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47 Years Trainmaster - the source for American Model Railroading (1977 - 2024)

added / updated: October 25, 2024: GN, UP
December 11, 2024: ST&E, SP, UP

new additions  /  Neueingänge

HO Scale: US Diesel Locomotives (Plastic) consignment
Second Hand Models like new with original box (different owners) / neuwertige Modelle mit Originalbox
roads are listed in alphapetical order / Gesellschaften sind alphabetisch aufgelistet


Because of page capacity with the huge amount of photos, we had to split into 2 different pages.
Wegen der Seitenkapazität mit der grossen Menge an Fotos mussten wir die Liste auf 2 separate Seiten verteilen.
HO Scale: XL-Diesel-2
from D-Z: Demonstrator, DL&W, D&RGW, GM&O, GN, GTW, KCS, MoW, MRL, Milw., M&St.L., NKP, NP, BYC, NS, N&W, NYC, PRR, PC, RI, SP&S, SP (SSW), UP, WP


Demonstrator and Leasing Units


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Life Like P2000 EMD Demo E8/9A 8176 X WL-323 ZZ-412 10% 95.-


DL&W - Deleware & Lackawanna


Code HH-496: Inter Mountain # 49212-01 and -04, DL&W, FT A/B/B/A-Set, # 651 and 654, sFr. 520.- consignment
4 x pow. DCC, (runs very smooth in analog mode), 2 Boxes - on  sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 416.-



Code HH-468: Athearn Genesis # 22539, DL&W (Freight), F7A/B-Set, 2 x pow. new, sFr. 280.- consignment
now on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 224.-



D&RGW - Denver and Rio Grande Western


CF-440: Athearn RTR # 95407, D&RGW, EMD SD45, # 5315, (Front WEA), sFr. 80.-, consignment


CF-454: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, EMD SD40T-2, # 5347, C/P, details, working Ditch Lights, 2 x Sagami Motor
(very powerfull for heavy trains), sFr. 80.-, consignment


CF-456: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, EMD SD40T-2, # 5355, C/P, WEA, details, working Ditch Lights, 2 x Sagami Motor
(very powerfull for heavy trains), sFr. 80.-, consignment


CF-457: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, EMD SD40T-2, # 5366, C/P, details, working Hood Gyra Light, 2 x Sagami Motor
(very powerfull for heavy trains), sFr. 80.-, consignment


CF-458: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, EMD SD40T-2, # 5378, C/P, details, working Ditsch Lights, 2 x Sagami Motor
(very powerfull for heavy trains), sFr. 80.-, consignment


CF-472: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, EMD GP40-2, # 3114, WEA, sFr. 40.-, consignment


AA-489, Stewart Hobbies # 8020/25, D&RGW, EMD F3A/B/B, A = pow. B = dmy, new, details inside box, sFr. 80.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 64.-


Code CF-570: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, F7A, # 5521, pow. sFr. 50.- consignment


Code HK-40: Athearn Blue Box, D&RGW, F7A/B, repowered (2 x pow), detailed, no Box, Set sFr. 125.- consignment


OW-48: Athearn/Rivarossi, D&RGW, E8A, repowered, sFr. 50.- consignment  -  sold out 12/24
Athearn Chassis and Rivarossi body shell


WAM-82: Rivarossi # 1834, SP (ex. D&RGW), Krauss Maffei, ML 4000A/A-Set # 9022 + 9023, pow/dmy, sFr. 430.-
Exclusive SP lettering (was never produced) pro painted and detailed by Railservices, Switzerland   -   consignment
(more photos under SP listing below / mehr Fotos sind unter SP weiter unten zu sehen)


FEC  -  Florida East Coast


US-121: Life Like Proto 2000 # 21132, FEC, EMD SW9/1200 # 226, sFr. 75.- consignment  -  sold out 12/24
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 53.-


