offered a fine view of the railroad action on either of the three before mentioned mainlines. After a brief wait a westbound BNSF manifest came into view emerging from the cut at Alray where Tunnel 2, one of the two Cajon Pass tunnels, once stood. After slipping under Interstate 15 the westbound is at CP Walker, named after long time Santa Fe employee Chard Walker.
# 5053: With dynamics howling and flanges squealing the westbound manifest, entrusted to a 5-pack of 7700 series ES44DCs (7704-7713-7706-7761-7776), roll their westbound through the horseshoe curve west of CP Walker (we call it DRR Curve). Now the train is approaching the former station of Pine Lodge as the great decent into the LA Basin continues.
# 5054: After awhile I situated myself on another of those trademark Mormon Rocks that line the western slope of the Cajon Grade. After waiting for a little while for an eastbound one finally came along. Four big GE machines (6715-7028-5445-7763) walk the eastbound stack train elephant style up the Cajon Grade at Pine Lodge passing under CA-138 and over a dry wash in the process.

RS 3/08/15 BNSF 7704 WB at Walker - 5052 RS 3/08/15 Same train DRR Curve - 5053 RS 3/08/15 BNSF 6715 EB at Pine Lodge - 5054


A few from the Cajon Sub taken in January and May 2015. (added 6/08/2015)
Been a while so I thought I'd send a few from several short trips to the Cajon Sub.

# 5091-5092: UP 7879 is WB between Sullivans and Cajon Jct. # 5093: BNSF 5064 WB on MT-3 into Cajon Jct. # 5094: BNSF 6960 E @ Hill 582.

# 5095: BNSF 7826 EB on MT-3 @ West Summit Island. # 5096: BNSF 8158 WB on MT-2 @ WSI. # 5097: UP 6584 EB on MT-1 @ WSI.

# 5098-5099: MOW near East Victorville required single tracking between Oro Grande & Frost. The eastbound waited for several WB's to clear.

# 5100: After waiting for an hour, BNSF 6537 East (mentioned in # 5098 & # 5099) proceeds to Barstow.

# 5101-5102: BNSF Barstow West Yard and the Diesel Service Facility.   GGG
GGG 1/04/15 UP 7879 WB MT-2 Cajon - 5091 GGG 1/04/15 Same at Cajon Jct. - 5092 GGG 1/04/15 BNSF 5064 WB MT-3 Cajon - 5093
GGG 1/23/15 BNSf 6960 EB at Hill 582 - 5094 GGG 5/01/15 BNSF 7826 EB MT-3 at WSI - 5095 GGG 5/01/15 BNSf 8158 WB MT-2 WSI - 5096
GGG 5/01/15 UP 6584 EB MT-1 WSI - 5097 GGG 5/13/15 BNSF 7703 WB MP 39.1 - 5098 GGG 5/13/15 BNSF 7996 WB on Flyover - 5099
GGG 5/13/15 BNSF 6537 EB MP 38 - 5100 GGG 5/09/15 BNSF Barstow West Yard - 5101 GGG 5/09/15 BNSF Diesel Facilities - 5102


A few from the Cajon Sub taken in 2012, 2014 and 2015 by Don E. Toles. (added 7/03/2015)
It has been a long time since Don Toles submitted any images for your viewing. Among those he ask me to send out were these of what can only be labeled as " Railroad CRITTERS". According to where one lives in the USA, the term 'critter' has hundreds of meanings both positive and negative ---
One definition could be: 'a seldom seen, rather unattractive creature of dubious heritage and uncertain future'

# 5103-5104: UP 3937 with BC Rail 4610 (C40--8M). # 5105: BN / BNSF 3119 (GP-40M) EB @ Hill 582.
# 5106: BNSF 1200 (GN GP-9 rebuilt to BNSF LNG 1200) EB @ Hill 582. # 5107-5108: BNSF 1310 (3GS21C-DE).
# 5109-5110: BNSF #80 Track Geometry Car. # 5111-5112: CNW / UP 6708 GE Dash 9 built 1994.
# 5113: NS 7699 & CSX 8365 SB on UP @ Hill 582. # 5114: BNSF 4950 with FRA test car 220. 

# 5115: UP 2494 is SB on the SP/UP and about to cross under I-15. # 5116-5117: BNSF 7760 with newly shopped & washed BNSF 1881 & 159.

