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updated: January 9, 2011

Cajon Pass Photo Collection 5/20

I am very pleased to show some exclusive photos of these photographers:
Don E. Toles (DET), Gary G. Gray (GGG), Marc Fournier (MF).
Guest Photographers: Robin Scanes (RS), New Zealand, Paul Westover (PW),
Dave Tomeraasen (DT),
Keith Schreiber (KS), Bob Widholm (BW), USA, Ruedi Schai (RUS), Switzerland

A big thank you for sharing these excellent pictures with us.
Note: The copyright belongs to these gentlemen. Do not use any photos without written permission.

MF 12/18/10 BNSF 6631 WB Christmas Train 2010 at WSI (West Summit Island) on MT-1 - 402


New for 2010: Photos are sorted by date (not by location): oldest are on top and newest at the bottom - just scroll down!
Some photos were taken at one of these locations below (we usually mention the place of the photo):
Dagget, Barstow, Victorville/Narrows, Frost/Crossover, Hesperia, Lugo/Martinez, Summit, West Summit Island, Silverwood, Hill 582 Area, Alray/Tunnel Area, CP Walker/Davis Ranch Road, Mormon Rocks/Stein's Hill/Pine Lodge/HWY 138, Sullivan's Curve, Cajon Station/Junction, Graffiti Bridge, Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, Blue Cut, Lower Canyon, San Bernardino, Colton Yard

Abbreviations found on this page: EB = East Bound, NB = North Bound, SB = South Bound, WB = West Bound, MT-1 = BNSF Main Track 1, MT-2 = BNSF Main Track 2, MT-3 = BNSF Main Track 3, UPT = UP Colton-Palmdale Cutoff Track, MP = Mile Post, DRR = Davis Ranch Road, DPU = Distributed Power Unit (Helpers), SC = Sullivan's Curve,  SWC = Swarthout Canyon Road Crossing, WSI = West Summit Island, KCR = Kemper Campbell Ranch, JAC-BAR = San Jacinto to Barstow Train

For bigger size photos - please click on the 3-digit number below each photo (the first letters specify the photographer)..

Hill 582 = MP 58.2X This is the "Oasis" for the Railfans  (See also - The History of Hill 582 - click here)
DET 1/05/10 BNSF 7247 EB new MP 58 - 001 GGG 1/15/10 UP 7111 EB at Hill 582 - 002 GGG 1/15/10 The engines just passed the Hill - 003
Barstow West "D" Yard MP 2
Last Thursday, Feb 4, Marc and I (Gary) drove up to Barstow. Along Rt 66 we noticed miles of new wooden ties laying alongside the South track. Of course, closer to Barstow there were numerous pieces of MOW equipment working on the tie replacement project. Why wooden ties ??
On the return trip we stopped just RR West of the BNSF West "D" yard to watch the orchestration for single track running.
Photo 004: BNSF 5125 + eight WB in a lite engine move. Photos 005 - 006: Also, BNSF 7477 West with a very "sick" second unit departed the D yard. NOTE: The train to the left is also WB on the Cajon Sub ---The coal train in the background evidently was to go WB on the Mojave Sub. Photo 007: BNSF 7477 WB passes the light engine move and will shortly switch to the South Main in front of BNSF 5125. Photo 008: The lite engine move pulls up behind BNSF 7477 awaiting BNSF 7430 EB to clear ---- image 009.
GGG 2/04/10 BNSF 5125 WB - 004 GGG 2/04/10 BNSF 7477 WB - 005 GGG 2/04/10 The 2nd unit's engine is "sick" - 006
GGG 2/04/10 BNSF WB pass the lite units - 007 GGG 2/04/10 The lite engines are moving - 008 GGG 2/04/10 Lite engines on hold - 009
Mormon Rocks / Highway 138 and Hill 582
DET 2/17/10 UP WB crossing Hwy 138 - 010 DET 2/17/10 UP DPU WB at of train - 011 DET 2/17/10 AT # 3 WB on MT3 Hill 582 - 012
DET 2/17/10 BNSF WB 12 Lite Engines H582 - 013 DET 2/17/10 Passing under signal bridge H582  014 DET 2/17/10 BNSF 7693 EB on MT-3 uphill - 032
DET 1/28/10 BNSF 7279 EB Hill 582 - 026 DET 1/28/10 BNSF 7547 EB w/snowy peaks - 027 DET 2/17/10 UP 7813 EB on MT-1 - 028
Sullivan's Curve
DET 2/17/10 BNSF 7309 EB entering SC - 029 DET 2/17/10 UP 8480 WB on BNSF MT-2 - 030 DET 2/17/10 UP 7722 EB on BNSF MT-1 - 031
different Locations between MP 57 and MP 59
DET 3/26/10 UP 1989 NB at MP 57.2 - 053 DET 3/26/10 EMD SD70ACe close up - 054 DET 3/29 UP-RG Heritage Unit pass Hill 582 - 055
DET 3/26/10 BNSF 7723 EB at MP 57.2 - 056 DET 3/26/10 Empty Ethanol (Bomb) Train - 057 DET 3/17/10 BNSF Research & Test Cars EB - 058
DET 3/17/10 BNSF EB passing Hill 582 - 059 DET 3/26/10 BNSF 7258 WB former T-2 area - 060 DET 3/26/10 Same train, same place (Alray) - 061
DET 3/26/10 BNSF 7518 EB at MP 57.75 - 062 DET 3/26/10 BNSF 7427 EB on MT3, MP 57.2  063 DET 3/26/10 BNSF WB at MP 57 - 064
Frost MP 38 and Flyover MP 39.1
GGG 2/19/10 BNSF 4001 WB at Frost - 065 GGG 2/19/10 BNSF 7250 WB - 066 GGG 2/19/10 BNSF 7485 WB - 067
At Frost, BNSF tracks pass through the Kemper Campbell Ranch (KCR) and there we can even find some "wildlife" during railfaning!
RS 2/19/10 Texas Long Horn at KCR - 068 GGG 2/19/10 Geese at KCR - 069 GGG 2/19/10 UP 7650 EB at flyover MP 39.1 - 070
Summit - MP 57.2 - MP 58.2 (Hill 582) - West of Davis Ranch Road
MF 4/06/10 SBCO Fire Truck is stuck - 071 MF 4/06/10 Looking for help - 072 MF 4/06/10 The bulldozer solved the problem - 073
The local Fire Dept (SBCO - San Bernaardino County) was doing some Cajon familiarization runs, in preparation for the upcoming fire season, when they became very familiar with one of the hazards of Cajon. It helps if you have access to a Bulldozer.
MF 4/07/10 BNSF WB 12 units lite MP 57.2 - 074 RS 2/25/10 Hill 582 seen from the signal bridge 075 RS 2/20/10 Hill 582 seen from UP track - 076
DET 4/09/10 BNSF 7303 EB Hill 582 - 077 DET 4/09/10 End of train w/CA Poppies - 078 DET 4/13/10 BNSF 7804 WB MT-3 at Hill 582 - 079
DET 4/07/10 BNSF 7641 EB near DRR - 080 DET 4/09/10 BNSF 7290 EB on MT-1 - 081 DET 4/09/10 Same train West of DRR - 082
DET 4/19/10 BNSF 7787 EB MP 62 - 083 DET 4/19/10 Same train & location - 084 DET 4/19/10 BNSF 7787 WB Nasty Knoll - 085
DET 4/06/10 BNSF 7309 EB Sullivans MT-1 - 086 DET 4/07/10 BNSF 7324 EB Sullivans MT-2 - 088 DET 4/07/10 Same train getting closer - 087
Frost (K-C Ranch) MP 38
GG 5/02/10 BNSF 5089 WB at Frost MP 38 - 090 GGG 5/02/10 Same double stack train - 091 GG 5/02/10 BNSF 7605 WB another dbl stack - 092
GGG 5/02/10 UP 5500 EB - 093 GGG 5/02/10 UP EB meets BNSF 7605 WB - 094 GG 5/02/10 BNSF 7727 EB (5 locos & 20 cars) - 095
SWC - Alray (former T-1 and T-2 area)
DET 4/19/10 BNSF 7460 EB at SWC - 096 DET 4/19/10 BNSF 7460 at T-2 area - 097 DET 4/19/10 UP 5396 NB above BNSF train - 098
DET 4/19/10 BNSF 7469 DPU on BNSF - 099 DET 4/09/10 BNSF 7446 WB lite T-1 area - 100 DET 4/09/10 BNSF 5088 EB T-2 area - 101

