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44 Years American Railroadfans in Switzerland 1981-2025
Logo by Max Peter

For Information in German - click here

Home Railroadfans
3/10/25 - English
Meetings RR-Fans
3/10/25 - German
Convention History
12/25/22 - German
old Layoutcenter ALCA
new Layout Center LCH
9/14/24 - German
Private Layouts
US-Railfan Trips
1/01/21 - German
Hobby Shows
1/01/25 - German
CV: Pins, Photos, Film
4/19/17 - German
15th CV Exhibitors
12/11/12 - English
Convention Links
General Links
10th CV-Guide PDF 11th CV-Guide PDF 12th CV-Guide PDF 13th CV-Guide PDF 14th CV-Guide PDF 15th CV-Guide PDF

updated: March 10, 2025 

New location for our Meetings.
Roter Turm, Rathausgasse 5, 5400 Baden
Details can be found on our Meetings-Page - click here (German only)


American Railroadfans - General Info
44 Years American Railroadfans in Switzerland 1981 - 2025
We are a loose group of fans (220 people), mostly of the greater Zürich area, Switzerland and a few from all over Europe, who are interested in the North American Railroad Scene. We are definitely not a club, but a non-profit organization without member ship fees, even we do not have a main sponsor. That way, we would like to reflect "The American Way of Life". We are having our by-monthly Meetings for interested fans (usually 2nd half of the month on a Friday evening starting at 19.30 h at the "Roter Turm, Rathausgasse 5" at Baden, AG). There are approx. 30-40 people at the meeting place. Main attraction is a slide or movie presentation about the US Railroads starting at 20.00 h, held by one of our members. In addition, we are talking about differend themes of American RR's and US travelling (cars, country music etc.). Sometimes, one of our members is bringing along his latest model to show off his modelling skills.
American Railroadfans Meetings - Programm (German)


American Railroadfans - Railfan Trips 2025
Since 1999 we offer Railfan Trips to the USA in co-operation with Maya Travel Inn.
Fall 2025: Colorado Narrow Gauge Circle
Details of this trip in German:


4. American Rail Convention in Neuendorf - 4./5. Oktober 2025    -   OK-President Beat Scheuter:


3. Dutch US Convention in Ulft, Niederlande - April 11/12, 2026
Ronald Halma organisiert auch die 3. US-Convention in Holland für 2026.

Infos hier klicken:


Homepage of AMORS (HOn3 American Modular Railroaders in Switzerland)
click here


2019 Union Pacific Steam Schedule w/Big Boy:
New 6/27/19: Check our new photo and video page about the Big Boy 4014 under steam - click here
News 5/31/19:  Big Boy excursion set for Southern California on October 12 & 13, 2019
Direct Link:

New 11/04/13: Review of the 15th and Final Convention / Rückblick auf die 15. und letzte CV:  click here

NMRA Award

Surprisingly, an award for the many years of work in the U.S. scene was presented to Werner Meer during the 4th CV in Rodgau near Frankfurt, from NMRA (Nobby Clarke).
updated: 10/22/13 - click here

just scroll down for interesting links about US-Layouts, US-Dioramas and Cajon Pass

The 15th and Final Convention was held on October 13/14, 2012 - Direct Link - click here

The 15th Convention Guide is online: click here

The 15th Convention Guide (printed version) is still available.

Werner Meer is retiring as chairman of the American Railroadfans.

Bigger size picture - click here
This special Cerificate is setting the final point of his activities as per December 31, 2017.


News - July 16, 2017 - Another Era is coming to an End

The Meetings of the American Railroadfans held at "Wasserversorgung Zürich-Wollishofen" will be ending in December 2017. After the "final" Convention in 2012 the "final" (last) Meeting will be held on December 15, 2017. Detailed Infos in German, only:  click here

Please note: Not all pages are translated into English ! !