# 5118-5119: BNSF 2014 Christmas Train is WB. # 5120: UP meet near Hill 582.

# 5121: BNSF LNG Test Train WB @ Hill 582. # 5122: UP 8084 NB on SP / UP.

# 5123: Don & Marc heard a loud crash while on Hill 582. Pictured is an OREO Cookie truck (yes OREO cookies) just finishing its downhill, off-road, and unplanned journey from the SB (upper lanes) of I-15 down to near the NB lanes. As I remember, they told me that the driver survived---and is searching for new employment.

  Enjoy  -  DET / GGG
DET 2/11/15 UP 3937 SB on MT-3 - 5103 DET 2/11/15 BC Rail 4610 (C40-8M) - 5104 DET 7/23/12 BN/BNSF 3119 EB Hill 582 - 5105
DET 7/29/12 BNSF LNG 1200 (ex. GP9)- 5106 DET 8/03/12 BNSF 1310 (3GS21C-DE) - 5108 DET 8/03/12 BNSF EB pass Hill 582 - 5107
DET 7/23/12 BNSF Track Geometry Car - 5110 DET 7/23/12 checking tracks pass Hill 582 - 5109 DET 8/22/12 UP 4509 EB at Hill 582 - 5111
DET 8/22/12 same train w/C&NW 6708 - 5112 DET 1/13/14 strangers: NS & CSX - 5113 DET 2/11/14 BNSF w/FRA Test Car EB - 5114
DET 5/03/14 UP 2494 SB to I-15 Windy Pt. - 5115 DET 1/26/15 BNSF 7760 WB Hill 582 - 5116 DET 1/26/15 same train w/Santa Fe unit - 5117
DET 12/11/14 BNSF 8177 w/Holiday Train - 5118 DET 12/11/14 BNSF Holiday Express - 5119 DET 8/03/12 UP race downhill at Hill 582 - 5120
DET 9/03/14 BNSF LNG Test Train - 5121 DET 5/04/14 UP 8084 NB on UPT - 5122 DET 7/31/12 Truck crash on I-15 - 5123


Friday July 10, 2015 on Hill 582 (added 7/12/2015)
Yesterday, (Friday) on 582 started with 60F temps with a strong breeze but warmed to reasonable (for the Mojave) comfort levels.
Don T & I enjoyed a visit from four of our Swiss friends and good RR traffic levels.

# 5124: Ruedi and Dominic (Switzerland) show how to properly decorate a US rental (hire) SUV.

# 5125-5126: Taking advantage of a US flag (flown by a new visitor to the Hill), UP 7990 & BNSF 6544 pass OLD GLORY proudly flying on Hill 582.

 # 5127-5128: BNSF 7704 with BNSF 112 is WB. BNSF 112 (GP-60) is being or has been converted to a Liqufied Natural Gas test engine. It was DIT.

# 5129: Last month, I drove up to "Gray's Hill" to wait for the Ringling Bros Circus train. I, later, found the Circus train was tied up in a Barstow traffic jam and would not pass over the flyover before dark. And so, here is a late afternoon wideangle of the Upper Narrows area of the Mojave River.
GGG 7/10/15 Ruedi & Dominic on Hill 582 - 5124 GGG 7/10/15 UP 7990 NB on UPT - 5125 GGG 7/10/15 BNSF 6544 EB on MT-1- 5126
GGG 7/10/15 BNSF 7704 WB w/LNG 112 - 5127 GGG 7/10/15 BNSF 112 LNG ex. GP60M - 5128 GGG 7/10/15 Flyover w/Mojave Narrows - 5129


Sunday August 2, 2015 on Hill 582 (added 8/03/2015)
Michael Frei, a Swiss who is currently working in Southern California for a real passenger project, spent Sunday on Hill 582. There was a lot of traffic and several times there were 3 trains visible at the same time.
# 5164: BNSF WB DPU's Double Stack on MT-2, BNSF EB DBS on MT-1 and UP Intermodal on UP Track.
# 5165: BNSF WB Intermodal on MT-2, BNSF EB DBS on MT-1 and UP Manifest on UP Track.
MIF 8/02/15 BNSF WB on MT-2 - 5163 MIF 8/02/15 all 3 tracks are busy - 5164 MIF 8/02/15 another set of 3 trains - 5165
MIF 8/02/15 BNSF EB on MT-1 and UP Intermodal on UPT - 5166 MIF 8/02/15 UP EB on BNSF tracks with 2 CSX locos - 5167