May 8th and 9th, 2010 San Bernardino Railroad Days & Bicentennial Celebration
At the historic Santa Fe San Bernardino Depot, 1170 W. Third Street, San Bernardino

The San Bernardino History & Railroad Museum, the San Bernardino Historical & Pioneer Society, the City of San Bernardino, the San Bernardino Bicentennial Committee, in conjunction with Amtrak's National Train Day on May 8th, will host San Bernardino Railroad Days, at the historic Santa Fe San Bernardino Depot. Railroad displays will include a new BNSF locomotive, Metrolink train, (hopefully to include one of the new cab cars), historic private passenger cars including: Ex CN Business car "Tioga Pass," ex SP lounge "Overland Trail," ex CP baggage "Pony Express," ex CB&Q dome-diner-lounge "Silver Splendor, and former Santa Fe Steam Locomotive No. 3751. There will also be historic fire apparatus and vehicles including: 1890 San Bernardino horse drawn hose wagon, 1905 horse drawn steam pumper, 1910 Pope-Hartford, (from San Bernardino), additional modern fire trucks from San Bernardino and surrounding communities are expected. There will also be a 1931 Arrowhead water truck, Queil Bros 1939 boom truck, Crafton Dairy Divco milk truck, 1931 U.S. Post Office Dept Ford delivery van, 1917 Dodge military rail car, 1917 FWD military transport, 1932 Ford tow truck, 1958 Omni-Trans bus, new Amtrak Thruway Bus, 1938 City refuse truck, and other historic vehicles. Model railroads will include; Pacific Coast Modular HO Club, Inland Empire Modular HO Club, N-Track Express, ZoCal Z Scale Club, Bill Martinez's O Scale Route 66 layout and Ken Seipp's wonderful circus layout. The OERM Harvey Girls along with Women in Railroading will be set up inside the depot waiting room. There will be railroadiana for sale, apparel, model railroad equipment, food, music, fun!

About the Steam Excursion:
May 8th and 9th, 2010 a special excursion train will be operated to San Bernardino Railroad Days sponsored by the San Bernardino History & Railroad Museum, the City of San Bernardino, The City of San Bernardino History & Pioneer Society and the San Bernardino Bicentennial Committee. The special train will operate from Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal to San Bernardino on Saturday May 8th, departing 900am, over the Metrolink San Gabriel Subdivision. The train will return Sunday May 9th, departing 300pm from San Bernardino to LAUPT. The train will consist of four private passenger cars: Ex CN Business car "Tioga Pass," built in 1959. Ex SP club lounge No. 2981 "Overland Trail," built in 1949. Ex CB&Q No. 4735 dome-diner-lounge "Silver Splendor," built in 1956. Ex CP baggage express car No. 4210, "Pony Express," built in 1941. A Metrolink diesel will provide H.E.P., and if necessary tractive effort, behind Santa Fe Steam Locomotive 3751. Ticket prices are $85 for the remaining 20 tickets in the Pony Express and lower level, lounge section of the "Silver Splendor " First class tickets are sold out for Business Car "Tioga Pass," and in the dome section of dome-diner-lounge "Silver Splendor." There will be no intermediate stops to pick up or discharge passengers with the special passenger train. All tickets include one way Metrolink fare to all points on the Metrolink San Gabriel Sub, so that passengers can get to/from LAUPT and San Bernardino, as the special will operate only one way, on each day, as previously mentioned.