Code US-088: Athearn RTR # 91548, FM, EMD CF7 # 63, sFr. 85.- consignment  -  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 60.-


Guilford - Springfield Terminal


US-083: Athearn RTR # 98060, Guilford, SD45 # 686, Hi-Nose, sFr. 95.- consignment  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 67.-


GM&O  -  Gulf Mobile & Ohio


Code: HJF-1715, Broadway # 743/744, GM&O, EMD E7A/A-Set, 2 x pow. DCC & Sound, Set sFr. 345.-
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 242.-


Code: HJF-1629, Life Like Proto 2000 # 23723, GM&O, ALCO S-2, no Box, sFr. 85.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 77.-


GN  -  Great Northern


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Rivarossi GN E8A/A-Set, pow/dmy custom ptd. X WL-324 ZZ-413 20% 60.-

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO IHC GN E8A/A-Set and E8A/B/A-Set (135.-) 1952/6125 X WL-326+ ZZ-415 20% 60.-


Code WL-587: Life Like Proto 2000 # 21062, GN, EMD E7A # 504, new, (never used), sFr. 80.-


Code WL-588: Life Like Proto 2000 # 21063, GN, EMD E7A # 500, new, (never used), sFr. 80.-


Code CF-569: Athearn Blue Box, GN, EMD F7A/B/B/A # 456 A-D, C/P, 4 x pow. Set, sFr. 180.-


Code CF-571: Stewart Hobbies, GN, EMD F7A/B/A # 306 A-C, WEA, 3 x pow. NOB, Set, sFr. 140.-


Code WL-605: Spectrum # 81407, GN, Gas Electric, # 2320, sFr. 50.-, consignment  -  sold out 12/24


Code: HJF-1694, Life Like Proto 2000 # 31081, GE U28B, GN (simplified scheme), (new gears), sFr. 95.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 85.-


Code HH-448: Kato (Hobbies Emporium), GN, EMD NW2, new, sFr. 115.-, consignment
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 103.50


Code WL-583: HO, Athearn Genesis # 19531B, GN Big Sky Blue, EMD F7B # 312B, DCC Sound Tsunami 2, LED, new '21
sFr. 372.-, now on sale with 50 % discount = net sFr. 186.- (we have 4 pcs.)


GTW  -  Grand Trunk Western

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar


IHB  -  Indiana Harbor Belt


US-085: Athearn RTR # 89742, IHB, GP40-2 # 4018, sFr. 85.- consignment  -  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 60.-


IC  -  Illinois Central


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Life Like P2000 IC E7 A/B/A-Set, 2 x pow, 1 x dmy 21108/09/10 X WL-318 ZZ-408 20% 165.-

Code WL-586: Life Like Proto 2000 # 8712, IC, EMD E8A # 4025, new, (never used), sFr. 80.- (2 pcs.)


KCS  -  Kansas City Southern


Massachusetts Central


US-087: Athearn RTR # 91550, MC, EMD CF7 # 2443, sFr. 85.- consignment  -  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 60.-


MR&T - Milwaukee Racine & Troy


US-094: Athearn RTR # 99057, MR&T, SD40-2 # 1934, sFr. 95.- consignment  -  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 66.-
sold out 12/24


Milw. - Milwaukee Road


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Walthers Proto Milwaukee E9A/B-Set, # 33, DCC & Sound 920-42380 '18 WL-309+ ZZ-405 40% 684.-


Code US-143: Walthers Proto # 920-47623, Milw. EMD F7A/B-Set, # 71A + 71B, 2 x pow, (new), sFr. 225.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 203.-


Code AD-97: Walthers Proto 2000 # 40951, Milw. EMD E7A/A-Set, # 19A + 19B, DCC & Sound, 2 x pow, (new), sFr. 400.-
(original packed, only chassis taken out for a successful test run)
on sale 35 % discount = net sFr. 260.-
no photos taken because body shells are packed and not mounted on the chassis,
but they look identical to the other set below (except road numbers 19A and 19B)
Code AD-98: Walthers Proto 2000 # 40952, Milw. EMD E7A/A-Set # 19A + 20A, DCC & Sound, 2 x pow, sFr. 300.-
sold out 11/23