Sunday August 9, 2015 on Hill 582 (added 8/10/2015)
Once again, Michael Frei spent his "off" Sunday on Hill 582. This Sunday was full of action. Within 2 hours 7 train meets and between 09.00 h and 14.00 h a total of 66 trains!! Up to 7 people (railfans) spent their time on Hill 582. Even George Cataulin of Left Coast Rail Videos was there and was flying a quadcopter for taking pictures and movies.
# 5175: This BNSF "monster train" has 214 cars (> 400 Containers), 3 head end locos, 2 mid train helpers (DPU's) and 1 rear end helper (DPU).
MIF 8/09/15 BNSF WB w/CSX on MT-1 - 5168 MIF 8/09/15 BNSF EB w/Cityrail loco - 5169 MIF 8/09/15 UP NB on UPT, BNSF below - 5170
MIF 8/09/15 Quadcopter in the air (middle) - 5171 MIF 8/09/15 George Cataulin in action - 5172 MIF 8/09/15 UP SB on UPT - 5173
MIF 8/09/15 BNSF meet of WB and EB trains - 5174 MIF 8/09/15 BNSF WB monster train with 214 cars - 5175
BNSF WB Monster Train from the air by George Cataulin on 8/09/15 at noon (5'36"):


Sunday August 16, 2015 on Hill 582 (added 8/17/2015)
Once again, Michael Frei spent his "off" Sunday on Hill 582. There were some interesting activities.
MIF 8/16/15 BNSF EB light to Barstow - 5176 MIF 8/16/15 ES44AC GE Tier 4 Demo - 5177 MIF 8/16/15 BNSF 2 x EB race uphill - 5178
MIF 8/16/15 UP GP40-2 on EB - 5179 MIF 8/16/15 UP NB 2 x SD60M & SD70M - 5180 MIF 8/16/15 UP EB w/CN SD70ACe - 5181
MIF 8/16/15 Same UP EB train w/NS SD70ACe rear end helper - 5182 MIF 8/16/15 BNSF Worktrain, 2 x head end and 2 x rear end power - 5183


Sunday August 23, 2015 on Hill 582 (added 8/24/2015)
Once again, Michael Frei spent his "off" Sunday on Hill 582. There were some interesting activities.
# 5185: UP EB elephant style light helper set (against the light on BNSF MT-3). No question, Hill 582 is the perfect spot for railfans.
MIF 8/24/15 UP EB 4-unit light set on MT-3 - 5184 MIF 8/24/15 UP manifest before Hill 582 - 5185 MIF 8/24/15 BNSF EB and WB meet - 5186
MIF 8/24/15 UP manifest on UPT w/Flag - 5187 MIF 8/24/15 UP EMD GP40-2 on BMSF 2 - 5188 MIF 8/24/15 UP meet on UPT and BNSF 2 - 5189
MIF 8/24/15 new BNSF GE ET44C4 (Tier 4-Loco) - 5190 MIF 8/24/15 NS SD70M behind UP SD70ACe as DPU's on UPT - 5191


Saturday August 29, 2015 East of Summit (added 8/30/2015)
Once again, Michael Frei spent his "off" Day on Cajon Pass. But this time he was exploring the East side of Cajon, incl. Frost (Flyover), Lugo.
MIF 8/29/15 UP WB w/NS SD70ACe - 5192 MIF 8/29/15 BNSF WB on Flyover - 5193 MIF 8/29/15Same BNSF WB at Frost - 5194
MIF 8/29/15 BNSF EB new Tier 4 ET44C4 - 5195 MIF 8/29/15 BNSF EB at Lugo - 5196 MIF 8/29/15 UP EB w/2 "Y" (Yard Units) - 5197
MIF 8/29/15 Action at Lugo - 5198 MIF 8/29/15 Two trains are meeting - 5199 MIF 8/29/15 UP WB leaving West Barstow - 5200


Friday September 18, 2015 British Friends on Hill 582 (added 9/21/2015)
Last Friday (9/18) was a near perfect day on Hill 582. Fairly cool, with VERY bright sun, VERY HEAVY train traffic and a visit from four British Friends. Colin Marsden (GB) brought 3 friends with him. They were fully intent on reclaiming the Hill for the British Crown but --- Don and I fought them off HE HE.