Our photographers: Marc Fournier (MF) # 108-117, Paul Westover (PW) # 118-119 and Dave Tomeraasen (DT) of San Diego # 120-125.

While waiting for ATSF 3751 to arrive from LA, Marc and several hundred others crowded on the Mt Vernon Bridge-just West of the Depot-looking WEST.
Afterwards, Paul sends some beautiful detail shots of ATSF 3751 and finally, Dave sends some of the other events and exhibits at the Depot.
Thank you guys for documenting this event (GGG)
MF 5/08/10 BNSF 7464 EB at Mt. Vernon Ave - 108 MF 5/08/10 Metrolink 889 at Mt. Vernon Ave - 109 MF 5/08/10 Metrolink 865-866 storage - 110
MF 5/08/10 ATSF 3751 on the Flyover - 111 MF 5/08/10 ATSF 3751 w/Metrolink helper - 112 MF 5/08/10 Excursion train w/4 cars - 113
MF 5/08/10 Passing double stack train - 114 MF 5/08/10 Rolling over the switches - 115 MF 5/08/10 and will pass under Mt. Vernon Ave - 116
MF 5/08/10 Arrival at the Depot - 117 PW 5/08/10 ATSF 3751 4-8-4 beauty - 118 PW 5/08/10 Looks great and impressive - 119
DT 5/08/10 New Metrolink Bi-Level Car - 120 DT 5/08/10 BNSF 7412 on display - 121 DT 5/08/10 Old Fire Trucks on parade - 122
DT 5/08/10 History comes back - today - 123 DT 5/08/10 1958 Omni-Trans Bus  - 124 DT 5/08/10 New Amtrak California Thruway Bus - 125
diff. Locations (SWC / Hill 582 / Alray - former Tunnels)
Photos 126 - 127: BNSF leases SD70MACs to Ferromex - Published: Friday, May 14, 2010 (Trains magazine).
Ferromex has leased 40 EMD SD70MACs from BNSF Railway for four months beginning at the end of April.
According to BNSF spokeswoman Suann Lundsberg, after being inspected by Ferromex personnel at BNSF's Alliance, Neb., shop, the units were routed in five groups to Mexico via Denver; Amarillo, Texas; Belen, N.M.; and through to El Paso, Texas, for interchange. The 5,000 mile Ferromex system began operating in 1998 after the privatization of Mexico's rail system.
DET 4/30/10 BNSF SB on UP at SWC - 126 DET 4/30/10 BNSF 9506 SB - 127 DET 4/13/10 UP 7796 EB at Hill 582 - 128
Photos 128 - 129: Owner: US Army Number: USAX 6004, Built: May 10, 2006 Serial Number: ?
Hybrid History: Canadian Pacific 1702 (2006-2007) Converted at: Alstom (former CPR) Calgary, AB shops. US Army 6004 (May 2007-present). Donor Unit: CP 1552 (GMD GP9u) Built: 1955. Build No.: A704 Frame No.: C187-?
Unit History: CP 8506:1 (GMD GP9, rebuilt in 1983). Canadian Pacific 1552 (GP9u). CP 1702 (GG20B) sold to Railpower Jan 07. USAX 6004 (Resold in mid-2007). CP 1702 sold by Railpower to US Army as USAX 6004. From Canadian Railway Observations May 2007 edition. From other information, unit is to be deployed at Fort Bliss, TX (near El Paso.).
DET 4/13/10 UP EB w/US Army 6004 - 129 GGG 2/20/10 BNSF EB from I-15 lookout - 130 DET 4/26/10 BNSF EB former T-2 area - 131
GGG 2/25/10 UP 7877 EB at Alray - 132 DET 4/30/10 BNSF 5161 EB at former tunnels - 133 DET 4/26/10 BNSF 7202 EB T-2 area - 134
Hill 582 - SWC
DET 4/22/10 BNSF 7329 WB at Hill 582 - 135 DET 4/23/10 BNSF 7430 EB blooming bushes - 136 DET 4/22/10 Blooming cactus on Hill 582 - 137
DET 4/22/10 BNSF 7543 EB blooming bushes - 138 DET 4/22/10 New benches on Hill 582 - 139 GGG 2/25/10 BNSF 6618 EB on MT-1 - 140
RS 2/20/10 BNSF 5205 WB at SWC - 141 GGG 2/20/10 BNSF 5205 WB at RR-xing - 142 GGG 2/20/10 BNSF 7603 WB at SWC - 143
from CP Walker to former Tunnel area, to Hill 582 and Silverwood
DET 5/14/10 UP 5256 EB at CP Walker - 144 DET 5/14/10 BNSF 5173 EB at former T-1 - 145 GGG 6/02/10 BNSF 7218 EB seen from the Hill - 146
GGG 6/02/10 BNSF 7391 EB Hill 582 curve - 147 DET 5/14/10 Larry da Lizard on Hill 582 - 148 DET 5/14/10 UP 5485 NB Silverwood - 149
Photo 148: Hill 582 including the newly discovered Blue throated, Silver Backed Fly catcher -- (Cajonis Hungryis Lizardis) -- and he sure got a nickname: Larry da Lizzard.
Photos 150, 151, 196-2: Last Wed (6(02/10), Don, Keith and I hosted Werner and Melinda Meer and their friend Steve (Switzerland) on Hill 582. As you may know, Werner owns the Web Site where he so graciously posts our thousands of Cajon Pictures.
Before the meet on 582, Werner and Steve hired a Cessna and pilot for a photographic mission over Cajon. Photos 203 - 211: Here are just 9 photos taken from the air. In the meantime, all 120 aerial photos are online on a separate page. Here is the link for all aerials: click here
GGG 6/02/10 Flight over Hill 582 - 150 GGG 6/02/10 Werner & Steve inside - 151 WM 6/02/10 Hill 582 as seen from the air - 196-2
WM 6/02/10 BNSF Flyover at Frost MP39.1 - 203 WM 6/02/10 BNSF EB will pass under Flyover - 204 WM 6/02/10 BNSF seen from the other side - 205
WM 6/02/10 Upper Narrows (left KC Ranch) - 206 WM 6/02/10 Mojave Narrows Regional Park - 207 WM 6/02/10 BNSF WB is waiting at the signal - 208
WM 6/02/10 Upper Narrows Victorville  - 209 WM 6/02/10 BNSF EB pass the Narrows - 210 WM 6/02/10 BNSF Mojave River bridge MP34.1 - 211
GGG 6/02/10 Delayed AMT 9 WB - 153 GGG 6/02/10 Rear end of SW Chief - 154 GGG 6/02/10 AMT WB & BNSF EB - 155
GGG 6/02/10 BNSF 7216 EB at Hill 582 - 156 GGG 6/02/10 BNSF 7603 EB Ethanol train - 157 GGG 6/02/10 UP 7697 EB mixed freight - 158
KS 6/02/10 Don w/sign - yes, we sure do! - 161 KS 6/02/10 Werner w/blue Werner trailer - 163 KS 6/02/10 Gary and Don on Hill 582 - 164
