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updated: December 24, 2018: (photos 8100-8109)

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 13/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).
Don Winslow (DW), Bruce H. Jones "Doc Jones" (BHJ), Bob Russell (BR)

Guest Photographers: to be announced
A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Bonus Photos - non Cajon Pass - are at the bottom of this page (not ready yet)

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 4-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer).

updated: March 7, 2018

February 27, 2018: Marc Fournier contributed the first photos for our 2018 album.
On 02-27-18, it Rained & Snowed (a bit) on Cajon Pass. Our fearless Marc Fournier ventured into the area to take the attached images.   MF & GGG
MF 02/27/18 Summit Hill - 8001 MF 02/27/18 UPT in foreground - 8002 MF 02/27/18 BNSF 7110 EB Silverwood - 8003
MF 02/27/18 BNSF 3815 WB Silverwood - 8004 MF 02/27/18 Same WB train - 8005 MF 02/27/18 Marc's "Cajon Rover" - 8006

updated: March 18, 2018

March 4, 2018: Summit and Silverwood area.
On A while back, Marc & I toured the Summit area. Train traffic was moderate but we were able to photograph several.
Photo # 8012 An interesting TOFC load --- SEE URL:
GGG 03/04/18 UP 2749 SB on UPT - 8007 GGG 03/04/18 UP SB passing Summit - 8008 GGG 03/04/18 UP 2676 DPU's same train - 8009
GGG 03/04/18 BNSF 8082 WB @ Summit - 8010 GGG 03/04/18 BNSF 7148 WB DBS - 8011 GGG 03/04/18 Special TOFC load - 8012
GGG 03/04/18 BNSF 8067 EB on MT-3 nearing Silverwood @ MP 57.2 w/USFS 3N45 - 8013 GGG 03/04/18 BNSF 6313 is EB at MP 57.2 on MT #2 - 8014 GGG 03/04/18 BNSF 5313 is EB at MP 57.2
GGG 03/04/18 CSX 818 DPU EB MP 57.2 - 8016 GGG 03/04/18 Summit Curve - 8017 GGG 03/04/18 BNSF Summit - 8018
Photos # 8017 and 8018: From Summit Curve looking at BNSF Summit traffic congestion. The Problem --- The EB on MT #1 (pictures #8014-8018) was a monster 4 X 2 which lost some of its head-end power. Two "manned helpers" were added to the head end to get the train up over the Summit. The other EB's pictured were run around the monster causing the congestion.
GGG 03/04/18 San Gabriel Mountains w/MT-3 and Hill 582 - 8019 GGG 03/04/18 The San Gabriel Mountains - 8020

updated: March 25, 2018

March 24, 2018: New SR-138 is open for traffic
Don Toles made a run up to the Hill this morning - new SR-138 was open and in use but he took Baldy Mesa Rd and the BNSF ROW road along tracks 1 & 2 to reach the Hill. A few muddy spots along the way, but only minor storm damage. All was well on the Hill - ground is damp, but the rainfall must have been light at best. Cold 46 F. and windy. On the way out he drove to Summit along the SP/UP track and then took the new highway back down to the Jct. Then he drove back up 138 and took Parker Ranch Rd. from off the new 138 - wide open, no gate or Road Closed sign. Hope they'll keep it that way!   DET

updated: May 9, 2018

April 14-28, 2018: Swarthout Canyon (SWC) and Cozy Dell areas.
Don Winslow is a great photographer. He is also having his own website:
DW 1/24/15 BNSF 7061 EB at Hill 582 - 8021 DW 4/14/18 BNSF 5971 WB Cajon Station - 8022 DW 4/20/18 BNSF 4633 WB Cozy Dell - 8023
DW 4/21/18 UP 7400 EB Cozy Dell - 8024 DW 4/21/18 BNSF 6770 EN Cozy Dell - 8025 DW 4/21/18 BNSF 8185 WB Cozy Dell - 8026
DW 4/14/18 UP 7796 EB SWC - 8027 DW 4/14/18 BNSF 6713 WB SWC - 8028 DW 4/14/18 BNSF 8203 EB SWC - 8029
DW 4/18/18 BNSF 6713 SWC - 8030 DW 4/18/18 UP 7796 EB SWC - 8031 DW 4/18/18 BNSF 5188 SWC - 8032
DW 4/28/18 UP 5319 EB Cajon Station - 8033 DW 4/21/18 BNSF 4633 Cozy Dell - 8034 DW 5/05/18 UP 8993 EB Cozy Dell - 8035
DW 5/12/18 BNSF 4217 Cajon Station - 8036 DW 4/21/18 BNSF 7254 WB Cozy Dell - 8037 DW 4/14/18 UP 7796 EB SWC - 8038

