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47 Years Trainmaster - the source for American Model Railroading (1977 - 2024)

added / updated: 8/24  -  sold out 12/24

Christmas Sale - nur im Dezember
50 % Rabatt auf gelisteten Setpreis

HO Scale: Athearn Blue Box, Limited Run by "Show Me Model Railroad Co.", Kits, new, each sFr. 10.-
Code WL-412: with all 50 US-State Names and Map plus 7 Bonus Cars, Set = sFr. 570.-
Consist: 50 x US-States # 1 - 50
6 x Bonus: # 51 - 56
1 x Bonus Caboose: # 4 (RW-13)
Please note: # 28 State of Nevada is missing because they made a mistake at the factory and included a State of New Mexico in the Box of the State of Nevada.
Bitte beachten: Der Wagen # 28 Nevada fehlt, da in der Fabrik ein Fehler passierte und ein New Mexico Wagen in die Nevada Box gelegt wurde.

 These State cars are listed in alphabetical order  /  Wagen 1 - 50 in alphabetischer Reihenfolge

SMR # 1, Alabama, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 2, Alaska, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 3, Arizona, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 4, Arkansas, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 5, California, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 6, Colorado, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 7, Connecticut, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 8, Deleware, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 9, Florida, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 10, Georgia, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 11, Hawaii, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 12, Idaho, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 13, Illinois, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 14, Indiana, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 15, Iowa, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 16, Kansas, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 17, Kentucky, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 18, Lousiana, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 19, Maine, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 20, Maryland, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 21, Massachusetts, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 22, Michigan, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 23, Minnesota, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 24, Mississippi, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 25, Montana, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 26, Missouri, 40' Box Car, Kit
Sorry, this car is missing

Leider fehlt dieser Wagen
SMR # 27, Nebraska, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 28, Nevada, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 29, New Hampshire, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 30, New Jersey, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 31, New Mexico, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 32, New York, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 33, North Caroline, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 34, North Dakota, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 35, Ohio, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 36, Oklahoma, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 37, Oregon, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 38, Pennsylvania, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 39, Rhode Island, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 40, South Carolina, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 41, South Dakota, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 42, Tennessee, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 43, Texas, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 44, Utah, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 45, Vermont, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 46, Virginia, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 47, Washinkton, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 48, West Virginia, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 49, Wisconsin, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 50, Wyoming, 40' Box Car, Kit

6 x Bonus Cars: # 51 - 56

SMR # 51, District of Columbia, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 52, Guam, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 53, Puerto Rico, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 54, American Samoa, 40' Box Car, Kit
SMR # 55, Virgin Islands, 40' Box Car, Kit SMR # 56, Pledge of Allegiance, 40' Box Car, Kit

Code WL-413: Caboose: # 4 (RW-13)

SMR # 4 (RW-13), USA, Caboose, Kit

The perfect match for the State Cars above  /  Das perfekte Dieselset für die Wagen oben

Date Scale Manufacturer Road Description/Type Remarks Year Code/No. Photo Sale sFr.
8/24 HO Athearn special run USA F7A/B, 2 x pow, white/red/blue one of a kind X WL-349 ZZ-418 sold 150.-


U/P = Un Painted, C/P = Custom Painted, F/P = Factory Painted, P/P = Pro Painted, TA = Tarnished, WEA = Weathered,
NP = Nickel Plated, NOB = Not Original Box, not ready = model is at the repair shop!, res. = reserved (on hold),
sold = verkauft (sold out), sale = reduced price, % = Discount should be deducted from the listed price, foam = foam was replaced.

All prices are listed in Swiss Francs sFr. / CHF and are not negotiable !
We ship world wide and accept PayPal.

Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten  -  Preisänderungen sind jederzeit möglich
Please ask for availability  -  Prices may change anytime

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