Photos 165 - 170: After the Swiss visitors, we got our friends from Great Britain. So, Don, Bruce and I hosted Colin Marsden and Nathan Williamson (GB) last Friday (6/11/10) on Hill 582. Loads of laughs but very few trains. GGG
GGG 6/11/10 Gary, Don, Bruce, Nathan, Colin  165 GGG 6/11/10 UP 7646 EB on UPT - 166 GGG 6/11/10 BNSF 6606 EB (ES44C4 A1A) - 167
GGG 6/11/10 UP 4566 NB + BNSF 7545 EB - 168 GGG 6/11/10 Same trains "racing" uphill - 169 GGG 6/11/10 DET departs the "easy" way - 170
GGG 6/25/10 BNSF 5095 WB on MT-3 - 171 GGG 6/25/10 BNFS Track Geometry Train - 172 GGG 6/25/10 BNSF 7473 WB bare table - 173
GGG 6/24/10 BNSF 7521 WB 11 Lite Engines  174 GGG 6/25/10 BNSF 7238 EB Hill 582 - 175 GGG 6/25/10 BNSF 7725 WB at WSI on MT-3 - 176
GGG 6/24/10 BNSF 7583 WB at KCR - 177 GGG 6/25/10 BNSF 7852 Cushenbury Local - 178 GGG 6/25/10 Heading for Lucerne Valley - 179
Last Tuesday (7/06/10), BNSF moved 30 stored dash-8 locomotives from Commerce Yard (LA) to Barstow for further storage --- all units were in the BNSF 800 series. The stated reason, according to TO, is that the Commerce space is needed to reactivate some business interests within the Yard.
These photos 189 - 191 are truly "GRAB SHOTS" taken from just south of the Hesperia Airport and nearly into the sun. Chasing the train was impossible since it was running 2 X 2 with 26 dead units in tow --- track speed all the way. You will, however,  get the idea of something seldom seen. GGG
GGG 7/06/10 BNSF 7742 w/29 units EB - 189 GGG 7/06/10 Location is near Hesperia Airport  190 GGG 7/06/10 The old SF unit needs a repaint? - 191
Photos 212 - 220: From CP Walker, former Tunnel area (Alray), Hill 582 to Silverwood by Don E. Toles
DET 5/11/10 UP 5256 EB at CP Walker - 212 DET 5/11/10 BNSF 5173 EB at T-1 area - 213 DET 7/07/10 BNSF 7826 EB at T-2 area - 214
DET 7/07/10 UP/RG 1989 NB on UPT - 215 DET 5/11/10 UP 5365 EB above tunnel area - 216 DET 5/11/10 UP 5365 EB on UPT - 217
DET 5/14/10 AMT 23 on WB AMT #3 Hill 582 - 218 DET 5/14/10 BNSF 6616 EB near MP57X - 219 DET 5/14/10 UP 5489 NB at CP Silverwood - 220
Bob Widholm & son Wiley (San Diego) camped on WSI last week (July 10) and send:
Photos 221-222:  BNSF 7418 leads 26 dash 8 units DIT (Dead in Tow) to Barstow. We understand that some or all of these units will go to Canadian National RR. The power for the move was 2X2 - -. Photo 223:  BNSF 4690 leads a very late AMT #3 WB at West Summit Island.
BW 7/20/10 BNSF 7418 w/26 Dash-8 locos - 221 BW 7/20/10 Consist is on the way to Barstow - 222 BW 7/20/10 Delayed AMT #3 w/BNSF helper - 223
Photos 224 - 225: BNSF 7700 leads remote control BN 3119 WB (GP-50) WB past Hill 582. Photos 226 - 227: BNSF 7454 with BRAND NEW BNSF 7899 as #4 in the consist. All photos by GGG from Hill 582.
GGG 7/23/10 BNSF 7700 WB - 224 GGG 7/23/10 BN 3119 (GP50) - 225 GGG 7/23/10 BNSF 7454 WB, UP NB above - 226
GGG 7/23/10 Brand new BNSF 7899 - 227 GGG 7/23/10 One of the last CNW OLS is WB - 228 GGG 7/23/10 "Lite" Engine move WB on MT-2 - 229
GGG 8/06/10 BNSF 7579 EB TOFC - 231 GGG 8/06/10 UP 5391 NB very dirty on UPT - 232 GGG 8/06/10 UP 5920 EB on MT-1 - 233
GGG 8/06/10 UP 7417 WB DBS on MT-2 - 234 GGG 8/06/10 UP 7723 WB DPU single level - 235 GGG 8/06/10 UP 7719 WB DBS on MT-2 - 236
We knew that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus train was scheduled to leave Anaheim CA for Oakland CA early that morning. I was in hopes that the train was late --- but three hours late was probably impossible. While driving up I-15 near Hwy 138, I looked over to the west and there was the train in question NB on the UP/SP at Sullivan's Curve. After a few semi-safe turns, we got onto the Baldy Mesa fire road and the USFS road above the UP and headed up to the old Tunnels area. GGG
Train Power and train information from Train Orders:
 August 9: BLUE UNIT TRAIN-RUN from Anaheim to Oakland CA, via TEHACHAPI LOOP
 Power: UP 4810, UP 3912, and UP 5553, - 61 Cars, - 4,490 Tons (when fully loaded), - 5,409 Feet (WITHOUT host RR's power attached; 1 mile = 5,280 feet)
BLUE UNIT -- 140th Edition -- now in the 1st half of its 2-year tour.
GGG 8/09/10 Just above former tunnel 1 area - 237 GGG 8/09/10 UP 4810 NB Circus Train - 238 GGG 8/09/10 On the way to Oakland, CA - 239
GGG 8/09/10 Lots of diff. pass. cars - 240 GGG 8/09/10 Many trailers - 241 GGG 8/09/10 End of train w/crew bus - 242
DET 8/09/10 UP 6549 SB, above T-1 area - 243 DET 8/09/10 Circus train NB pass Hill 582 - 244 GGG 8/13/10 BNSF 5119 EB track level - 245
After lunch with Marc, Don & Don's newphew David I started home to see the smoke cloud from the Mojave River Bed (photos 246 - 248). A good job by the Apple Valley & Victorville Fire Depts prevented any damage to the KC Ranch and the BNSF. GGG
GGG 8/13/10 Frost w/EB train at left - 246 GGG 8/13/10 Heavy clouds from fire - 247 GGG 8/13/10 Helicopter takes water - 248
On Saturday, September 4, 2010, a UP officers special came through WB pulled by UP 2010 --- The Boy Scouts of America 100 year anniversary unit. Marc and I went to the hill overlooking the flyover at MP 39.1 to get the attached photos. GGG
GGG 9/04/10 UP 2010 WB officers special - 270 GGG 9/04/10 On the flyover MP 39.1 - 271 GGG 9/04/10 UP 2010 GE C45ACCTE - 272
Hill 582 got 2 new flag poles, facing to the North side and to be seen well from BNSF Main1 & Main 2 (also from UPT).