updated: May 20, 2018

May 18, 2018: BNSF Cushenbury Branch runs East from Hesperia, CA
The thirty mile long / 10 MPH BNSF Cushenbury Branch runs East from Hesperia, CA (BNSF Cajon Sub MP 45) to the cement plants South of Lucerne Valley. Normally, the BNSF delivers 100+ car coal loads to the Hesperia siding for future delivery to the cement plants (in two shorter trains).
On May 18, a UP 50+ car WB coal train with UP 9607 & UP 7929 leading & UP 3047 as the rear DPU, pulled past the Hesperia siding and stopped. The train then reversed, and with UP 3047 now leading, entered the siding and proceeded directly onto the Cushenbury branch.
Since Marc & I had just finished lunch at the DA DUMP, we decided that a picture of the NEARLY NEW UP 3047 on the 1956 BNSF Mojave River Trestle was in order. BTW, UP 3047 is one of 100 SD-70 ACe T-4 locomotives recently ordered from EMD / Caterpillar / Progress Rail.   GGG / MF
GGG 5/18/18 UP on BNSF Trestle MP 5 - 8039 GGG 5/18/18 at Cushenbury Branch - 8040 GGG 5/18/18 UP SD70ACe Tier-4 - 8041
UP 3047 East crosses the MIGHTY MO (Mojave) River on the BNSF trestle at Cushenbury Branch MP 5.
GGG 5/18/18 Marc inspects the (NEARLY NEW) SD70 ACe Tier-4 loco. - 8042 MF 5/18/18 Now in Apple Valley, UP 3047 &
- 8043
MF 5/18/18 DPU's climb out of the Mojave River Valley to cross Kiowa Rd at MP 7. - 8044

updated: June 4, 2018

May 31, 2018: A visit to West Summit Island (WSI)
Marc & I joined friends on West Summit Island last Thurs (05-31-18). Great company & a load of BNSF traffic. This day was perfect -- unlike the day before, when zero visibility fog contributed to 20 autos becoming ONE BIG pile of twisted metal on I-15 -- just WEST of our position.  Of note, most of the motive power was relatively clean !!  GGG
GGG 5/31/18 THE CREW:  Jerry S., Paul W., Bob W., & Marc F. - 8045 GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 7725 is WB with two SF GP 60's in tow - 8046 GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 7725 is WB with two SF GP 60's in tow - 8046 - 8047
GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 7770 is WB on MT-2 - 8048 GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 7903 is EB on MT-3 - 8049 GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 3920 EB on MT-1 - 8050
GGG 5/31/18  BNSF 3920 EB on MT-1 - 8051 GGG 5/31/18 BNSF 4454 WB with CitiRail - 8052 GGG 5/31/18 same BNSF WB on MT-2 - 8053