# 5204: DET with our British friends on Hill 582. # 5205: The Brit's paying PROPER RESPECT to OLD GLORY.
# 5206-5207: BNSF 4159 EB rounding the MP 58.2 curve and passing OLD GLORY.
# 5208-5209: BNSF 6749 is WB. The #4 unit is BNSF 3940, a brand new ET44C4 (T4) --- The T-4 meaning that the unit is compliant with the newest Environmental Regulations. # 5210: We've had good rainfall lately and the plants on the hill reflect the moisture.
# 5211: BNSF 6690 WB. # 5212: UP 8259 is SB with SP/UP 6271.   Enjoy, GGG
GGG 9/18/15 Don w/the British Friends - 5204 GGG 9/18/15 The Brit's paying respect - 5205 GGG 9/18/15 BNSF 4159 EB MT-1 - 5206
GGG 9/18/15 Same train passing Old Glory - 5207 GGG 9/18/15 BNSF 6749 WB on MT-2 - 5208 9/18/15 BNSF 3940 brand new ET44C4 - 5209
9/18/15 Hill 582 vegetation is doing great - 5210 GGG 9/18/15 BNSF 6690 WB - 5211 9/18/15 UP 8259 SB and ex. SP 6271 - 5212


January 2014 to September 2015 - Great Cajon Photos by Don and Karl (added 9/27/2015)
A while back, Don gave me his camera memory chip containing the images of the Hill 582 SE corner repair. Aboard the chip I found several excellent images, taken over the last two years, by Don and our friend Karl (from Chicago). Enjoy - DET / KJ / GGG

# 5225-5226: Don was told that this solar-powered installation near MP 58 has something to do with measuring flange lubricating effectiveness. However, it obviously couldn't measure and withstand the Mojave winds. # 5227: BNSF 4879 is WB on MT-3 RR West of Hill 582.
DET 6/26/15 BNSF Measuring device  - 5225 DET 7/09/15 Desert Wind Victim - 5226 DET 4/29/14 BNSF 4879 WB MT-3 - 5227
 # 5228-5229-5230: BNSF 7920 & UP 8087 EB @ Davis Ranch Rd to CP Walker.
DET 4/29/14 BNSF 7920 EB Davis Ranch - 5228 DET 4/29/14 UP 8087 EB Davis Ranch - 5229 DET 4/29/14 Same train on MT-2 - 5230
# 5231: Looking north from Steins Hill. # 5232: BNSF 6522 EB @ Mormon Rocks. # 5233: BNSF 7099 EB through Walker.
KHJ 4/29/14 S curve before Mormon R. - 5231 DET 4/29/14 BNSF 6522 EB Mormon Rocks 5232 DET 4/29/14 BNSF 7099 EB at Walker - 5233
# 5234-5235: GE Tier-4 emissions compliant test unit EB on MT-3. # 5236-5237: AMT #3 WB from West Summit Island.
# 5238-5239: AMT #3 WB with BNSF 4134 leading passes Hill 582
DET 6/26/15 GE 2043 Tier 4 Test Unit - 5234 DET 6/26/15 Same Loco EB on MT-3 - 5235 DET 5/02/14 AT 189 WB at WSI - 5236
DET 5/02/14 Same Train at WSI - 5237 DET 7/09/15 BNSF 4134 on AT # 3 - 5238 DET 7/09/15 AT # 3 leaving Hill 582 - 5239
# 5240: BNSF Business Train WB Hill 582. # 5241: BNSF 7264 WB @ Sullivan's curve. # 5242-5243: Two EB BNSF stack trains @ WSI.
# 5244: BNSF 8014 with NXTrack hi-speed rail inspection car: # 5245: BNSF Officers Special EB, MT-3, Hill 582
DET 2/18/15 BNSF 6513 Business Train - 5240 DET 4/29/14 BNSF 7264 Sullivans Curve - 5241 DET 5/02/14 BNSF 7353 pass BNSF 7225 - 5242
DET 5/02/14 BNSF race uphill at WSI  - 5243 DET 6/26/15 BNSF 8014 Track Test Car - 5244 DET 1/20/14 BNSF Business Train MT-3 - 5245
# 5246: UP 7397, WB, MP-34 (crossing Mojave River). # 5247: UP 6651 WB, Hill 582. # 5248: UP 7930 EB, Hill 582
DET 4/29/14 UP 7397 WB MP 34 - 5246 KHJ 4/29/14 UP 6651 WB Hill 582 - 5247 KHJ 4/29/14 UP 7930 EB Hill 582 - 5248
# 5249: 25 UP 7397 WB, MP-34 (Mojave River Bridges). # 5250-5251: UP Ballast & COAL WB MP-20 (Helendale area)
KHJ 4/29/14 UP 7397 WB MP 34 - 5249 KHJ 4/29/14 UP 4688 WB Ballast MP 20 - 5250 KHJ 4/29/14 UP 8124 WB Coal MP 20 - 5251