DET 8/18/10 BNSF 7743 WB on MT-3 - 285 DET 8/23/10 Flag pole construction w/UP train  286 DET 8/23/10 BNSF 7512 EB w/left flag pole - 290
DET 8/23/10 BNSF 7512 EB w/right flag pole - 291 DET 8/23/10 UP-MP 1982 NB on UPT - 292 DET 8/23/10 UP (SP) AC4400 SB on UPT - 293
GGG 9/06/10 The Hilltender in action - 273 GGG 9/06/10 View from East side - 274 GGG 9/06/10 View from West side - 275
GGG 9/06/10 BNSF EB on MT-2 - 276 GGG 9/06/10 Looking North - 277 GGG 9/06/10 BNSF 7456 EB at MP 56.6 - 278
GGG 9/10/10 US and UP flags welcome UP - 279 GGG 9/10/10 SoCal Cajon Mafia Group - 280 GGG 9/10/10 Looking South from I-15 - 281
GGG 9/10/10 UP NB train on UPT - 282 GGG 9/10/10 UP-WP 1983 close up - 283 GGG 9/10/10 BNSF 7247 EB at Alray - 284
GGG 9/17/10 UP 5514 WB on BNSF MT-2 - 294 GGG 9/17/10 UP rear end DPU's for 5514 - 295 GGG 9/17/10 UP 5735 EB on BNSF MT-1 - 296
GGG 9/17/10 UP EB below + UP train above - 297 GGG 9/17/10 UP/SP 6529 in between - 298 GGG 9/17/10 UP 5439 NB on UPT - 299
GGG 9/17/10 BNSF 7538 WB on MT-3 - 300 GGG 9/17/10 BNSF 7519 EB before Hill 582 - 301 GGG 9/17/10 BNSF EB locos passed the Hill - 302
As most know, BNSF has purchased the newly developed GE ES44C4. The new unit has six axles however only four are powered --- the middle axle in each truck being an idler. Also, the unit is equipped to raise the idler axle once the unit reaches 15? MPH. Turns out that every BNSF train we saw on Cajon last Friday (10/08/10) had, at least, one 6600 unit in the consist. In Picture 316, please note the equipment needed to raise the middle (idler) axle. GGG
 More info on this link (Page 5): 
GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 6647 WB Hill 582 - 315 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 6647 (see text above) - 316 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 6621 DPU's for 6647 - 317
GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 4095 WB w/BNSF 6613 - 318 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF WB meets 6604 EB - 319 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 7592 w/6614 (#4) - 320
The 2010 edition of the BARSTOW FLYER ran last weekend (Oct 16/17, 2010). This year, the excursion ran from LA to Barstow on Saturday. On Sunday, it ran from Barstow to Kelso CA and returned to LA. Here are some infos about the Barstow Flyer - click Altamont Press
Here are a few taken from "Gray's Hill" --- the Hill overlooking the flyover at BNSF Cajon Sub MP 39.1 on Sunday late afternoon.
 Thanks to Dave Tomeraasen who rode the train and provided "heads up" information as to location.
GGG 10/17/10 UP EB "Manned Helpers" - 321 GGG 10/17/10 Barstwo Flyer WB - 322 GGG 10/17/10 Rolling over the Flyover - 323
GGG 10/17/10 GE Dash8-32BWH Amtrak - 324 GGG 10/17/10 Sorry, could not turn the sun!  - 325 GGG 10/17/10 Tioga Pass Observation - 326
BNSF 4193 is EB on the Cushenbury --- Toward Lucerne Valley and the mineral mines -- -sorry about the back lighting. GGG
GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 4193 EB - 333 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 7720 faded paint - 334 GGG 10/08/10 BNSF 4193 EB - 335
Photos 330 - 331: Badly faded BNSF 7719 leads BNSF 153 (GP60M -- looking almost new) WB at Hill 582. Many of the three+ year old 7700's are badly faded --- poor paint or really harsh cleaning chemicals --- or both ? ?  GGG
GGG 10/13/10 BNSF 7719 WB - 330 GGG 10/13/10 BNSF 153 = GP60M - 331 GGG 10/13/10 BNSF 6642 EB ES44C-4 - 332
Sullivan's Curve
GGG 10/29/10 UP 5373 NB on UPT - 336 GGG 10/29/10 Same train w/famous rocks - 337 GGG 10/29/10 BNSF 7254 EB on MT-1 - 338
10/29/10 Photo 339: UP at Swarthout Canyon Road. Photos 340 - 341: Victorville Narrows Rocks at Frost (Kemper Campbell Ranch)
11/03/10 Photos 393 - 395: BNSF WB train at Frost w/7 locos up fromt and 2 locos at the rear end.
GGG 10/29/10 UP 5394 SB at SWC - 339 GGG 10/29/10 UP 7917 WB at Frost - 340 GGG 10/29/10 UP 7917 getting closer - 341
GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 7767 WB at Frost - 393 GGG 11/03/10 Same WB train w/7 locos - 394 GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 7744 DPU's for 7767 WB - 395
from Alray (Tunnel-1) to the signals at Hill 582
MF 12/05/10 BNSF 7875/7588 DPU's EB Alray 396 MF 12/05/10 Same DPU's at former Tunnel 1 - 397 MF 12/05/10 Same train under signal bridge  - 398
MF 12/05/10 Last view of this EB train Hill 582 - 399 MF 12/05/10 BNSF 7892 DPU's WB at Hill 582 400 MF 12/05/10 UP 5103 EB on MT-1 - 401
Mojave River - Victorville, CA
We know that many of you live in places where there is REAL weather and that several Californians on this list have seen much more rain than our high desert  - HOWEVER - Since High Desert averages 3-6 inches of rain/year, receiving five inches of rain in a couple of days qualifies as an event. Our own "MAD" Marc Fournier braved the elements today (12/22/10) to photograph the storm and the railroading through it.
MF 12/22/10 Mojave River from Bear Valley Rd  403 MF 12/22/10 Bear Valley Road Bridge - 404 MF 12/22/10 Mojave River from Rainbow Bridge - 405
MF 12/22/10 UP 8647 EB pass Upper Norrows  406 MF 12/22/10 same UP EB entering Victorville - 407 MF 12/22/10 UP 7383 DPU for 8647 EB - 408
MF 12/22/10 Mojave River Bridges MP 34.1 - 409 MF 12/22/10 BNSF 7753 EB MP 34.1 - 410 MF 12/22/10 BNSF EB crossing Mojave River  - 411