updated: August 19, 2018

August 17, 2018: A visit to West Summit Island (WSI) and Hill 582
Marc & I (GGG) drove into the Cajon to spend the AM with Bob W. (San Diego area) who was camped on West Summit Island (WSI).   GGG
GGG 8/17/18 Cajon weather was perfect -- early in the day w/San Gabriel Mountains below the clouds - 8060 GGG 8/17/18 Trains were backed up on both sides of the Summit due to a long & heavy WB UP losing some of its dynamic brakes & a FORM "B" for MOW work farther down the Hill.  - 8061 GGG 8/17/18 BNSF sent two manned helpers up to Summit to help UP 5890 and the 'sick' DPU's down the Hill. - 8062
GGG 8/17/18 BNSF 6416 climbs MT-3 EB past WSI. - 8063 GGG 8/17/18 BNSF 6416 climbs MT-3 EB past WSI. - 8064 GGG 8/17/18 With an all EMD consist, UP 8817 stopped beside WSI waiting for the congestion to clear. - 8065
GGG 8/17/18 After half an hour, the EMD's belched and continued uphill. - 8066 GGG 8/17/18 From Hill 582 BNSF 6998 is EB - 8067 GGG 8/17/18 One last look at the SR 138 (view from Hill 582 toward Summit). - 8068
# 8062: One last look at the SR 138. Dirt removed from under the new bridges was used to rebuild the old 138 roadway up to, what were once-long ago, the normal terrain contours.

 updated: August 24, 2018

August 21/22, 2018: BNSF derailment at the 'bottom' of Cajon Pass in Devore, CA.
On August 21, BNSF suffered a derailment at the 'bottom' of Cajon Pass near the I-15 / I-215 split in Devore, CA.
All three BNSF main tracks were closed for about 30 hours.
On August 22, after the three of us enjoyed a fine DA DUMP lunch, Doc & Spike ventured down to the accident site to photograph the damage & the cleanup. So, here are Doc's pictures & narrative.
Copyright by Bruce H. Jones (Doc Jones)  -  great job - thank you GGG
BHJ 8/22/18 overall shot from west side of tracks - 8069 BHJ 8/22/18 closer shot of tipped over tank cars - 8070
After a day of watching parked trains and a pleasant lunch Spike and I ventured down to Devore to see if we could find "ground zero" on the derailment. As you can see from the photos, we did. I used an old photo technique to shoot through the fence on the bridge. You'll see what looks like a shadow which is actually the fence which is so far out of focus it only affects contrast. What you do is open your f stop as far as it will go - f/2.8 on my Sony - run the telephoto out as far as you can and still get the shot and make the shot. The newsies still use it to get stuff through fences.  BHJ
BHJ 8/22/18 wide shot of site of derailment - note torn up trackage right center of photo
- 8071
BHJ 8/22/18 UP southbound coming down UP. This train was parked all day on the UP and just got underway - 8072 BHJ 8/22/18 Same train a bit farther on. The switch (I think) is the east switch of Dike siding.
- 8073
BHJ 8/22/18 shows BNSF tracks #1 #2 and #3 just before derailment "ground zero"- 8074 BHJ 8/22/18 UP train continues on UP
 - 8075
BHJ 8/22/18 more of the derailed tank cars
- 8076
BHJ 8/22/18 actual derailment site. Note BNSF tracks #1 #2 and #3 all torn up - 8077 BHJ 8/22/18 closer look at derailment site
- 8078
BHJ 8/22/18 - 8079
# 8079-8085: More shots of the general derailment site. Note the two Siemens Charger units in the near distance. I don't know if they were in the middle of the train but it seems likely they were and thus ahead of the actual derailment. Also note there is no effort being made to unload the tank cars. Usually there would be a number of vacuum trucks and pump trucks emptying the cars. I'm thinking that once the lading was determined to be harmless the cars were either left in place or gently moved aside to be dealt with later. It does not look like a shoo-fly is needed either.  BHJ
BHJ 8/22/18 - 8080 BHJ 8/22/18 - 8081 BHJ 8/22/18 - 8082
BHJ 8/22/18 - 8083 BHJ 8/22/18 - 8084 BHJ 8/22/18 two Siemens Charger units - 8085
Below are a few photos taken on 8/31/18 of the now-repaired tracks and overall scene at Devore. Note the "cocooned" Metrolink locomotive off to the side of the tracks. Clarification on latest Devore derailment site photos: There was only one "cocooned" locomotive on the site. I took several photos of the same unit to show it at different angles and to show it in relation to the overall site. The other locomotive has been removed, presumably on its own wheels. Apologies for any confusion. BHJ
BHJ 8/31/18 BNSF tracks are repaired - 8086 BHJ 8/31/18 "covered" Metrolink loco - 8087 BHJ 8/31/18 derailed tank cars - 8088
BHJ 8/31/18 - 8089 BHJ 8/31/18 - 8090 BHJ 8/31/18 loco w/o track - 8091