October 30, 2015 - Heavy Traffic around Hill 582 and the Flyover (added 11/18/2015)
On 10/30, Don, Marc & I had the pleasure of hosting Werner Meer, who was visiting from Switzerland. As you know, Werner graciously displays our Cajon pictures & news on his WebSite:

Last Friday was a really HEAVY Train traffic day with LOADS of sun and wind.

# 5258-5259: On the way to Hill 582, Marc & I were blocked by this stopped UP train using the Silverwood Connector to head East on the BNSF. Interesting that the lash-up had a 1988 built GE C-40-8 AND that the lumber loads are headed East (lumber usually arrives here from the Pacific NW). # 5260: Great seeing our friend Werner after 4 years back on Hill 582.
# 5261: One routine BNSF train had brand new ET44C-4 Tier-4 3872 in the consist. # 5262-5263: BNSF 7514 is WB to be met by BNSF 7725 EB- while a UP is SB to UP Colton.
# 5264-5265: UP 8251 & DPU's are WB with A very LONG & HEAVY train.
After lunch at DA DUMP, we headed to BNSF MP 39.1 (Gray's Hill) where we were greeted by:

# 5266: Two MONSTER BNSF trains using the Fly-over. # 5267-5268-5269: A two mile long BNSF Monster train in 3 +2+1 configuration WB @ MP-39.1. # 5270: The BNSF Victorville Local probably headed the the Dog food plant one mile farther West at BNSF Thorn (MP-40+).
# 5271: A very short but very heavy UP Ballast is WB. # 5272: Werner pondering how to add the newly built second railing to his model Hill 582.
    Enjoy, GGG
GGG 10/28/15 - UP EB on Silverwood . . - 5258 GGG 10/28/15 . . connector (UPT to BNSF) - 5259 GGG 10/30/15 Werner back on Hill 582 - 5260
GGG 10/30/15 BNSF ET44C-4 Tier 4 - 5261 GGG 10/30/15 BNSF 7514 WB will meet - 5262 GGG 10/30/15 BNSF 7725 EB (above UP) - 5263
GGG 10/30/15 UP 8251 WB on MT-2 - 5264 GGG 10/30/15 UP 8621/8620 DPU's - 5265 GGG 10/30/15 BNSF Meet on Flyover - 5266
GGG 10/30/15 BNSF 7806 w/Monster Train - 5267 GGG 10/30/15 mid train DPU's - 5268 GGG 10/30/15 rear end DPU MP 39.1 - 5269
GGG 10/30/15 BNSF 7959 Local - 5270 GGG 10/30/15 UP 7937 WB Ballast Train - 5271 GGG 10/30/15 more work on scale 582 - 5272


October 08 and 29, 2015 - Pepper Ave (Colton) and Sullivan's Curve (added 11/18/2015)
Marc has been out photographing railroading in the local area lately.

From the Pepper Ave Bridge in Colton, CA:

# 5273-5274: MPI MP14B (GMTX 7000) & EMD NW2 (GMTX 721) are pictured in the GATX tank car maintenance yard. As we understand it, the 5 year old GenSet #7000 is (and has been) inoperable, while 50 year old #721 does the work.
# 5275: 15+ year old UP 6446 looks great with a new coat of paint. # 5276: UP & BNSF locomotives await assignment at UP W Colton.