125th Anniversary of Cajon Railroading at the San Bernardino Depot
It's difficult to realize that 25 years ago Chard Walker, Laura and I (GGG) boarded a special (San Berdoo-Barstow-San Berdoo) to commemorate 100 years of ATSF Railroading over Cajon Pass. Last Saturday (11/13/10), BNSF and the San Bernardino History Society & Railroad Museum put on a GREAT show at the SB Depot to celebrate the 125th anniversary of CAJON railroading. BNSF had all kinds of MOW, Signal, Police, Dispatching equipment and personnel available. Also, BNSF provided bus tours of their Intermodal Facility. Naturally, Marc & I had to attend and the result can be seen below:
Photo 374: The preserved Santa Fe shops Smoke Stack --- all that's left of the old ATSF San Bernardino Shops. Photo 375: Stacked (to save space) container chassis. Photo 376: Always wondered what machine stacked the chassis - question answered. (GGG)
ED 11/13/10 BNSF Event Poster - 369 ED 11/13/10 Event Poster by Joe Perry - 370 GGG 11/13/10 Event Banner on BNSF 7350  - 371
GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 1303 Genset SB Depot - 372 GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 7350 ES44DC SB Depot  373 GGG 11/13/10 Santa Fe Stack Intermodal Yrd - 374
MF 11/13/10 Cont. Chassis at IM Yard - 375 GGG 11/13/10 Chassis Lift - 376 MF 11/13/10 Container Lift at IM Yard - 377
Photos 378 - 380:These BNSF Gensets were rebuilt from GN SD-40's. They have a bank of batteries on the frame which are charged/recharged by the three diesel engines under the long hood. The diesels operate only as needed to keep the batteries charged. BNSF calls then 3GS21C --- 3G = 3 Generators --- S21 = ???? --- C = 6 axle. They can be controlled by an on-board engineer or remotely. Weight, as I remember, is 350,000+ lbs. GGG
MF 11/13/10 Gary posing in front of BNSF 1303 378 GGG 11/13/10 Cab of BNSF 1303 - 379 GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 1308 Genset - 380
GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 7575 EB at SB Depot - 381 GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 6643 WB at Colton - 382 GGG 11/13/10 Hyundai Cab Car for Metrolink - 383
Photo 382: We wound up in Colton (just West of SB) as BNSF 6643 WB stopped for EB traffic. Photos 383 - 384: At the new Colton Metrolink repair & car cleaning facility, we saw some of the new Hyundai/Metrolink cars/cabcars -- still on flats.
Here you can get some pictures and infos:
 Photos 385 - 386: While returning to the High Desert on OLD Hwy 66, we caught BNSF 7742 EB with the empty ethanol train. GGG/MF
GGG 11/13/10 New Metrolink Coach Car - 384 GGG 11/13/10 BNSF 7742 EB Ethanol Train - 385 GGG 11/13/10 We are at MP 63.4 - 386