MoW  -  Maintenance of Way / Work Train


Code TMS-1: Spectrum # 16948, MoW, Ballast Vehicle w/Crane, powered, (new), sFr. 120.-  on sale 65 % discount = 42.-


MRL - Montana Rail Link

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

M.&St.L.  -  Minneapolis & St. Louis

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

New Mexico - Rail Runner

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

NKP - Nickel Plate Road

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

NP - Northern Pacific

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar


NYC - New York Central


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
5/24 HO Life Like P2000 NYC Alco PA-1 A/B/B/A new, 2 x pow X WL-168 ZZ-324 20% 200.-

Code RHO-132: Spectrum # 81412, NYC, Gas Electric # M-203, sFr. 50.- consignment


NYSW - (Susquehanna)

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

NS - Norfolk Southern

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

N&W - Norfolk and Western

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

ONR - Ontario Northland

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar


PRR - Pennsylvania Railroad


WTR-701: Stewart Hobbies # 4901, PRR, Baldwin S-12, sFr. 110.-  on sale sFr. 95.-


PC - Penn Central

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar


RI - Chicago Rock Island and Pacific RR


HJF-2192: Life Like Proto 2000 # 30069, RI, EMD SW8/900/600, # 826, new gears, sFr. 90.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 81.-


SAL - Seaboard Air Line / SCL - Seaboard Coast Line / Seaboard System


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
5/24 HO Life Like P2000 SAL EMD E7 A/B/B/B/A new, 2 x pow X WL-255 ZZ-325 30% 220.-


Code US-138: Kato # 37-2604, SAL, Alco RSC-2 # 1500, sFr. 95.-  on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 67.-


Code US-128: Life Like P2000 # 23040, SAL, EMD GP7 # 1814, SALE sFr. 40.- on sale 10 % = net sFr. 36.-
Please note: There are one or more gears broken (which should be replaced) - but we sell as is
(we do have replacement gear sets in stock)


Code US-132: Life Like P2000 # 21740, SCL, EMD GP9 # 1027, SALE sFr. 40.-  on sale 10 % = net sFr. 36.-
Please note: There are one or more gears broken (which should be replaced) - but we sell as is
(we do have replacement gear sets in stock)  - 
sold out 12/24


SOO Line


Code RF-70: MRC, SOO, F7A # 2227B, NOB, sFr. 50.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 40.-


Code RF-60: Athearn Blue Box, SOO, SD40-2 # 6623, new (Handrails and parts inside Box), sFr. 40.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 32.-


Southern Railway


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Life Like P2000 Southern E7A/A-Set, 2 x pow 21126/27 X WL-319 ZZ-409 20% 140.-


SP&S - Spokane Portland & Seattle

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar

St. Maries River RR

currently no models available / momentan keine Modelle verfügbar


ST&E (Stockton Terminal & Estern)


Code BRO-08: HO, Atlas master # 10 001 037, ST&E, MP15DC # 777, DCC & Sound, sFr. 199.- consignment
(front and rear handrails inside box)


SP - Southern Pacific  (SSW - Cotton Belt)


WAM-82: Rivarossi # 1834, SP (ex. D&RGW), Krauss Maffei, ML 4000A/A-Set # 9022 + 9023, pow/dmy, sFr. 430.-
Exclusive SP lettering (was never produced) pro painted and detailed by Railservices, Switzerland   -   consignment
(more photos under D&RGW listing above / mehr Fotos sind unter D&RGW weiter oben zu sehen)