 From Sullivan's Curve:

# 5277-5281: UP 6694 leads UP 6692 (with a BADLY BLOWN TURBO) NB into Canyon Siding to await the local fire Departments.
# 5282-5284: Three brand new ET44C4 (Tier-4) loco's lead a BNSF EB toward the still smoking UP GE.   MF / GGG
MF 10/08/15 GATX 7000 MPI MP14B - 5273 MF 10/08/15 GATX 721 EMD NW2 - 5274 MF 10/08/15 UP 6446 WB Colton - 5275
MF 10/08/15 BNSF 7732 & UP 8145 Colton - 5276 MF 10/29/15 Heavy smoke on UP 6692 . .  - 5278 MF 10/29/15 . .  with blown turbo - 5277
MF 10/29/15 UP 6694 may need new paint - 5279 MF 10/29/15 UP 6692 w/damage - 5280 MF 10/29/15 smoke like a steamer - 5281
MF 10/29/15 BNSF ET44C (3 pcs.) - 5282 MF 10/29/15 BNSF 3864 EB is passing . . - 5283 MF 10/29/15 . . the damaged UP train - 5284
Marc Fournier made a tour with Werner Meer on this Thursday (10/29/15) and we even met Jerry Shinar on Sullivan's Curve.
Well, we were at the right time at the right place to see this action with the blown turbo smoke of the UP diesel.


December 20, 2015 - Hill 582 and Hesperia (added 12/20/2015)
Last Friday (12/18/20), Lois, Marc & I visited Hill 582. The latest RR'ing talking point has been the new GE EPA Tier 4 compliant diesel units. We had seen several of the T-4 units painted for BNSF but the UP has just recently taken delivery of their first T-4's and I had not yet seen any on Cajon. Actually, there are few external differences between the T-4 and earlier GE's except for a "bump" just ahead of the redesigned and much LARGER radiator sections on the upper rear of the units.

# 5285-5286: BNSF 3925 (T-4) leads WB @ Hill 582, # 5287-5288: UP 2575 (T-4) is SB on the SP/UP, # 5289-5290: UP 8128 with UP 2578 (T-4) is NB on UP/SP. After lunch and headed home I came upon: # 5291-5292: UP 7910 & DPU lead a mile of coal loads WB from Hesperia
# 5293-5295: BNSF 7576, mid-train units, and a DPU power a near two mile long MONSTER STACK TRAIN WB into Hesperia
# 5296: While watching the Monster Train, BNSF 7705 quietly passes EB


GGG & the Hill 582 BUNCH
GGG 12/18/15 BNSF 3925 WB Hill 582 - 5285 GGG 12/18/15 BNSF loco is a Tier 4 - 5286 GGG 12/18/15 UP 2575 SB on UPT - 5287
GGG 12/18/15 UP 2575 = Tier 4 unit - 5288 GGG 12/18/15 UP 8126 NB on UPT - 5289 GGG 12/18/15 UP 8126 = Tier 4 - 5290
GGG 12/18/15 UP 7910 WB at Hesperia - 5291 GGG 12/18/15 UP 5619 DPU same train - 5292 GGG 12/18/15 BNSF 7576 Monster train - 5293
GGG 12/18/15 BNSF 7297 mid train DPU's - 5294 GGG 12/18/15 BNSF 6657 DPU EOT - 5295 GGG 12/18/15 BNSF 7705 EB Hesperia - 5296


Cajon from the air (added 8/10/2015)
Cajon Pass / Hill 582 / Aerial Sequence by Derek Hughes taken on 3/18/14 (2'52"):
Aerial above Cajon (Mormon Rocks/Hwy 138) by George Cataulin on 7/27/14 (2'02"):
Aerial over CP Walker by George Cataulin on 7/27/14 (3'27"):

Bonus Photos (non Cajon Pass)

November 27, 2015 - Ludlow, CA (added 12/20/2015)
Last Friday (27 Nov), my friend Jorge & I drove out to Ludlow to have lunch with Marc & Bob who spent the Thanksgiving Holiday week camped there. After our arrival, Paul Westover & his nephew Danny joined the group. The weather was cloudy, cool and windy but the train traffic was fairly heavy. Of course, all trains were BNSF and all were making track speed (65 MPH). # 5297: The troops in front of Marc's motor home.
GGG 12/27/15 - Railfans are resting - 5297 GGG 12/27/15 BNSF 4172 WB - 5298 GGG 12/27/15 BNSF 7602 EB - 5299
GGG 12/27/15 BNSF 6513 WB - 5300 GGG 12/27/15 BNSF 7924 EB - 5301 GGG 12/27/15 BNSF 8090 EB - 5302