Offizieller CV-Film und CV-Photos - jetzt lieferbar / now available
Offiicial CV-Film on DVD by Thomas Egger von EGGER FILM. Running time: 122 Min. Price: sFr. 30.-.
Trailer (2,5 Min.) of the CV-Film:
There was no more space for the CV-Dinner on this DVD. Therefore, the 30 Min. CV-Dinner (Speeches, Special Awards, Showblock with Roger and the Wild Horses) can be seen on Youtube.
Direct Link:


American Railroadfans - Conventions
In the past, every 2 years in Fall, we were organizing a 2-day event (Convention for American Railroadfans in Switzerland) at Adliswil (suburb of Zürich). We were inspired thru the NMRA Conventions held in the USA. Our first convention was back in 1981 inside the facilities of Swissphone Telecom. Also the 2nd CV was held there in 1982. Afterwards, we changed the rhythem of our event to be held every other year. Therefore, the 3rd to the 6th CV were held between 1984 and 1990 at the Zürich Water Supply facilities in Zürich downtown. Since the 7th CV in 1992, we are able to use the school house complex "Kronenwiese" at Adliswil. In 1998 we were celebrating the 10th Jubilee Convention with more than 3000 visitors. For this special event, Daniel Wehrli built a real size (sacle 1:1) Cupola Caboose. No question, it was the attraction of the 10th CV and it was also used as our Ticket-Office. The 11th CV held in Fall 2000 was with 4000 visitors an all time high record. To satisfy the high amount of attendies, we were in need of a second ticket office. In addition to our Caboose we got the front end of a Santa Fe SD75M Diesel Loco (made by railfans in Schlanders, Italy, once again made out of wood - Hollywood style).
The 12th Convention of October 12/13, 2002 was a big success. Even the German TV "SWR-Eisenbahnromantik-Team" with Hagen von Ortloff produced a 25' show. It was proadcasted as series # 471 on November 24, 2002.
Because of the rebuilding of the "our" school house, there was no Convention for 4 years (between 2002 and 2006). But the 13th Convention (Locomotion) of October 14/15, 2006 was once again a great success. For the second time, the SWR Eisenbahn-Romantik-Team with Hagen von Ortloff and Susanne Mayer-Hagmann made a TV report about the 13th CV.
Special Guest at the 13th CV: Brian Marsh, Overland Models / Tower 55 Products, USA.
 We are very pround to have the biggest importer and producer of brass models from the USA at our Convention.
Direct Link: Overland Models
After the 13th CV we decided to change our bi yearly rhythem to 3 years.
Therefore, the 14th CV (Evolution) was held on October 10/11, 2009.

Special Guest at the 14th CV: George W. Kohs, Kohs & Company, USA.
We are glad to present this premium brass producer during our 14th CV..
Direct Link:
Kohs & Company

Special Guest at the 14th CV: Mike Wolf, M.T.H. Electric Trains, USA.
Wir We are glad to present this producer of HO, O and 1/32 models in plastic and metal during our 14th CV. Mike Wolf presented the first hand sample of the SBB Cargo Re 482 in O scale. he even announced the next Swiss model, the legendary "Krokodil" electric loco.
Direct Link:
M.T.H. Electric Trains

The 15th and Final Convention was held on October 13/14, 2012. Direct Link - click here (English)

15th Convention Flyer (A4 size) as a PDF - click here

2009 Evolution                       2012 Speed & Power

Logo by Jürg Lütscher                                    Logo by Jürg Lütscher              

New: Review of the 15th and Final Convention / Rückblick auf die 15. und letzte CV:  click here
Convention - Main Page (English)  /    Convention - History (German)


These 2 Publications (below) are only available in German language.
LOKI Thema 1 und 2
Aus den bekannten Convention Infos by Jürg Lütscher wurde das Loki Thema 1 lanciert. Es freut uns sehr, dass wir in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag Lokpress das Loki Thema "Evolution" (Entwicklungen in den USA) realisieren konnten. Dieses Sonderheft ist exklusiv am 10. Oktober an der 14th Convention 2009 erschienen. Hochinteressante Informationen gut verständlich geschrieben auf 124 Seiten im Format A4 hoch inkl. vielen Farbfotos.
Jetzt bei uns für nur sFr. 5.- erhältlich  (sold out)

Zur 15th CV wird das Loki Thema 2 erscheinen.
Zeitgleich mit dem 31-jährigen Schaffen der American Railroadfans und der 15th and Final Convention wird LOKI Thema 2 erscheinen. Das Heft wird sich mit fundierten Informationen und hervorragendem Bildmaterial der Schweizer US-Szene widmen, welche sich auf verschiedenste Weise mit Vorbildern und Modellen amerikanischer Bahnen befasst.
Diese Publikation aus dem Verlag Lokpress AG entsteht in Zusammenarbeit von Jürg Lütscher (Autor), der Redaktion LOKI (Bruno Kalberer) und Mags and More GmbH (Dani Hunziker).