WAM-82: Rivarossi # 1834, SP (ex. D&RGW), Krauss Maffei, ML 4000A/A-Set # 9022 + 9023, pow/dmy, sFr. 430.-
Exclusive SP lettering (was never produced) pro painted and detailed by Railservices, Switzerland   -   consignment


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
12/24 HO Piko # 97444-1 SP KM 4000 # 9001 F/P, new '24 MK-141 ZZ-489 sold 220.-


Code WL-027: HO Scale: Walthers Mainline # 910-10073, SP, PA1 A-Unit # 6014, pow, sFr. 180.-  consignment
on sale 50 % Discount = net sFr. 90.-


Code WL-028: HO Scale: Walthers Mainline # 910-10071, SP, PA1 A/B-Set # 6005/5910, 2 x pow, sFr. 336.-  consignment
on sale 50 % Discount = net sFr. 168.-


Code WL-590: Life Like Proto 2000 # 21670, SSW, PA1 Daylight # 300, new, (never used), sFr. 80.-
(we did not mount the body shell on the chassis, because we did not want to open the pilot)


Code BRO-03: MTH # 80-2049-1L/1T, SP Daylight, PA1 A/B-set, 2 x pow. Proto Sound 3, sFr. 175.-  sold out 11/24


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO IHC SP Golden Stat E8A/A-Set, pow/dmy 1959 X WL-325 ZZ-414 20% 60.-


Code US-081: Athearn RTR # 91611, SP, EMD SD45T-2 # 9207, Kodak, sFr. 95.-  consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 67.-  -  sold out 12/24


RF-44: Athearn Blue Box, SP, EMD SD40-2, # 7342, C/P, orange/red, no Box, sFr. 45.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 36.-


RF-45: Athearn RTR # 78929, SP, EMD GP38-2, # 4823, sFr. 90.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 72.-


PLB-02: Kato # 37-02C, SP, GP35, # 6531, WEA, sFr. 95.- consignment


Code BRO-05: HO, Athearn Genesis # 63640, SP, EMD, SDP45, # 3207, DCC & Sound, sFr. 185.-, consignment 


LA-21: Athearn RTR # 89860, SP, EMD, SD40, # 8628, WEA, sFr. 95.-, consignment 
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 76.-


CF-459: Athearn Blue Box, SP, EMD SD40T-2, # 8290, C/P, details, working Ditch Lights, sFr. 60.-, consignment


Code SCH-208: Athearn RTR # 91615, SP, EMD SD45T-2, # 9194, like new (never used), sFr. 95.-, consignment
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 76.-  -  sold out 12/24


Code SCH-209: Athearn RTR # 91613, SP, EMD SD45T-2, # 9254, like new (never used), sFr. 95.-, consignment
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 76.-  -  sold out 12/24


Code US-080: Athearn RTR # 91606, SSW, EMD SD45T-2, # 9158, sFr. 95.-, consignment  -  sold out 12/24
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 85.-


PLB-03: Kato # 37-1209, SP, C44-9W, # 8125, WEA, sFr. 95.- consignment


HF-089: Athearn Genesis # 22502, SP, FP7A # 6446 and F7B # 8296, Black Widow, 2 x pow. sFr. 220.-
on sale 30% discount = net sFr. 154.-


HF-088: Stewart Hobbies, SP, VO 1000, NOB, sFr. 85.-  on sale 30% discount = net sFr. 59.-  sold out 12/24
(front and rear handrails lose and need to be glued in place - therefore, we reduced the price)


TA&G - Tennessee Alabama & Georgia Ry.