September 2015 - Trip to UP Rail Fest at North Platte, NE (added 12/20/2015)
In September 2015,
Marc Fournier went
on a 26 day trip passing 9 states
with 2600 mls for
the UP Rail Fest at
Northplatte, Nebraska

Photos by Marc Fournier

updated: 12/20/2015

See all 50 photos - click here


August 2015 - Rocky Mountaineer Trip (added 9/01/2015)
In early August 2015,
Laura & Gary Gray went
to Canada for a
Rocky Mountaineer Journey

Photos by Gary G. Gray

updated: 9/01/2015

See all 30 photos - click here


June 2015 - Train Mountain Triennial (added 7/28/2015)
Last month, Marc drove his motor home to Chiloquin, OR to attend the Train Mountain Triennial. Train Mountain (TMRR) is the world's largest model railroad with over 37 miles of 7.5 gauge track on 2205 acres of pine forest spanning 2 miles by 4 miles to accommodate the 350+ scale model trains. Attendees came from as far as NZ -- bringing / shipping their large scale models. The two URL's below will give you some idea of the scale of this venue:   and

Marc joined Aaron Benson of 7ideaproductions to document the triennial. You may remember Aaron from his superb DVD of CAJON PASS. The complete library of Aaron's extraordinary work may be seen at:

Marc dropped off 27 stills for editing and your viewing  -  Enjoy !!

# 5136: On the way, Marc found this UP oops in Truckee, CA.
# 5137: Our friend Lois in front of the abandoned Donner Pass Cisco Tunnel.
# 5138: AMT Coast Starlight NB on UP to Eugene, OR and on to SF. # 5139-5141: Father's Day at Collier State Park, OR.
# 5142-5143: CN & UP RR models @ TMRR. # 5144: Aaron with his VERY EXPENSIVE Camera equipment @ TMRR.
# 5145: Descriptive Sign at TMRR. # 5146: LWR Express @ TMRR. # 5147: 3 way meet at TMRR.
# 5148: Scale to measure axle weight.
# 5149: SP 4449 @ TMRR.
# 5150: The film crew (Marc & Aaron) resolving a MINOR DISPUTE after 2 weeks of working together (HE HE) Note the panel track in the background. # 5151-5155:  Marco engineers D&RGW 3099 carrying our friends from Switzerland: Dominik, Rolf, Markus, Ruedi, Sylvia & Hugo on a tour of TMRR. # 5156: The Film Crew Campsite.
# 5157: On the way home, Marc stopped to visit friends in Waldport, OR--obviously railfans !!!!
# 5158-5160: The Oregon Coastline. # 5161: California Redwoods. # 5162: CA Coastline. 
MF 6/06/15 Oops UP MoW at Truckee, CA - 5136 MF 6/06/15 Lois at Cisco (Donner Pass) - 5137 MF 6/13/15 AT Coast Starlight NB - 5138
MF 6/21/15 Collier State Park, OR - 5139 MF 6/21/15 Old Steam Pow Vehicle - 5140 MF 6/21/15 Steam Tractor - 5141
MF 6/21/15 CN Models - 5142 MF 6/22/15 UP 844 Pass Special - 5143 MF 6/23/15 Aaron of 7idea - 5144
MF 6/23/15 Special Sign at TMRR - 5145 MF 6/23/15 LWR Express - 5146 MF 6/24/15 3-way meet - 5147
MF 6/25/15 Measure Axle Weight - 5148 MF 6/25/15 SP-Daylight 4449 - 5149 MF 6/27/15 Marc & Aaron - 5150
MF 6/27/15 Marco w/D&RGW 3099 - 5151 MF 6/27/15 Dominik (CH) - 5152 MF 6/27/15 again Dominik - 5153
MF 6/27/15 Rolf & Markus (CH) - 5154 MF 6/27/15 Ruedi, Silvia, Hugo (CH) - 5155 MF 6/28/15 Campsite of Marc & Aaron - 5156
MF 7/04/15 Lloyd & Lee at Waldport, OR - 5157 MF 7/08/15 Oregon Coast - 5158 MF 7/09/15 Hole in the Rock, OR - 5159
MF 7/09/15 Port Orfond State Park, OR - 5160 MF 7/10/15 California Redwoods - 5161 MF 7/10/15 CA Coastline - 5162


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)