Exklusiv bei uns für nur sFr. 5.- erhältlich.

below are photos of Cajon Pass incl. the construction of the 3rd main track over Cajon Pass by BNSF (English)

The World of Cajon Pass

Here you can find several pages about this unique location in Southern California.
There are 9 pages about the construction of the 3rd Main Track over Cajon by BNSF.

Photos from the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2003, 2005 - 2025
Take a look - you will be impressed.
We have 63 albums !

Updated weekly

4/04/08 Old T-2 EP w/BNSF EB on new track - 524 Cajon Pass Main Page - click here 8/22/07 BNSF WB Ethanol Train w/Hill 582 - 7013

below are photos of different locations in California (English)

Photo Gallery
Tehachapi, Barstow, Daggett and more
Southern California Mix
Bonus - Planes and more

Photos by Werner Meer, Dave Crammer
Gary G. Gray, Andy Goodson, Marc Fournier, Bruce H. Jones

Take a look - you will be impressed

Updated weekly
San Diego Surfliner & Coaster at the depot 50302 See our Photo Gallery - click here BNSF EB entering Tunnel 9 and the Loop 30621
below are photos of US-Layouts and US-Dioramas
Z/N/HOn3/HO/O/G Scale

30 American Layouts

most are located in Switzerland

updated: 1/25/25

click here
N/HO/O/On3 Scale

31 American Dioramas

most are located in Switzerland

updated: 1/25/25

click here
Links-Liste der American Railroadfans mit Beschreibung / Description of our Links
Link Beschreibung Description
13th CV-Guide PDF der 13th CV-Guide als PDF Guide of the 13th Convention as a PDF
14th CV-Guide PDF der 14th CV-Guide als PDF Guide of teh 14th Convention as a PDF
15th CV-Guide PDF der 15th CV-Guide als PDF Guide of the 15th Convention as a PDF
14th Convention Info 14th Convention Information English Page: Information about the 14th Convention
15th Convention Info 15th Convention Information English Page: Information about the 15th Convention
15th CV Map Adliswil Karte von Adliswil mit Anfahrtswegen zur 15th CV English Page: Map of Adliswil - How to find the 15th CV
Convention History Geschichte von der 1. bis zur 14. CV (1981-2009) History from 1st to 14th Convention (1981-2009)
Convention Main Page Convention Hauptseite English Page: Convention Main Page
Convention Links Convention Links (Aussteller, Inserenten, Sponsoren) Convention Links (Exhibitors, Advertisers, Sponsors)
CV: Pins, Fotos, Film Pins, Fotos, Filme der Conventions Pins, Photo-CV, Film-DVD about the Conventions
General Links grosse Links Sammlung der US-RR-Szene great Links collection of the US-RR-Scene
Helfer/Aussteller Info Infos für Helfer und Aussteller der 15th CV Infos for Volunteers and Exhibitors of the 15th CV
Hobby Shows Ausstellungen (CH, D, USA) Exhibitions (CH, D, USA)
Home Railroadfans American Railroadfans Hauptseite English Page: American Railroadfans Main Page
Monthly Meetings Monatliche Meetings (Programm) Monthly Meetings (Program)
new Layout Center LCH LCH: das neue Layout Center in Hinwil LCH: new Layout Center at Hinwil
old Layoutcenter ALCA ALCA: das alte Lyoutcenter in Adliswil ALCA: old Layoutcenter Adliswil
Private Layouts versch. private US-Anlagen (HO, O, On30, G) diff. private US-Layouts (HO, O, On30, G)
Railfan Reisen Railfan Reisen mit MTI und R. Kink (Programm) Railfan Journeys by Maya Travel Inn (Program)

copyright American Railroadfans in Switzerland 2025