Code US-122: Atlas Classic # 8645, TA&G, EMD GP7 # 707, sFr. 95.- consignment
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 85.-


UP - Union Pacific

Below UP Gas Turbines

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
3/24 HO Lionel # 6-58100 UP Veranda Gas Turbine # 61 DCC & Sound X SCH-184 ZZ-238 20% 490.-

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
10/24 HO Athearn # 88666+ UP,  4 pcs. Veranda Gas Turbines, 61, 65, 71, 74 new '10 WL-540+ ZZ-463 50% 450.-


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
7/24 HO Athearn 88663/664 UP Std. Gas Turbine # 54 und # 58 2 x X WL-294+ ZZ-394 Sale 250.-

WL-294: UP Gas Turbine # 54

WL-295: UP Gas Turbine # 58

Below UP Passenger Diesels

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
3/24 HO WALT 920-42376/77 UP            2 x E9A/B-Set, 2 x pow, DCC, Sound ESU 5, new '19 WL-134+ ZZ-289 sold 479.-


TS-04: Broadway # 4836/4837, UP, F3A/B-Set, 2 x pow. DCC & Sound, new, 7/20-run, Set sFr. 696.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 557.-


Code HH-451: Stewart Hobbies # 8510 & 8511, UP, F3A/B-Set, 2 x pow., new, sFr. 110.- consignment


Code HJF-2292: Stewart Hobbies # 8511, UP, EMD F3B, Kato Power, sFr. 50.-
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 40.-


Code JS-14: Walthers Proto # 920-40971, UP, EMD E7A/B-Set # 988, QSI DCC & Sound, 2 x pow, sFr. 280.-
on sale 20 % discount = sFr. 224.-


Code JS-15: Life Like Proto 2000 # 21090, UP, EMD E7B # 990B, dummy, sFr. 30.-
on sale 20 % discount = sFr. 24.-


Code WL-589: Life Like Proto 2000 # 23198, UP, COLA, EMD E6B # 926B, dmy new, (never used), sFr. 40.- (2 pcs.)


Code JS-16: Life Like Proto 2000 # NOB, UP, EMD E8/9A # 937, pow, sFr. 100.-
(Frontabdeckung in der Box - front cover inside box)  -  on sale 20 % discount = sFr. 80.-

Below UP Diesel Locos from EMD (Electro Motive Division)

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
3/24 HO ATH Genesis #75818 UP SD70M, "WE ARE ONE" # 1979 DCC & Sound 6/23 AW-609 ZZ-239 10% 295.-


Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
3/24 HO ATH Genesis #01943 UP SD70ACe "Spirit of the UP" # 1943 DCC & Sound '18 AW-573 ZZ-240 sold 265.-


Code US-099: Athearn Genesis # 68524, UP (WP), SD70ACe # 1983, '10-run, sFr. 165.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 116.-  sold out 12/24


AW-577: Athearn Genesis # 68522, UP, SD70ACe # 8402, DCC & Sound (ESU V5), (2012-run), sFr. 250.-  sold out 12/24
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 225.-


AW-122: Athearn Genesis # 68620, UP, SD70ACe # 8334, DCC & Sound, 2010-run, sFr. 220.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 198.-


AW-607: Athearn Genesis # 68581, UP, SD70ACe # 8321, DCC & Sound, 2012-run, sFr. 230.-  sold out 12/24
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 207.-


Code RF-25: MTH # 80-2006-1, UP, SD70ACe # 8321, DCC Proto Sound 3, sFr. 175.- consignment
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 140.-   sold out 12/24


Code AD-106: MTH # 80-2006-1, UP, SD70ACe # 8321, DCC Proto Sound 3, sFr. 160.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 112.-   sold out 12/24


AW-580: Athearn Genesis # 70559, UP, SD70M # 4884, Flared Radiators, DCC ready, new (2021-run), sFr. 195.-
on sale 10 % discount = net sFr. 175.-   sold out 12/24


Code RF-05: Athearn Genesis # 6153, UP, SD70M # 4890, custom built w/Flared Radiators, sFr. 220.- consignment
(this loco was pro built by R. Tobler w/Flared Radiators when not available from Athearn yet)
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 198.-


Code AD-164: ATH Genesis (wrong Box), UP, SD70M # 4018, DCC Zimo, WEA, sFr. 100.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 70.-   sold out 12/24