Below are none Cajon Pass Photos

Dagget - where UP joins the BNSF main w/trackage rights
GGG 2/18/10 BNSF 7623 WB at Daggett - 020 GGG BNSF 7623 WB at West Barstow  - 021 GGG UP 7608 SB from Yermo at Daggett - 022
RS 2/18/10 UP 7608 SB to WB BNSF tracks - 023 GGG UP 7446 SB to WB BNSF tracks - 024 RS UP 7446 SB entering BNSF main  - 025
GGG 11/03/10 UP 6464 & 6777 WB at Yermo - 387 GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 7264 WB at Daggett - 388 GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 7416 EB pass WB - 389
GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 7416 EB at Daggett - 390 GGG 11/03/10 DPU's for 7416 EB - 391 GGG 11/03/10 BNSF 4018 WB at Daggett - 392


Afton Canyon
I (GGG), for years, have wanted to visit Afton Cyn. The canyon is about 35 miles North East of Barstow -- and about four miles East of I-15. It contains both the Mojave River and the UP track running from Dagget-Yermo-Kelso and on to Las Vegas. Remember that the river runs from the mountains SE of Victorville NORTH to disappear underground near Baker, Ca. The Mojave River is usually dry but when the monsoon rains occur, it can become a raging desert torrent --- not to be toyed with. Despite all the warnings, Marc & I decided to go --- armed with soft drinks, water, hot & cool weather gear, and Subway Subs (Sandwiches). I was duly impressed with the off-road driving capabilities of Marc and his new Jeep and, in places, the cell phone actually worked.
 We left I-15 on Afton Canyon Rd and drove to the campground --- but the road into the canyon dips into a hole which had 3+ Feet of water with fences to prevent detours. So, after seeing a UP EB siting nearby, we decided to return to I-15 and enter the Canyon from its North end --- Basin Road.
 The colors, geology and erosion patterns were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. In our four hours, we saw only three trains (great for the LA&SL) but the trip was well worth the effort. So, as we send this LONG series of pictures, I will include several of the area geology. (GGG + MF)
GGG 11/03/10 UP 5531 EB Afton Cyn. Rd. - 342 GGG 11/03/10 UP 5531 EB at MP 196  - 343 GGG 11/03/10 Same train MP 196 before bridge  344
MF 11/03/10 UP EB rolling over bridges - 345 GGG 11/03/10 Close view of bridges - 346 MF 11/03/10 Heading East after the bridges - 347
GGG 11/03/10 Geology & Erosion at A Cyn - 348 GGG 11/03/10 These are mountains, not hills - 349 GGG 11/03/10 Colorful Afton Canyon - 350
GGG 11/03/10 UP 7830 WB MP 196 - 351 MF 11/03/10 UP 7830 pass the bridges - 352 GGG 11/03/10 Heading West thru Afton Cyn - 353
GGG 11/03/10 More photos of the fascinating. - 354 GGG 11/03/10 . . Geology & Erosion of these. - 355 GGG 11/03/10 . . diff. Rock formations - 356
GGG 11/03/10 Even we are inside the . . - 357 GGG 11/03/10 . . desert, there are bushes . . - 358 GGG 11/03/10 . . and wild life - 359
Photos 360 - 361: About noon, we decided to find some shade and have some lunch. We drove over to the East side of the Canyon to an erosion area we named "the pinnacles". The closer we got, the taller they appeared. Photo 362: Marc walked over to the pinnacles to give some perspective --- We estimate them at 100+ feet. He quickly returned when we noticed the crack in the wall well above him. Photo 367: The MIGHTY Mojave River--although a trickle here, there was plenty of evidence of BIG-TIME flooding throughout the canyon. Photo 368: The UP Mojave River Bridge @ MP 192.2 (mid-canyon) --- This is the hill we plan to return to and just wait for a train ---- should be one heck of a shot. GGG/MF
GGG 11/03/10 The Pinnacles of Afton Cyn - 360 GGG 11/03/10 Ready for lunch - 361 GGG 11/03/10 Marc at left w/Pinnacles - 362
GGG 11/03/10 your fearless explorers at rest - 363 GGG 11/03/10 UP 5511 WB - 364 GGG 11/03/10 UP 5511 WB double stack - 365
MF 11/03/10 UP WB w/Mid-Train DPU - 366 GGG 11/03/10 Mojave River - 367 GGG 11/03/10 Bridge MP 192.2 - 368


Needles Subdivision
MF 2/19/10 BNSF EB Needles Subdivision - 015 MF 2/16/10 BNSF 1072 departing Needles - 016 MF 2/20/10 BNSF 4622 EB Needles Sub - 017
MF 2/16/10 BNSF WB departing Needles - 018 MF 2/20/10 Guard Dog w/Railfans vehicle - 019 MF 2/19/10 BNSF 7212 EB Needles Sub - 033
MF 2/19/10 BNSF 7256 WB Needles Sub - 034 MF 2/18/10 BNSF 7262 EB arriving Needles - 035 MF BNSF 7287 EB Needles Sub - 036
MF 2/19/10 BNSF 7340 EB - 038 MF 2/19/10 Same train getting closer - 037 MF 2/16/10 BNSF 7587 EB full throttle - 039