updated: September 3, 2018

August 6, 2018: Contribution by Bob Russell - Hill 582 - (Hwy 138)
Bob Russell created a new facebook group about Hill 582:
I got the permission to use his great photography including some outstanding drone pictures. Thank you Bob, Werner
BR 8/06/18 Beautiful overview from the East side taken with a drone - BR-01
BR 8/06/18 accurate map - way from Hwy 138 to Hill 582 - BR-09 BR 8/06/18 The Hill from the air - BR-10
Highway 138 and Cajon Creek just next to I-15 exit 131, Bob took 2 photos from the air. On BR-11, 3 tracks are busy w/UP and BNSF trains.
BR 8/27/18 left UPT, middle BNSF MT-1/MT-2, right MT-3 - BR-11 BR 8/27/18 Shell, Hwy 138, 76 and Best Western - BR-12

updated: September 11, 2018

August 31, 2018: Cozy Dell by Doc Jones
Here are some photos at Cozy Dell -aka- Cajon Campground, MP 64.5, by Doc Jones.
All at above location except # 8095 which is just west of Cajon Jct.  -  BHJ
BHJ 8/31/18 BNSF 8227 EB - 8092 BHJ 8/31/18 BNSF 6697 WB - 8093 BHJ 8/31/18 BNSF 6697 WB - 8094
BHJ 8/31/18 Three BNSF trains on MT-1, -2 and -3 - 8095 BHJ 8/31/18 Intermodal trains are big business - 8096

updated: September 25, 2018

September 21, 2018: Hill 582 w/new drone by Bob Russell
Bob was testing his new drone and took 3 pictures around Hill 582. You may also see 2 short videos on the Hill 582  facebook site:
BR 9/21/18 BNSF EB on MT-1 - 8097 BR 9/21/18 BNSF 3736 = ET44C4 - 8098 BR 9/21/18 left = Don E. Toles - 8099

 updated: December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018: Christmas on Hill 582
12/14/18 Hill 582 with Marc Fournier, Gary G. Gray and Don E. Toles - 8100
Besides the Christmas "card" above, there were a few trains running past Hill 582.  -  GGG
GGG 12/24/18 DET with his beautiful Hill 582 decorations - 8101 GGG 12/24/18 DET with his beautiful Hill 582 decorations - 8102 GGG 12/24/18 BNSF 7810 is WB on MT-3. The rear end can be seen, in the distance, well above the power - 8103
GGG 12/24/18 Same BNSF WB with DPU's on MT-3. - 8104 GGG 12/24/18 BNSF 6824 (with CITIRAIL) is WB - 8105 GGG 12/24/18 BNSF 7828 is WB - 8106
GGG 12/24/18 UP 8668 is NB toward Tehachapi on the Palmdale cutoff - 8107 GGG 12/24/18 UP 8668 is NB toward Tehachapi on the Palmdale cutoff - 8108 GGG 12/24/18 BNSF 7959 is WB - 8109

Did you see our documentation with photos of the Highway 138 EAST Realignment Project (I-15 to Summit)?

Cajon Pass Sub
Photo Collection 2016-2017-2018

Highway 138 (EAST) Realignment Project
between I-15 and BNSF Summit

Photos by Michael Frei, Gary G. Gray
Marc Fournier, Doc Jones, Keith Schreiber (USA)

Updated: 8/19/18
GGG 3/20/17 Looking toward Summit - 033 See all 250 photos - click here GGG 8/17/18 SR 138 (view from Hill 582) - 8068

below are accurate photos taken by Michael Davies

Album 56

Cajon Pass
Photo Collection
April 2018

Page 1/1

Photos by Michael Davies (England)

Updated: 8/10/18
BNSF 4146 EB on MT-3 under Hwy 138 MD-21 See all 66 photos - click here UP 7462 EB DPU at Sullivans curve MD-66


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

Go back to Cajon Pass Main Page - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)