Code JS-12: Bachmann # 62107, UP, DDA40X # 6919, DCC (silent), sFr. 125.- consignment
on sale 20 % discount = sFr. 100.-


Code AD-161: Spectrum # 81303, UP, DDA40X # 6922, sFr. 135.- consignment
on sale 35 % discount = net sFr. 88.-


Code RF-57: Athearn RTR # 8002, UP, SD40-2 # 3593, Desert Victory, NOB, sFr. 115.- consignment
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 92.-


Code AD-91: Kato # 37-01E, UP, EMD SD40 # 3024, sFr. 99.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 70.-


Code AD-92: Kato # 37-01E, UP, EMD SD40 # 3054, sFr. 99.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 70.-


Code AD-93: Kato # 37-01E, UP, EMD SD40 # 3168, WEA, DCC, sFr. 90.- consignment  -  sold out 12/24
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 63.-


Code OK-17: Bachmann # 67006, UP, EMD SD40-2 # 4081, sFr. 75.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 53.-


Code SCH-210: Life Like P2000 # 8099, UP, EMD SD7, # 776, like new (never used), sFr. 115.-, consignment
on sale 20 % discount = net sFr. 92.-


Code AD-101: Walthers Proto 2000 # 41413, UP, SW9/1200 # 1842, DCC & Sound, sFr. 195.- consignment
(pls note: It runs digital only, not analog) / (Lok fährt nur digital, nicht analog)
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 137.-


Code AD-102: Walthers Proto 2000 # 41413, UP, SW9/1200 # 1848, DCC & Sound, sFr. 195.- consignment
on sale 30 % discount = net sFr. 137.-

Below UP Diesel Locos from GE (General Electric)

Code BRO-06: HO, Atlas Master # 20 001 464, UP, GE, Dash8-40CW, # 9448, DCC & Sound, sFr. 199.-, consignment 

Below UP Diesel Locos from other Locomotive Companies

Undecorated / unlackiert (ohne Beschriftung)

all models sold out / keine Loks verfügbar

Utah Railway

all models sold out / keine Loks verfügbar

WC - Wisconsin Central

all models sold out / keine Loks verfügbar

WM - Western Maryland

all models sold out / keine Loks verfügbar

WP - Western Pacific

all models sold out / keine Loks verfügbar


C/P = Custom Painted, F/P = Factory Painted, P/P = Pro Painted, WEA = Weathered, OR = Old Run, NOB = Not Original Box,
res. = reserved (on hold), sold = verkauft (sold out),  on sale % = Discount should be deducted from the price,
All prices are listed in Swiss Francs sFr. / CHF  -  We ship world wide!


Because of page capacity with the huge amount of photos, we had to split into 2 different pages.
Wegen der Seitenkapazität mit der grossen Menge an Fotos mussten wir die Liste auf 2 separate Seiten verteilen.
HO Scale: XL-Diesel-1 - click here
from Amtrak to CSX


Please note: We are having also a list with low cost diesels.
Bitte beachten: Wir haben auch eine Liste mit günstigen Dieselloks.
click here / hier klicken:
  Z-758 Diesel

Steam Locos:  XL-Steam  /  Electric Locos: XL-Electrics  /  Freight Cars:  XL-Freight
Passenger Cars:  XL-Passenger

Diesel Drive System / Diesel Trucks w/Gearbox

SAM-2, Samhongsa, EMD HT-C3 6-wheel Trucks, w/Gearbox, sFr. 70.-  sold out 12/24
SAM-3, Samhongsa, EMD Flexicoil 6-wheel Trucks, w/Gearbox, sFr. 70.-   in stock


SOLD OUT Models / ausverkaufte Modelle - SOLD OUT

all sold out models can be seen on this page  -  click here
alle ausverkauften Modelle können sie hier sehen  -  hier klicken


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Copyright Trainmaster by Werner Meer 2024