BNSF Seligman, AZ Subdivision
Early this month (August 2010), Marc, Bob Widholm and Bob's son Wiley spent a week on the BNSF Seligman AZ sub. The attached are from Marc and were taken between Seligman and Belmont. Seligman once was a major auto gas/service stop on old Route 66 and a rather major location on the ATSF RR. I-40 bypassed the town and the railroad stopped local operations there in the 1980's. 
 Seligman Population: 456 residents (2000), Elevation: 5,242 feet, Area: 6.4 square miles. 
Hottest month: July (average temperature is 91.1 degrees). Coldest month: December (average temperature is 22.6 degrees)
MF 8/04/10 Seligman, AZ, Rt 66 + BNSF main  249 MF 8/04/10 BNSF Meet at Seligman - 250 MF 8/04/10 Campsite near BNSF tracks - 251
MF 8/09/10 Abandoned business on Rt 66 - 252 MF 8/04/10 BNSF meet W. Seligman MP432.2 253 MF 8/09/10 BNSF 5151 WB CP Maine - 254
MF 8/09/10 BNSF 7267 WB CP Maine - 255 MF 8/09/10 BNSF 7575 EB Chalander - 256 MF 8/06/10 BNSF Transcon near Maine - 257
MF 8/04/10 Campsite at Bellmont, AZ - 258 MF 8/04/10 BNSF 4929 EB MP 432.2 - 259 MF 8/10/10 BNSF 7512 WB Bellmont - 260
MF 8/04/10 BNSF WB Bellmont Seligman Sub  261 MF 8/04/10 Seligman from the clouds - 262 MF 8/04/10 WB over Cinder Pit Bellmont, AZ  - 263


End of the year (2010) journey thru Arizona by Ruedi Schai (Switzerland)
RUS 12/21/10 UP intermodal Casa Grande - 412 RUS 12/21/10 Blades for windmills on flats - 413 RUS 12/21/10 Special load Casa Grande - 414
RUS 12/27/10 BNSF near Flagstaff - 415 RUS 12/27/10 BNSF meet near Flagstaff - 416 RUS 12/27/10 BNSF near Williams - 417
RUS 12/27/10 Same BNSF train near Williams  418 RUS 12/28/10 BNSF near Seligman  - 419 RUS 12/28/10 BNSF intermodal near Antares - 420


A visit to the OERM - Orange Empire Railway Museum at Perris, CA
Our friend Bobby Deren (A-300 Captain for UPS) often flies into the Ontario, CA Airport and always visits Hill 582. On his last trip, he mentioned that he had made reservations at OERM ( to "rent and drive" a diesel for an hour. He also mentioned that he could take a few guests. Naturally, I volunteered. So, Laura and I drove down to Perris CA -- just south of Riverside to partake. It was a fun morning "playing" the engineer.
Photos 180 - 185: The locomotive in use last Sat (7/03/10) was a 1942 ALCO RSD-1 --- OERM  #1975.

Photos 186 - 188: Naturally, we had to pay proper respect to the
restored L. A. Railway Funeral Street Car Descanso --- in which Chard Walker spent his early days at Cajon. See here: and here:  GGG
GGG 7/03/10 - OERM ALCO RSD-1 built 1942 - 180 GGG 7/03/10 Bobby Deren in action - 181 GGG 7/03/10 Makes fun to be an engineer - 182
GGG 7/03/10  Gary Gray plays engineer - 183 GGG 7/03/10 Waiting for a green light - 184 GGG 7/03/10 RSD-1 coupled to SP coaches - 185
GGG 7/03/10 OERM Descanso - 186 GGG 7/03/10 GGG & BD in front of Descanso - 187 GGG 7/03/10 The Descanso payload bay - 188


Northern California (Feather River Canyon) and Oregon by Marc Fournier
Marc Fournier went in late August 2010 to ride the Feather River Express -- Emeryville, CA to Portola, CA and return.
 Click on the link to get more infos about this event:
Domes to Feather River Railroad Days - Rail Tours In The United States
MF 8/29/10 AMT 25 WB Donner Summit, CA - 303 MF 8/20/10 AMT 131 at Emeryville, CA - 304 MF 8/29/10 BNSF 5282 EB Soda Springs, CA - 305
MF 8/26/10 UP 4522 NB at Chemult, OR - 306 MF 8/25/10 UP 5363 NB at Goldmine, OR - 307 MF 8/28/10 UP 8122 WB Williams Loop FRC - 308


Cajon 1 with 2006 photos - click here Cajon 2 with 2007 photos - click here Cajon 3 with 2008 photos - click here
Cajon 4 with 2009 photos - click here Cajon 5 with 2010 photos - click here Cajon 6 with 2011 photos - click here
Cajon 7 with 2012 photos - click here Cajon 8 with 2013 photos - click here Cajon 9 with 2014 photos - click here
Cajon 10 with 2015 photos - click here Cajon 11 with 2016 photos - click here Cajon 12 with 2017 photos - click here
Cajon 13 with 2018 photos - click here Cajon 14 with 2019 photos - click here Cajon 15 with 2020 photos - click here
Cajon 16 with 2021 photos - click here Cajon 17 with 2022 photos - click here Cajon 18 with 2023 photos - click here
Cajon 19 with 2024 photos - click here Cajon 20 with 2025 photos - click here  
History of Hill 582 photos - click here Ranchero Road Project - click here Colton Flyover Project - click here
Highway 138 East Project - click here Mojave River Bridges - click here Green Tree Blvd. Project - click here


Cajon Pass 3rd Main Track Construction by BNSF in 2007 and 2008
BNSF was building a 3rd Main Track thru Cajon Pass. It was built along the # 1 (north) track (2,2 % grade). The only 2 tunnels in Cajon have been daylighted.
This one of a time project was completed on November 07, 2008.

3rd Main Track Project by BNSF

outstanding coverage
on 9 Albums

Photos by Don E. Toles, Gary G. Gray
and Marc Fournier

taken from 6/22/07 to 12/24/08
DET 8/24/07 Summit Curve - 061 See all 9 pages with 896 photos - click here DET 10/25/07 T-2 EP w/BNSF EB train - 197


8 different and detailed Maps of Cajon Pass with captions (Mile Posts and Location) by Gary G. Gray - click here
New 8/11: Maps "How to find" Hill 582, Sullivan's Curve, Noisy Point by Gary G. Gray - click here
Accurate Map of Cajon Pass with 3rd Main Track by Michael Amrine - click here

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(over all copyright by Werner Meer, Switzerland)